Cthulhu thread

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

Did you praise Cthulhu today Holla Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:

edu.mec.gub.uy/biblioteca_digital/libros/a/Al Azif - Necromonicon [english].pdf
cnqzu.com/library/Anarchy Folder/Fiction/Lovecraft,_H_P/Lovecraft,_H._P._-_Dream_Cycle_of_H.P._Lovecraft.pdf



Fucking faggots, not even girls are into multi tentacle rape monsters.


Who cares about girls, tentacle rape is not the only thing lord cthulhu can do.
bro do you even necronomicon?


Ceiling Cthulhu is watching you masturbate

Lovecraft didnt know about the Yamato an now even muslims have nukes.

Why would an old one care about my devotion? What is the point?

They don't care, but you should.
because when they return, you will be glad you did.

When they return mankind is forfeit. All of it. ALL.
But, I think King in Yellow is a swell guy (for a eldritch monstrosity). Hastur is valid option?

The origins of every possible universe must have begun from a source. For all intents and purposes, there are only two forces spawned from infinity. These we will explore here: the uni-verse and that which is beyond. The lesser gods of the earth are interchangeable with our universe. The lesser gods wish to keep us as food, imprisoned on this planet and with no chance of escaping. It is a life of stagnation, servitude, and ignorance.Opposing this force is an energy field which allows for self-awareness, power, and evolution. The Cult of Cthulhu worships this Formless Black Essence. The Ancient Ones were spawned from the Almighty Darkness. These alien Gods entered our dimension so that man might become unlike the animals around him

Lovecraft said exactly the opposite you homosexual deviant.

Hastur is a valid entity yes, all great old ones are to be honored, yet, when dealing with such beings, you need to recognize their energies, they are dangerous, many people lost their minds and their lives, there is a plot that must be followed in order to not throw your life away and have a successful working.

they are to be called upon in a specific order.

You seem to be confused about the physical manifestation, lord Cthulhu may have a form, as Lovecraft recognized it, but the essence is another story.

let's say it does not exist as some form and not the other.


Man was developed up to a certain point and then left on his own. The Ancient Ones were banished from this universe before They could impart all of Their eldritch wisdom. Yet, these ante-diluvian beings lurk on the edges of reality, waiting for Their chance to communicate with and aid humanity. This religion is man’s only hope of completing his inner development. Current Fourth Way schools do not go far enough. They do not live the Work, instead they memorize it. The outer limits are frightening, I’m well aware of this; however, man must venture into the unknown if he wishes to discover truth. He must admit some-thing to himself before stepping on this treacherous road… that man is evil. It is his nature to lust for power, to disregard au-
A student of the Fourth Way cannot shy away from such realities. No, he must embrace them!

Away from the domain of man the Old Ones fell. Tumbling back into the abyss from whence They came. The Old Ones’ use of the black arts angered the lesser gods because it was a sign of change, a sign of things to come. It is not known how or why the lesser gods gained the upper hand. Earth’s gods might have forged this universe as a prison, but they could not wholly master the Old Ones or mankind. The need was there to overthrow the universe, though man scarcely knew the gifts it had. Now the Ancients hide and scheme, waiting for the night when They shall be released into this dimension. Man is the key standing before the altar, gesturing before the black sky. Woman is the gateway lying upon stone. Awakening through sexual energy will turn the lock… frenzied copulation upon stone altars as Yog-Sothoth breaks through! Without such ecstasy, there is no liberation from illusion and suffering.Dread Cthulhu was the first. He was the oldest and strongest of the Ancients. Cthulhu became Their High Priest who lead the Old Ones in worship to Their ebon Father… that tenebrous, infernal energy which carried over from the Ancients to man.It is foretold that a congregation of men and women will break the last of those seals which keep Him imprisoned. The struggle against reality begins and ends with orgies of yearning, thrusting, sweating, climaxing flesh! With the final seal broken, the Great Old Ones shall be able to enter man’s dimension again.An apocalypse will erupt from all corners; blood will flow and darkness will blot the skies. The bilious green ichor of the Ancient Ones will transform the prepared, the attentive, and the righteous into new beings. These entities will grow as the Old Ones, wild and powerful. All those human beings who remained unchanged would then be of no use. Sleeping humanity would either be made into slaves or devoured by the Awakened.

i thought cthulhu was mid tier on the foodchain. it's been a while since ive read lovecraft shit but isnt yogg sothoth the real nigga to worship

Cthulhu is the strongest, Yogg-Sothoth is the gate that opens for stronger Gods.
That's why I say that there is an order to work with.

Start with Nyarlathotep,the elder sign,seals then work your way up.

Azathoth is definitely one of the strongest most maddening entity to work with, Cthulhu is as strong but more forgiving.
Azathoth is not for the beginners.


Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.

Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread. –the Dunwich horror




From above, there came a resounding crash. Malevolent things squirmed out of the sky. With enormous green tentacles, these things reached out for human beings. Those who ran screaming were the first to be crushed. Those who became angry and shook their fists were squeezed into pulp. Lastly, those who were prepared simply watched what was happening. These watchful few stopped themselves from running, from becoming angry, and they contemplated undying oceans of black. These few were shown forbidden lore, and with that The Old Ones came down bringing with Them salvation from all that is meaningless in the world.You are your own worst enemy. Reality is a multi-dimensional phenomenon. This is the religion by and for disturbed artists.Shall we take to the streets, putting unbelievers to the sword? Is this what you desire, humanity? Consider this carefully, how you force our hand because it is the hand that wields a vicious blade.Suffer consciously now as you take right action so your suffering will be lessened in future. I am nourished by doing the will of Lord Cthulhu, who sent me.You shall walk close to the flame, yet only your outer covering shall be consumed. That which is real shall be illuminated by aviridescent glow.The last of this age is only just beginning. When many eyed,cloven hoofed things walk upright… ululating to a horned moon. In that night, you shall ask me about nothingness and I will motion to the void with my own tentacle gleaming slimy chartreuse.When you have purposefully taken on the lion's share of suffering with strength and courage, refusing to yield, then the essential part of you will ascend. You will be in the presence of our Black Formless Father and His essence shall be yours



Wow what a fucking edgelord, kys you edgy faggot

flood detected, post allowed



Wow what a fucking edgelord, kys you edgy faggot


I approve of this thread, OP. Carry on and spread the dark word, Priest of the Great Old One.

Came here from the darkness thread, figured you'd think this was my thread too. Sorry to disappoint, but I didn't make this one. :^)

Wow what a fucking edgelord, kys you edgy faggot

Sure Holla Forumsrother.

This is the Left Hand Path applied to the Fourth Way. Here, there is no good, no evil, no right, no wrong, no creation, and no destruction unless it relates to the Work. Our aim is liberation from the oppression of this world. While asleep, we can accomplish nothing. Therefore, the Cult of Cthulhu sees Awakening as the great leap towards transformation.Of course, there are many who rail against us and what we try to do. There is no shortage of condemnation for those who forge their own path. In a prison as comprehensive as the one holding us, there must always be those who feel comfortable with servitude. To break out of prison must be too disturbing for such individuals. Nevertheless, their hostility shall not deter us from our mission. In fact, a Cultist must frequently seek out discomfort in order to keep himself off balance. Nature’s equilibrium can be like a gentle hand rocking back and forth which has a single purpose: easing us back to sleep.

This religion is based on a teaching that has no need for opposites. Dualistic concepts such as right and wrong, good and evil, black and white are too primitive. If understanding is infinite,then man may approach knowledge in an infinite number of ways. Rather than providing a teaching which is separate from all others, the Cult of Cthulhu brings the entire world’s knowledge together, consciously distilling that which is fruitful for the attainment of great truth Obviously, we have our own bias… we worship monstrous alien beings.

Man does not know himself. He sees illusion and believes it to be real. He even fights to keep his precious “reality” intact. Yet man is not man at all. Yes, that is the stumbling block. I say itagain; man is not himself, not who he believes himself to be. Rather, he is a machine. There is nothing but mechanical actions and reactions emanating from this sleeping beast which we conveniently call man.

Give testament to the truth, Darkened Father!

alright this is my chance.

If i wanted to get into the H. P. Lovecraft books and read about Cthulhu and all things related, which books would i have to read to do as such?

Not only does man’s attention shift, but the many “I”s within man shift as well. There is no master among his multiple inner selves and so all his “I”s run amok. Man lacks control just as he lacks will. He only has to observe himself for a time to realize that he is a multitude and each “I” is ignorant of the others. Life happens to us, accidents happen to us… because we cannot live deliberately. After all, how can a machine possibly act as it wills?

After a long time of observing one’s “I”s, a student may dis-cover a number of “I”s that wish to work, that wish to Awaken.These “I”s must be introduced to each other and put in charge.This is called a magnetic center. One’s magnetic center is the beginning of something powerful: control. At the moment,there is no control; all “I”s have a turn at random so that only disorder prevails. Developing this crystallization of “I”s that wish to work is how one regains control over his machine.

Wow what a fucking edgelord, kys you edgy faggot

Start with the short stories (the first you found will be fine) then go for longer journeys and stay away from his poetry.

they are all good but
I would recommend :

And off course the Necronomicon

also listen to the audiobooks on youtube.

The Nameless City
Call of Cthulhu
The Dunwich Horror
A Colour Out Of Space
The Shadow Out Of Time
At The Mountains Of Madness


I Am the Way. No man shall enter His Emerald Kingdom except through me.
Lord Cthulhu's teaching is mine, and I relate it to my disciples as it was instructed by Him.

This is the story of a race whose original destiny was to be as the other animals of earth, food for the universe. Suffering as animals do whilst trying to survive the precariousness of mother nature. Fortunately for us, one thing did not go as the universe planned. Our species was selected for something better; we were given the capacity to develop our consciousness. The Ancient Ones influenced our evolution so we could one night be as They. The Ancient Ones were banished from our universe while we still languished between ape and God. Man is an unfinished being, yet he has the potential to become whole.

The further we infect reality, the more substantial our vision be-comes. Belief is reality, so consciousness does have an appreciable effect on the world. Scientists have proven that meditation alters brain chemistry, different forms of music influence how plants grow, snowflakes form according to surrounding emotions, and the smallest particles change their behavior when observed. Of course magicians, shamans, and priests had this knowledge thousands of years ago. Science is at last catching up.

Opposing belief systems would cancel each other out, eventually finding a middle ground. But what if those few,worshiping the Old Ones, attained a higher consciousness while the many slept in their mechanical little world? What then?Would it then be a matter of apples and oranges? Could the Cult of Cthulhu tip the scales? Could our paradigm dominate the sleepers? Perhaps. This religion was created to explore such experiments.

the entire prospect of this excites me
i really really really like this song
tell me priest, how do i begin the path to meeting the old ones and bringing them to their rightful place in the universe?

Beautiful, keep going.

Reality does not exist. We cannot see what is real because we are not real ourselves. Man is a facsimile. An automaton. An imitation. A false front. A ruse. Man is nothing more than the robotic instructions assigned to his machine.
All new ideas must first be rooted in the designs of old before breaking from them. thus is the nature of evolution. The ancient ways were handed down to us by estranged deities we can only dimly understand. This system is based on obscure fragments collected throughout the ages.

The truth I have to offer does not originate from me. Its origins are unknown, except when attributed to the Great Old Ones and Their many prophets. Lovecraft’s Gods may only be a metaphor, but what is behind the metaphor? Does a masquerade contain truth even though it also hides it at the same time? Are Shub-Niggurath, Dagon, and Hastur representations of inner faculties waiting to be unleashed? The Cthulhu Mythos provides the Work with a dark spiritual dimension which most of us prefer. Forbidden truths always need to be encrypted because of their hideous nature. Why not the terrifying octapoidal, draconicvisage of Dread Cthulhu? A conglomeration of spheres or spidery reptilian toad at the center of nothingness? Luminous things deep within a cave, on a certain plateau, or shambling upon another planet? Indeed, why not?!?

The Rats in the Walls. Its a much shorter than other of Lovecraft's works but it will get you hooked

We need to prepare the mind, the alien landscapes of H.P Lovecraft are such a place for preparation as well as a testing yourself.

When you are ready, You should study the Necronomicon, the true Necronomicon called Al-Azif, proceed to summon Nyarlathotep.
Let him teach you the ways of the Old ones.

When you do, then Calling Yog-Sothoth is your next degree.

We are a cult in the sense that we are a particular system of religious worship or devotion. The Cult of Cthulhu is not in the
business of draining bank accounts. We do not sing kumbayha.We do not stockpile guns on a ranch or compound. We do not drink poison fruit juice. Nor does our organization believe it can bring the entire human race together in peace and harmony. Not everyone can be saved. Only a few thousand people might have the ability to take advantage of our teaching. Not because this knowledge is secret, but because it requires an open mind, a dis-satisfaction with life, and monumental effort.

Long time Lovecraft fan here. Has anyone else met a big fan outside the chans? Like seriously, the only people who seem to know about Cthulhu are the "nerdy girl" type, not to mention they have never read one line of Lovecraft cause he's "racist and xenophobic".

You are welcome, btw, remember that this shit is just fantasy or you ll gonna end like that faggot edgelord every one here (and outside Holla Forums) is molesting.

but how do i know when i am ready? how would i prepare?
am i foolish or arrogant to believe i could look on our masters, or even the Gate himself, and maintain sanity enough to do the Work?
and where would i find a true Necronomicon, detailing how to begin the path?

Yes, wouldn't want to rock the boat too much.

Wouldn't want the automaton to stop working for the system.

Wouldn't want to be plunged into power.

Just stay normie, please. Please stay normie, heh heh eh.. err….

This is a new kind of knowledge. Most people have trouble grasping concepts that nullify their current model of reality.What our senses indicate is that we are alive, awake, and in full control of our lives. For me to say different is an interrupt, a disconnection. When I tell someone that everything they know is wrong, it upsets their balance… and rightly so. How many of us can look at the world in a completely new way for a few minutes, a few hours, or an entire lifetime? Few are willing to give a new paradigm that kind of consideration.Much of what man believes himself to be, and believes himself to have, is simply imagination. Man is sure that he is always aware of himself, always positive, always fair, and always articulate. He is actually none of these things. Man has his own private images which he nurtures. He has never seen his ma-chine before and is unaware of the discrepancy between the pictures of himself and objective reality. Man survives with this faulty view of himself by the use of buffers. These are parts of his false personality that ease the shocks when any kind of revelation might be accessible.We believe that we have Will

so we don’t worry about acquiring it. We believe that we are Awake so we aren’t concerned about sleeping our lives away. We believe there is nothing sinister going on in the world, no universal conspiracy against the human race so we never stop to consider how we might escape this danger!

Imagination can be the undoing of any man. When studying the Work, take down whatever vision you have of yourself, how you hope the world sees you. The mask may hold, but it is not the truth. Start with nothing, end with nothing. It is false personality, that which we use to cover our naked essence, which is partly to blame. False personality is not the real person inside; it is the face your machine wears. Essence is what man is born with. Personality is learned from imitating sleeping people around us. Make personality passive so that essence can grow.This is similar to the saying, “don’t stand in your own light”.We are the only obstacle that we can do anything about. At this stage, we cannot change the world; we cannot change the uni-verse nor human behavior. The only thing we have power over is our own self…

You need to astral travel for a start, the landscapes of H.p Lovecraft are the testing and training grounds, they will make your mind stronger user.

You will know when you are ready, you will feel comfort, you will feel drawn to the energies of those places, you will get used to those places that you will find yourself going there for your own enjoyment.

at first, those can be horrific places to be in, you may experience nightmares,it will forge your mind and replace your subconscious fears with conscious courage.

You only made this thread because Cthulhu is fresh in the zeitgeist from that tweet from stephen king about trump being Cthulhu

i've looked into astral travel briefly.
any pointers or beginner tips before i dive in hard? i'm still not solid on exactly how to engage in and enter astral travel.

You want to feel a certain sense of comfort and belonging to those landscapes and energies of the Old ones.

1 min Holla Forumsro, I will explain in details.

I don't praise something that doesn't exist.

like the female orgasm amirite guis

back part of the work is related to dreams, many people in the occult circles believe H.P Lovecraft mythos was channeled through him by the Old Gods

Cthulhu himself is said to be under the ocean in an alien city called R'lyeh where he contacts his accolytes through dreams.
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
"In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming"

This is a very important part of the practice.

How to astral travel:

When You can do this at will, consciously travel to the landscapes of H.p Lovecraft

Repeat as needed till you can stay as long as you can in those places.
as you do this, you will start to notice a presence, for me it felt as if I am being watched most of the time,even in your mundane activities.

once you feel pretty comfortable, proceed to study the necronomicon.
Don't start summoning right away, study the book first… (tbc)

Once you find the underworld,seek Kadath
This is the beginning of the real work and the real test.

At this stage, you are ready to call Nyarlathotep.
(once you do Nyarlahotep will talk to you,you will be guided from this point on).

From Now on you should be studying the Necronomicon.

The most efficient version is called AL-AZIF
here is the link for the pdf

edu.mec.gub.uy/biblioteca_digital/libros/a/Al Azif - Necromonicon [english].pdf

did this answer your question?

Another thing regarding astral travel in general ,this is something I do others have different methods, I construct a starting location, a place that is yours and yours only, you can build a temple or castle there,create guardians. build gateways…etc

Helps you stay focused and well protected in your journeying.

yes, thank you.
i'll start attempting this soon.
i assume you lurk here often, so if i run into problems i'll make a thread

sure Holla Forumsro, I am here everyday.
Good luck

oh, one more thing
once i'm able to astral project, how do i find lovecraft's landscapes?

You read the dream cycle, or will it into manifestation after enough practice, things manifest when you imagine/think of them.

The dream cycle :

cnqzu.com/library/Anarchy Folder/Fiction/Lovecraft,_H_P/Lovecraft,_H._P._-_Dream_Cycle_of_H.P._Lovecraft.pdf


We are materialists in the sense that we are physical beings with certain desires and needs. There’s nothing wrong with having nice things and cool stuff as long as that’s not the extent of your striving. To celebrate the material without giving any thought to the spiritual is a mistake. Of course, the opposite is true as well.There are some who forsake material things altogether because of their devotion to some type of God or belief system. All of this is exterior, all of it is posing. The only thing that means a damn is becoming conscious, and you can’t do that without some kind of balanced approach to living deliberately and knowing how to break certain laws.We suffer because this planet is under many laws, such as the law of confusion or the law of struggle. However, if we put our-selves under more laws, ones that are self-imposed and purposeful, then a certain freedom can be found. We can escape from those arbitrary laws which mean to keep us enslaved.The following laws are universal commandments which we must comprehend and accept… for now. Acceptance must be established before trying to overcome these laws on an individual basis. Every prison has rules and these are ours. Know them. A Cultist’s cold, rational study of these laws will lead to circumventing each and every one of them. However, at the end of this list we designate some as higher laws. These are phenomena that we wish to experience.

The first law is the law of suffering. We suffer for many reasons. Chief among them is that our suffering provides energy for the universe. We also suffer in order to distract us from our purpose on this earth. Also, I have little doubt that our suffering amuses whatever sick sense of humor the universe has.

The second law is the law of sleep. Our usual waking state is not full, objective consciousness. Instead, everyday life is much like our usual sleeping state except that we are walking around,talking to people, and engaging in various mundane tasks.

The third law is the law of multiplicity. We are not one, but many. There is no permanent or singular “I” in us. There are many different “I”s… all ignorant of each other and taking turns running our machine.

The fourth law is the law of negativity. Our entire lives are wasted on being negative. We are insecure, hateful, angry, de- pressed, envious, and afraid. Most of our days are spent in various states of negativity. These emotions drain energy for which we have far better use.

The fifth law is the law of identification. We identify with everything we come in contact with. If there’s a TV program we’rewatching, then we identify with that. If we hear someone being negative, then we identify with those emotions. Each time we forget ourselves in favor of adopting external aspects, we are identifying.

The sixth law is internal consideration. We live in our own little world. What we think and how we feel seems all important, but it is not. Our petty desires only create stronger illusions.
Subjectivity is useful, but it’s also a closed system which means there is no energy coming in. We demonstrate how conscious we are by considering other people; this creates energy for us to use.

The seventh law is the law of confusion. No one can fully understand another. Whether it’s a language barrier or a different

view of particular words or obscured intent behind the words… people do not understand each other. This confusion only makes it easier for us to remain enslaved.

The eighth law is the law of accident. Man is doomed to live by the capricious whims of the universe. He does not create his life; a man’s life is created for him by pre-programming and random events. There is no will involved, only life by accident.The ninth law is the higher law of mutual assistance. Our race is inexorably tied to the Ancient Ones. They help us just as we help Them. One tentacle washes the other. Both sides benefit from this reciprocal maintenance.The tenth law is the higher law of control. This path is one of intentional suffering and conscious sacrifice. The Ancient Ones recognize when certain efforts are made. They do what They can to ease our difficulties, to help us win! By making a conscious choice of which laws we put ourselves under and which laws we resist, we take control away from the universe.The eleventh law is the law of breeding. Those with greater potential to Awaken are less prone to have children.Therefore, it is necessary for Cultists to continually seek breeding opportunities. Orgies, sex magic…etc are some of the Cult’s tools for pro-creation.

ia ia can mean up to three things, sometimes all of these apply,other times only one or two meanings are intended. Ia can mean yes. Ia can mean hail. Ia can mean victory, success, and triumph.

The Cult of Cthulhu favors the Kukri. The Kukri is our preferred blade, although any short sword with a bit of panache will do. Not now, when the tide is unfavorably against us, but soon… every Cultist will carry such a blade. The Kukri allows for defense, bloodletting, and pure survival in nature. Destruction by way of ritual magic is best performed with a ceremonial Kukri blade used, symbolically, to rip open one’s intended victim.

We favor the colors green and black above all. Though red and purple are highly thought of as well. For this reason, Cultist robes and hooded cloaks should be green, black, or a mixture of both.

Masks are occasionally worn during rituals or whenever the Cultist wishes. The mask is a reminder of one’s true face, buried beneath the flesh. It can also provide anonymity for those who wish their Cthulhu Cult affiliations to be secret.

The Cult of Cthulhu favors the Haiku triplet as artistic literary expression. A Haiku is poetry of three lines, the first line if 5syllables. The second line is 7 syllables. the third line is 5 syllables

Three Haiku or three stanzas together incorporating a singular idea, feeling, or effect is a Haiku triplet. The following three poems illustrate the Cult’s chief form of creative expression.

Cultists walk liberated and with purpose through the dark corridors of alien, primordial, and unnameable dread. In the universe beyond the universe, upon his onyx green throne, Great Cthulhu sits judging the individual souls of man. Yes, Cthulhu has Awoken from His fitful slumber.

The Ancient Ones fashioned man from ape. Our unnatural evolution allows us to attain consciousness. Man is a self-developing being in that he has the capacity to evolve into his full potential, but he is not there yet.

Circumstances must be right; effort must be made. Sacrifice! Nothing extraordinary can happen by itself, by accident. Man is asleep; if he is to Awaken, then it must be engineered.

He that knoweth me, knoweth the Lord. His oozing Emerald Kingdom is at hand. And lo, the God who hath a thousand and one tentacles shall be seen in the arid desert and the frozen north and by the many azure waters of earth because Dread Cthulhu exists in the deeper mind. In our consciousness He whispers…

There is only the void. Dwell in it, cherish it, and most of all…remember it. Because it is the beginning; it is the end. It nullifies any and all illusions. Such an abyss contains nothingness itself, yet it is not empty. The void contains, or rather is, a lawless, shadowy field which is as close to the Formless Black Essence as we can imagine. The void is the very edge of that obsidian threshold. Its purity… clear, clean, and empty is perfect for Cultist’s to emulate. The void is sacred to us; it is the nigrescent key to it all. Such emptiness is without false personality, without negativity, and without identification. A Cultist’s potency flows from the living darkness.To become empty like the void is a purity of consciousness that few men will ever know. The void is our human entrance to the Formless Black Essence. It is our gateway; the closest approximation that mankind can conceive of what is out there, what awaits the seeker of truth.We surrender ourselves to no one. Only man himself can change. The Dark Gods can do nothing but show the way. The lesser gods of the earth seek unification, for man to join the universe and become absorbed by it. That is the end of a man's soul, it is his spiritual death. The righteous man desires to be-come God himself, and so it shall be. The struggle to Awaken will lead a man to new dimensions of consciousness.

One could also take a Jungian look or approach to all of this. The ocean, the sea, what it means. The abyss, the archetypes, what those stand for.

The octopus as an animal, how it acts.
Honestly they're some of my favorite animals.

What is the sea?

The sea is the void, the universe,the dark, in jungian terms. it's the collective sum of all human experience,fears,desires…etc
Humanity biggest strength is in the darkness,the depth of the collective subconsciousness ,it's our untapped potential,all that is yet to be.



Praise the Depths of the Waters of the Void;

Praise the Bones of the Earth - The primal Cold and Darkness which forged us;




I like this song.






that is not dead which can eternal lie. and with strange aeons even death may die.


yes, I know one or two people who are big lovecraft fans.
there are communities out there I heard.


does anyone have any Cthulhu rule 34

i'm going to have to stop you right there bossman
do not disgrace the might and terror of the old ones with cheap smut

but is there a purer expression of love for something then to want to be physically intimate with it?
A need to feel its body against yours, every movement expression your submission, and its dominance.


the master will breed his army

Cthulhu fhtagn

All hail our dread father


You make me feel homesick.
All the memories. All the experiences. All the tiny remnants of a misbegotten self that stick to the mind like shards of broken glass. I feel trapped and scream to the cosmos for freedom. I do all within my power but the shell of a man is wanting. My mind sets upon the horizon as my eyes began to look up through down. Every step I take just makes me crave home. The true expanse, ultimate freedom that sits above my head like an overripe, low-hanging fruit that always crawls up the vine when my arms can finally reach.

Is this hell? Am I damned?

Illithids aren't Cthulu

I know how you feel Holla Forumsrother, man is in this state because we must strive to be more than what we are, we exist as an intermediate stage between animals and gods, this strife is a defining aspect of the physical reality, the door is open for the awakening of man to his godly state, like great cthulhu we are asleep, we were destined for greatness,the great old ones wanted us to become like them, till the lesser gods of earth felt threatened, the great old ones would deprive them of their food source, what follows is not known to man, the great old ones were banished from this reality, they exist in the edge of this reality and another, in what is called the twilight zone, destined to return to our reality when the stars are right.

This is not hell but we will achieve total freedom when we can collectively change our reality and call the great old ones.

We should strive to be more than mere machines, then the suffering would end.

One of the reason why the great old ones will return soon, is because alot of people world wide are hearing the call of great Cthulhu, and by the void, we will succeed.
I know this longing Holla Forumsrother, I feel it too, it's a sign you are one of the chosen by our dread father.


If knowledge is power, then it's reasonable to assume that a new kind of knowledge might lead to a new kind of power. That is what we crave… an understanding which ordinary man cannot reach by his own efforts. Traditional human authority is seen for what it is, a mannequin parade. The universe beyond the uni-verse is illuminated by a glittering darkness. We bask in the shadow of the hideous clown; he rends our flesh with long pallid tentacles so that our blood can flow out into eternity. Are we currently stars? Or dead worlds where no life can grow? All around is black… void. Our star may one night glimmer, burning like the abyss

The transition from small esoteric groups to large active organizations, such as the many denominations of christianity, is made possible because a certain kind of energy is at work. This energy requires concentration; it must be controlled by those who know how to channel it. Consciousness is energy, belief is directions, and communication with advanced beings allows for human evolution. When many students struggle to wake up from this reality, it creates energy. When there is fervent and uninhibited sexual activity, energy is created. When people work against negativity, identification, and internal considering,there is energy enough to transform an isolated cell or branch of the Cult into a worldwide network.

As he is, man can do nothing.
Everything happens to him.Without knowing who he is, man wanders aimlessly switching from “I” to “I”, unaware that he is sleepwalking through life.Only those who are in contact with higher forces can success-fully transmit the Work energy that is required to do seemingly impossible things. I am such an individual and thankfully I’m not alone. Occasionally, it becomes necessary for those with a suitable being to be handed an insight which is outside the realm of normal human comprehension. There are a few individuals who are Awake, who have a destiny and can accomplish great things in life. These hidden masters are given the task of disseminating such teaching so that many can benefit. And the most devoted shall become the master’s disciples, eventually going out amongst the world in order to teach others.

H.P. Lovecraft was such a master!
He existed outside the usual parameters of the universe until he was taken from us by not one but two life-threatening illnesses at the age of 46.

Lovecraft was chosen to receive the revelations which he set down in his stories. Whether he realized the awesome potency of these visionary gifts and the responsibility of relating such eldritch lore to the masses is something which Lovecraft scholars might never agree upon.

Other religions have been founded upon the revelations of similar prophets throughout human civilization.However, this knowledge is invariably corrupted through the sands of time. The Cult of Cthulhu endeavors to keep truth free of dogma. A teaching’s essence must remain clear of false personality just as a man’s essence should not be over shadowed by a false front which conceals his divinity.

no, but its the closest i had

Think of how wasteful it is for man to have absolutely no potential beyond his day to day tasks.

Perhaps, for a moment, you have considered the banality of your existence and wondered what, if anything could be done?

Then, not realizing the importance of your momentary fears, you fell back into the sleep of life. Now consider the dangers of an entire species that is asleep.

Sleeping people can not consciously decide to rise above their limitations, not to increase the suffering our entire world faces.

No, a sleeping humanity can do nothing. It is the universe that influences man’s activities. Man doesn’t have the power to choose his own course.

However, if a select minority of the human race were to Awaken, then things would be much different.

Man would again be in charge… all of man’s unnecessary suffering could be lessened. Earth would be closer to paradise, as the Ancient Ones intended.

As lesser men quarrel among themselves about left and right, dogma ideology politics,religion, awakened men will work to transcend their limitations and force a change so drastic that lesser men can't comprehend.

Change comes from many people acting in concert with each other. Just as one “I” cannot transform the whole man, one man cannot transform thousands.

This is why schools are needed. And it takes energy for such a school to stay on the right course,conscious energy.

A student of the Cult’s teaching must work on three lines simultaneously. He must work for himself, he must work for his teacher or the school itself, and he must work for mankind. A student of the Work must spread what he has been taught so that mankind might benefit, as well as, allowing his own understanding to deepen.

For where do the pious gather?
What sovereign soil have the seeds been sown?
From how many mouths are the choirs singing?

the whole earth is our cathedral
in the hearts and minds of the chosen.
from every living soul that heard the call.

That's when I realized the cult is for me.

Kind of late but if anyone else browses this I'd recommend the annotated Lovecraft book (it has Rats in the Walls, Colour from Out of Space, At the Mountains of Madness and maybe something else?) The stories are a good entry point and the annotations are actually pretty helpful and not overdone.

Then I'd get The Necronomicon, it's a nice hardcover edition with all of his famous ones in it, and the compliment to that which came out a couple years ago Eldritch Tales makes a complete 2-volume set that looks nice on a bookshelf.

I appreciate this thread OP

Priest, how do i find others of our kind?
those who believe in the power of old ones, drawn and comforted by their energy and terror. or at least others who are open to it, to considering it, and slowly to believing it.

There is nothing official where you can find others right now, we have no mailing lists or specific forums, but look for current 23 ,cult of Cthulhu,chaos magick, there may be some people who are Lovecraft fans, but not all of them believe the old ones are more than fiction, I may start a forum or an image board for us soon. I will tell you brothers when it's set up.

You are always welcome brother.

well i meant in real life
but i guess that's okay

I was going to ask these questions.
Then others came in my stead and asked them as I lurked.

The essence is leaking, dripping slowly downward.

I would support this endeavor with as much communion as possible.

yeah,unfortunatly there is nothing official yet in real life, most people who practice this belief do it on their own as solitary practitioners.

any sauce on these images?

all from google search,Instagram and various websites.

You can talk to your irl circle of friends about The great old ones and see if some get drawn to it then form localized covens.

this attraction is a sign for hearing the call,as well as dreams and visions.

This might assist while you all meditate on unfathomable topics.

Thanks I like Black metal.

Gotcha. I was hoping it was a book.

As I already know, and have anticipated their restless dreaming replies, I shall simply await a call here to commune through this tool.

copy-pasted all of the preaching posts and all the conversations between teacher and student into a text document.
i'll keep doing it until the thread either 404s or is deleted.
i may actually print it and publish it, like the teachings and seminars of the ancient greek philosophers.
we the disciples, the students, listen to the teacher's lectures and ask questions on expanding ourselves and pursuing the destiny of the old ones on our own.
i'll actually look back over the older threads now to see if there's any more.

keep it up Priest.

The Necronomicon

edu.mec.gub.uy/biblioteca_digital/libros/a/Al Azif - Necromonicon [english].pdf

Awesome, that's great.

One time I had a dream about the old ones, I didn't see the old ones in this dream but their minions.

Because you have shared so much with us I could at least share with you.

I woke up exhausted and my eyes dried up.
This was how I looked, how my kin looked.



ia ia
cthulhu fhtagn
bumping for more of the priest's teachings

IA Cthulhu
Thanks Holla Forumsrothers
May the Dark Blessings of our master Cthulhu be upon us all.
May he bestow upon us his eldritch wisdom, in this day.

is it safe to study the version of the necronomicon you've linked before becoming familiar with lovecraft's alien landscapes?
i know the original tome is said to drive anyone who reads it mad, but is this text version inert?
it also raises the question of, is this an accurate translation? and, if it is, why has nobody else yet completed the journey to returning the old ones?


There is a buffer that exists, in regarding to working with the elder gods, called the elder sign, it supposed to make you work with a limited version of the Old ones without being touched by the madness that would otherwise befall the ones that work with the great old ones, however many of the elder signs exist and it's almost impossible to tell which one is the true elder sign.

The dreamlands are not a realm of the Great old ones, but their earthly manifestation, that is it resembles their realms without actually being their realms.

Therefore the dream lands in my experience are relatively safe, the necronomicon is more than this, it actually brings you in direct contact with the great old ones, however this does not mean that you have summoned them into the physical plane of earth, it just means that you have opened the door for them in your self.

Summoning the Great old ones into this reality, requires a collective action, and will be governed by the stars, when the veil between both realms is at it's weakest point.

would the best approach be to use all of them? the star with the flaming eye is the one detailed in al-azif

additionally, because al-azif has no direct instructions on calling nyarlathotep with the intention of learning the ways of the old ones and the path to restoring them, i did a quick search and found this ritual.
while the site seems kind of suspicious, the procedure of the ritual seems to be in line with the rest of the mythos.
what do you think?

No it's Not inert, it opens the Gate into your mind, you will experience the Great old ones in your self, in your dreams and in your daily life and if they choose to they will reveal to you their eldritch wisdom.

However the risk of madness comes from the inability of the mind to comprehend the entirety of the Old ones energies and wisdom.

and it mostly happens only if the practitioner does not know what they are doing and approaches the tome in fear,doubt or with a mocking approach.

From my experience, I find that approaching the rituals with (Love,acceptance) works best.

when I worked with the necronomicon, I knew that that I might be dooming myself and others in some occult communities have confirmed this, however I said so be it.

I accepted whatever fate the great old ones will choose for me, I didn't know that this attitude was the right one, as it was mentioned before, there needs to be a dissatisfaction with life as how it is.

And it worked out much better than what I expected.

it's the most accurate translation in my opinion,and the one I chose to work with based on purely intuitive reasons, the dreamlands will reveal this to you.

there are people who are working with the great old ones, I assume by returning the old ones, you mean returning them to this reality as physical entities, there are people who channel the Old ones as I said (in their selves,their dreams and their daily lives), for them to return to our reality the cult needs to reach a critical mass first, then the microcosm becomes the macrocosm .

This is an aspect of chaos magick, the ritual can be made up completely and would still work, I think this would work, because the energy you raise is the most important thing.
as in

So I wouldn't dismiss it, nyarlathotep is easy to reach when you do the dreamland part.
that's how I started to call him.

The underworld in Kadath is how I called him, it seemed the proper way to me, dreams seem to play a big parts in the mythos.
However your dreamlands may reveal different things to you than it revealed to me.

trust your intuition.

Intent+energy+ symbolism

Man’s story is the struggle to resist what he was put on this earth to be… a piece of meat locked in a prison cell. That’s right

humanity is food for the universe and we shall be confined here until shown the way home – back to the void!
There is a hierarchy of mindfulness. Is being present (that is,noticing the present moment as it passes) the same as self-observation? No, they are different.
Being present means finding a still point, grounding oneself in the here and now. It’s a valuable first step, but not the end result. Self-observation is the art of recording one’s inner environment. Watching what one does, how one does it, understanding why we think, feel, and move a certain way. Knowing how we affect the world and how the world affects us. However, even this is not enough! The Work demands self-remembering. Self-remembering requires a moment by moment chronicle of one’s inner life, one’s surroundings, and awareness of our current dilemma. The importance of the moment should be all-consuming. Cultists struggle to become more than the universe’s dancing puppets.

Accumulated moments of consciousness eventually build up into its own energy form. This could be considered an Astral Body or higher intellectual center, the part of our self that is connected with the soul. It is this conscious energy which can live on after the death of one’s flesh.Our Awakening disturbs the universe, upsets its plans. Human consciousness creates interference patterns like waves of disruptive black energy. This is the void crashing over a rocky shore.We are the rocks, permanent, immovable… our rough edges eventually being smoothed away and made luminous by count-less aeons of contact with the dark water.If the Ancient Ones cannot receive enough energy, then They might disappear for another thousand years. Perhaps
They will fall back asleep and untold generations will continue without aid?

Right now, human beings emulate the universe. Our species mirrors nature itself. Man lifts its desperate and weary hand to cut the throat of his brother for a few measly greenbacks in some windowless conference room. That is man’s reality.
Is this what we’re proud of ? a bastardization of any potential that might exist?
One firm grip can stop the merry-go-round of stagnant,stifling banality which forces us to lower ourselves to the basest aspirations of our prison warden. Be that firm grip, Cultist, stop the circular nonsense.
End the cycle, and with your other hand the flash of a blade welcomes familiar crimson pools.

The world is no different than a giant corporate abattoir. We can see the gory details from inside our shuttered rooms. Life should be freedom. An entire system based on conformity…why? Why submit?

Our universe doesn’t love us; it loves petty self-serving greed and torture…
it loves suffering. It pits one man against another like gladiators in an arena. for it's own amusement.

Competition sharpens the mind, and sometimes violence is necessary, but to treat our own selves with the disdain only found in concentration camps… that is the real horror. On some level, we must seek a brotherhood.

If we are not conscious, then we are asleep. Sleeping people cannot save a sinking ship, they can only drown.

It is known to some of us that when the Ancient Ones return, they might judge mankind as a whole. If little or no attempt has been made to rise above our present circumstances (our mechanical thoughts, feelings, and actions), then humanity shall be swept aside to makeroom for new creations.

The few individuals who struggle to Awaken will become as Gods, but all others are doomed.

The friction between illusion and objective reality creates energy. The push/pull, yes/no which occurs in our struggle to act righteously generates force.

Stopping an automatic action creates energy. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and acting accordingly creates energy. Self-remembering creates energy.

This force can be used to go further and eventually transform theself into something quite extraordinary.

Truly our eventual exodus will shatter the very foundations of this reality.

This universe was shoddily built upon the sand, we are both the water and the pillar. We erode the fallacies and envelop the pillar.

Our eventual reward is not just the low-hanging fruit of the vine but the entire vine itself.




As it is, we have no will because we have no freedom. Without will we can take no definitive action, and must resign ourselves to life as broken machines. Ordinary man doesn't have the power to break through. He is stuck where he is like a car might be caught in a steep valley of ice. Even if the car had enough power to get out of the valley, it is too icy to get sufficient traction. It is fortunate that snow tires were put on the car before it went out for a drive. The driver also has a mixture of sand and salt with him which he spreads around the valley. Finally, the driver uses a back and forth motion to generate enough momentum so as to drive beyond the valley. Man’s struggle is similar. He needs energy which becomes force; this force allows his will to create change. Although, energy is not enough. Man also needs more than just energy, he requires right action.

In this example, right action becomes the spreading of salt and sand over the ice. However, even this is usually not enough! The road is still too icy. Prior efforts equip us with snow tires. This is preparation. Man must do the necessary work in order to reach the stage where energy and right action can do any good.Our preparation is self-remembering.

Now we shall talk about right action. What makes our actions right or wrong? Everything that leads us closer to Awakening is right and everything that leads us farther away from that exalted state is wrong. Man has the potential for extraordinary results, but his strength is directionless and easily exhausted. It is currently at the mercy of his many "I"s. However, if man can control his strength and master it, then he will know real power.

Such force is his and does not belong to the universe. Man must manage and restrain what energy he can before it dissipates by way of wrong action. This is why we say that asleep man can do nothing… he has no power, no will, and no chance of becoming anything greater.

The abyss of the ocean and the sea of truth, sea of the stars, are one in the same in concept aren't they?

In my restless meditations I was told to seek out Father Dagon. As he is president over all beneath the sea in the dark abyss of the ocean I contemplate if this is simply ushering me towards the Profane Goal.

I sought here to convene, to bring about the question if others have been given any calling as of late.

I also seek the soothing speech of R'lyeh. If anyone has any good studies besides what is slowly echoed within their mind.

I'a Ry'gzenghro
I'a Dagon