Not many streams up but shit is getting real. Chairs thrown, nogs chasing down ebil whiteys through alleys, attacking supporters and berniefags alike. Shit might go Cat 3 tonight if the unruly elements gather more.
Nothing is going to happen. There are like 25 protestors left spread over like 5 square blocks.
Daniel Gutierrez
NTA is nigger loving faggot
Bentley Barnes
Samuel Torres
Inb4 cholos impotently scatter
Nathan Ortiz
Joseph Hill
Another day, another radical leftist riot.
Asher Rivera
They're getting tired now. Not a lot of enthusiasm in that last "Fuck Donald Trump."
Ethan Ward
This is a violent foreign insurgency.
Ayden Harris
Spics smoked to much weed, getting burnt out now probably
William Jenkins
pussy faggots talk so much shit and then when the cops come out they go home and smoke weed
Julian Nelson
Holla Forums what have you done to me.
I have been anxiously awaiting a chimpout for weeks now. I have riot blue-balls. Summer is here, man. Either the mudskins in Europe or dindus in the states need to start doing some stupid shit soon.
I didn't use to be like this. Now I just want to see it burn to convert more people to our side.
Juan Clark
Muh native blood!
James Butler
You missed some live shit earlier. It's over.
James Hernandez
I'm putting my money on Euro chimpouts happening before burger chimpouts. It will be close though
Josiah Diaz
Get used to it.
And fuck your little brown beret, too
Austin Rivera
Aside from mobile phones how do people live stream like this without some million dollar van filled with tech?
Angel Nelson
It's over, but there was some real shit happening today. Waiting on that video of the bernout getting attacked, and lso the kid.
Ethan Parker
Tyler Hill
I'm hearing it too Time to call it a night. The hangers on are ideologues or paid, they only instigate with a bigger crowd.
Ryder Jackson
Isaiah Richardson
Michael Hall
Jackson Diaz
Trips confirm.
Carter Martinez
dont know if you remember but a bunch of tripfags on /k/ did that and they got nogged and shot in self defense
one of them was hispanic… news sites published him in a mask calling him "the new face of white supremacy"…
Jack Flores
How do we use this to make sure more white people understand that this will become NORMAL if whites are the minority?
It is in basically all of the non-white world.
Wyatt Powell
I watched it on Internet Aristocrat's livestream.
That was before I found Holla Forums
Adam Lewis
"Cause Mexico's my country."
You gotta go back.
James Bennett
Gabriel Cook
Born and raised she said, she is probably not legal
Joshua Moore
(check'd) noice trips
Owen Thomas
two friends of mine were attacked in the chimpout, only one suffered a busted lip but some EMTs told them to hop in the ambulance anyways, and they were both hospitalized over it
i called up cnn a few minutes ago and they're sending a reporter to intervew the "hospitalized trump supporter", i'll call up the other mainstream media retards in a bit. right now he's just going to say some stupid baneposting bullshit to them and see if he can get them to parrot something really ridiculous for laughs, but does anyone have any ideas on anything funnier to have him say? [spoiler] on the odd chance it's live he already promised to casually say gas the kikes race war now in a way that wont get picked up on the 5 second~ delayed playback[/spioler]
KEK at 1:31:00 a Bernie supporter is attacked by other Bernie supporters because they thought he was a Trump supporter.
Mason Lee
Better tell the FBI this guy wants to kill Trump
Oliver Hall
Didn't mean to quote. Spic was saying he will kill Trump.
Ryder Thomas
Jeremiah Gonzalez
I so glad I dont live in Commiefornia anymore.
That shithole needs to be nuked.
Ian Reed
The nice thing about being tanned is these spics wont go near me, I'm that fat fuck in the initial D shirt and waving the Murrican flag, if they touch me I wont hesitate to beat them with this flagpole.
Caleb Young
Well, this is done. Nothing happening now.
Jack Gonzalez
it's ogre
Benjamin Moore
Wyatt Howard
my sides
Levi Diaz
Benjamin Miller
Faggot is exactly right
Matthew Lee
Brayden Hernandez
(checked) beat me to it
Ian Hernandez
Lejunfags, everyone.
Luke Walker
Austin Myers
I'm kinda disappointed, I was expecting a town full of spic and cucks to be more scandalous, I guess its not as stupid as I though.
Justin Harris
That's what, five?
Sebastian Harris
Adrian Butler
Don't do any dumb shit.
Have your friend cry and say how this is his first time participating in American politics and how much he loves America.
Hudson Thomas
no i'm sure he'll do something like that if it's funny i meant he doesn't really care about shilling some unfunny stormfag bullshit about white genocide
Bentley King
Leo Collins
Connor Scott
"antisemitic toward latinos"
Evan Walker
oh lord.
Angel Diaz
Gem of the day
Logan Cox
fuckkkk mead hall thread for the next one If he comes back during the election tour ?
I want to meet some other Holla Forumsacks in this poz shithole and watch it happen.
Jordan Collins
drunk spic is trying to muh dik live streamer
Levi Anderson
third time saying it, he's not a shizophrenic stormfag that gives a fraction of a fuck about shilling some dindunuffin narrative (although he really dindunuffin). when he has the opportunity to shitpost on a mainstream news network he is gonna take it
Sebastian Brown
Holla Forums please realize not all latinos and hispanics are like this in California, if these fuckers come anywhere near my house I'm lighting off some rounds.
Parker Parker
"Might see it on Netflix. I can't talk about that."
Shekels at risk.
Christopher Peterson
america is a white man's nation please go back, I am not saying that you are a bad person or anything, but please just go back and let us have our own country
Cameron Robinson
#NotAllMuslims #NotAllMexicans I live in southern California. It's about 75% of them being total shit vato EY HOMEY spics, rest are tolerable.
Jackson Green
you still have to go back pedro
Aiden Johnson
The libcuck media makes my blood boil.
It is always nothing but spic and nigger bernie supporters attacking Trump supporters, yet the media presents it as 50/50 political violence and lays the blame at Trumps feet. EVERY FUCKING TIME.
Notice that Kike bernie is never blamed although it is his supporters causing problems. No one ever says "Bernie, tell your supporters to stop being violent".
Hunter Clark
Luis Ward
Kayden Moore
Alexander Allen
But all Latinos are Semitic!
Anthony Ortiz
no offense but to go back i would've had to been there first.
Nathaniel Edwards
You have to go back bro.
… But, in the meantime, keep our clay warm, and free of murderous Aztecs.
Kevin Walker
Joseph Lewis
wew lads
Gavin Hall
Trump supporters beaten.
0 arrests.
Fuck those commies.
Nathaniel Gomez
No. That's a D&C post. It's a shit-tier meme (((they've))) used since Trump announce.
Report and hide.
Xavier Johnson
Anthony Howard
Degenerate faggottry confirmed.
Angel Sanders
They sure defended the fuck out of the Hilton, doe.
Camden Walker
Ryder Gutierrez
Hated spics, so they say
Mason Lewis
who said no arrests, the NTA retard? they announced arrests an hour ago>2
Tyler Anderson
Holy shit, these faggots are literally retarded.
Kevin Lee
White women Trump supporters getting attacked by male and female spics and niggers. Punched in the back, Trump hats grabbed.
Luke Thompson
The only reason those kids are 'legal' is cause they are anchor babies
Mason Jackson
yeah, NTA
James Carter
wow one huge white cuck better assume all whites are letting their wives get fucked by ten blacks at once.
thats your logic right now, don't assume things about me and i won't about you.
Cooper Bell
Xavier Lee
These disgusting fucking vermin must go back. I will drag them back myself.
you are the cancer of this world user, we do this for blood and for honor and for revenge against what was taken from us, we do it for our youth that was sold downriver for the excesses of the boomers and the entitlements of the shitskins, we do it for the joy of asserting the will , the anthropogenic historical process user, we do it because the memes will it thus
Ian Sullivan
He claims the police reported 0 arrests.
I'll take his report over "appears" thanks tho.
Angel Jenkins
We call him commander cuck here. I dont think he has any fans, hes just the only game in town
Luis Cruz
Nobody here likes him. If the press were doing their fucking job we'd watch CNN.
Jaxson Cooper
He really is a disgusting retard tbh fam
Tubby pseudo-leftist faggot, spouting disinfo over riot porn.
Isaiah Miller
Nathan Roberts
just because everyone here is a racist with the same political views doesn't mean everyone here is an autistic stormfag that takes those beliefs to the point of obsession and publicly rants about them to a reporter like a shizophrenic ?__?
shut the fuck up NTA
Brody Young
He's annoying but he's the only one that has fucking streams.
Nicholas Stewart
fucking retarded at this point
Luis Fisher
I have to close the stream. The cucking is too pathetic, my disgust is going to turn into pity if I keep watching.
Jacob Baker
Kill yourself, seriously. Just do it.
Kevin Lewis
i didn't even use racist as a derogatory you braindead stormfag
Hunter Miller
Adam Butler
kill yourself normie
there is nothing autistic about talking about race, you just want to signal some 9gag bullshit for attention instead of using your chance to actually do something
Cameron Sanchez
Yeah I closed it 5 minutes ago. Riots seemed to have ended.
Daniel Kelly
Stormfront is much less radical than h8chan, newfag. Stop shilling and just kill yourself.
Andrew Cruz
Reported for intl.
Landon Baker
They're quoting some random tweet in your link.
I think it's time for you to kill yourself.
James Sanchez
Will you be livestreaming your suicide?
Isaiah Collins
ur bad at counting tbh fam
Aiden Hill
Blake Allen
im pretty sure thats not how u use meme arrows?
Thomas Ortiz
Jordan Myers
You should stop posting while you're ahead
Ryan Scott
Just got back from the rally, that was nuts, holy shit. I decked a few protesters standing in my way. I saved this one 16 year old looking guy from getting beat up by a crowd of like 15 guys. I got a few bloody knuckles and a few hits to the back of the head but I'm no worse for wear.
Joshua Gonzalez
More violence from 3rd world savages. They've gotta go back folks, gotta go.
Alexander Mitchell
Ethan Barnes
I want to believe these dubs
Jayden Miller
Does that taconigger have a viking styled haircut?
Jason Wright
what sorta non-identifying proof you want?
Jason Stewart
There are hardly even any niggers in San Jose. Seriously, it's like 3% Black. Where did all the niggers come from?
Xavier Murphy
Bussed in.
Jaxon Hughes
Gavin Bailey
little known fact about this guy in green getting jumped…
He's a Bernie-fag/agitator mistaken for a Trump supporter. He just took the beating and started chanting Bernie to get the message through. I saw this through a periscope.
Mason Campbell
Africa duh
Luis Lewis
You can't expect anyone to care or believe if you have no footage/pictures.
Jace Wilson
That second set of dubs has convinced me
Ethan Hall
What are they chimping out about now?
Matthew Ortiz
Let me guess: they were bussed in by (((Democratic Initiative))) or some other far-left revolutionary terrorist group.
Cooper Russell
Another one for the mass graves.
Parker Hughes
Nathaniel Reed
Oliver Rivera
are u aware that meme arrows are for quotations ?? because i dont think ur quoting ne1 ?___?
Jaxon Reyes
Oakland isn't really very far in the grand scheme of things. Sure traffic on 880 is shit as fuck, but its not brutally far.
It's impossible for chimps to mobilize locally. They had to be brought in and paid shills by Soros.
Oliver Adams
Angel Ross
Your bloody knuckles with a timestamp
But your second set of doubles has galvanized my interest
Michael Foster
a lil bit
Nicholas Carter
==HIVE MIND==>>6202425
Lincoln Green
Benjamin Foster
Part of the deal when Mexico ceded California to the United States was that Californios got to keep their ranchos and were given the United States citizenship. There is no way to get all of the Mexicans out of California, the best you can do is narrow it down to the whiter, more civilized Californios and get rid of the mestizo trash.
Dominic Thomas
uploading memes
Matthew Harris
Nathaniel Turner
Brandon Brown
Nice, man. Which hat is that on Amazon? I might buy it just to take it to rallies if its cheap as shit, as I can expect to have my shit snatched right off my head
Hope you left that commie scumbag a good bruise in an eye or two
Jackson Adams
who are u quoting ?_?
Lincoln Lewis
lol my buddy bought it on site at the rally. He gave it to me when some spic stole my hat
Cameron Young
Lots of the spics have that hair style. Its them trying to be retro Azteca or whatever. The cholo gangbanger faggots like to wear their hair like that.
Gavin Rivera
Thank you user, you have made me giggle on Holla Forums, it's been a while
Chase Walker
Ryder Turner
May KEK bless you.
Luke Lewis
Your 'd's are faggoty.
Kayden Sullivan
Nah they won't listen to you, most of these guys just wanna go full 14/88 6 million death by oven machine.
Christian Lewis
Q-tip in dicker.
Luis Price
Fixed it for you user
Nathaniel Butler
Thank you laddy.
Jonathan Mitchell
Wash your hands, m8, and tend to those scrapes. You don't want Hepatitis Beaner.
Lucas Barnes
absolute madman
Jace Murphy
I already took a shower, but I appreciate your concern
Gabriel Scott
Cali water doesn't wash off AIDS.
Michael Gutierrez
Daily reminder: government can ignore "laws" at will. Once Trump starts the great deportation, nobody will care about some old bullshit.
Connor Hall
Fuck. RIP me.
Grayson Sanders
Cali water gives you AIDS, with a big dose of fluoride.
I implore you to use this time to raise awareness, that the Trump supporters are the ones being attacked and that he needs to mention he did nothing wrong. Do not shitpost, that won't help Trump at all, it'll just make his supporters look retarded. Libs get far because they play victim, your friend is an actual victim and he should Use the time to raise awareness about the truth concerning rallies.
Grayson Hill
Luis Parker
Asher James
Brayden Rogers
Thank you, user. Was hoping for a webm of this. That's a gem right there.
Kevin Morris
why are they carrying Iranian flags?
Bentley Ross
Did you save John?
Noah Morris
This is a shitpost, right?
Landon Harris
I need the sauce on this that sounds fucking hilarious
Jose Davis
Office of Mayor Sam Liccardo Phone: (408) 535-4800 [email protected]/* */
Trump never said he was going to deport US citizens. He said he was going to deport undocumented aliens. A good half of the blackest filthiest Yucatecas are going to stay right where they are according to Trump's plan.
win 7 with classic theme, I didn't post the full explorer window to crop my name and crap
Adam Hall
Jesus christ that's disgusting But its good to see a fellow hoarder I've begun to literally save every fucking video I come across of shit like this that might get pulled down IM GONNA NEED MORE TB'S I HAVE 5 TBS CURRENTLY
Ryder Nelson
UNACCEPTABLE that this human trash ordered police to stand down and then has the gall to blame events on Trump.
Adrian Young
A lot of these states have a strict set of rules where you can't defend yourself. Then these protesters basically will attack people because you are not allowed to retaliate against provoked violence. You have to retreat.
Brody Edwards
Looks perfect to me, I can't stand windows aero, I value screen real estate. And good, always archive everything you can.
I'm converting all my m3u8 files to webms.
John Wood
I like the hats you can get in-rally, that style cap looks better than the 80s captain style with the cord imo but I still own one anyway.
Cooper Foster
Im too fucking lazy to convert, I just download in whatever format they are, I download my goytube shit in mp4, but I gotta get used to downloading em in webm cuz i can with my extension
The aero theme is shit. I use 8.1 with Start8 (cant stand the metro bullshit) and honestly it's done the job for me for a few years now, i'm about to switch from pro to enterprise though
Wyatt Bennett
big guy defends himself from the crowd as the line of police can be see just feet away in the background doing nothing
I'm sick of seeing all these fucking pussies just walking away or running away when these faggot leftists come at them
Stand your ground and fuck them up god damn At least carry mace or something
Jace Peterson
Doing God's work gentlemen
Colton Lee
Isaiah Reed
France is already happening.
(((Media))) doesn't want you knowing…
Gavin Hall
See you in Valhalla brother.
Ian Gray
You ARE entirely right, don't get me wrong…. But plans change, m8.
You cannot Make America Great Again if America has a beaner majority.
As such, decisions may have to be made, and actions taken - whether or not Trump will be willing or able to pursue such acts is another matter entirely, and we'll just have to wait until he's in there to find out.
That's the thing about the US presidential race… There's no accountability. Trump could get in, and go full cuck on us; or get in, and go full 14/88 on us. Either is entirely possible; as far as probability goes, I'd say its pretty up in the air at this point - especially if, as a result of all this, we see a hostile uprising following his successful election.
These protests have been getting 'progressively' more violent and aggressive, and if Trump wins in November, we may well be looking at some insurrections of a serious nature.
… And, though its a bit disheartening to admit I find this a less probable potentiality than that aforementioned, I would say its also possible we may see the equivalent in the opposite direction should Trump fail and Hillary (or any other Democratic stooge, particularly the Socialist Jew) be victorious come November.
This Summer is the time to get /fit/ and work on your mar/k/smanship, if you haven't already.
Connor Rivera
welcome to california, come on vacation, stay on probation.
Gabriel Hernandez
They do actually rant and rave about Bernie supporters being terrible, but that's due to two things:
1. Bernie supporters are overwhelmingly white males compared to Hillary supporters. 2. The media loves Hillary and hates Bernie.
Daniel Evans
I have a question… I don't really use social media too often, does anyone know how to save videos off of Twitter?
Isaiah Nelson
I don't watch news channels, does media seriously love Hillary? I could string lies together better than her and I have a nervous tic when I lie
Leo Brown
They've treated her with kid's gloves for a massive number of scandals, and gone on the attack for her enemies.
They don't try and show her that much, but that's actually because they want her to win despite understanding that the more people learn about her the less they like about her.
Connor Ross
"We will temporarily halt Muslim immigration until we can figure out what's going on and how to stop it" is a trick.
"What's going on" is that Islam is incompatible with western civilization. The only way to fix it is to either genocide them all or send them all back to sandland. Putting Muslim immigration on pause until we can figure out what's wrong is putting it on hold indefinately.
This is the same thing. Trump says he's going to deport all the illegals. That's all the illegals gone, and at least half the legals who won't want to live here anymore without their families or who will become violent and get deported for rioting and killing people.
So two thirds of the spics at least will go away.
You say that still leaves spics. You're right. It does.
Except Trump said he was going to make America great again. And you can't do that while promoting the existence of a welfare state. Food stamps and welfare checks are either going to go away or get revised and overhauled to the extent that you can't welfare queen it up.
So what happens to all the niggers and legal spics when the welfare and food stamps go away?
They leave. They'll self-deport. We won't need to get rid of them. The spics will just leave, because they won't want to live hear anymore. The ghettos will burn themselves down in rage.
Isaiah Ward
Interesting. Now that I think about it. Perhaps he wil make migration from one side of the country a lot more harder as well. I don't know about niggers killing each other but you're damn right they will go on a rage and notice that the rest of the country is increasing rapidly in wealth/health and accept who the blame is on rather than pointing fingers anymore.
Jeremiah Murphy
a lot harder*
Eli Myers
I am sick off a the armchair racewarriors on Holla Forums tbh
Michael Jones
Connor Allen
You do realize the irony of your post, right?
John Harris
Good work, user!
Ayden Barnes
Ian Hall
Samuel Cooper
Embedded vid of beaners attacking cars in parking garage.
The way this is progressing and the way we know many of the protestors are being funded… Either the kikes really do lack any ability to analyze the outcome of their actions or rahowa is part of their plans.
Nathan Peterson
shit's just fucking sad. she just wanted to see the emperor
Carter Robinson
"people" who would commit violence against you for peaceably expressing your political views deserve whatever they get. I'd fully expect to get a blade between my ribs if the shoe was on the other foot (deservedly so).
Wtf is this shit? This right here man. This is how they all in just a short moment put their ancestors to shame. What Mexican pride?
Tyler Parker
These people flying the Mexican flag and attacking Americans are traitors to the nation and need to be shot.
Luis Russell
There never was any pride. They're just violent, arrogant savages.
Parker Campbell
But even so they must FEEL some sort of pride? They must truly believe that their ancestors were the good guys so why act like this? If the media would show all the shit going on Trumps votes would be almost 100% even from mexicans and black people. So much shame in this era that I live in. Atleast I know that I can be proud to be white which is nice.
Robert Lewis
It's a mistake to ascribe European altruism to them. Whites are tolerated so long as the gravy train keeps flowing. Once there's even the suggestion of turning off the tap their true beliefs come out - Whites are their mortal enemies.
I live in southern California, surrounded by these pieces of shit. Allow me to explain what they think. To them, this is revenge for what the evil white man did to them (""""stealing"""" their land a.k.a. us fighting them and winning). This is payback.
That's it. They're violent thugs who don't care about anyone other than their own (see La Raza, mexican supremacist group).
Do not feel any empathy towards them, ever. They're invading our earned land, don't let them do to America what they did to Mexico - turn it into a genetic dumpster both literally and figuratively.
Nolan Barnes
So why are Whites being such pussies? They literally have Trump as a way of identity, but yet they get bitch slapped? Are Whites that devolved that they can't even co-ordinate a safe way back home together?
Shit gets annoying to see after a while.
No sypmathy towards beta Whites if they can't even garner the fucking common sense to speak with each other at rallies and co-ordinate.
Juan Davis
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Whites actually have shit to lose, such as jobs, and a future. If you're a hardworking person, and end up with a felony conviction, finding work is going to be difficult.
It's easy for these la-raza spics, niggers, and millennials to be brave, because they're either suckling at the government teet, or have so many felonies racked up that an additional one hardly matters, they've been in and out so often that it just feels like another facet of life for them.
I'm afraid that by the time we reach the "consequences be damned" stage, it'll be far too late.
Liam Foster
White people don't like going to jail because they have better things to do, unlike trust fund liberals and shitskins. Otherwise we'd have had RWDS take care of the problem ages ago.
No tears from me anymore. Once I form group of Europeans across the globe either in Europe or N. America I will just shrug as people scream.
Do you not get sick of it? Originally, I used to rage, but now I am angry at my own for sheer weakness. Some Trump guys are tough as fuck and will fight back, but wandering around separate is asking for trouble.
Time to stop acting like literal goyim/animals scared of other actual animals and begin to let out that NATURAL instinct of brutally bricking a niggers/spics skull.
They are just a big shadow with a cockroach forming it.
Kayden Powell
Better things to do than save ones country? Unfuckingbelievable.
Brody Jackson
grrrr, flood detection
Mason Hall
This entire thread is depressing as fuck. How can anyone look at these articles, these pictures, and these videos, lean back in their chair tipping their fedora slightly while saying, "well they deserved it."
Honestly, what is the logic here. They deserve it because they have a different opinion than you? These people deserve to be pelted with eggs and bottles because they like the color red instead of blue? These people deserve to be punched in the face, knocked out, and require medical attention costing hundreds or thousands of dollars because they think oranges taste better than pears? These people deserve to have their vehicles damaged costing them and the insurance companies thousands of dollars because they dare say the sky is blue not pink?
Aren't the liberal left for safe spaces? Why is it the liberals can have their safe spaces, but people with different opinions can't have theirs? Why is that their safe space gets invaded, destroyed, and shit all over because you disagree with their opinions? Isn't the left for tolerance of others? Why aren't they tolerating other people's opinions instead of physically assaulting them? These people waving Mexican flags and chanting "Make America Mexico again" are in America because…. ? If they like Mexico so much, why are they not in Mexico? Why did they choose to come to another country?
The woman getting egged seriously pisses me off. The liberals sit there and say how badly Trump treats women, and how his supporters are all misogynists, yet here they are pelting a woman with eggs and bottles while calling her names. Where are the liberals defending that maiden in need? Oh, they're the ones THROWING THE FUCKING EGGS AT HER.
Eli Price
My rage knows no limits at this point.
Nathan Davis
Daniel Flores
Look at how proud these photographers are. Another upboat on facebook hurraaaaay..
Jeremiah Edwards
3rd pic looks like a run of the mill porn star.
Jason Kelly
I'm sure she get passes around like a good little dumdumpster at the Los Zetas gang parties.
Juan Thompson
Says the internet warrior. Sickening. If thousands of Whites showed up the invaders would back off with their tails between their legs.
Jose Davis
Ian Wood
Xavier Cook
Her key chain says, "SEXY MAMA", top kek.
Aiden Price
This is why I laugh at all the Holla Forums fashion show threads. Faggots dress in polo shirts and hipster sneakers to get ready for Starbucks. Jamal and Pedro won't be scared of your stylish pantaloons. Leftist thugs only understand force.
Dress for combat. Act like your life depends on it. Because it does.
Lincoln Miller
I think the point of the fashion threads is so you don't look like a fucking NEET manchild who hasn't left the house in a year.
Joshua Hernandez
The faggots at the Washington Post have 19 pictures of "rally violence".
2 are of San Jose, the other 17 are of Trump protesters being ejected from previous rallies.
You sound like a fucking neckbearded autist. The point is that if you're an adult who wants to be taken seriously, don't go out in public wearing your Avenged Sevenfold tour shirt and a pair of manchild jorts. Also, cut your fucking hair. Long hair doesn't make you look cool, you look like a fucking hippy.
Adam Mitchell
The State will not protect us. We need to organize to protect our people at these rallies.
Aiden Phillips
If you're ready to use it a sword is fine too
Kevin Robinson
Was that suppose to be a serious post? Real life isn't like your ninja animes.
Justin Hill
Not sure if this one is already in thread somewhere. Can't tell who's on which side but title is "Knife pulled at Trump rally".
Someone pulls a knife and gets knocked out.
Zachary Kelly
Correction: Can't tell who pulled knife.
Liam Ward
Lay down and die, goyim!
Good man.
Jordan Hernandez
You sound like you are projecting. Did /fa/ convince you go from a neckbeard to a hipster faggot?
Juan Jackson
By now it is blatantly clear that cops are both unable and unwilling to defend Americans against mexican thugs. It's time for Trump to ask the Oath Keepers to provide security for his rallies. Nothing scares leftist scum more than a white man with an AR 15.
WTF is going on here? It looks like they're helping the spic on the ground and he gets up and cold cocks the guy.
Josiah Green
Dunno, can't tell who's doing what.
Anthony Sullivan
the best is how everyone talks hard shit on the internet (both sides do this) and nobody does shit IRL, especially us. the amount of race war LARPing that has been going on in this website since the gay red text meme became "cool" is skyrocketing, yet everytime shit happens all the hard talking dipshits fall back on how they have a job (lol unlike le shitskins). the armchair faggots ITT are cringe worthy
Elijah Hernandez
Christian Jones
I love this fucking place
Juan Brown
I salute you. Keep fighting the good fight.
Adam Clark
Hur dur dur.
Nolan Harris
In all fairness, this is California, not everyone lives in California. My state doesn't have a beaner problem thankfully. When they start spreading into most other states then expect violent repercussions, but until then people have jobs and families to support so there's no point leaving all that and traveling cross country just to rek a few spics. If it's in your hometown than go and fight
Connor Cox
kill yourself
Colton Collins
This will not suffice.
We must organize.
Our opponents are organized better, they move in packs and conceal their identities, and the media selectively addresses their violence.
We must organize, we must move in numbers and with coordination, we must film everything, we must step it up.
Every Trump rally that turns into a riot, they grow bolder, more aggressive.
Evan Stewart
you are at the wrong place if you are actually serious, you need to network IRL for this shit, Holla Forums is for shitposting and meming and trolling and moving the Overton window. if you want to LARP in meatspace fuck off somewhere else or try medal. but I would be willing to bet you are just talking hard because it makes you feel special.
Grayson Torres
Justin Green
the election has really lowered the IQ of this board tbh, soooo many normalfags who can't into memes and never lurk and want to be spoonfed everything
Matthew Bell
Aaron Parker
Feel free to get gone and stay gone - you are a worthless shitposter.
IRL networking isn't going to cut it when half the population isn't even comfortable enough to suggest they support Trump.
The people need to be shown that its okay to support Trump, and that there are those who will defend them in this situations wherein the enemy is in their face, while our police do nothing to protect them.
If you want to do nothing but shitpost, go to fucking reddit you hebe.
Jonathan Green
Hah, I hadn't even checked your ID yet, and I knew you were a worthless shitposting faggot.
If anyone wants a laugh, check out cfe819.
Weren't you the one bitching about exactly this, the fact that we don't take enough action IRL?
Well, what the fuck do you expect, when we are totally unorganized? What do you expect when the people are fearful, believing there is nobody to defend them, that they face assault or worse for simply showing up? Why would you argue against attempts to remedy this situation, specifically in the context of Holla Forums, which espouses greater knowledge and ambition in this context than your average cabal of normies?
You really ARE a worthless shitposter, fucking kek.
Landon Anderson
You are both shills though. Filtered.
Anthony Campbell
I was there. Filthy communists attacked my friend's young daughters.
Joseph Clark
God damn it Holla Forums, not what I wanted to see today…
Isaac Anderson
It was more about saving a guy being ganged up against. A hige difference. We are better than niggers man.
Ayden Gray
Yeah I know, which is more reason to save ourselves instead of them. Fuck them at this point, fuck all of them.
Hunter Cook
You rather want them all to live in bitter hatred for people white and black? Yes fuck em we don't care about them but you will only create a burning hatred for huminity in these people. I don't know who was in the wrong but it seemed the guy who was beat up was less likely in the wrong but you gotta help people who need it. Racewar is just a metaphore what's really coming is just another crusade for what believes are the true believes which will mean white people believing in some traditional values and niggers aren't unwelcome the other option for them would the horde of fucking mad orcs who just at this point want to kill and rape to satisfy their animalistic nature. It's gonna be a battle between good and evil. If we take back society we can easily weed out the niggers on our side by societal standards which they will never manage to meet. It's all about fighting the merchants and their army of mad animals.
Joseph Gray
No man, there is something to be said about niggers if we were able to civilize wolves into dogs but no such progress was made with them.
At this point, the earth isn't even going to go through a battle of good or evil since those are just social constructs we came up with. This is nothing short but a purge that is building in nature. A purge that's been long over due for the filth waiting to be washed away by a flood of anger by everyone civilized that will be nothing short of biblical.
Angel Jenkins
Technology has kept too much of the filth alive in humanity. It's up to nature to take its path and let the unnecessary perish.
Tyler Taylor
What I mean is there is no point in fighting some subordinates and letting the bad guys get away. If the battle comes we will know what it's about. We will know about the merchant lurking in the shadow. Remember what happened at the last supposed purge of degeneracy? America thought Germans were the vile ones but the Americans were simply tools of the Jews. Now you guys have the chance to chnage that. I believe honestly that a racewar is only a distraction. Let it happen sure let the merchants rub their hands and their dicks at all of us killing each other. What we need is an alliance. We need to gang up against these ratlike creatures and later make the purge coem naturally. We give them the chance to live together at crappy sloppy neighborhoods and we defend every white neighborhood day in day out with gaurds on roofs etc just pure precaution to stop them from ever wanting to enter. Basically they will still be better of than some battle royal against each other until they lose their purpose like we did and they will be replaced like fucking tools that are broken JUST just replace them with some other stupid goyims. I hate fucking niggers as much as you do but we simply can't be bothered fighting each other anymore. Stuff em in one place and let them know how sacred we are and always have been as our society becomes prosperous and beautiful while they rot within their own filth dreaming of that land where everything is alright but knowing they will never be allowed in and the ones who attempt get stopped or killed clean and easy. We give them food and shit and make them feel like we still care for them so they won't revolt against us and just wait liek in Africa until they are all as good as nothing but weak dumb peasants that jus give up (in Africa they would have never tried to take back their land without outside help. Never.) Is gonna be good man. Nature will run it's course after we stop being poisened by lies.
Owen Smith
Hunter Cox
meadhall….castrated trans nazis too afraid to even meet up with their own kind.
Sebastian Gray
proceeds to shitpost and refer to people who disagree with him as shills