Shillary Takes the Ghostbusters Approach

"People Tell Me They Won’t Vote For Me Because I’m A Woman"

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shes crumbling

She just won't let that talking point go, will she?

Hilldog ain't no woman

She's a shriveled up hag


anyone wonder if this is total bullshit?


But should.

Dubs means we can make it happen


Screencap that shit, it's happening this week



That's rich. Who was she referring to, or better yet, who do you think it best applys to?




Scared me for a second. I guess it's happening.


Shillary is like Slimer minus the friendly demeanor. She is always leaving a trail of mucus wherever she goes.

Shhh don't let (((them))) hear you

I personally won't vote for a Woman, Jew, or Mexican

Gentlemen, Kek has spoken.

As He wills, so shall it be done.

Of all the things that haven't happened, this didn't happen the most.


That might actually happen kek

Maybe if Holla Forumsacks started going to Hillary rallies to do that. Even then I find it hard to believe

Correct. Though that's only one of the reasons.

It's like baby's first humble brag


Does she really believe trying to guilt people into voting someone will ever work?

I thought she was done playing the woman card.

it was probably more like

I've never ever heard anyone make this argument, either online, or IRL. It's always "she can't be president because she's a terrible person."


Also, I wonder if pushing the angle that the presidency is already "gender neutral" is worth it. Given no one cares that she's a woman, we care about the emails and the disastrous foreign policy.

It's like folks are catching on that Hillary is the definition of evil bitch.

That's a perfectly good reason though.


I want the victim President!


i wouldnt vote for her because she's a cunt, being a woman has nothing to do with that



you don't roll for kek
kek bestows

You should be when the "competition" is rigged.

fucking kek priests

The following are possibly true things related to Mrs. Clinton.

-Landing in Bosnia under sniper fire.
-Landing in Bosnia under sniper fire while carrying a bottle of hotsauce. Yeeesss yeeeasss. Hotsauce.
-Vince Foster? Never heard of him. Who is he? What does it matter?
-Whitewater scandal? It's a scandal that more people are not enjoying a fine activity such as whitewater rafting, is what it is. Cackle cackle cackle.
-Did I wipe the e-mail server? With a duster or a cloth maybe. That 's not a sexist thing to say, cleanliness is not a man vs woman thing here amirite folks? Amirite?! Cackle cackle cackle cough cough cough. Though you guys could be just a little bit better at picking up after yourselves, -initiate human smile maneouver- cackle cackle cough cough.
-Bin Gazhi. Look he never paid me (yet) for any speaking fees. I don't recall about that matter. What does it matter anyway? We came, I never saw that memo, somebody died. Cackle cackle cough cough.

Warning system error detected in C:\clinton:\load order\verbal script directory
The program C:\clinton\mammalianshell\humanoid-mimicry.bat has unexpectedly crashed. Would you like to send crash report to Y/N

10/10, saved.

Pick one. Every single company I've had my eyes on stock wise with a female director has flopped without fail. Women do not build success they take over and destroy.

can one of you good people make this shit happen , we would be ever so grateful
t. everyone

Look at Yahoo.

Also, does anyone have that pic where a woman hired only females for her company and had in go under in less than a year?

The appeal to aging female boomers desperate to see a female president before they die is all she ever had.

Any appeal to her experience or the policies she has supported would expose her as a liar/hypocrite and be turned into a negative attack.

Every time she has ever gone off script she gets shit on. Her supporters are just (willfully; I have to assume) blind to this for some reason.


c u next tuesday Hillary

they want a str0nk wymyn prysydynt because it's Current Year +1. that's it.

this bitch is corrupt as fuck. it's been a topic of conversation since she was the first lady. she is a horrendous bitch, the clintons are corrupt politicians. their entire political careers have been plagued scandals. billy boy got off easy because times were good. non of my family, or friends parents ever really liked or respected them. they were tolerated because we were doing well.

she's basically a rape victim, let's start a patreon for harassed hillary

This would be great if you removed the audio minus maybe the train horn and put in some Trump speech. Maybe 'It's Hillary!' and then shoop her head on the cow.

he should have added "i just came to one of your rallies just to tell you this".

pure gold user

How about this?

I don't believe that honestly.

the elder has spoken