
Alright Holla Forums I've heard jewish conspiracy memes and whatnot. I work for a jew, very nice guy, super into guns and personal freedoms, hates the govt. He's the only jew I've ever met.
I have no personal experience and just see them as more people.
You have one hour to redpill me, as that is when I go to work
If I'm convinced, I'll be back and it will be another in the aryan ranks (I'm 100% germanic/swedish blonde hair blue eyes) if not, then it's another pure white that may dilute his genes one day

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not pointing to him to say that all jews are okay here's my example. I'm just using him as an example to show I have very little experience interacting with jews



Go on…

It's more of a case of how dry grass burns so well. You just found a patch of it not burning.


I do love cryptic prose. My apologies.


Ask him how he feels about multiculturalism and taking in immigrants in Israel.

It's all good friend. My writing is always sporadic and I many times forget important finer details. I am the one who needs to apologize

He believes that it's all part of an isis plot to make it easier to send in agents to wreak havoc under the guise of "saving innocents"



When you're back from work watch TGSNT.

Nobody has ever pretended that all jews were bad. Normal people behave like normal people everywhere. If anything, Holla Forumsacks hate them for driving the world into chaos only for their profit, censuring free-speech and corrupting the youth with their ever-abundant and invading propaganda disguised as 'entertainment'
Personally all the jews I've met behaved like their semitic counterparts; they always seem like they're not telling you everything, that they're trying to hide something. They also suffer from persecution syndrome, which makes it impossible for them to forget their 6000 trillions loss and move on.

To find out more, follow these steps:
1-google famous hollywood directors and famous hollywood producers
2-gather all the jewish names
3-see what movies they're behind
4-analyse in a gross manner what value the film is subliminaly trying to transmit you

Good luck.

They haven’t needed to pretend. All jews ARE bad.

So he must feel the same way about Europe then?

of course not goy, you need to help those poor syrian refugees in need!

I too have only meet one jew (afaik) and he was also nice, but that doesnt take away the fact that they are a parasitic race that feed on the decline of the host nation. And just the fact that they are a different race is enough to make me not want them here.

When you get past the memes and the occasional nut, the redpill is NOT the revelation that Jews are all conspiring in a dark cave lit by menorahs on how to destroy the world. Jews fight, disagree and most of them are probably almost as blind to the threats their people pose to their host culture as a normie.

So what is the the redpill then?

People have developed different behaviors and social mechanism as survival strategies. The Gentoo and the Emperor penguin are both penguins, yet the differ in behavior/morphology the same way blacks and Japanese do. Jews have a unique history that forced them to become hyper-tribal, nepotistic, distrusting of out-groups and linguistically intelligent. They also due to the circumstances of usury laws and customs in Europe were able to get a jumpstart in banking. Jews are from the middle east and if you put a Jew next to 10 white guys you'd probably be able to guess who's Jewish. But if you put a Jew next to 10 Whites, Negros, Asians, and Arabs the difference is less clear, thus making multiculturalism a useful camouflage (this is simplifying greatly but when they were met with hostility as an out-group it helped them to invite other trouble makers in) . Please check out some of Kevin MacDonald's works for more about this.

Jews aren't conspiring. They are fulfilling their biological destiny. Obviously every Jew is not actively trying to destroy the nation, but much the way Asians can excel at certain tasks like maths or Starcraft, so can Jews at destructive activities like universalist ideologies, litigation and banking.

Jews have behaviors just as whites do, it's not good or bad. It's biology. The same Jewish radicalism that started Marxism also started the Stallman's efforts with GNU and the FSF. The Jewish bookishness that fuels Critical theory, litigious suits and SJWs also gave us Issac Asimov's works.

I Don't hate Jews, but I don't think we're compatible and I think 2 world wars, fractional reserve banking, the wars in the middle east, 100 million deaths by communism and the decline of academia prove this .

Interesting so far, Still listening

good to know

Will do

we haven't spoken about it in depth. He is in favor of uncle trump. He believe whe shouldn't allow anyone across our borders until we can come up with a much better screening process

so with reply you tell us that you're very blue pilled

Israel doesn't have an immigration problem, they have a wall with standing army guarding it

The only immigrants they take are jews, they promote multiculturalism for everyone else

You have to be a serious asshat to believe that a whole group of people with diverging interests are bad. There are tons of white trailer-trash and wiggers out there, and I'd hire the black guy in a suit to build my concetration camp and gas showers anyday. If anything, you can say the jews have the lowest pourcentage of decent peope per individual.

Voltaire never said this.

Great clip, saved. Source?

What percentage Jew is he? I grew up around many many Jews. The full bloods are the definition of evil no exceptions. The half bloods or less have a chance of being ok. Hell I've known plenty of half bloods… Their own kind hate them, especially if they are part christian. But even the good half bloods are still shit, even if they aren't as evil as their full blood counterparts they are almost always guilty of spreading degeneracy in one form or another.

That's their strategy, they know that they can only acomplish their goals by being nice to all the goyim. Anyway, don't create slide threads, post your irrelevant blog bullshit on halfchan's Holla Forums where it belongs.

Whoops forgot to reply to your post

I misunderstood. I'm also getting ready for work. I thought you were implying the taking in of syrian refugees as a whole, not just israel. I re-read that and realise how stupid I must sound at this point.

I do not know. I know he doesn't consider himself a caucasian though

An old podcast by John Alan Martinson Jr.

Most of us know some nice, sane black guy who doesn't suck, and may be a cool guy.

That doesn't mean we'd go to a black bar on a Saturday night in East St. Louis.

Same thing with Jews. There are probably a lot of good Jews, but as a race they suck more than every other race on Earth, and are generally not to be trusted.

You may say and think these things about you, but among other Jews he may call you a goy.

If he gets you to drive him around on Shabbat then your his shabbos goy.

A decadent libertarian/anarchist type who would most likely support all kinds of degeneracies.

Yeah, maybe you should have thought, before painting you think is our ideal person.

I'm not going to give you the full spiel on the jews (no time) but I should underline this:

Is your boss a nice guy? Probably! Jews are great to have as friends and allies, because they'll go further to help out a friend. Sometimes it can be really remarkably what kinds of favors a jewish friend is willing to do for you. But they are very rarely favors that require him to be selfless!!! Normally the favors the jew will do for you, his friend, are favors you wouldn't have asked for yourself because they are extremely unfair to someone else. The jew has no problem being unfair to strangers to help his friend, and he has no problem being unfair to casual friends to help close friends. And he will expect the same from you, and won't be afraid to ask for it.

This is 90% of why jews are a problem. You let in a few jewish people into your organization and then all of a sudden they are trying to get their jewish friends jobs as a favor, steering contracts to companies own or run by jewish friends, etc.

And the net effect is always to help other jews, even if in individual cases it might be you or me who benefits from the favoritism. So you end up with weird situations like jews being 2% of the US population, 6% of the National Merit semi-finalists (i.e., people who are smart enough to go to a top school), 30% of Ivy League students, and 80% of the leadership (Presidents, Deans, Chairmen) of Ivy League schools. Very few of them consciously think, "I want to push a jew into this position so eventually we can take over this whole institution and use it to help jews." They just favor one another automatically, and that is the end result.

Got a long way to go yet.

again see
Alright, I'm off to work. See you faggots in 13 hours

many thanks user.

Some of them put on a good show of seeming decent. Don't get me wrong… There ARE good Jews out there. I know one that is very much a normal american. But he doesnt even identify as a jew and the only reason I know he is, is his parents facial features . Pretty good dude almost Holla Forumstier. But even so he is still a little degenerate, of the 100s of Jews I knew he is among maybe 5 that can avoid the gas chamber.

Tldr; good jews exist but their numbers are statistically even less significant than the ratio of black men to niggers.

Jews are behind tolerance and liberal advocacy.
Jews don't consider themselves white.
Tolerance advocates demonize the "white men in suits" who run the businesses of the western world
Jews are 30% of American billionaires, but 2% of American population.

This means that whites are actually underrepresented among billionairs, yet jews still demonize us as "the rich white men" who run the businesses and ruin the world even though they're talking about they themselves.

Let that fact sink in.

Anecdotes =/= Big Picture
Decent Individual =/= Decent Population
Decent Individual =/= Net Benefit to Allowing Population in One's Nation

It is occasionally the case that a Jewish individual escapes the socialization pressures of Jewish culture (that is a culture of ethnocentrism to the nth degree, predatory, inhuman talmudic doctrine, victim complex, greed, etc.), just as the measure of a Negro's worth is how far away he removed he is from his neighborhood/community, the measure of a Jews worth is how far removed he is from other Jews, however it is important to realize these cases exist only on the extreme ends of the bell curve and regression to the mean is still in effect, and it is a matter of realist necessity that you must conflate individuals with their shitty community/population. For example, not everyone in Prison is a bad person, some of them should not even be in there to begin with because of false conviction but Prisons are necessary and it is utterly retarded to empty a Prison all at once, or not to prejudge ex-convicts as immoral/dangerous people when dealing with them. It is simply infeasible to search every last niche of an ethnic/cultural group to find few and far between redeeming qualities when it is only averages that matter and averages that determine history and long term trends and events.

Yeah, sure you are.

Come on, you niggers, you're better than this.

He's nice to you because you work for him, the jew knows better than to piss of its slave.
Also, even if he's "nice" to you, you don't know what he's doing behind closed doors.
Additionally, regardless of if he is good or not, his existence is used as a shield for great evils to operate freely.
Finally, no matter what, his gene contains evil embedded in it, it is how they were programmed in their genus.
Whether you believe Me or not matters not, I am so mad at you swedecucks right now, you have no idea.

There is no pretending, it is known fact that they are.
Keyword: Normal PEOPLE.
Kikes are not people. They are not humans. And they have committed more than enough unspeakable crimes on humanity to justify their complete eradication. And it will happen. No matter how many "good jews" there are, millions more actual humans were killed and suffered and restitution must be paid.


Here are two of the infographics that redpilled me. In my opinion they plant some of the most important seeds of information a mind needs before you can fully comprehend the truth:

Another thing that I found very insightful was the Voltaire quote that reads like, "To learn who rules over you, ask who you cannot criticize."

Once the wool was pulled away from my eyes and I comprehended these things, going full-Holla Forums was a very natural evolution. But be aware that, as the crude allegory "redpill" implies, you can never truly be TOLD about what's going on–you have to learn about it for yourself. A redpill isn't ONE thing that fully briefs you on the exact scale of happenings, but a kernel of information which triggers your interest in researching those fields. If you're interested in the pursuit knowledge, then I highly advise you to do your own research once you land on something that suitably concerns you.

sage because fuck you for sliding better threads.








Yes, by putting those cockroaches head on a fucking stick and telling them to fuck off, we're full.

This snarky filthy kike is slowly getting on my nerves.


More than 90% of those "refugees" can't even write or read.
I wish that filthy jew would just die already.

interesting but a jew actually made the 1st documentary to debunk the holocaust. he is currently "in hiding"

This, OP.
This answers your question

A Jew is just a cult member raised to think he's better than everyone else who isn't inbred with other cult members. And then they do crazy shit because of it.

That's all it ever was.

dubs confirms it.





I'll leave it at that, unless some wants more.

A nice video, but not exactly the best way to redpill normies.

you're right, I picked that one before I sorted by video size. I was just trying to find something that would upload at first.


But I have all this ammo.


is it worse that I haven't even activated windows on this build?


only download them from mydigitalwhatever forums, the other downloads are scams

here's the link for M$ toolkit



What Holla Forums doesn't understand is that the loudest and most influential Jews are the minority. By far, most Jewish men are like Sanders and step down to any sort of adversity.

It's the reason why Jewish women fuck only black men and why the loud minority is never shut up.


"Holocaust survivor" does AMA in Reddit

Some quotes

"Marching to Zion"

Macrohard is even content with pirate users, because they know it will give them a larger marketshare and thus more software will be made for the inferior windoze OS.

Agreed. You shouldn't use M$ software, but some people me included have computers with a crap ton of proprietary shit from shit manufacturers that requires Windows only drivers to do basic functions.

For those, I recommend Windows 7 Enterprise edition, get the oldest iso you can find, mine is from 2011, no updates, obviously. Install with internet turned off, upon installation open administrative tools, services, then DISABLE M$ update, firewall and defender.

Honestly, that uncucks Windows a lot. but, if you can use Linux, even though it's backed by Jews, a small Jew is better than the big Jew

White Pride OS when

What does Enterprise do that Ultimate doesn't?

You are so stupid, I don't see how you could benefit from anything I'd tell you. Sorry.
Maybe try remaking the thread with a less idiotic statement.

Ultimate is for consumers, Enterprise is for professionals. That is the only difference. It's known that Enterprise is offered more privacy from M$ than Ultimate, because muh buzineszz is le confidential.

that's very apparent with Wincucks 10, which makes the kikery very apparent. It's generally a better idea to use Enterprise if you're privacy-oriented.

PS: Never use Wincucks 8 or 10.


Goy.. Did you pay for Wangblows?

Oh, fuck no. I've never paid for an OS. I just spent 4 days just making this thing not bluescreen every 5 minutes, and there's no way in hell I'm doing it again without enormous benefits that come with a steak dinner and a blowjob.

Eh. Good enough. As long as you have no code from microcuck written after 2012, you're fine.

PS: Disable the Windows Update service

Who? David Cole? He writes for Taki's.

Please show me the source that proves the USSR funded the Frankfurt School through the KGB. As far as I know, no such thing happened.



When it's time to promote someone, he'll promote a Jew.

Nigger, fuck off. I want our side to be backed up by facts. PROVE to me that the frankfurt shcool was financed by the KGB and USSR. It's not like I'm saying the school wasn't populated by marxist jews, just that I've never found proof it was funded by the USSR


The Jewish identity is the revolutionary identity, so you'll always find jews involved with subversive acts. Jews hate the West because of muh pogroms muh lolocaust muh historical victim narrative and seek as a group power and resources that traditionally were built but Westerners and intended for Western use.
This doesn't mean all Jews (or even most) are part of some diabolical Satan worshipping conspiracy to steal your shekels, it means that Jews as a group look our for Jews, just as Mexicans have the interests of Mexicans on their minds and Africans look out for Africans. Individual Jews can be any range of personality from based to normie to degenerate, but as a group they have some defined history, interests and projects they carry out.
