Now anons, spread this throughout normie media.


Other urls found in this thread:




Women are dumb as dog shit. So this comes as no surprise.

it's like they know they're going to lose if nominated

When Dilbert man sees that he's going to have a heart attack

Who ever is running this woman's Twitter account is a fucking double agent, you can count on that.

Or an orgasm.

People were constantly spamming Trump as the Clinton shill. Even today I actually someone make a post saying that he was a plant but once he started wining he went rouge. smh.

It's quite obvious now that Clinton is a Trump plant.

So, do we have a mole in the Clinton campaign?

Even Hillary knows Trump will be President. The whole world knows it. Trump has primed the world for his inevitability.



Just the Twitter? The ENTIRE fucking campaign is full of saboteurs.

Nobody cares about "muh good jew"


Twitter is on a tear

She's so accomplished you guys.

fucking K E K

Spread it

Oh Quint, how we missed you

They're doing our jobs for us!

Good thing I do it for free, otherwise I'd be out of a paycheck

Fuck me.

It's totally Bill running the Twitter.

Now I know why you aren't paid

The people in her group are either:
A) secretly on our side
B) Berniebots that hate Hillary (which works out for us in the end)
C) pro-Hillary and pants-on-head-retarded

I keep hearing about people on her staff that hate her and subtlety sabotage her stuff. This HAS to be part of that.

This is fucking hilarious, but it's got me worried. Hillary's campaign is so clearly in the shitter that it hurts. What's been expected for sometime is a general election of Trump v. Hillary, but the news keeps reporting about a supposed comeback from Bernie.

Now, if Hillary wins the nomination and Bernie falls at her feet, Trump's got some FillTheUrnfags who will vote for him. But what if Bernie wins the nomination? I've seen no ire for Bernie from Hillary supporters, at least not a noticeable amount. It'd be a much closer race then.

Okay, when did she add that?

Her stealing elements of Sander's platform became so obvious that SNL did a fucking skit about it.
How fucking pathetic is this parasite that she's going to steal trademarks from a man while casting him as satan?

Also, there is nothing special about her hair. This is literally the first time I've read ANYTHING about it.

there are a few Clinton supporters that claim they will vote for Trump if Sanders is nominated, but that comes after months of YOU HAVE TO VOTE DEMOCRAT IF IT'S CLINTON YOU HAVE TO BECAUSE IT'S TRUMP

so it's taken with a grain of salt.

Alright, nevermind. Wayback machine says that's been there for over a year.

Won't happen, there's no reason why that'd happen. Shillary is leading in popular vote, you'll be pissing off a lot of the business democrats and a lot of the middle aged and older democrats. The DUDEWEEDLMAO collegetards make a big enough portion to make Shillary lose in the GE, but not big enough to make Sanders win when the even bigger electorate, the middle aged and business democrats, say fuck that and either vote Trump, third party, or don't vote at all.

As far left as the democratic party and it's supporters are, the majority still wouldn't vote for a literal socialist who said bread lines are a good thing.

Yeah. Trump can easily win a contest with Hillary vis a vis which one of them is less repellent human garbage. Trump vs Sanders is a battle of issues and vision for the future, and a lot of normies like free stuff.

I'm not worried. The fiercest Bernie supporters are the very people that cannot vote or historically have shit voting turnout.

Plus, from what I gather, blacks are less likely to vote Bernie than Hillary. If Hillary drops, some black votes would go Trump.
Plus. Trump with BTFO of either of them come the debates, winning more over.
Plus. the shitskins in Europe are going to go on a rape and violence binge this summer, turning more people to Trump.

Read some Scott Adams. People put The Emperor on equal footing with Bernie because of polling, but I'm still pretty sure Trump wins because Trump STRONK.


I mean, they're devoted, they go in droves to online polls, donate thousands and thousands, go chimp out in Trump rallies, but they do not do the one fucking thing that actually matters, voting.

That's why the CA polls don't really matter, Hillary is going to get at the very least 60% of the vote, and 70% of the hispanic vote.

Can't wait for the Bernout salt, as they move farther and farther right. If spics and niggers weren't in the US, Bernie would be the nominee. Think about that for a second.

Hahahah. November 9th will match the yearly suicide rate.

We do, and a mole this good is sure to be on fullchan. THANKS BASED MOLE!


Hilldog is cackling and cracking under the strain from hearing that Trump train.

I think it's that SHE believes the media. (((They))) say Trump's policies are bad. So she says Trump's policies are bad.

Whoever made that video needs to be given a raise

This is all happening way too coincidentally that I'm questioning shit and it's making me uncomfortable.

What the fuck is he saying god damnit I can't see I'm laughing so hard

Yeah. I read recently about a bunch of them that didn't register in time for their primaries.


Once a choker, always a choker

That would be a funny cartoon. (maybe already been done?)

They introduce Hillary driving some kind of big, ugly, complicated mech contraption with meat grinders, and cannons that shoot attack dogs and shit.

Then, as soon as the announcer gets the words "Trump Train" out, the Train smashes her into a million pieces from off-panel.

Are you talking about the comment here that talks about Hillary being a plant of Trump?

I'm talking about shit just lining up way too perfectly to be mere coincidence. It all feels too perfectly coincidental that it's planned.

she has to be working for trump

this is too stupid

Divine Providence, my friend.



its meme-magic user, don't question it.

Nah man. These shit-for-brain asshole marxists that have been running our country have just gotten complacent with their success. They rigged the game so they didn't have to actually compete vs a real candidate for probably decades. Now that one shows up, they don't know what the fuck to do.

It took the perfect storm of a candidate like Trump to show the world how wrong the other side was and how much of a paper tiger the media is, but goddamnit if its not happening.

that video with the noisy nigger music is all about Trump getting minority and women voters …

Not a shoop.
Holy shit this is glorious.

Look, we don't talk a lot about it, but think about the inside baseball for exactly WHO surrounds Clinton vs Trump right now.
THAT SHIT explains their campaigns' vast difference in competence (beyond the competence of the candidates themselves).

Trump's inner circle is going to be made up of the best people money can buy, who he acquired (in the professional sense) over the course of his career and he knows he can trust.
That methodology creates an incredibly elite team. Fucking world-class. Even if not everybody can do everything, like the campaign manager, who was probably brilliant in a million other ways, but did the thing with the reporter in front of cameras.

Clinton's inner circle is going to be filled up with loyalists. She's a paranoid battleaxe and just wants people who don't question her so that she can (ironically) create a "safe space" away from all the people who hate her.
This methodology creates a sweet cocoon of love that will comfort you as you sink into the abyss (much like what society has under leftist rule).

Okay, this shit has to be deliberate by now…

Is getting Trump elected part of their plan? Are we being royally jewed with some reverse psychology shit?
Is the God Emperor a merchant puppet, and all this anti-trump shit just the means to rally and unite the common man behind him to get him in the white house?

Great post otherwise, but please don't defile the word "love" like that.

Nobody in that murderous bull dyke's inner circle is capable of recognizing or receiving or creating love, otherwise they wouldn't be there in the first place.

No shit. I'm saying literally everything in this election primary cycle has lined up so perfectly it feels Trump is the best controlled candidate ever.

All of it happens so seemingly perfectly. Cruz sex scandal, where'd that go? Fields assault scandal, where'd that go? Actual rioting (Chicago, Az) at Trump rallies, where'd that go? Soros funding these riots, where'd that go?

All of it just appears at the perfect time where it will help Trump enormously regardless of what it is or what he does, then when it's lost it's usefulness it disappears.

Oh man it's not even generals yet and she's got no hope.


Step 4 of the stages of grief - depression. Trump becoming president is inevitable, and they know it. That's why Obongo stutters like a madman. That's why Hilldawg doesn't even bother anymore. They know they're fucking done.

And the fucking primaries aren't even over. It's not even the genera election. Oh sweet merciful Kek, I love 2016.

I know what you mean, we should definitely be on our toes. I don't think Trump is a puppet orchestrated as part of some grand scheme, but he's not a genuine nationalist, and his pro-white sympathies are questionble. So even though we should support his candidacy, we need to use him more as a springboard than a goal in and of himself.

It's a typical hysterical get out the vote plea. "YOU CAN STILL STOP THIS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. VOTE HILLARY OR ITS ARMAGEDDON!!" They did it with GWB's reelection and were amazed when they didn't win.

It's just par-for-the-course incompetence based on the mistaken belief that their propaganda is still working on anyone but their dyed-in-the-wool drones.

Well that's just because Trump is also an incredibly powerful Meme Magician.

It's not even the "yet" which is most laughable - it's the fact that you look at Hillary's campaign recently and it's entirely centered around the name DONALD TRUMP. Imagine for a moment:
What are they thinking about? Not providing the best policies, that's for sure. They're purely focused on division. It was the exact same situation with the GOP candidates, when el Rato or Rubot were backed into a corner they'd throw out a "Stop Hillary Clinton guys!!" and the focus would move off them.

AHAHA. Hillary is a Trump plant!

They haven't ever been this competent before. I find it highly unlikely they've saved their A game for Trump. I think there's a group of powerful people running defense for him, but I doubt it's the same group that's been running shit for the last few decades. The difference in competence is staggering, especially if the media circus is a controlled charade.


There is no "they". It's like what said, Trump is a smart man who doesn't tolerate fuck-ups in his circle, whereas $hillary has insulated herself with sychophants.

It's no surprise Trump is dominating.


You know, we always hear about trump being a hillary shill, they claim that him giving her money is proof.

He dismissed the accusation saying he paid her so he could have her show up at a party, like some kind of trophy.

Everyone was so focused on "trump must be paying hillary to shill for her" as an attack on trump, nobody stopped to consider how little sense that makes, who pays someone else to work for them?

What if this whole time, trump actually bought Hillary years ago so he could set her up and crush her to win the presidency?

The policies REALLY don't matter with Hillary. She's even sort of a unique animal in that her TONE constantly shifts.

It's beyond overdone to say that a candidate "Would say anything to get elected" but with her, she's like some kind of homunculus or doppelganger. She'd BE anything to get elected.


Reminds me of this. This kind of low energy nonsense might work on some normie no-names who're career politicians, but they're dealing with a nimble navigator that has been building his brand for more than 40 years.

What a tweest!

Trump is a true leader. If you serve him well, you are rewarded. If you fail, you are admonished and lose favor. He is fair and gives second chances, but does not tolerate repeat fuck ups.

This is why his inner circle is so elite. It's the best of the best through decades of corporate Darwinism. Only the strongest, most successful have survived. They have been rewarded handsomely for their service and are therefor doggedly loyal to him.

Hillary on the other hand has a staff of hired yes men. They are loyal only to the money.

Basically, you have a King with highly loyal trained subjects vs. a ragtag group of hired mercenaries.

lol, if you watched the man for the past 20 somewhat years you would know his ego is too yuge

Can we convince her or her people that pretending to be a furry otherkin would get her elected? We should meme this just so we can fall over laughing when she shows up to a debate in a furry suit talking about spirit animals.


This has potential

middle is now a meme

Well user being a mother, wife, and grandma are all good things and should be praised instead of defamed like a good goy encouraging feminism.


Actually, much easier than US tricking her campaign into doing anything would be to simply create a fake ad that's targeted at furries which incorporates the video of her barking.

We could convince a few furries that she's pandering to them specifically possibly, but more importantly, create the impression that she's catering to more "exotic" types of extreme degenerates than the trannies she already caters to.

It would need to look like a real ad though. Not just slick production but NO SARCASM; NO SATIRE.

Helloooooooo, Hillary shill.

Yeah, too bad Hillary killed about fifty of her children before Chelsea survived her meat-grinder of a womb.

You think that the oligarchs, elite, whatever you call it have a singular political indentity and are a cohesive machine that pushes only for a one world government? They're not!

There are multiple factions from multiple ideologies. Die Hard Masons, Globalists Round Table/Bildgerberg/CFRers, Templars and Catholic people.

What's important between the groups is Fascist versus Marxist, Tyrant vs Globalist. Trump as it appears hails from the glorious camp of Fascist Anti Globalist. He's not libertarian, let's not kid ourselves. He wants too undo the Globalists anti competetion regulations, wants to leave you alone user but he's still an Oligarch with money to spend and time running out.

I wish we would have an insider spill the beans on the infighting going on right now, but suffice to say Trump will make America a strong nationalist nation, and while not idea we must understand that the common person is frankly an idiot who barely can manage their own life and in many cases they fail to do even that. So we need a good dose of Nationalism and that's what Trumps bringing.

Enjoy the Trump train but remember to live in reality not the hype.

That actually pretty good. Trick them into amplifying their presence and trick them into making a fuss about their rights too making themselves look foolish and by association Hillary too. Make people understand the slippery slope is real when dealing with leftists and since Hilary stands for much of that stuff, it wouldn't be a hard sell.

Where does any news go?

Into the memory hole. When the news cycle is over, no one cares. This phenomenon has been known about and capitalized on by intelligent people for decades, and Trump is merely doing an exemplary job of taking advantage of it.

Hilary is a dyke, not a woman.

This automatically disqualifies her from being any of those three things.


There is no recovering from this.

You also have to go back.

You have it backwards.

Hillary is the king. The noble with no connection to the common people surrounded by fawning lickspittles willing to shamelessly kiss her ass for favor, fortune, and power. She sits on her throne, detached from reality, paying attention only to those who tell her what she wants to hear and removing any who dare whisper unpleasant truths.

Trump is the mercenary captain, surrounded by his men. He knows them, he's fought with them, and he trusts them and they feel the same way about him. He's a rough man, a crude man at times, but a man far more grounded in reality, and his experience has given him the conviction to do what he knows needs to be done.

Daily Reminder: This is Donald Trump's Universe, you just get to live in it

Absolute kek
Thank you user

And thus the people struggle, as if in a bad dream. "Why do I have a problem with this? I make fun of people for feeling 'uncomfortable' about new and weird subcultures, but now I'M uncomfortable, and its getting worse…"

And then, with the people thus primed, searching to place a word upon the nameless disgust that they feel for the direction of society, WE lean in and whisper: Degeneracy.


How has he made America less safe? Bantz? muzzies can't handle BANTZ? Bantz make this loving peaceful people murderous, suicidal and wantonly horny?

A year before running for president, no less.

That… Is God level talent.

I'm talking about encouraging white women to have white babies you dummy.

If you keep shaming women for not being STRONK INDEPENDANT CAREER WYMYN they're going to waste their prime years in college and their wombs will become barren by the time they are "ready" to have children.

I'm all for encouraging women to have babies, but you're making a mistake by holding up Hilary as an example.

Hilary is less of a woman than Michael Obama. At least Michael regularly puts out for the man "she" is married to.

I'm not you dumdum, I'm saying being a mother is a good thing.

No! Our emperor is far to glorious and pure to fall to chaos user! To even suggest such a thing is heresy! It is the emperors holy light that shields us from chaos!



It's well-known in Washington circles that Hillary treats all of her personnel like complete shit. It's gotten to the point that Hillary's campaign workers hate her so much that they are "passively" sabotaging her campaign by using only the worst campaign ideas.
Obama and Trump are genuinely nice guys to the "little people" that work for them behind the scenes. In contrast, Hillary is the worst sort of two-faced harpy; she only treats people respectably when the public eye is watching.

I'm saying there's absolutely zero overlap between any reasonable definition of "being a mother" and anything which Hilary has done.

But then again I think there's more to being a mother than merely getting knocked up and squirting out some crotch fruit, because I don't want to dishonor the good women who actually do manage to be great mothers.


people really think she a man?

Barry did call her "Michael" once…


There was a SuperPAC tweet featuring a Trump Train getting stopped by a tunnel, backing up then ramming through while the tunnel bled like a vagoo. It was supposed to be anti-trump but backfired.

They killed her because of that comment like a week after.


Also there's an pic floating around about head width to shoulder width ratios.

Possible next campaign slogan for Clinton.

There is also a pic of her benchpressing and looking jacked up as fuck while Obongo can barely lift a 3kg weight for little girls.


did they censor the sound on this webm too?

I've seen that but I know fuck all about anatomy and one infographic does not a penis make. Do they explain where the kids came from? They look like bongos but you can probably say any bongos look like bongos.

oh. He's not that great at public speaking unless it's completely scripted. I forget who it was, Chris Rock I guess, that if a prominent black figure doesn't act super black they're always regarded as well-spoken. Obama pretty much proved that.

hope I don't get these trips

The kids are adopted.

Also do a Jewgle image search for "Michelle Obama's penis"

Then a lot of senior Democrats will get raided by the FBI. You can guarantee that she's got evidence against most of them and if she loses everything now then she has no reason left to sit on it.

This is ridiculous.

You know what they say, you can't make this shit up.
You almost can't blunders this idiotic on purpose.
They're really just so incompetent that they're unintentionally supporting trump.

I've heard people say that, but I'm not convinced. I think the left would be more likely to mock and shame her instead of outright killing her.

She made some Palestinian comment too. She made a very vitriolic and visible scene in the embed.




why meme it when they will meme it for us.


This cunt having the audacity to talk about foreign policy shows how retarded she is. Also shows how little she thinks of the american people.

Really hope i live to see her in jail.

dubs confirm


This can't be incompetence. Why is she doing this? Why is her campaign doing this? Has she been told to let Trump just have the presidency?

I don't like this anymore.

Hillary will still beat that jewish cuck bernie….then we get to watch Trump smash that cunt

Nah, that couldn't even cover up Sandy Hook, the Boston bombings or the Fast and Furious gun runs to the initiated. Do you really think they could align this all up just to trick us? Perhaps there truly is a divine guidance that is backing Trump and he will be the springboard to propel us even further to the right with the leader after him.

Jesus fuck, memes are creeping into my real life now.

I half joked about Trump as the best candidate as the Chaos vote 3 months ago, because Hillary is a predictable establishment shill, and a warmongering sell out to other countries.

Trump destroying the establishment was my positive I advertised to my friends as why we should vote for him over Hillary. He really is the better candidate though.

I mean, there is a distinct possibility that the person who runs her twitter has seen what an insufferable, corrupt cunt she is and has gone rogue.
As others have said, she's apparently awful to her staff.

Her campaign is an environment that is DESIGNED to foster incompetence, but beyond that, this possibility would be much more likely than, "The establishment has decided to capitulate all of their globalist plans to The Emperor's will."

I didn't save the screenshot, but there was a thread on Holla Forums where someone claiming to be in the Hillary campaign talked about sabotaging her.

That he — and others in the campaign — were either not trying to help her win, or actively sabotaging her campaign.

He said that she treated everyone like dogshit, that the men working on her campaign hate her, the women seem to like her.

He also inquired about a position volunteering for the Trump campaign that another user mentioned.

We've got Holla Forumsacks in deep cover sabotaging her campaign from within.

Hillary is a plant for Trump

All jokes aside, it's getting a bit weird

That yet seems a bit (((antisemitic)))

Remember when people were claiming he worked for her?

She's a foolish fool!

Wizard please stay.

Is the stupid bitch campaigning FOR or AGAINST him?

That's Obama's presidency in a nutshell. Communism with a fresh coat of paint.



I saved the corresponding tweet but it is burried

top tweets are pure gold now

dumped it

Well, if you exclude all the murder, treason and wars that's what's left and knowing Bill I am not entirely sure that her children and grandchildren are hers


Sounds believable.

But why would they have done that by introducing a nationalist into American politics, when US politics were the most jewed for many decades. USA hasn't had any populist candidates for many many decades. They already controlled all the dems and republicans, so it would be incredibly stupid of them to do such a thing.

Is Hillary saying Trump is a follower of Khorne?




More than money, Trump has the best team Success and Respect can obtain.

There's nothing like a team of people who respect eachother, and are hungry for success.

Really good advice tbh

no it hasn't you fuckstick. they've been trying to bury Trump since day one. he got this far because he's a better player and won his early skirmishes which increased his momentum over time.

this happens in MSM all the time. news cycle is over, time to move on. plebs can't remember anything longer than 2 weeks.

Big Black Cock?


When one of her 5,000 gay advisors told her it would be fabulous.

A lot of this smacks of Alex Jones worldview.
I've never seen large-scale movers in the western world that are counter to the globalists, which are at least mostly, if not wholly, made up of jews.

That being said, hype is power. What you call "hype" is the world of memes. To consign yourself to a realistic worldview, a TRULY realistic, material worldview is to give yourself to despair in the face of our enemy.

Instead, view the world with one eye viewing the cold hard realities of what actually is. Use your other eye to see the memes that you would see spread, then give yourself to them and become a tool for their propagation. Then, create a third eye which is the composite of the two, with which you analyze your use of memes strategically and achieve flexibility in how you apply your energy.


Bernie supporters aren't as likely to vote. That's his problem.

Where is this from?

Read the filename.


This must be a joke, right?

No, that's just how weak her memes are.
This is literally what is meant by, "Low energy".



Maybe I've been checking digits too long. I looked at this and thought, "That looks like kike echos around a 3 (The Empress)"

Either that or I need to write a guide on esoteric post numbers. :^)

no sound…

That gotta suck to be adopted as mere PR tools.

Do it, please. I collected some observations on "chanomancy" myself. The question is, can we apply Kabbalah here or not?


What a clown

Well, the only thing that I really have so far is association between doubles and tripples and their associated numbered Trumps within the Tarot.

Obviously, Triples would indicate further emphasis, and Major arcana higher than 9 would require at least a variant on quads to be pointed to. (i.e.>>5672121 pointing to The World)

The character of the Major Arcana pointed to would indicate what should be interpreted from the numbers.
For example, I would view the digits from (Trips of the High Priestess) as firmly supporting my post because I was speaking on the subject of the more intuitive aspects of esoteric memetics, which is probably related to hermeticism, but I wouldn't know, I'm a creature of the internet.

Now, a couple of interesting examples/exceptions: Dubs and Trips of the fool (00 and 000) I have taken as either a pure contradiction of the post in question, OR an indication that a person has stumbled upon the correct answer in spite of speaking foolishly.
An extreme example of this would be when Holla Forums cast its plague spell with the 6,000,000 get and infected the middle east with flesh-eating bacteria (Ebola-chan being not so limited as a representation of a disease so much as a Goddess of Plague).

The other exception would be 1111, which represents ourselves both in the sense of being quads of the magician, but also dubs of justice.

The only other nuance I would add is one last mechanic. What I've been thinking of as a "Severed Dub" which represents a Tarot card placed in the reversed position, representing the opposite of its normal meaning.
An example of this would be something like " " where the repeating 3's at the end are split up. While this pattern would involve the last THREE digits and not the last two, it still involves two matching digits and thus would be exactly as common as normal dubs.
I wonder also if there could be some relevance to WHICH number it is that severs the dubs. The above example being "The Emperor severing the Empress", to which I apply a direct interpretation of the Emperor and Empress being OUR Emperor and Hillary.

Anyway, that's what I have that's actually systematic. I've made a couple of other, more complex interpretations based on 5-digit non-repeating models, but nothing that I've been able to codify into a rule-set.

Trump has people INSIDE Clinton's campaign staff, probably planted there over a decade ago.

Please don't dump Hillary on us. Even we're not that degenerate.


Even if you dress them as SS, we know that its just another fetish for you.

They're wearing daipers ffs, and the prisoner has a lesbian Dorito on her jew marking.
Hilary is your gal.

He is a man. Everything points to it especially his dick

It's not *just* an SS uniform, lad:

It's an "SS officer" making out with a kike

This is not making the case for less degeneracy.

This is making the case for, "I'm turned on by things that are incredibly wrong and only deny my bestiality fetish because its actually illegal"

You mean like Cuba, Iran, Whoever runs the Palestine territory and China?

Dude, Fields was full of shit. The case got thrown out of court. Lewandowski did literally nothing wrong.

Spoiler that degeneracy next time


lel even bill is voting trump.

True. And yeah, he did nothing that rises to what he was accused of, obviously, but what he DID do was in front of cameras and made him into the story for a number of days.
You don't have to ACTUALLY commit assault to become a liability.

The circumstances were not FAIR, but they were predictable and avoidable. My point is, that campaign manager is very likely a multi-talented man who's abilities lie in areas besides what would have kept him out of trouble.

Nice one.

Truely, the lazy, self-referential nature of modern, clickbait journalism has made propaganda efforts equally lazy.


No thanks

