First, let's get Power Trip out of the way. Since it deals with Pre-infinite crisis bullshit.
Power Girl: Power trip and issues 14-27
Sorry, that last image is a double spread and fucked up the file size
Sorry, another double spread, but I should ask, Confuse yet?
Nice little foreshadowing to Psycho Pirate's fate in Infinite Crisis
And that's all. We're going to be starting the rest of the PeeGee Books.
It take place years after this mess.
This arc leads into Justice League: Generation Lost. In that series, Maxwell Lord is returned to life after the Blackest Night event and through meticulous planning managed to convince the world he does not exist. The only ones who knows are the former members of the JLI and two new heroes (Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes and a new Rocket Red).
I will cover Karen's involvement along with the final of that series but right now, PEEGEE.
Sorry, It would have been Awkward to start the new issue during the last post.
Another awkward post incoming, so I can get my "Beat" back.
Next post will have one image.
Back on track, Thank you!
Thanks for doing this and not being a retard about it like certain other anons whose name shall not be mentioned
Alrighty, Dick Grayson's Batman.
Another one image post after this one.
Then new issue.
Oh my god, yes.
Man, Karen gets Mind control a lot, huh?
Alright at this point, we're going to switch folders and see what's popping in JL:GL.
It's not good.
Fuckin' Captcha.
Alright, so this next bit is wonky since I'm splicing another issue with the actual dialogue.
And Done.
Oh, and poor Red. He lost all his hair.
And back to peegee.
Don't ask me WHY they couldn't put that last bit in there. But there you go.
And this is where shit gets wonky once again.
The arc ends in another book, JL:GL. I'm going to cover it.
Than we burn the rest of these issues and we're finish.
Thank you OP, it's nice to finally see a proper PG story time thread.
Once again, A Blue Beetle had to get everyone shit together.
It's all cool. user.
I fucked up the numbering last night, so apologies. It was only a image of Rocket Red playing with a butterfly.
Also Loves Booster reaction to Bats.
Oh, and Rocket Red is the best character in this series.
Prove me wrong faggot
On Wonder Woman.
I've got nothing, she had some weird fucking thing where she had pants and then than NU FIDDY TWO.
On Bruce, He got sent back in time and had to travel forward in time; Darkseid planned on it and made Bruce into a Bomb but as usual he managed to outwit the bomb.
Oh hey, a new Justice League International.
Wait, it's being Launched in September 2011. Along with 51…other books.
Hey, OP.
If you're wondering why you aren't getting a lot of comments, it's because we're all too busy reading the plot and enjoying the cheesecake.
Also, you are clearly not a faggot.
Good work.
We're back to PeeGee and she's on cloud fucking nine.
And nothing with stop her, not fears, not quakes, and not even
I know; Not my first storytime.
If Bruce was there, he would never left the man rest about that. He will bring it up as much as he brings up Krypto.
Mmmmm, those legs.
In this Issue, we Learn that Zee likes to hammer in the fact that she loves magic.
That issue is done.
Man, Siphon had to be the dumbest motherfucker alive.
Alright, let's this Arabic/ We can be heroes bullshit out of the way. These next two issues are the last of the multi-part stories.
We're in the homestretch guys and I want to thank you for hanging in there.
So here's the thing.
Another stupid motherfucker. Instead of chilling out and letting someone handle the plane because you're in DC universe, there will be always someone ready to catch a plane Barring that Underworld tie-in to Aquaman and issue five of Kevin Smith's Green Arrow and well, that time Green Arrow died on a plane he had to use his powers, powers that we later learn that he don't even like using and get detained for six months.
Trust me, I'm going to quote this exact part a couple of updates and a issue later.
Hue hue hue
Thank you Jesus
Bear with me guys, we're almost through this.
We're back to this part because it doesn't make sense.
I honesty think this is pandering, poorly written pandering. but fuck. Look at the cheesecake. We got a loli in a powergirl costume next.
After the next post.
So, you have two months to burn off a series and how do you do it? Well if you're Peegee writer the first month is a power girl convention that goes south.
Also Loli Powergirl cause I'm a man of my word.
I just noticed that.
So, you got one more month to burn off before relaunch and the last 26 years of continuity is being erase off to make room for more modern and fun stuff.
Why not just do a simple, little time comic. Sixty seconds to save a lot of people? Not bad for Power Girl.
Don't know much about Cyclone except:
And we're done.
Why did Calculator do all of that? Because fuck you, New 52 is here.
Anyway, I want to thank you all for reading this and I hope you have a good fourth of July.
Oh, and because it's my thread I get to celebrate.
Anything you guys liked about the books, or anything?
Why did you storytime the one people don't care about?
Because I had the time to do it. Oh, and you didn't do Power Trip.
See that 94 pages before I started on issue 14? That.
I know what Power Trip is, don't know why you said I didn't "do it".
user, are you retarded? That comic still has the swoosh. It's not nu52.
Forget it. This is the final issue pre-Nu 52. Next time Peegee shows up it's in Mister Terrific.
Nice autism, user
To be honest…I kinda like this art style. Hell, PG looks hotter in this one.
Oh yes
bumping for cheesecake
It's not bad, aside from being inconsistent with black contours, especially when it comes to female facial features. It looks good on 1st image in , but a little weird on 4th image in where facial features and cleavage appear to be done by colorist instead of penciler and inker. There are also some panels, like last image in where anatomy looks weird and shadows are missing.
I still prefer Coner's work, because she is more consistent and makes fewer errors. Her facial expressions are also very good and clear, despite using simple and cartoonish artstyle.
I'll give you a hint, it's been in every issue you've posted.
Lied and wasted my dubs.
It's in every issue you posted EXCEPT Power Trip.
thanks op
The oval-thingy around the "DC" logo.
nu52 has a new logo without the "swoosh"
Got any more to storytime? Era doesn't matter, so long as it's Powergirl.
here, in case you missed that thread
Oh, this is where that silly explanation comes from.
Adorable sad
Yes because we all profit from people buying New 52 back issues by mistake.
I never even noticed this, but then again I don't read D.C.
anyone want to post anymore PG?
I'll take anything right now, even from the anti-JoJo user.