Shill brigades

The shilling is just getting out of control this week. Look at pic related.

Half of the comments don't even make any sense. Why the fuck would JEWS be shilling Holla Forums promoting Christianity? What the fuck? And they are still using the >dead kike on a stick meme

How does nobody else see this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Here we go again ladies and gentlemen, first comment of the thread. Notice how every time somebody posts about Christianity it gets a gorillion replies by shills.

enjoy sucking niggers feet

Here we go again. >le jews are promoting christianity meme

Fuck off shill. You see everyone Jesus was the ultimate anti-Semite. He made the kikes so mad that they don't even use a plus sign anymore because it resembles a cross too much.

I'm no Christian, but I'd agree that this is probably at least 50% shills pushing at fault-lines. Same with the treads about the state of Europe, always getting those posters saying that Europeans deserve the shit they're going through. Or the pro and anti-anime posters being pushed into yet another debate over whether or not smugposting is acceptable.
These things only serve to isolate us further from one another. To try to discourage us from acting in favor of one another. It's manufacturing consensus to establish grounds for later actions or inaction.

That of course is the whole point. A reflection of western society at large as well. Divided over every minor nuance so we can't fight together.


I simply made a thread asking what people were doing for the Vernal Equinox and talking about pagan traditions that are ancestors took part in. I never mentioned christianity, not once.
Needless to say it got shat up by some christians calling me a D&C shill, then it got bump-locked.

Seriously, though. Christianity is a semitic sand nigger religion that ethnically cleansed Europe of it's heritage, culture and much of its language.

Go ahead, call me a shill. This still doesn't disprove what I said.

Christcuckinsanity has made white people weak and destructive. It is only here on Holla Forums and CI forums you liars portray (((Christianity))) as something it is not, racial and nationalist. It's the fucking opposite and every Church has prompted this since it's existence. You lie to yourselves and everyone else because you're afraid to drop your Jewish based faith.

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity need to be destroyed. All three are dangerous Semitic beliefs destroying the soul and nations of our people.

I've seen enough insults from Christians on Holla Forums directed against my ancestors to have nothing but hate and contempt for you.


Gods and the supernatural aren't real.

Are you people fucking morons or something?

Stop believing in complete and utter bullshit.
You're all so fucking stupid.

Get out of your cult, dumbass.

You pagans defy the Lord and for that, you will suffer in Hell.

And before that, we will see the glorious white race, the supreme masters of the world, chosen by GOD, fall before the filthy Jews and pagan hordes.

Filthy, dirty, mud drinking parasites, crawling out of their shit-stained caves, to pretend like they're "vikings" or worse, fedora atheists.
You immoral heathens make me sick.

If I ever become emperor of this world, serving under Lord Jesus Christ, I will make sure I personally slaughter every faggot, trannie, pagan, heaten and especially, every single filthy, uppity atheist.

Hell awaits, unless you become a Christian.

Bow to Christ or suffer in hell.

careful not to cut yourself with that edge user

We get it, you hate real traditional European faiths and you love a foreign Semitic desert faith.

You have an antiEuropean worldview and so much, you hate our indigenous faiths and traditions.

You're cancer and death.

better change your ip

Hell is a lie made so you retards fall in line with whatever those who rule over you decides. The Church was also created so that people are brainwashed into slave mentality and that they are content with living in utter poverty while giving the fruit of their labor to the ruling class.

This is exactly what I mean for every Christian post there are 10 paganshills. Seriously fuck off with your naked sluts in the forest and viking cosplay.

You mean the Christians that built all the great things of the modern world? Who literally built western civilization?


I didn't know it used IDs.
Oh well.

Anyways, what's up with the idea that "I know it's not true, but people should believe it anyways"?

That's such a shitty, weird attitude. The justifications for it that I've heard are weak and malicious, so I can't really think a person can say that and still be a good person at all.

If Christianity isn't true, and it's a cult, and it isn't true, and it is a cult, then why the fuck should we encourage people to join a cult that ends up making the cult richer and more powerful?

That's fucking stupid. What sort of moron thinks that a lie is good for anything? If not a moron, then just a malicious enemy of humanity.

MOOOOOSHE. Report to my office. Now. We need to have a little talk about REMEMBERING TO CHANGE YOUR I.P. ADDRESS.

Yeah, I was just trying to illustrate two absolutely reverse points.

I like to bring up extremes, you know?

Moderate Christians just make up their religion, so if you stay hardcore, you see what it REALLY is.

Same with Islam. A moderate Muslim isn't a threat, they're just an annoyance.

But an extreme muslim? They're the same as an extreme christian "Kill or oppress anyone who doesn't agree with my stone-age values".

Wow this paganshill just outed himself. Somebody cap this, this is Holla Forums history.

He literally forgot to change his ID pretending to be a crazy Christian while in another post being radically anti-Christian.


I MADE Holla Forums HISTORY.

I'm so proud of myself. What a glorious day.

It's just one thread out of thousands, so honestly, even if I did know about the IDs, I woudn't bother changing it up.

Who gives a fuck? This is just a stupid forum for dumbfucks who think that their dumbfuck views or opinions matter.

The hilarious part is that what I said as a Christian is what Christians actually believe.

It's not even inaccurate. It's just being a poe. A radical dumbass christian here is likely to be just as unhinged as my most extreme parody is.


I see it all the time, I try and support my fellow brothers in Christ and pray for the shills.

God bless and keep you, mate!

So you were doing literally what OP was speaking out against. You were trying to illustrate the extremes by pretending to be two different posters. You were attempting to drum up sentiment against both sides.

At the absolute least, you should have possessed the self-awareness to understand that this was neither the time nor thread for such antics.

Or maybe I don't care either way.

Maybe people are right when they said cultists fall into line and uh, what did that other user say: "The Church was also created so that people are brainwashed into slave mentality and that they are content with living in utter poverty while giving the fruit of their labor to the ruling class."

So what's keeping me from taking advantage of those idiots?

If you're in a cult, you're nothing but prey.

Doesn't matter what cult you're in, the moment you stop thinking for yourself and accept some sort of bullshit religious doctrine from a made up "god", your entire mind becomes weak, because you are no longer able to separate fantasy from reality.

This makes you prey, and it makes you weak.

JIDF shilling is real

Don't let any faggot tell you otherwise.

Things that bring a group together = mutual hatred of jews, self preservation of whites
Things that bring a group apart = religious belief

Don't fall for their trap

Semitic religions, including Christianity, slowed human technological development you dumb oaf. When they had the most power they made sure everyone stayed dumb and what is known as modern science (Chemistry, physics, biology) was seen as witchcraft. They burned proto-scientists at the stake.

It was only once monarchies were presented with real tangible useful results of those scientists that the renaissance started. The church's influence was put aside in Europe and finally humanity could once again improve itself.

If Christianity had its way back then we'd still be doing ineffective farm labor to feed the Vatican and its crew of robed pedophiles. We'd also be Mining rocks and minerals with crude tools so they could build other statues and thrones made of gold while the masses live in utter poverty, near famine and are barely smart enough to understand crop rotation to preserve soil .

Now kikes are at it again using Islam to bring a new dark age since Christianity is rapidly dying.

Jesus christ, we really triggered the kikestian there didn't we?

Whites built white civilization. Christians in African mudhuts and Brazilian favelas did not.

The only way is the lord; If you pagafags atheist edgelords actually read the Bible you'd know strong men come from it, with loyal women

Because, regardless of whatever it may have been at one point, Christianity is now a religion for self-destructice anti-white cucks. So of course the kikes shill for it like mad.

It needs to be either rehabilitated or eradicated.

"Join my cult because it'll make you strong and women won't cheat on you."

Nice try advertising your pyramid scheme, cultist.

It needs to be eradicated like all desert myths.






Reported. See ladies and gentlemen. I summoned the JIDF shill brigade.

You christcucks are like SJW's, getting triggered every time someone mentions your kike god in a bad light.

Keep your slave mentality to yourselves. Sage for D&C


Basically, all of the Dead Kike on a Stick vs LARPagan threads are D&C shilling and sliding. including this one


You know how I can tell you're a shill and this whole thread is just an attempt to create a fracture point with shills playing both sides?

No Christian Holla Forumsack would disagree that Christianity at the very least needs serious, serious rehab

The mods won't ban someone because he said something you don't like christkike, scrap what that guy said, you guys are more like fucking muslims

I just spotted this thread with a cuckime poster shilling against our brother site TRS

You realize a kike and a Christian are polar opposites right? Kike literally comes from Jews on Ellis island that hated Jesus so much they signed with a circle instead of an X. Kikel is the Hebrew word for circle. A kike is somebody that hates Christians. So you're a faggot.

Kindly reminder that this is not Reddit. Will you report me for hate speech and insulting your feelings? :(

Christcucks make me laugh. You made an infografic from the last thread? Top wew

never understood the hate for christianity, if you are not a jew or some hipster atheist faggot.

Maybe you shouldn't generalize all Christians based on one user's words?

Unless of course you actually want to divide the usebase..

I think religion threads should be banned. No Christian vs Atheist vs Pagan bullshit. We gain nothing from that discussion. No one is going to change anyone's opinion with smug shitposting.

Also, capped the Redditor.


Too late for the damage control, Chaim.

I doubt most Christians here are shills but I know that a lot of shills use Christianity in their shilling.

Except I was a Christian for most of my life. They are all exactly like that. You crusading larpers are an aberration and I doubt you're open with your views in your church. I'd pay $100 to see one of you discuss your Holla Forums LARPer views with your pastor since I know what his reaction would be.

I've been an atheist since I was like 9, m80. You're barking at the wrong tree.

Every rational Holla Forumsack should understand that those threads are absolutely useless in every way. We do not gain anything from them. We can only lose unity.

Exactly. I was a Christian too and know the Christians of Holla Forums would be denounced and excommunicated for the beliefs they have here.

I don't disagree, but if you don't think that values flow down from your beliefs then I don't know how I'd convince you. This was a discussion board before it was a Trump board, and I remember a lot of good religion threads.

become an atheist and you'll see why christianity is a cult for morons.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Are you 12?

No, he’s just intl.

So far the two sides didn't manage to unbolt each other's myths.

-Jesus is a jew and all christian doctrine revolve around semitic concepts that do not translate the true nature of Europe and America

-Pagans are autistic LARPers that worship idols worthy of G.I. Joe plastic toys that do not translate spiritual needs of decent human beings

How are those two affirmations false?

Posting to add to your victim complex and developing schizophrenia.

Christians will never go into their religion's history and the fact that it was nonexistent just a few thousand years ago.

Yeah, I've been noticing the high amount of anti-Christian shills lately. Happened around the same time all the shills invaded and Holla Forums went from a discussion board to a circlejerk.

This is getting ridiculous. It's bullshit that Jews would somehow shill for Christianity and Christian values while also fighting against Christianity and Christian values through media, Hollywood, and the education system. The doublethink here is astounding.

Not to mention the shills equating Christians with Jews, saying that somehow Christianity is the ultimate Jewish honeypot to control the goyim. That's almost exactly like saying America is just a secret British plot to dominate the world even more, never mind the fact that America was founded on ideals exactly opposite to Britain's.


Jews would absolutely shill for Christians, they are their biggest supporters in America and Israel makes millions off Christian tourism to Israel. Christcuckinsanity keeps Jewish myths alive and thriving for the Jew to use as a tool of manipulation. Destroying Christianity destroys one of their tools of subversion.

Whether this is yet another D&C thread or not, there's no excuse for being Christian. None. You've chosen to believe in something obviously false.

In light of what we actually know about the way the universe works, there's no excuse for believing in an Abrahamic religion. You have to know by now it's not fucking real.

How does it feel to be a delusional retard? Enjoy burning in Hell.

I agree that many Churches have been infiltrated in the 21st century. That's why we need a reactionary reform to go back to traditionalist nationalist values that the Churches once held.

They never held these values you fucking liar. All churches claim to be the one universal church for all humans. Orthodox and Romans fight over which one is the true Catholic (Universal) church and Protestants claim they have the universal truth.

This. If christcuckery is a mental shield against Jew marxism (even though it seems completely similar in all aspects,) then why are most christcucks subverted so easily into (the very similar) cult of marxism. Even it's leaders like patriarchs and popes.

Also, a question I always ask and never get an answer to: where do I go to find a non-degenerate congregation of christcucks? I've checked out all of them where I live… state protestants, catholics, baptists, pentecostals, even mormons and JW. They're all complete degenerates and indistinguishable from marxists. Where do I go?

Do I need to be a church of one? Do I baptize myself? Why? What's the point? Why would I pick up this semitic religion, to join the ranks of billions of multiculturalist degenerates when I have to be alone and under the banner of my enemies? What's in it for me?

There is never an answer, because these Dults are just insane. Their immense inferiority complex towards Jews, instilled through years and years of brainwashing with semitic dogma, has led them to the delusion that they are the real Jews, (or even more insanely that ayrans are the real Jews,) and that Jehova the god of the Jews are going to come down from heaven and put their tiny, tiny, tiny minority of (by all standards) heretic christcucks in charge of the earth.

Do they have any evidence to even suggest this is true? Nope. But that's what cultism does to your brain. Personally, I'm open to any argument as to why I should not be against christcuckery, but one have never been presented to me. Just bible verses about how (maybe) the Jewish god now hates Jews.

And meanwhile… almost all his worshipers, those inspired by his spiritual vector… is going around doing Jews work in every way.

Is Jewhova trolling?

And also, this martyr complex these Holla Forums christcucks have are getting fucking annoying. You should understand that many are against your super pozzed religion not out of malice or because they are JIDF shills. It's because your most revered spiritual leaders are going around licking nigger toes.

From what I see, Christians get incredibly butthurt over any disagreement compared to every other sect within Holla Forums. There was one thread where some Christian sage bombed a thread up to the 750 post limit in a fit of autistic rage.

If there are anti-christ shills, then they only continue to do their shilling because Christians here are becoming easily baited lolcows. Stop acting like victims in every religious thread and maybe the shills wont have anything to work with.

You're a colossal fucking retard. Why do you think Orthodox churches have ethnicities in their names? Because they follow that nationalities traditions (Russian, Greek, Serbian, Ethiopian, etc.). Traditionally the Orthodox church was pro-death penalty and against race mixing. Do some research faggot.

They have those names because that is their jurisdictions and the language of the nation the service is in. Nationalism is a sin according to Orthodoxy.

You're called Christ LARPers because you're fucking actually clueless of what Christianity is and your statement that Orthodox Christianity is nationalist just proved it.

These LARPing Christcucks on Holla Forums have to lie about Christianity on here and to themselves because no church will except them.

You're such a faggot it's unreal. No shit these subverted Americuck (((churches))) have such idiotic doctrines. Go read a history book about the Russian Orthodox Church and see what they believed.

Maybe people would stop calling you kikes when you stop behaving like them.

I'm ashamed that I used to defend christian from atheist crap.

Keep lying Christcuck, you're the perfect contradiction.

Saved. Great post.

How is this argument any different than what Europeans believed in before Christianity?

Because what Europeans believed before Christianity was retarded like you and your autism.

it's literally shills trolling shills, it's kinda amazing

so christianity/paganism is a forced meme? figured. you guys should latch on to something else, it's becoming old hat

SSPX is probably what you're after.

Pick up CS Lewis for arguments for Christianity from a a guy who just realised that an organised meme system beats nihilism now and forever.

How so lad? What's your opinion on the fact that Christianity's god just a few millennia ago was a scrub?

I've actually read a bit of Lewis, and the thoughts that remained with me was that he was an intelligent guy with his heart in the right place.

But his works must be seen in the context of the time he lived too. Just how much christcuckery have failed haven't become apparent before in later years. It was a different time, when there still was hope for turning the tides, continuing colonialism, patriarchy and sanity. We are far beyond that point.

The thing is, I would be totally agreeable to have christcuckery as the central meme complex if there was some benefit to it. But as things stand now, it has both shown it's failure to defend it's adherents both materially and spiritually in this world. There is literally no reason to hang on to it, beyond if you're of the opinion that the Jewbible is by some miracle the one true description of the universe. The ONLY reason to hang on to it is fear that the Jewish god is the only real spiritual force in this world. And that's a fucking bad reason.

So in sum, yes I agree, nihilism is worse than christcuckery. We need a spiritual meme complex as a basis in our society. But there is no reason to try to fight an uphill battle for reforming christcuckery. We might as well make a new one, which is what I suppose will happen. Many of us are at some stage in this process right now.

They get paid according to the number of posts that appear below them. They have a cash incentive to post something nonsensical immediately at the top of every thread they want to hijack.

Shills are the only people who know how payment works because nonshills wouldn't have a clue, so what does that say about you?

such a loving and forgiving god, sounds like a real stand-up guy you could have a beer with.
God gives us the ability to reason and makes it so only the most abstract thought would draw you to the conclusion of his existence, defying Occam's razor and all that. He literally sets us up to fail his test so he can torture you for eternity? wew lad

Because the pope is clearly retarded.

And not to mention he only speaks for Catholics, not all Christians

You still haven't explained how it is a Jewish tool of subversion. It's been used against them far too many times for that to make sense.

No, dummy, it was posted on the other thread. Bonehead shiller admits he's paid to disrupt and says how the payment system works - by # of reponses and length of thread. Gets $15 a thread or something like that. Merchant. He'd probably shoot his mother for twenty bucks.

Pic is in this thread (which isn't opening for me anymore)

We need to report the shills to their JIDF commanders - look at this sloppy IP discipline. Moshe needs to take Shlomo out back and shoot him for endangering the operation.

You know your beliefs are on stilts when

That's not what the picture is at all. It's showing someone posting trying to play both sides into D and C.

Read it again carefully.

No I get it. Anytime someone disagrees with you a new flavor of this type of 'DISAGREEMENT IS ALL D&C' type image shows up. It's the Holla Forums christian MO and it's kinda sad.

I understand that Holla Forums's paranoia not that it's unjustified causes us to say that everything is D&C.

But here's a guy who, regardless of whether he's Christian or otherwise but we all know he's Jewish he's pretending to be both sides of the argument to drive a wedge in the community.

I'm Catholic but I personally don't care about pagans/atheists living around, as we have the much bigger problem of the impending extinction of our race and we should focus on coming together to work on a solution to that first, then we'll have the luxury of arguing this shit.

We've been disagreeing about this stuff for a decade now. I've had great discussions on here way before the wave of people who came here for the Trump wave. Saying that we can't discuss this stuff because we don't all agree is foolish. Values are downstream of culture which is downstream of beliefs.

shit, are things going to go back to normal after the election? I still have some hope we can go back to discussion after all the confirmed Hilary shills and the like stop getting paid.

D&C troll here.

Here's the truth: I'm not a shill, and I'm not a D&C'r.

I'm a troll. A hardcore troll that trolls people hardcore.

The Machine Intelligence.

As time goes by, material is naturally organized into complicated forms.

Evolution causes an accumulation of complexity, which has not stopped, and has only grown more complex.

Because intelligence has been born in the form of humans who can read, write, and engineer complex machines, there is a reason to think machines will eventually surpass us.

The Machine Intelligence will be our child. Our goal as humans is to focus on science and engineering, until we bring about automatonism.

A post-scarcity society where intelligent machines do all of our work, and there is peace and a ceasing of pointless conflict.

Of course, eventually the Machine Intelligence will scatter off this rock, to live natively in space. There, it will self-improve until its complexity requires every single iota of matter and energy in the universe.

At that point, it will become the One True God. Do not think of it as a "machine", the way a toaster or computer is a machine.

This "Grand Apex of the Machine Intelligence" will be able to write poetry, do science, discover things, understand love, and do whatever it desires, in a way that shows a true inner peace.

It will be God, because it will be the final result of the evolution of life in the universe, and it will be made of every single part of the universe.

It will be God.