R8 me Holla Forums
R8 me Holla Forums
I seriously spent like 20 seconds looking at that thinking you had a hideously deformed head. You don't though, so that's good.
I'd give you a 6. You lost some points for the acne (or bug bites or whatever that is) and the weird pretzel tattoos.
uh, user…
I feeling a light 6 to strong 7
7/10. Post your feminine dick op. You're obviously hiding it between those legs.
no timestamp
this, post benis
R8 me anons
Tee hee
Timestamp or its fake. The metadata suggests you just pulled this off the web.
Even if you do post a timestamp your thread is not entertaining. Its nothing we haven't seen a thousand times. How is viewing your body supposed to entertain us? I don't understand why these threads continue to appear. Its never even real.
Where is the fun in finding a picture and pretending its you then asking people their opinion about it? Is this the most creative thing you can come up with? This is why this board has become a pony destination. This board holds no appeal to anyone besides bronys who flock here to congregate.
7/10 for almost clean sheets
no timestamp/10
cute grill though
3/10, lost a point due to shitty tattoos
This video is 8k compared to OP's pic.
holy shit I would have thought the same if not for this post
2/10 pointy knees
all these newfags in this thread
everybody knows theres no girls on the internet
Mods can we get a timestamp request plz?