Leftypol is a hive of failures

no one who is successful such as
people with talent and intelligence is
a commie…by definition commies are

you sound upset

says the homo who saged


meanwhile Holla Forums is not right or left, we are absolute chaos, anarchy in it's finest form.

Ur 15 years old m8

Holla Forums is shit

Soviet Azumanga

Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.


Lenin's Words - flash anime

Socialist World Republic - Sozialistische Weltrepublik

The Sound of Stalin subbed

ウラー突撃!ソ連軍編 ヒストリカルゲームPHS3

ヒスサバPHS5 ソ連軍編 ぼくらの大祖国戦争

so is anarchy, but chaos reigns.

ガルパンのカチューシャ (Катюша)を歌う・・・

aut-right originality at its finest

Thanks for the (you) but you guys know I'm right.

what a great argument

i'm pretty sure he meant right winged

get out newfag

Says the saging newfag

10分で習得!赤軍教練【ソ連軍歩兵操典講座】 ヒスサバPHS4


you sound upset

you're right, I should bump cancerous circlejerk threads about nothing

you sound upset

Butthurt leftycuck detected!

ВоенныйфестивальЯпонии и России2014赤軍祭り

you sound upset.(YOU SOUND UPSET)


You sound upset. :^)

you sound upset



bait taken



based dysnomia




Red Alert 3 - soviet march ☭

Rasputin vs Stalin. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2 finale.

"Failure" what do you call it when someone on Holla Forums calls you a "failure"?

capitalists are slaves to exploitation
ITT polar fallacies