NYC in the 1970's

Reminder that in the 1970's niggers and spics were much worse than they are in Chicago today.

8000 cops were layed off. The streets were a war zone. People were throwing dynamite on the streets and shooting each other left and right. It was so bad, when people started shooting, no one would run. They would just go about their business.

Firemen were layed off and fire stations closed. Buildings were burning down by the hundreds. Property owners would burn down their property to collect insurance. The Bronx looked like a bombed out city.

There were 100's street gangs everywhere fighting each other.

There were blackouts like the blackout of 1977 ( where there was 1,616 store robberies
and 1,037 fires in one day.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cops were shooting thousands of rounds at crowds that were shooting back.


Looks like a cool documentary ill watch the rest when I get more time, thanks.

80 Blocks From Tiffany's (Full Unedited Version)


police tapes 1970s

Why would anyone want to live in a city knowing that something like this happened?

Why would you start panicking and rioting just because the power goes out?

That's a strange way of spelling looting.

Stuff like this just proves that humans are incapable of living in a city environment. Even whites participated in this shit, as repulsive as it is to think.

Humans can live fine in small towns and the like. In a small town, everyone knows each other, and everyone begins to think the same. Everyone knows who is bad, and who is good. If something goes wrong, everyone knows where to look to find who did something wrong. Everyone knows how to deal with each other. This is not the case in big cities. In big cities, you can walk into a throng of people and recognize nobody. People react to everyone like strangers.

Cities are a canger. There should be an enforced maximum number of people permitted to take residence in a given square mile of land. Everything should be stretch out.

Modern society is unnatural. It's how we breed cattle, not humans. I wonder who could be responsible for that, though?

I don't think Berlin in the 1930s would have been like this. It's possible to have people living in close proximity as long as everyone has mutual benefit in doing so.


Because people from cities aren't 100% human

I grew up in nyc… Its less panicking and more 'oh this is fun and different compared to living a horrible existance in a large city'

Humans were not meant to be in such large concentrations. It just doesnt work, so when they are in those conditions, but the system breaks they go ape shit. Add niggers to the mix and you have a warzone.


It's not just cities, it's degenerate culture + human hive situation.

I lived in large cities in the 2nd and 3rd world. There were many blackouts and similar temporary crises (such as natural disasters) and they did not result in anarchic behavior because people had values and standards of behavior.

First of NYC have niggers and the like who are notoriously uncivilized. But as you say, even whites participated, and this is because new yorkers do not value order and decent behavior - they are degenerate like animals and only act civilized because of the threat of violence from police.

This is not the behavior of a civilized group of people, it's the behavior of wild savages who have been pacified using force by a civilized authority. How NYC of all places came to regress to such savagery I can't say, but it is clear that new yorkers have anarchic tendencies to an unusual extent. Many cities around the world, and in the US, have populations that don't have anywhere near as much latent anarchy, and the blackouts would have been uneventful.

Over time, a strange tribal subculture has developed in NYC, and this can be seen in occupy protests (where locally state authority was suspended and the degenerate new yorkers were able to do as they will). But it is a staggeringly savage culture, primitive even compared to indigenous tribes who haven't discovered fire.

The other issue is the overpopulation in NYC. Cities with 3-5 story townhouses, laid out in decently spaced residential areas, are tolerable and modern humans (civilized and educated humans, not savages like new yorkers) can adapt to live in them. But once you have block after block of 10+ story skyscrapers for living space, and even worse for the office/work areas, the subconscious begins to realize that there is no escape from the neverending torrent of people, no privacy, no refuge, and it fucks with people's psyche. It also results in overall squalor - dirty dwellings, children playing in alleys, poorly maintained infrastructure and so on.

DEFINITELY not (((the chosen)))

Let me expound on my post by presenting counterpoints to this.

In stable cities, neighborhoods develop organically (though this is helped by sensible design and hampered by overly systematic, commie/grid style layouts), so the city starts to behave as series of small towns, which just happen to be so physically close they are adjacent, with most townies working out of town at a major commercial center which in turn is also superimposed geographically.

This is still possible with strangers if there is some conformity, and people adhere to some standards.

Standards of etiquette, manner of dress, even accent and language all help produce this cohesion, even if seemingly superficial and orthogonal.

However NYC is infamous for its lack of conformity. It is, as is well known, a melting pot of all sorts of people. Take a 20 minute subway ride and you will meet all kinds of weirdos. There is an endless array of speech (from upper class white accents to incomprehensible bix nood), dress (half naked people, hobos dressed in rags, hipsters, nogs with pants hanging around their knees, goths, suited businessmen, teenagers with motley getups), behavior (people acting stiff but polite, drunks, high junkies, thugs, loud college bros, shrill teenage girl gangs, stuffy old jews, hipsters and performers just randomly dancing and doing cartwheels in the streets, tourists of every variety) not to mention race and so on.

In a more homogeneous city, you can meet a stranger and say "okay, I don't know this person, but he looks like my neighbors, talks like my neighbors, acts like my neighbors, I think I can find common ground with him same as I do with my neighbors" and it works. But in NYC there are as many kinds of people as there are people, you can't ever know what to expect.

Of course an absolute monoculture is not necessary, some subcultures are fine. Imagine a Swiss mountain village of 200 people, perfectly homogenous, everyone looks the same, behaves the same, all families have lived there for generations. Let's say this village is isolated one day by an avalanche. Will there be disorder and chaos? Of course not, looking at the people you wouldn't know anything happened at all. Life will go on exactly as before.

Now imagine if a group of 30 Japanese tourists happened to be in the town when this happened. Obviously they are strangers and are nothing like the locals - but will chaos ensue? Again, no. While the tourists are utterly foreign to the villagers, they within themselves have a common culture. The villagers can learn this, and then use this as a mental category to deal with all the tourists smoothly. So again order will continue, despite the rift in culture and lack of familiarity.

But in NYC you cannot do this. There is an endless array of different "types" of people, it's like a zoo. Every time you meet someone, you have to make a new category in your head for them, and you hardly ever meet someone who can be filed under the existing categories. So now you are inflating your list of mental categories beyond your mind's capacity, and you can only afford to learn the most basic of social skills for interacting with each category. Which is why New Yorkers are so socially primitive.

When order reigns, the legally imposed standards of behavior act as a kind of supercategory that provides surrogate common ground to people. This is why the city can function, but the residents are alienated and do not feel intimacy or belonging. But when crisis removes the authority, this supercategory vanishes with it, all that remains is the extremely basic modes of interaction reminiscent of prehistoric cave people.

This gives me an idea:

What would happen if you would attack the US electricity system? Make it go out for a few days.

you mean [C@$H]xXx_thechosen_xXx

as a guy from /k/ I can't help but to wonder what were their tactics being employed.

both by the police and the civilians. Sounds quite interesting look into urban warfare really

If you want a how-to from someone that was actually there at the time and working for our (((enemies))) Abbie Hoffman is an excellent Chronicler.
'Steal This Book' was a guide on how to set up your own gang (communist cell) complete with scamming and dealing, how to fight in the streets complete with tactics for dealing with cops at that time and many other useful things (like scamming Vending machines with Similiarly sized and weighted coins from Foreign Countries with a Favorable Exchange rate.)
For the fighting tactics you'll want Fight chapters 3 through 5.

Like did you know that the Russian 5 ruble coin is exactly the same in composition size and weight as the US/Canadian Quarter?

I wonder why.

Yeah. right. I'm sure that was the case.

Again and again the fucking lefties they interviewed just kept making excuses for the actions of the looters. God damn it.

The place was already anarchy it just went to chaos.

NYC and LA, wouldnt even wanna tourist is those cities.

Very interesting but how bad was the current mayor maybe it is just coincidence.

you better not be talking shit about the warriors, that movie was brillaint

People can and have lived in cities for like, 5000 years. A city is simply the solution to the problem of using a population surplus efficiently. Just because burgers can't last an hour without electricity without starting fucking riots, doesn't mean everyone's the same. I live in an eastern European city of about a million, and we've had blackouts a few times, but no one goes around rioting and looting. And that shit generally gets fixed within an hour or two.

Don't mistake your rural aryan fantasy utopia for a logical position. Without cities, you can't have industry.

I've been mulling around the idea of hitting a jewlery store or apple store the next time a major chimpout happens in a city. The cops seem to just sit back and say fuck it when it happens now, so why not grab a backpack full of easily resellable expensive shit.

Pic moderately related

this is just a shitpost FBI, I would never actually violate the law :^)

i agree that americans are "special" but its stupid to compare your city, with a million, to new york that has 8.55 millions in it.

its probably a mix of things, fucked up degenerate culture, race mixed people and to much people in one place.

Sounds pretty plausible to me.

Not a christcuck, but I feel there is an analogy to that story about the tower in Babel somewhere in there.

This is an immutable fact of human civilization:

Rural = independent, traditional
Urban = collective, liberal

We already had some anons point out that at best you can get a full day of no electricity without a chimpout happening. In fact some govt programs that deal in homeland security view the power grid as one of the easiest targets to pick.

So basically like China but with less police

Remember when Jane Byrne stayed overnight at one of the Chicago housing projects to prove how safe they were? She brought enough security with her to defend Fort Knox.

We began to demolish those nigger hives shortly after that.

Every time.

Civilization is an extremely thin veneer over savagery supported by modern technology.

Great documentary.

What if Ed Koch had cronies to plan the blackout so he could get to power?

Abe Beame was the mayor during the 77 blackout.


How is it warfare? If anything, it would be counter-crime. Which is strictly a civilian affair. Go away larper.

In 1977, the city was already a hellhole. the blackout was just a catalyst.

Compare to other more recent blackouts.

at 9:55 in this, theres a nigger on the couch with a swastika armband. what the fuck?

Not trying to sound like a weeb, but you know this shit wouldn't happen in Tokyo or Seoul.

NYC is full of degenerates, and there's no shame-based culture to enforce social decency. We need to bring back shame, and not for racism.

Subtly encouraging people to hit the power grid? Nice to see you join us, FBI. Regardless, I'll take your bait. The infrastructure that produces and distributes electricity in the United States is comically vulnerable at several chokepoints. Physical security for assets (with the exception of nuclear power plants) is a low priority. A software fuckup was all it took to knock out power to seven states in 2003. Well prepared SCADA attacks could wreck aging systems in under-maintained power plants. Some guy took potshots at transformers in San Jose and all of a sudden government officials got very sweaty and nervous. It's not that hard, we're just lucky (((motivated individuals))) haven't taken advantage yet.

it was the 1970s, it was like cool or something
wearing ancient pagan symbols unironically was a thing

this is so bizarre.. little niglet wearing swastika

a lot of bikers wore it too

I live in eastern Europe too, and when we had power blackouts (long time ago), the only result was increased birth rate 9 months later, because people had nothing else to do :). Stupid poor amerifags go looting right away.


More like there was nothing to steal


Stop being butthurt the majority of the US is now inhumane savages


I knew I recognized that from somewhere


Wow, yea, it sure is. Who knew that Aphex Twin would become a symbol of the Great White Reawakening?

It makes so much sense that I can't believe I never saw this coming.

Good luck Darknight-chan, indeed.

That was an interesting watch, does anyone know some other good documentaries?
Preferably redpilled of course.

It would be interesting to hear Trump's take on the blackout.

The US power grid is in no way properly connected to have an immediate nationwide blackout. The grid is old, inefficient, shoddily strung together, and no one wants to invest the money or time in actually making it work.

This means it's very easy to blow the power in local regions, and you need only throw a stick on some wires or send a squirrel with a wire-chewing habit to cause a blackout. However, it also means that because it's so poorly maintained larger regions of the grid are disconnected and isolated from one another. Sure, you can cause blackouts as you wish, but you can't cause a nationwide blackout without either a lot of manpower in every major city, or a more advanced technology to cause a country-sized EMP.

This is exactly why they haven't modernized and nationalized the grid. atm a grid failure would affect a lot of people but not everybody.

I can back this fact as someone who has lived in the NJ/NYC are for most of my life.

I'd argue the area is even more degenerate than Commiefornia. Mid-state and upstate NY are alright, NJ and NYC aren't by any means though.

Large amount of people have the 'me first' attitude with a nice mix of pure leftism to the extreme.

You take one aspect of comfort out of their daily lives, or make a sudden change, the average person doesn't know how to coop.

And if you are from out of the area, people will know right away and you will be approached for one reason or another.

Thanks to the blackout we had an increase of hip pop music?


uh…. because niggers?

this is what you are looking for

Pointing out reality is being butthurt?

You're just some dickhead from the left coast who's never been to the East coast. Nobody in NY calls the Hudson Valley Mid-state.

Fact is nowhere in NY had the massive hordes of violent spic protestors like we're seeing on the left coast and none of your blubbering Northwest is based posting will changethat.

Also, NYC isn't even in the top 50 cities in the USA for most liberal.

But he is right about the "me-first" attitude. This is primarily what separates the Tri-State area from the rest of country. Nowhere else will you meet such rude douchebags.

Also, I'll preface this with the fact that I've never been to Cali but from what I see and hear it honestly is what hell on earth must be like. I refuse to believe the East coast is any worse.

The tri-state would be red if it wasn't for Philadelphia and New York city where there are massive amounts of nogs and jews (((coincidence)))

philly has a lot of jews, the ✡Bucks County GOP✡ is full of kikes, the ✡Bronfmann Crime Family✡ built a Holocaust Memorial on the same area as the Constitution Center…. fucking despicable

NYC is mostly wealthy transplants at this point. Fags, pretty girls, and "artists" all move there on Daddy's dime and pay $2500 for a one bedroom shoebox.

Having visited several people that have done this shit, I've found that there is a smug, shitty attitude among these transplants, like they feel that they've "made it" or are trying to act out the old Terror-Drome NYC attitude of being "tough" from back in the 70's when it was actually dangerous.

These people's sole personality trait becomes "I live in NYC". Everything else is vapid gossip, bitching about things, and virtue signalling liberal buzzwords.


Fuck modern urbanites I wish their power grid went off for a month.

dude, there were alot of riots around that time. its not about being better or worse.