For several years, I have speculated that racially conscious white people would eventually find their home in eastern Europe, and it seems like it is beginning to take shape.
This is the future, gentlemen. I live in Sweden and have already saved around 50.000$ in the bank for real estate. Why would I spend it on getting a 400.000 $ loan in the bank for a tiny apartment in a multicultural city full of shitskins and degenerates, when I can spend it to pay for a huge beach-house property in eastern Europe without taking any loans?
The future is not in the west anymore. The west is ruined. Even if you got all the shitskins out, there is still feminism, SJW, left-wing culture, cultural relativism and last but not least, a fucked up real estate market offering no hope for us who eventually want a family. I am currently looking into spending my money on an urban home in Budapest which I expect will be bought by the end of this summer. Good bye, Sweden, good bye liberals. I cannot wait to watch them burn in the mess they created while I sip my whiskey in Hungary.
I have been to all the countries in eastern europe, Hungary is by far my favorite choice.
Angel Price
It's just that you know, economically, hungary is kind of shit.
Logan Ward
If it remains white, it will be the economic center of the world in the future.
Hunter Murphy
Sweden took in 163.000 asylum seekers last year. In a country where only 7 million are ethnic swedes. According to stats from yesterday, only 400 out of these 163.000 are working. The economy of Sweden will collapse very soon.
Julian Hughes
I'm just saying that the other Visegrad countries are doing better. Czech rep is now expanding it's economy into IT and other high added value industries like research, same with slovakia and poland, but in hungary that shit is stagnating.
Sebastian Nguyen
Even mixing different European nationalities between countries is bad, as it too, destroys identities and nations.
James Howard
Think of it as a temporary base for whites to regroup, reorganize, and eventually take back their homelands. If the Spanish reconquista can happen after hundreds of years of muslim invasion, then it can certainly happen again after only a few decades of multicultism.
Ayden Cook
So they are going to gula- , i mean a white paradise.
Do you niggers even realize that by giving up on society and technology, you are as good as dead? Do you seriously think that they won't come after you in Siberia or Hungary?
Lincoln Lopez
Settling new lands is a white man's favorite pastime.
Hunter Rodriguez
Yes, but this is a time when we should settle new planets. Devolving into a hunter-gatherer won't help the white cause, it will only turn us into aboriginals that we wuz kingz will be able to observe as some kind of wild endangered species once the kikes exterminate us.
Unless they are developing new technologies there (And they are certainly not under Jewtin and his cronies), it's useless.
Ayden Thompson
No-one is telling you what to do. You are more than welcome to stay in the trenches hoping to persuade the cucks to join you, while your women jump on the negro cock carusell until she finally decides to mate with you.
Me, on the other hand, no thanks.
European countries have been exchanging populations for eternity. Volga germans in Russia, french haguenots in Norway, spaniards in ireland, vikings in Ukraine, tsarist russian emigrees in Austria, Germans in Romania, I could go on and on.
A european moving to another european country with the promise and will to fight and defend it at all costs against the liberals is more than positive. I would be proud to fight and die for the last bastions of freedom in Europe, against the dictatorship of the EU and cucks that have wrecked my country to the point that I don't care for defending it, cause there is nothing left to defend.
David Cox
Stop fucking running and fight already. No matter where you go, the Jews will come, weasel their way into positions of leadership, destroy or economies with usury, subvert our culture with degeneracy, and flood our borders with savages. We cannot keep running. We have to take a stand and fight, no matter the outcome.
Brody Clark
Russia is going to remain a continuous threat to this. They are to eastern Europe what the US is to western Europe.
Alexander Garcia
Probably in Hungary. The further away from the US you are the better off you are.
Logan Roberts
Hungary is based Austria came SO close to voting in a far right party New Austro-Hungarian Empire when?
Nicholas Price
The only way to save Europe is to kill faggots like this guy.
Cameron Long
Forgot to sage
Julian Phillips
find that clip of Putin saying orthodoxy is closer to Islam than to Catholicism "muh Eurasianism" bullshit.
Carson Thomas
dumbass detected
Sebastian Hill
No, because Eastern Europe does not accept them. In western europe, our biggest enemy are our own people that refuse to fight. The eastern euros will fight, and they will win, and they will be the bearers of white civilization.
Luke Evans
As long as it's not too many of them, it should be fine.
This user has a Bulgarian great-grandmother and a Hungarian great-great-aunt or something, but it doesn't take away from my cultural identity nor nationality, because one foreign relative in a pool of local blood doesn't amount to much, especially if you have children with other locals.
Isaac Powell
Jews are bragging about owning Eastern Europe.. Their women are trafficked as sex slaves al around the world, especially women in Bulgaria..
Bulgarian women are probably the most likely in Europe to go to Dubai to get shat on by arabs. It is so common that they even have specific words for these women in Hungary and Bulgaria according to some eastern euro's I've talked to..
Angel Young
I think the thing you fail to acknowledge is the fact that a right-wing white exodus to areas with an overwhelmingly conservative minded area weeds out liberal white untermensch. Racemixers, bleeding hearts, self-haters, retards, etc. will all be left behind and absolved into the muck and garbage that they worship. Without left wing morality and conduct guidelines, Westerns will be able to reclaim their homelands from mongrelized hoards. No point in fighting while you're surrounded, knowing when to retreat is essential to winning long term wars
Alexander Cooper
They're welcome to try.
On a more serious note, true. Migration of non-degenerate whites is all good and well from the receiving country's perspective, but no problem is solved by running away. Westerners should focus on un-cucking their countries rather than leaving them to the shits. Fucked as they are, those countries are loaded, and Easterners will be vulnerable to the vipers you leave behind.
Unless the best of the best leave, and let the fuckers drown in their own stupidity, then return to claim the homeland. But I don't really see that happening. So try to stay there and change your shitty country. It won't change without you.
Robert Nguyen
Austin Price
It's true. My whole family is of this mind as well (though we have an equal amount of hatred for the burgers, they pull their own shit with us just like Russia).
Luke Cooper
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post. Eastern European politicians are the only ones fighting the invasion, and if you haven't caught onto that, you are either a new-fag or a shill.
Swedes are beyond redemption. The ones that stay behind deserve what ever comes their way.
Ayden Adams
So you mean Western cucks who are afraid of fighting back are coming to our countries? Everyone of them should be mobilized on the front line when their then completely shitskin and ZOG controlled countries attack us.
I am also disappointed in many Western anons here who should be ashamed of this cowardice.
Oliver Diaz
No, I've been fighting for years. The job is hopeless, the enemy has penetrated the line, and no-one seems to care. The battle is already lost.
You sound like a shill.
Luke Russell
Doesn't matter. Their greatest export is prostitutes and sex slaves. Eastern Europe isn't some fucking "white paradise" where everything is sunshine and rainbows where you can just move to and all of your problems are solved..
You sound like a defeatist shill. Have some pride in your own country and people and solve the situation..
Also, putting stickers on lampposts for SMR isn't "fighting", cuck.
Hudson Rodriguez
Jack Collins
Well then, fight until you die, coward. You're betraying your motherland when she needs you the most. You think like you have a right to come here, like we're some kind of a next station for you to flee too, but you will always be a foreigner.
If you come to my country, consider yourself not welcome, my "hwhite brother".
Aiden Young
I have had to put up with endless hordes of eastern euros coming over for years and I always welcome you fags and tried to help out. Now I'm coming over to shit up your country and be assimilated like it or not queer.
Ian Perez
Benjamin Walker
This is definitely a kike. Are you hungarian or not? If not, don't even bothe replying, I'm not settling anywhere else. Also, plenty of eastern european nationalists have welcomed western patriots. Just like we welcomed right-wing eastern europeans when the communists took over Russia and the rest of your place. And just like you are still coming here to work.
Alexander Adams
And that is still a problem.. It's the americanization of Europe, it leads to the destruction of all European ethnicities..
Landon Peterson
Pole here, IMO don't run. Fight for your countries. You don't understand how fucked you are without your own country to protect you.
You can run when shit starts to burn. Right now try to reclaim what is still there.
I won't argue but I will try to post once in every such thread to warn you: this shit smells of engineered escapism and defeatism.
Grayson Gray
Kek, so what, am I suppose to be grateful now? Those hordes of eastern euros are probably a greater threat to shitskins in your own country than you are lol.
Not only are you a hypocrite, you will also bring your weakness and inability to fight to the country you'll come to.
I don't care if you let other eastern europeans in your countries, that was your country's decision. It doesn't mean I have to open my door for you. Like I'm against shitskin invasion, I'm against cowards like you immigrating here.
Not for them settling in our lands.
If any of you consider to be a Nationalist, you should think again.
William White
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Carter Young
It's not going to change regardless. People still make excuses for captain cancuck and the horrors he's inflicting by the day. The only options are getting a tactical bowl cut, try and redpill people bur get arrested and get raped by diversity, complain on the internet until the race squads kick your door down or…. move.
Charles Fisher
The problem with this is it will end up with nordics becoming increasingly diluted (which I guess is the intention).
Has it right. This should be considered temporary bases for regrouping. Hungary would be my top choice to.
Cooper Campbell
Well tell me Rambo how many confirmed kills do you have? Quit Fucking LARPing we know you're full of shit
Joseph Wood
Too bad for you, I'm moving to Hungary. And I have nationalist comrades there who are welcoming me.
Asher Price
Is Eastern Europe prepared to turn down leftist shitskin enablers too? Because that's who's going to come knocking on Eastern Europe's door next, when things get so bad that they'll be forced to flee from all the wonderful diversity. And their trademark cognitive dissonance will ensure that the first thing they do when they get to Hungary or Poland is demand they open their doors for all the poor starving subhumans they left back home…
Ryder Moore
Are you kidding me? Left-wingers friggin HATE eastern europe. They view it as a cancer. Besides, thanks to internet, its not hard to find out who is left-wing and who is right-wing. When the communists captured eastern Europe and Russia, the entire right-wing class moved to western europe. It's only natural that European peoples regroup in each others countries when they are under attack.
Kevin Martinez
but being rightwing is racist and shit
Gavin Cruz
Do you have any idea how small the amount of western immigration into Eastern Europe is? It's in the hundreds per year. No more than a few thousand living there altogether. There is zero threat of losing your national identity. Hungary survived the Ottoman invasion, and survived against Austria banning the Hungarian language and trying to actively German-ize the country. It can survive this.
Also if you look at Hungarian DNA it is basically 1/3 Germanic, 1/3 Slavic, and 1/3 Mediterranean. Genetically speaking, Hungarians are already basically just proto-American Euromutts. Taking in some more German or Belgian DNA won't change anything in terms of genetics.
Hunter Garcia
You're not a nationalist..
Ayden Kelly
European countries have been exchanging populations since the beginning of history. Don't let the jewish shill fool you.
My nation is extinct. You are pretty much like a kike telling anti-communist russians to "man up and be patriotic about the soviet union"
Jace Turner
You're a defeatist cuck with nothing to live for. Kill yourself, Shlomo.
Julian Collins
Sebastian Nelson
Nice try, jew.
"Defeatist". In my country, the worst thing you can be is a straight white male. Your money is taken so subsidize single moms with niglet kids. You wanna see defeatist cucks? Then look no further than western men staying behind.
Henry Flores
England herw looking towards America.
Any Amerinons here?
Daniel Reed
I really hope they aren't paying you for this because you're doing a terrible job.
You shouldn't leave your country for any reason. You should stay and fight for your people. It doesn't matter what kind of policies currently are in place, they are always changed with new rule.
Stop trying to spread the "nationalists hate their own countries, move somewhere else or you are cucks my fellow h'Wite's" meme. Just fuck off.
Blake Butler
B-but it's your job to save everyone some how
Land doesn't matter, it's who you share it with
Julian Fisher
Land does matter. My ancestors have fought and died to give me this land. A nationalist doesn't leave sacred soil that has been blessed by his ancestors blood.
Ayden Thomas
Czech Republic lets you buy guns too.
Benjamin Richardson
You clearly have autism, or play too many video games.
Cameron Edwards
You clearly don't belong on Holla Forums.
Angel Jenkins
If Holla Forums is now about pagan LARPing then I guess not.
John Garcia
You don't have Nations or identities anymore. You should of chose Hitler and kept America out of your World Wars.
Although mixing with halfbreed shitskins in Hungry is worst than dying out.
Christian Martin
Fuck off, Moshe.
Luke Butler
I'm a burger, how can I help you?
Michael Hernandez
Woow holy fucking shit, 400 more people Belgian expats in Hungary in 4 fucking years. Sensational bullshit.
Jonathan Torres
Eli Powell
I am not from Hungary. And there are large genetic differences between Eastern and Western countries.
Was this what liberals told you when immigration to your country started?
Nice strawman you have there. I never said any of that and didn't imply that I'm Rambo or any shit like that. The fact is that people who run away from their countries in hard times are cowards, opportunists and weaklings. I don't want foreigners pouring in my country and I certainly don't want cowards who are fleeing from their shitskin infested countries.
Carter Cook
No, I know you autist have difficulties understanding shit so I'll explain again. Land does not make a nation, the people make a nation. Who died on said land doesn't matter at all, I'm thinking realistically. Is a nation on wiggers, cucks and rapefugees worth fighting for? No its not, my time would be better served helping a nation that actually wants to stay alive.
Julian Watson
So if your country went back under soviet rule you wouldn't try and get out? You sure talk tough for someone in a much better position than western euros/failed colonies
Jaxson Taylor
Its good to have a contingent of people in other countries actually, that way you have a way to fund and swap goods across boards in case SHTF
Cooper Walker
Eastern Europe isn't that much better.. There is hardly anything better in those countries. You are just a defeatist and a coward. You are not fighting for your people, you don't care about your own peoples future, you only care about you being comfortable.
People like you used to be killed for your cuck behavior.
Cameron Howard
So what are you butthurt over then?
Charles Collins
No I don't give a fuck about Canadians in fact I will take great pleasure in seeing all the retards that stayed get slaughtered by their beloved diversity
Jonathan Ortiz
Amen. And I dont give a fuck about Sweden. Its a dead-end SJW retarded socialist shithole.
Really? The white russian emigrees from communist revolution in 1917 were killed in France for being cucks when they fled there? I didnt know.
Robert Russell
Exactly, you're not a nationalist. Holla Forums is a nationalist board. Go to Holla Forums, you should feel more at home there, newfag.
Matthew Hernandez
I wouldn't mind most Westerners, but if the West itself falls… That'd be a bad situation for Eastern Europe. Completely walled off by alien shit.
People need to understand: E.European geostrategic position sucks ass. IF Both West East and South are pozzed then were cut off from the world. I'd love nothing more than to carve out a chunk of a post-chimpening America for my nation and not have to worry about any of that, with direct access to the ocean and so on.
Land is a good measure of struggle of a nation, when contextualized historically.
You'd be leaving people well, you can't expect to be able to sustain permanent diasporas of your respective nationalities, meaning you forsake your nation, your late-prehistorical and historical era ancestors included.
Also, keep in mind that even with all the taxes going to bullshit causes you're still better off than most of us over here.
Lucas Clark
Kike, why are you still here shilling?
Henry Jenkins
Historically in their own countries, their own people would kill them for being defeatist cucks. And yes, people like you deserve nothing but death.
Aiden Edwards
Autist, go take your meds.
Hudson Gutierrez
Holla Forums is racial nationalism, not this civic nationalism bullshit you're spewing.
Ryder Powell
Justin Young
both of you faggots leave.
Aiden Myers
Fuck off. It's not civic nationalism to tell you to fight for your fucking country and stop acting like a faggot.
Xavier Evans
Eastern Europe is ethnostates, buddy. It seems like it's you who has trouble with this concept.
You guys can circlebingo all you want, but ethnicity matters over here more than you can imagine. It's not some fucking LARPing like where you live, I'd kill you over it without batting an eye.
Lucas Miller
but muh wall
Ryan Nguyen
$50,000.00 $400,000.00 163,000
Ian Torres
Except you're going to be a tiny minority surrounded by an alien people, with regimes that were co-opted and infiltrated by (((our friends))) even before the west.
So good luck with life at the mercy of strangers when the chips are down.
There is no going away to some paradise eden la la land for us western whites. We take back what is ours or we perish.
Angel Davis
Come Home White Man. The Northwest Front is waiting for you.
Nathan Watson
Interesting enough, I lived in eastern europe for 5 years as a kid. Its not an unknown concept to me.
Are you hungarian? No. So go cry somewhere else.
Joseph Wood
My father fought for our independence with many other people. Guess what we call people who ran away like cowards.
I'm disappointed and surprised at how many of you here are cowards and/or supporting your people fleeing to other countries instead of fighting for your own. You're pathetic tbh.
I don't think you fully understand my position. I am completely in favour of helping and encouraging Western Europeans, their struggle is harder, I want cooperation against our common enemies. Also, when SHTF I'm in favour of helping them. What I don't want is cowards fleeing their countries in my country. They are the lowest of their people and should be marked as traitors by any Nationalist.
Wyatt Ross
What is your country? You still haven't stated. Inb4 Israel.
Christian Thomas
Stop claiming that others are jews when you are the one pushing for kikery.
Dylan Miller
Your civic nationalist "muh flag patriotism" wont fly, schlomo.
Robert Russell
Poland, Slovakia, or Bohemia? Hungarian is way too hard to learn.
I'm half-slav, by the way (other half is still white).
Henry Gomez
Nice shilling, faggot.
Aiden Parker
Your autism offends me.
Cameron Smith
Nolan Stewart
How is that relevant to my argumentation?
Jestem Polakiem, cienki kurwiu. Za takie maniery bym cię przetrącił. Byle bydło się będzie panoszyło. Gówno wiesz o naszym regionie, a my z Węgrami akurat świetnie się rozumiemy.
In "Eastern Europe"? You're some sort of cosmopolitan spawn or have actual roots in Hungary? Because if you do your odd need to make your own migration some mass movement becomes ridiculous.
David Evans
I'm not the user who's going to eastern Europe By the way.
What did his fighting achieve? Nothing that's right although the soviet example probably wasn't the greatest as more than a tiny handful of people Didn't want communism, unlike the modern western world who's population is practically begging for Islamic rape squads. If I want to raise a family doing it here would just be suicidal
Jayden Wood
Andrew Foster
Bulgaria looks beautiful
but I'm staying in burgerland til I'm buried under it
Matthew Rivera
As I said there is nothing worth fighting for here. Why should I waste my life fighting against people to save them? It's Fucking stupid, my "countrymen" want to sucks brown dick and attack me for trying to convince them otherwise, so fuck them and let them have what they want. If someone wants to waste their life fighting for the trash population go ahead, but you'll end up just like the white south Africans at best
Jackson Nguyen
You're infinitely worse than any civic Nationalist, you're leaving your people and your country in their hour of need. As I've said many times before, what you are is a coward and a traitor and descendants of your people who chose to stay and fight will probably call you that.
Yeah, because you know everything about the history of my country. You can make excuses and comparisons all they long user. The fact that people who are unwilling to fight for their people and their countries are cowards and traitors still remains.
Now you're just exaggerating and being a whinny bitch.
Don't bother replying, I'm going to sleep.
Jose Wilson
That's really great propaganda, user. Every time I see it I can't help but sigh.
My father's family have been living in the same state for over 150 years, though . . . Seeing what it has become rustles my jimmies without end.
Grayson Ross
Out of the frying pan into the fire m8. Don't listen to southern fags it's where all the blacks live the last refugee is the midwest.
Jeremiah Williams
I heard some of the midwest states are taking in durkas and somali niggers?
Caleb Phillips
Michigan mainly. Just go to the Dakotas, Minnesota, or the North most states of new england.
Nathan Reed
Some but not as basic as everywhere else. Like I said of the the frying pan into the fire. East coast is all niggers west coast and Texas have been claimed by spics.
Julian Bailey
The entire midwest is pretty bad
Caleb Howard
Tejas also has the second most mosques in the country behind only commiefronia
James Collins
Currently eating a hamburger while cleaning my gun, AMA
Gabriel Davis
what a disgrace
Brandon Bailey
Europe is where Europeans are. We can turn any squalor into a home.
Jacob Edwards
Will eastern Europe be like the eastern Roman empire, continuing for many centuries after the collapse of the main civilization?
Oliver Cook
The land ultimately doesn't matter. Will the dirt you currently occupy save you and your kin? Do your kin even care about their own survival? Why should all of us have to fight for our "nations", which are now mostly made up of hostile governments, self-hating weak whites, shitskins, and a few nationalists in between?
There are plenty of us, but we are mostly too far apart for our strength to Matter; it's inevitably watered down by the overwhelming numerical superiority of our enemies. One good solution is to reorganize. We can't wholly abandon our ethnicities and culture, but we can establish "colonies" of likeminded pro-whites/nationalists all over the world. There, real action can be taken, and real organization and commitment can begin.
Nathan Lee
Hudson Ramirez
i think it would be a lot better to make moves to eastern russia and siberia. im not a fan of flooding existing countries with outsiders, even if those outsiders are white.
Sebastian Davis
Most likely.
They will have to deal with roving shitskin rape gangs from the former Western Europe.
Nolan Reyes
What's the song name?
Noah Mitchell
This is also why I love Holla Forums.
Caleb Martinez
Thanks. I dunno, until recently I had a very "conventional" nationalist attitude, but the Austrian election made me realize that the way things are set up now, whites are predetermined to lose. Our nations are no longer nations but states, and the lines on the map are ultimately just that; lines, which have changed over hundreds of times, and are subverted millions of times over by state and corporate power. And if anyone thinks that the nationalists of these countries, on their own, are going to start the glorious Race War and reconquista each of their individual countries, then they're fucking retards and LARPers. What's missing in all the talk of "nationhood" is the actual fucking people, and their genetic and cultural legacy, which isn't going to be preserved by romantic ideas of the past.
TLDR, nationalism shouldn't have to mean being beholden to a particular spit of land.
Joshua Rivera
At least I'll be able to afford a house since I don't have a bitch to look after and pay alimony for.
Aaron Wood
Not to be low energy here but when the EU comes with massive fines which disrupt daily life in Eastern Europe, the people will cuck and let the migrants in. There is no running away from this.
Evan Thompson
Nations are shifting from being geographically based to being ideologically based due to rapid communication and the internet. Holla Forums is a nation of sorts, even though the people here live all over the world. Perhaps our goal should be to organize the ideological nations geographically, or at least organize our our nation that way. As long as we have a homeland, I couldn't care less what goes on between the muslims and the cucks.
Henry Carter
A reminder that everyone who supports this 'white exodus' is the worst kind of defeatist.
These traitorous cowards literally say that their own people and country are not worth saving and that the only way is to immigrate to a foreign country.
I wonder if thewe people call themselves Nationalist. They most certainly are not.
What will you do after you settle in your "eastern paradise"? Regroup with fellow hwhites and reconquer your countries from a foreign one?
I hope you realize how ridiculous you all are.
Ian King
Exodus? Where is your fighting spirit? Repel the fucking slimes, don't expatriate like a bitch. Defend your country you fucking pussies.
I wait for the day some Islamist cunt tries to encroach on my land. It will be his last.
Jesus Christ, have a fucking spine.
Adam Miller
Land is only a means to and end, a place for the PEOPLE to live. PEOPLE can live anywhere they make home. If my country was shit, I sure as fuck would want to find a better place to live. What kind of cuck rolls over and lives in a shitty place like a beaten wife?
Dylan James
Oh, Child.
Juan Torres
You, and everyone like you, is the reason why we are going to fail, our people are going to wiped from the earth, everything beautiful in this world will die, and it's your fault. You divisive little shits screech about "courage" and "bravery" but all you do is ride that purity spiral until every even slightly right wing group is broken and powerless.
News flash, there is no fight. No resistance, no civil war, no RWDS. There is no movement. So how the fuck are we supposed to "fight for our countries"? How, seriously fuck face, tell me how. You want to know how to save the world? You organize, group like minded individuals together, and then the fight begins. How is that suppose to happen while we're all stuck in a totalitarian society filled with brainwashed drones? The very second there is an actual fight, you may have a point. Until then, fuck off.
I just pray to whatever god that exists that you are just some silly kike shill. That all hope isn't truly lost. I want there to be a chance, but deep down I know the only true hope in the world, is that some computer error causes a nuclear war, and our sick diseased world gets purified with fire. Kikes don't deserve this world , I'd rather all life on earth be destroyed than shitskins win.
Andrew Wright
Someone should shoop the twin towers burning in the background.
Michael Hall
Yes, your country is where your nation is. If you leave your nation and by that your country when it gets hard, you're a defeatist coward, it's as simple as that.
And what kind of cuck leaves his nation when it needs him the most?
Yeah, it's my fault that you're unwilling to fight for your people and country. Have you done anything so far? Have you learned any useful skill? You probably didn't even give out propaganda flyers and stickers. If you thought it was going to be easy, you're a fool. No great thing is easily gained. Thousands of NSDAP members and supporters died before they came to power.
Nationalist organizations are rising all over Europe, all European countries are still majority European and I think there are a lot of people who are against the Globalist agenda, but are afraid to speak out.
WEW LAD See everyone? This is the kind of people who support fleeing to foreign countries in order to avoid the struggle. The worst kind. If this isn't a solid proof of them being defeatist to the max, I don't know what is.
The only people whose only option is fleeing to other countries are Europeans from SA and Rhodesia. When you get on their level, you can whine like a little bitch all you want. Until then, you fight.
Benjamin Long
John Robinson
A nation isn't a living being that can reciprocate. A nation is composed of living beings. Those people can go with you anywhere and the nation remains in tact. You're a cuckold.
Carson Campbell
Fucking hilarious how desperate you lot are getting.
Juan Rogers
When you get an ebola outbreak, you quarantine the disease and leave. Feel free to stay and die stupidly, like a fool would.
Adrian Wood
Yes, because ebola and ZOG influence are EXACTLY the same thing.
Chaim, I am going nowhere. I am a heavily armed burger and I crave the opportunity to defend my lands and way of life. Your tired shit doesn't work on those that are armed to the teeth and prepared for conflict. This ain't the EU, you shifty cunt.
Ryder Bailey
Good, enjoy being infected because you decided to live at a breakout area.
Caleb Martinez
You fucking retard. You're sitting on your ass on a politically incorrect forum and you're bitching about how people aren't doing enough? I bet you've done little to nothing for your native nation. And besides, objectively speaking: your nation doesn't matter, it's the society around you and if you can flourish in it. If good people leave a region, then the abandoned region will die due to the scum left over not being capable of upkeeping it, while the society you migrated to prospers. Once the abandoned region falls, it leaves itself as an example for others and is more melliable to reconstruction. It's almost as if your a shill desperately trying to keep sheep in the slaughter house. While it's noble, it's stupid as hell, and virtually everyone in real life in your crap society is against you
Tl;Dr fuck off
Adrian Wood
Well jokes of them, Hungary is full of niggers and asians. Even my grandmother noticed this when she went on vacation to Budapest last week. When I asked how was it, she said it was great, but that the place has a lot of blacks.
Adrian Lewis
Your post is the embodied proof that summer has started.
Carter Barnes
Lead the way buddy, you kill the first nigger family and we'll follow
Chase Howard
By all means, continue to be nice and comfy in your bunker in Tel Aviv.
It won't last forever.
Mason Lewis
Well what I said is true, but you can close your eyes and run to your safe space if it'll make you feel better.
Gavin Cooper
A nation in the original definition of the word means a collective of the same ethnic group. By leaving your country, you are leaving your people.
Ok, so in your defeatist imagination, your whole nation or majority of it, will go with you like some kind of nomadic kike tribe to a foreign country who will willingly accept millions of you and let you build your own civilization in it? TOP KEK!
Wake up to reality sunshine, we are talking about a couple of hundred, maybe thousand of Western Europeans from different countries fleeing to the East and how faggots like you are defeatist cowards.
Oh I've done quite a lot so far, started with stickers and flyers, 6 years ago, now I'm helping with organizing protests and Nationalist events, got basic military training and have plans for the future.
No, to you it doesn't, that's why you'll leave your nation in its hour of need and immigrate to a foreign country like a traitorous coward you are. The rest of your post are just excuses of how hard your life is and how hopeless everything is.
Nicholas Perry
Yes, all of them are. The Midwest has more mosques than any other region. Niggers and other shitskins are being imported to overwhelm small rural towns, dwarfing the native populations there. You believe those Yankees all you want, but the South will be just fine when shit hits the fan.
Not true.Budapest is full of $3-6k IT and engineer jobs Massive laser research center (close to cern like) beingbuilt in Szeged right now.
Self driving car test and research center (biggest in Europe) is being built in Szombathely.
Debrecen is building an entire financial center next to their new airport.
Győr is a booming (130k city has 3000 apartments in construction right now)
etc etc
Bentley Perez
South Dakota here. Durka and Somali all over sioux falls. And right next door to me is a fucking Hillary supporter.
Lucas Hall
White flight is cancer
Adrian Johnson
I just might have to move there. I'm looking for a good state to move and having trouble finding one.
Joshua Brown
There is about 1000 niggers in the entire country.All live with the gypsy population in the ghetto in district8 in Budapest. Probably you walked in there. Good thing the arena is being gentrified and they are being pushed out by constructions
Chase Young
Yankee checking in to ask that you stop with the divisive bullshit you silly Confederate fuck. When SHTF you better believe that us right-minded northerners will be right along side you glorious twang-having faggots making sure that all the scum is purged and the traitors hang. Yankee =/= Liberal just like Southerner =/= Redneck.
Dylan Scott
Just Nuke infected cities, and be outside the blast radius.
No need to go all the way to Siberia! Jewtin only wants Whites there to stop the Chinese moving in, which eventually they will do anyway. Whitey will get steam-rollered by their sheer numbers, and his Aryan paradise crushed. Jewtin would never allow the development of WMDs outside of his control.
Josiah Morales
It's a trance remix of "Walking on a Dream" of some sort.
Henry Miller
Is easier to move to another country if you have a degree. I've been planning to move to New Zealand for years and lucky my profession is still on their skill shortage list.
Joshua Walker
Fuck it, will buy some land around here and build a similar house:
I still believe if all of you Europeans would like to abandon your heritage and mix into a pan european group, that you should do it in countries that already have that set as a precedent, like the U.S. for example.
Cameron Turner
Are you guys talking about notorious Italian Mobster, Sansone Hydevicci?
Chase Reyes
whoops wrong thread, frankly embarrassing
Samuel Parker
Well, if whites advocate for their own interests and jews get spooked, they'll use Samson Option and blow Europe into a nuclear winter. So technically if you want cozy tier post nuclear race war you're backing the wrong horse.
Nathan Howard
So much nigger autism….holy shit….
Liam Long
Your grandmother is a lying whore.
Carter Rogers
There is a case to be made for moving to Holla Forums-tier Eastern European countries, if you're operating or intending to operate a business. It's much better for your tax shekels to be financing a friendly government, instead of being used to import shitskins, sponsor terrorism and promote NWO.
I would consider it a tactical retreat, to live within environment of like-minded people, and try to accumulate power (with human and shekel resources) to create the support structure for nationalist movements not just in one country, but everywhere in Europe.
If even one country flips full white nationalist, it will become so much easier to fight our fight worldwide.
Andrew Gutierrez
This. We leave to organize and re-organize. Then, when things on the Western front have collapsed into anarchy (at least in the cities), we come back with a coalition of European Christian men of all nationalities and take it all back.
Logan Ward
The people who are running to these countries are r-selected shitlibs, they just don't know it. Running away from your enemies without even putting up a fight is shitlibbery. They can lie and say it's a tactical retreat, but they never fought to begin with; neither examining nor exhausting what possibilities they had at their disposal.
Lucas Anderson
Nonsense, you never even fought to begin with. Temporary base my ass. I'll believe in a tactical retreat once I start seeing shitskins having their shit destroyed on a daily basis. Until then this is little more than a justification for abject cowardice.
Tyler Brooks
My plan exactly. Take your guns with you.
Connor Davis
Yes, if you fight back and are caught you will probably go to jail. If you join up with others and fight back you may not go to jail, you may actually win. If you run off, you'll take your cowardice with you and your children will grow up to be cowards just like you. Then they'll propose cowardice, treason and nice feelings and thoughts as a political system - and then you're right back at having your country ruined by shitlibs.
How about instead of retreating on a fight you haven't even fought, you try to find productive ways to win that fight at minimal risk to yourself?
Easton Campbell
It only makes sense that when the (((communists))) captured western europe, the entire right-wing class moves to eastern europe.
Chase Cox
What I'm noticing in this Europoor PIIGS country I fled to (because I am arbitraging the wage/cost of living imbalance) is the amount of international White Flight that is going on, primarily of people who are twisting themselves in pretzels to support immigration while complaining they don't recognise the places they grew up.
I agree with the r-selection problem, but the answer is environmental. A 2-week countrywide power outage will do more for the right than a million stacked corpses. We know that the epigenetics are there, we just need the hard winter to trigger them.
Parker Moore
East coast is not "all niggers". Holy shit. Don't talk about shit you know nothing about.
Parker Lopez
To all the stay an fight muh bravery and muh land anons, do you seriously think we can win this uphill battle in a kike controlled land? Some of you say you're fighting the ZOG machine but putting a few fliers on the back of a toilet stall doesn't make you a space muhrine RWDS savior of the white race. There are only so many free thinking people in the world that we can feed the redpill to, the masses will always listen to the (((media))) while happily disregarding your "hateful" messages because it goes against their world view and makes them uncomfortable.
If you're American especially, you should realize that sometimes leaving a totalitarian shithole to settle a new land with other strong and smart people is a better alternative to trying to save a dying and subverted system.
Lincoln Rogers
Don't run, you're supposed to be our goy(literally cattle), running is cowardice, just stay and let us grow fat off of you
Brody Bennett
OP confirmed for defeatist coward. You wont be welcomed back once we've clensed our ancestral lands of the mud and the cancer.
Leo Perry
I was wondering, if any business pollacks would be interested in finding ways to invest in Poland and Hungary? Think about it, it would create massive wealth for both countries (Hungary has been in an economic slump since mid-2000) and it would help them to resist the EU nonsense all the more. What do you think?