America is a white nation built by whites, for whites, and should remain so indefinitely. Our country is white in every sense of the word, and this aspect of our identity is inseparable from who we are as a people. The definition of what it means to be "American" is firmly rooted in a white European foundation, and to remove this important racial element would be to destroy our identity replace it with the sterilized race-blind "propositional nation" garbage we have today, which is not based on any shared blood, history, or identity, but on some adherence to a supposed “shared set of values” which have no actual basis in reality.
Any amount of foreign races, even ones who have lived in this country for three generations or more and have supposedly "integrated", inherently dilute the innate white European nature of our society and threaten the long-term survival of our civilization, due to the fact that their people played no part in building or defining America from the start, and have absolutely no deeper connection to the European race and our shared history and identity as a people. These non-whites will forever remain foreigners living in another race’s land, and thus can only work to dilute our racial and cultural identity.
The only way non-whites could ever be incorporated into the definition of "American" would to completely negate and ultimately destroy the central white racial element that has defined us from the beginning, thus leaving us open to the importation of more non-whites, all of whom are naturally incapable of upholding the white identity, culture, and history that is such an integral part of our nation. All non-white races are also genetically inferior to the White race in that their people are simply incapable of rising to the levels of white civilization, and thus, importing any amount of foreigners constitutes a threat to our genetic stock. I'd also like to point out that not only all non-white immigrants and their offspring have a vested interest in ensuring the innate racial portion of our identity is destroyed so they feel incorporated into the definition of the nation, but also to continue this process of mass non-white immigration, since they themselves owe their presence in our nation to this system. Having non-whites in the nation at all creates an unsustainable positive feedback loop as more non-whites fill our nation and demand special recognition and the destruction of our historic identity.
Since this country is part of Western Civilization and is a construct of the white race, and our culture is a direct expression of our race's unique vigor, importing any amount of foreigners who belong to a non-European race and who are both genetically and circumstantially incapable of maintaining and growing our civilization in the way our race has done so for generations, inherently threatens not only the survival of our cultural, national, and racial identity, but also makes us lose sight of who we are as a people, where we come from, and the strong white European foundations on which this nation was built. It's simply ludicrous to believe that a non-white from China, India, Africa, or the Middle East have any capacity to, or even interest in continuing to uplift our white culture, traditions and identity like our ancestors have done so for centuries. Culture is not something that can be simply separated from a race of people. It does not exist in a vacuum. A living, breathing, and uniting culture – one that can truly uplift a people and allow them to reach their full potential spiritually and mentally, can only exist in a racially homogeneous nation with a shared identity.