Dealing with the Disabled

Do you believe Disability should exist, do you believe Disabled people should be left on their own even if legitimately medically incapable of working, or are you on the "purge them" side of things?

If you pick the last option, would that apply to permanently disabled veterans as well?

Hows does Holla Forums feel about the disabled?

I believe this is a slide thread.

I was stupid enough to ruin my life for the ZOG. So I paid the price.

I ain't going to stop taking the checks, but if they stopped coming I know I would have no right to complain.

The purpose of eugenics is to breed out the possibility of genetic defect so that these questions don’t need to be asked.

Modern technology will, within the next few decades, be able to grant gene therapies to the living disabled to potentially solve the problem anyway.

It's not, I'm genuinely curious what people think should be done with the disabled.

Most people here are against redistribution of wealth, but that's what disability is. I wonder if people here support that, even in cases when the person legitimately can't work.

There's always going to be accidents and injuries, user.

There's a huge difference between being born with a disability that we are able to prevent in the womb, and being shot by a sand nigger or paralyzed in a car crash.

But I agree with that this is a slide thread.

Didn't the Romans have big guys who would smash retarded and deformed babies on a staircase to kill them?

Your point is what? We’ll be regrowing limbs before the end of the century.

Okay, but that's going to cost a lot of money.

Given that they're disabled before hand, and assuming they can't work, they can't afford it, so again, the public option is the only choice.

Would you support public medical care, then, to insure everyone can have limbs regrown? Or would you leave people in the dust.

Shit like Downs or the Hartley Hooligans should definitely be purged from the gene pool. We pour more resources into helping genetic defects than we do with our veterans.

It’s not as though prosthetics don’t exist. Aspirin was once expensive. Now it’s not. Regrown body parts will be the norm soon enough.

/r/ing sam hyde spiking the football and saying "we're just gonna kill em!"

There are so little disabled people in the world. Who honestly cares. Sage because shilling or just plain stupid.


Veterans deserve to go on the dole.

People with mental issues that make them unable to work should have to live in segregated institutions until they are fit to reintegrate back into society to work. No free money in addition to being at large.

Family and private charity should exist to replace all other welfare for everyone else.


In the meantime, for people who are in wheelchairs or otherwise legitimately unable to find work for medical reasons, do you support disability for them?

Do you support nothing for them?

Should they be purged?

Nothing else?

Also what the fuck do you faggots think I'm 'sliding'? Let's look at the front page

1. "nazi occult experiences" kek
2. Hillaries (yet) flub (funny, but not slide worthy)
3. Pac forming for Trump, who cares
4. some chick killed someone and was a jew. That's it.
5. UCLA guy is a poo in the loo. We all know now. That story is being hidden by the media, but do you really think the medias grand scheme to hide that story is to ask policy questions about the disabled on Holla Forums? come on.
6. LETS RECLAIM EPIC FAIL GUY (hottest post). Worth sliding indeed.
7. Cuckdeau. Don't think the jew minds that we have a post raising the rainbow flag on our board.

Anyway maybe you don't care about my post or the subject, it's not the most important one out there, but this is a website that has disabled roots, and I think it's a worthy policy and ethical question to ask.

So you guys can suck my crippled nuts.

Without them, this site and your thread wouldn't exist. ;')

I don't mind cripples, I don't mind people making allowances for their disability, I don't think they should be gassed or anything.

But this treating them like they're royalty is fucking retarded

Why the fuck do cripples even need to park close, they already have a wheelchair, they're just as mobile as the average ameriblob, if they were incapable of going a few dozen extra feet from their car they wouldn't have left their house in the first place.

Society shouldn't be forced to pretend cripples are totally the same as other people. If a guy without legs wants to play chess, sure why not, but if he wants to play basketball he should be laughed out of the room, just like a non-cripple guy who's 5' 4".

And it should be fucking accepted by everyone that being a cripple is shit and best avoided, people should try to abort cripples and do genetic tests to make sure they don't spawn crippled kids cuz why the fuck would you holy shit

Not even gonna go into fucking downies and their cuck parents going about muh gift, holy shit you got my blood pressure up OP

What the fuck

Is "the Romans" some kind of brütal death metal band?

mfw disabled and the doctors can't figure out why
mfw nothing to do but sit around and be a useless piece of shit

Well, I'm disabled. I started taking the money as a way to reduce the burden on my parents, who were supporting me, and I viewed it as leeching for a good while (even though I paid into the system, I'm taking more than I gave), but I had a revelation about my situation:

We're an affluent family. If there were no disability insurance, it probably wouldn't be appropriate for my parents to call upon churches and charities for financial assistance, because I'm a financial burden, but not cripplingly so.

However, if there were no disability insurance, as well as other "entitlements" (hate that word), my parents would have probably hundreds of thousands of dollars, probably into the seven figures over their lifetimes, that would be ADDED to their assets in tax relief. Besides allowing them to expand their retirement plans, this money would have made the financial burden of carrying ME much less significant.

This realization, combined with the fact that tax money within a program is fungible, has led me into the thinking that I'm really not taking anybody else's money. I'm reclaiming my own family's money. I could draw for my entire life (something I'll try not to do) and not recoup my parent's tax burden. Meanwhile, others will fraudulently feed off of their contributions.

Note: This thinking can only be arrived at when you shed the jewish paradigm of thinking of the world only in terms of "self" and "society". Between those two extremes are concepts of expanded self-interest like "Family" and "Race" that the modern world wants you to forget ALL about.

Let me explain this part a bit

If people wanna be cripple friendly and build a ramp or some shit or whatever, cool (of course they do it on their own dime, unless some private charity helps them). But if I got a narrow fucking shop with lots of spiral stairs, some wheelchair comes and starts bitching I don't hire him cuz I'm ableist or some shit, I shouldn't get a fucking lawsuit fine and be forced to build fucking ramps everywhere

I should be able to just say fuck off cripple, this ain't your gig

Like holy shit people don't get hired for jobs all the time because of shit they were born with, like being fucking ugly or an autist, what makes cripples so special?


The crippled parking spots are because they have extra room beside the spot to get the wheelchair out of the car, then put the chair beside the car and get the crippled person in it. The van accessible spots have extra room on the side for the motorized ramp to fold out and move up and down.

It was always a bitch getting my mom's fucking wheelchair out if I didn't use the van accessible spot. Either way it would be fine if wheelchair/van accessible spots were a billion miles away from the entrance as long as there were ramps.

As for distance, not every handicapped person uses a wheelchair. There are a lot of them that use canes and walkers that use handicapped spots too. People with canes and walkers don't need the extra space on the side of their car but they need them to be close to the entrance.

People born with mentally or physically debilitating disorders should be prevented from being born or purged (both free of charge; this creates an incentive to do it because it's free). If the family of the disabled refuses to get rid of it, it's their problem. No gov. assisstance for them.

If you become permanently disabled due to injury or whatever, and you cannot work, you should be able to recieve some sort of supplemental income for essentials, but it will be spent FOR you on necessities if you are incompetent.

The best part is that because they can't figure out what's wrong, they can't prove anything's wrong, and I can't get any kind of benefits. I'm wholly supported by my family at an age I don't care to admit.

At some point suicide starts looking like the moral, ethical, practical decision.

Disabled people should be treated like everyone else.
If you can work at something or earn your livelihood in any way, it's all good.
If not then if a loved one is charitable enough to support you, fine.
If neither applies then, wellcl, assisted suicide centers.

Oh ffs just fucking walk

If you need space to unload your shit go park somewhere where there is space

If there's never space take the bus or a taxi or something

Like seriously at my supermarket there are like 50 spots and like 8 cripple spots, never more than 1-2 of the latter full but there's 5+ cars cruising around looking for parking every other day

And then they go into the supermarket and walk their cripple ass through aisle after aisle after aisle

Holy shit you're walking all over the store anyway what difference does it make if you have to walk a tiny bit more from your parking

I mean fuck I was disabled too at some point, broke my leg and had to limp around for months, was a bit of a pain but I didn't fucking demand I be carried everywhere on a golden palanquin

Putting in ramps is cheap.

Perfect example why Christianity is better than "leave grandma on a iceberg" paganism.

Then why don't cripples start a charity that builds free ramps at all their favorite restaurants?

How in the hell should i know?

No wonder you christcucks love niggers so much

I don't think a suicide center is really necessary. A white community should and WILL look after their own, when they are actually unable to look after themselves. Sure money to support them should come from their parents and family first, but if there truly is nobody else, then that is a good use of tax money.

To be clear, I'm not talking about people with "crippling OCD" here, or some other BS. I am talking about people who are paralyzed or mentally retarded.

I hope your grandma dies in line at the pharmacy because you had a broken leg once so you think she's fine to haul ass all over the store and should suck it up.

I have very little sympathy for people who keep their genetically fucked children alive, particularly since most of them can be diagnosed in the womb and aborted, but there are a lot of people who have paid their dues in society who are now handicapped because of it. They deserve the infinitesimal amount of consideration of having a larger parking space closer to the door.

prevention > cure
natural selection > government mandated execution
the weakest of my people are still my people, and i'd rather a cripple than a cuck.


You say that, but then ask yourself: Which is actually worse?

For society to pay out the money treatment and welfare of somebody with severe OCD. (A flat financial cost.)


Attempt to integrate somebody with severe mental illness into the workplace (likely requiring laws that FORCE employers to take them), at which point, the person is now financially supported by the company, but the company (if it IS a severe case) not only gains no benefit from the worker, but such a worker actually REDUCES productivity vs a scenario in which he was not present at all.

I'm not telling you which of these options is a GREATER loss to society. We probably choose the former because of virtue signalling.
What I'm telling you is that the loss of productivity represented by having crazy people wandering around IS a tangible loss to social productiveness that is as real as dollars spent. That's just economics.

And then you have people like me.
If I didn't have my parents. If there was no welfare state. If I was trapped in my last job and I couldn't decide, as I did, that "I have other options, this is unhealthy, I need to leave", my "problems" would have progressed unchecked until I lit up that place. You would have seen me on national news as a sparkling example of how violent white people are.

Oh, and my diagnosis isn't any kind of "Psychosis" or "Schizophrenia". Its Anxiety.

She's already dead, but if she wasn't, I'd happily help her go about her business since I'm her fucking family, I don't need government coercing strangers to do it for her.

No, nobody deserves special treatment for being born inferior.

If you want to chastise a pharmacy owner and call him inconsiderate for not building a ramp when he has wheelchairs coming in daily, go right ahead and I'm 100% behind you. But suing to force him to do it? Go fuck yourself.

Where did I mention people born with genetic handicaps??

Oh yeah, right when I said they should be aborted and I had no sympathy for people who kept them alive.

Clearly you are mentally handicapped in that YOU CANNOT READ, because I was talking about people who were old or handicapped due to injuries or illnesses, who had already paid their dues to society. These are, by the way, the vast majority of people who use handicapped spots, like my mother did.

Yes. Supporting people who are disabled takes a negligible amount of tax dollars, if you focus on that sort of thing. And any true Nationalist focuses on the nation and it's people, not just creating a perfect machine out of society.

People are flawed, they always will be, and they will always march onward.

If you got hit by a bus and became disabled or just some old age related thing, it's still the same. You got unlucky, life screwed you right up the ass. Again, human compassion is of course a feature of civilized men - but at the same time, it is not society's duty to reverse the iniquities of fate, nor is it right for this duty to be pushed upon it.

What you describe is no different to me from, for example, the states appointing a free colostomy bag changer to all incontinent old farts. Sure, it's a sad misfortune, but the brunt of the cost is for private citizens (the person's family, charities, churches, insurance companies) to bear, voluntarily (although in some cases they can and should be shamed for failing to). It is not a public matter for the state to meddle in. If an old man has failed to rear good children who take care of him in old age, has failed to make friends who will help him, failed to plan for his retirement and insure against these problems, private society has failed to create charities and such to help those in need, then government should not bail him out.

Among other things, this also contributes to strengthening family ties, instilling foresight in citizens, and generally promotes a cohesive, stable, healthy society.

The exceptions I would grant are:
The military should be expected to contractually promise servicemen that if they are disabled in their service, they will be taken care of. They shouldn't be required to do this, but failing to should generate enormous societal backlash since it is outrageous jewery. Not to mention nobody in their right mind would volunteer without such a guarantee in a non-welfare state, taking care of disabled veterans should be a personnel cost factored in by the military's budget.

Same as the military, should be an accepted and expected contractual clause. Again, no mandatory requirement, and unlike the military there are multiple companies so some will doubtless refuse to make the guarantee - these should be looked down on as predatory by the people for this (although not as much as in the case of the military, since anyone who doesn't like it can go work for the competition), and they should offer typically higher salaries (as consequence of market forces social mores, not law) to adjust for cost of insurance against possible maiming that employees will want to buy.

These people are not numerous, so supporting them is a trivial cost, but setting the athlete's mind at ease against such a catastrophe will help them focus on their sport and also encourage the public to strive for athletic achievement by making it a better quality career.

Or for the small government option, social attitudes should be such that insurance companies start offering free insurance packages to such people, in exchange getting public goodwill and free publicity (similar to current equipment sponsors).

Even this last one is optional although I feel it would benefit a stable society. However, ordinary people (and unborn fetuses) should not have a blanket guarantee against misfortune from the government. That is just stupid, the only argument for it is basically heartstring tugging.