Daily reminder that Christianity is beneficial.
Calling it a slave morality or saying it was some thousands of years plan to infect European culture and psychology doesn't make it true.
I appreciate the various ancient religions and cults that were both localized and widespread as much as any historian. But to say Atheism is the answer or that reviving some pagan rituals is the answer to the tendency of some modern christian groups to be retarded is a far stretch with no basis.
Daily reminder that Christianity is beneficial
Other urls found in this thread:
get your shit right OP
What if I told you that, technically, Roman Catholicsm is a CULT?!?!
I would say true. What else do you have to tell me ?
reminder that Jesus was literally conceived through cuckoldry when God cucked Joseph
What if I told you, technically, EVERY organized system of rites, statements of belief or established doctrine is a cult. Your faggot anime club is a cult.
Do Pagans even exist outside of middle-aged fat white women with black nails and white supremacists who think Christianity is too Jewish?
Judaism without muh Zion wouldn't be that bad tbh
C'mon, you don't even need to be christian to notice that Christianity is one of the few religions that gives any value to woman, there are lots of female saints, one of the most important figures in the religion is a woman and and even Saint Paul says that in marriage the man must be ready to give his life to the woman as Christ gave to the church.
I can even conjecture that female's quality of life in general was way better under Christendom than pagan rule.
if god is all-powerful and benevolent, why is there suffering?
I would say true. What else do you have to tell me ?
Because good things stand out better in the middle of horrible place than in the middle of a perfect world.
It's not even that hard to understand tbh.
He has given us the gift of free choice.
To force us to love him would be literally the definition of rape.
Our actions, and inactions, cause suffering to others. This in turn is great reason to share the gospel and encourage others to be better. We can make a better world here on earth. We are not however immortal in body. God knows us all from birth to death not because we lack choice but because he knows all possible choices we could make and he knows us very well (he created us).
Also, many of our sufferings are illusions. Good things can come from some types of suffering.
All this is lesser than the knowledge that Jesus heals when we allow him into our hearts. Also life everlasting is much more than the finite time we spend here. So if you see suffering use your choice to alleviate it without prolonging or delaying additional suffering.
Also, to know what is suffering you have to know what is "good" in the first place, and guess who is your one and only reference?
This does not apply to all suffering but with the knowledge of eternal life in the aftermath helps us persevere. We will all have a chance to share in that. Those who are innocent will be saved. Those who choose to walk away from God will receive no worse fate than that which atheists profess to be the ultimate end of no one. Non existence at the end of times.
Those unreprentent sinners will simply be no more. Fire is not a reference to burning and not dying but ending life, because sin which is the separation of God can not exist in the presence of God.
it wasn't beneficial, it kept Europe in the dark ages, kill millions of people, and was used as a tool of manipulation for the social elite for 100s of years, and still kinda is. There is the preacher of this mega-church that lives in a $500,000 house, and he murdered some old woman for no reason, and go off because Texas's justice system is shit.
Your god is pretty shit at his job if he is real.
daily remainder, that christianity isnt beneficial
its not knowledge, its baseless hope
Because he wanted it. He never said he was a perfect God.
why worship it, then?
Being the truth makes it true.
Just a reminder the old shit is getting scraped. Get on board or go to the void
Jesus Christ, anarchist, The plastic nature of religion never fails to surprise me,
I guess you haven't read the Bible, where Jesus tell people not to resist evil men, that if they take your coat give them your shirt as well, if they press into service for a mile give them two miles.. (Total doormat advice)
or the part where he tells people to pay tribute to their Roman occupiers.. "Render on to Caeser"
But the actual text of the gospels doesn't really matter, everyone talks about the Bible but no one reads it.
Gods are just puppets anyway, stick your hand in one, move it's lips and say whatever you want to hear.
Slave Morality.. What does St. Paul have to say to slaves?
Colossians 3:22
. 22Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything, not only to please them while they are watching, but with sincerity of heart and fear of the Lord.
I can flood this thread with quotes like this from St. Paul .
Because if his tale is true, hes a strong wizard that can fix peoples petty problems with a thought if he wanted, and people would blindly follow that power.
Theres not much of a reason to worship it really. They have some-what good morals and such here and there, but overall i feel its to much of a mess. If he had a proofreader that wasnt himself, it wouldnt seem overglorified like it is. I dont really view God as a god tbh. More of a man that has trouble telling odysseys because if this was our origins it would be pretty sad.
You literally picked the verse that's most often refuted about this. Do you read everything this literally?
Fucking hell, at least do the problem of evil like a good little Feuerbach/Marx drone and not one they actually have a decent answer for. Protip: Learn some real apologetics so you know what their rebuttals are going to be.
he never fixed any petty problem, unless u count car keys found.
So what makes you think that Muhammad⁽ᴾᴮᵁᴴ⁾ isn't the true and final prophet?
"dark ages" were the ages of muslim conquest and muh vikings in the north, fun fact, when España destroyed turkroaches navy (well, Portugal) the dark ages ended oficially and Europe conquered the wordl, a christian Europe, not a fedora-cuck yurop, not a muslim yurop and not a pagan yurop.
Read a book kid and stop repeating what professor shekelsteinberg is saying.
See this:
He said that God will cut his aorta if he was the fake prophet and when he was dying he said that his aorta was being cutted, btw, Revelations talk a lot about him.
I dont know is he said God (exactly), but this happened according to mu ham mad:
Qur’an 69:44-46
44 And if Muhammad had made up about Us some [false] sayings,
45 We would have seized him by the right hand;
46 Then We would have CUT from him the AORTA.
And these wre his last words:
Sahih al-Bukhari 4428
The Prophet in his ailment in which he died, used to say, “O Aishah! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if MY AORTA IS BEING CUT from that poison.”
public schooling at work.
actually you need to read that in context, but i fear it may be beyond you to read
and render undo god what is His
God created all and thus all is to God
wrong again, hows anime working for ya?
One problem God made. He shouldnt make a moral history book on implications.
Thomas Bradwardine - theologian and philosopher, not natural scientist
Albertus Magnus - same
Grosseteste - same
Bacon - philosopher, almost real scientist; said "just test it" and church thought it can do that to their claims
Peckham - theologian
Scotus - philosopher, theologian
Burley - scholastic philosopher, which is en.wikipedia.org
shall go on?
Says it's the most refuted verse.. doesn't refute it.
1 Timothy 6:1-5 (NRSV)
Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be blasphemed. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful to them on the ground that they are members of the church; rather they must serve them all the more, since those who benefit by their service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these duties. Whoever teaches otherwise and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ
and how is this a metaphor.. it literally says do what you are told and accept being property.
they lost the greek/roman benefits, and didn't allow doctors to learn anatomy. Most of the great scientists at the time were actually muslims and chinese.
Okay. I'm post the entire fucking chapter and verse.
And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not? 15Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it. 16And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Caesar's. 17And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.
So it is lawful to pay tribute to those who conquered you with force.. Taxation without representation is okay with Jesus…
Matthew 5:39-45
But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
This is real shit advice.. not even trying to escape being exploited, but give them more.
How's being a cuck for your imaginary friend working out for you?
christianity (as well as abrahamic religions)is what I call plague memetics.
Christianity probably was beneficial at some point in history and counterproductive at another, but it doesn't matter now, because many different ideas now occupy human minds, the zeitgeist has changed, genie is out of the bottle, making christianity relevant again is as impossible as reviving lost pagan believes. Semitic religions are too dumb for modern thinking humans, world has gotten bigger and they just don't buy that bullshit anymore.
If one feels a need for a "religion" i suggest just going zen, no blind belief or guilt-tripping involved.
See this please:
Post discarded shlomo.
Yeah, yurop is conquering Pluto right now… fucking faggots, you killed civilization.
you really need to read books, not just the select chapters of heavily propagandized textbooks your public schooling has fed you
Bumping for menorah butthurt, fedoras are just usefull no gfs.
I lately became a shiva hindu.
No. The block you quoted answers all your anxieties. He knew of their hypocrisy and kept himself from getting arrested while also not losing the support of the people by saying "pay your taxes friends". What he said is a non answer while glorifying God. This doesn't even get into the deeper text right there in what you quoted and the connection to the rest of that small chapter.
The internet: normies attack christianity.
Holla Forums: literate people made fedoras cry.
Take your post to the loo.
ITT: Holla Forums, /christian/ retardation.
He's talking about neighbors not foreign invasion forces. Live by doing good deeds to your neighbors and forgiving the unpious ways of the antagonistic actions of the few. More than your equal share will return from the people's admiration of you alone for having such patience, let us not speak of the positive development of your strong character.
Do you know that even as late as the mid 20th century most scientists, inventors, and philosophers dabbled in a dozen fields with depth relatively intense compared to the modern age?
I will poo in your mouth,keke
Pol is frog magic you ignorant.
These faggots come from pol:
Your Goddess has some bretty gud lewds user.
four arm cock stroke is ideal.
Nope, Holla Forums is not frog magic, Holla Forums tries to use KEK for their own petty political reasons, they will pay dearly for it.
They are not in line with the kek energies. and their is backfiring.
Makes sense for the female, but kinda gay for the males, those guys are gonna get each others jiz on them.
Holla Forums is national socialist you FUCKING RETARD
What is dead may never die.
what is this a draenai female from world of warcraft?
poo in loo goddess.
lmao you have no idea what KEK is
Go suck a "godly niggers" dick christcuck
12Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East. 13And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs, coming from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God, the Almighty
Christianity is the worship of demons.
The old gods are the only gods.
Yaweh is not going to reward your rejection of this world when you die.
Fucking stupid tard, go back to your shithole called europe, christianism was the final goal of the guys creating the west and when islam was removed with the vermin europe conquered the world, now please tell me what is europe? Russia can fully destroy in it in just a few days, fedorism is the worse poison that any land can have.
Go and suck baphomet cock you stupid cuck, anal magic is your way, go back to hella with that.
sweet child, I don't believe this image board is for you, perhaps halfchan would be a better suit so you can look at your limitless cock-rate threads and faces of Holla Forums? After all, in terms of social justice, halfchan's Holla Forums is just right for you!
Dud of the pee, believe me I know what KEK is, I am one of the first people to resurrect him from his watery abyss
but you are just butthurt that he does not favor Holla Forums .
You lost his favor the moment you put his holy face on donald trump.
He does and you are delusional.
Go back to >>>/fringe/ you bleeding heart hippy
I for one welcome our old gods overlords
praise Cthulhu
It worked for best korea.
Well, some are facing "justice" for defending the name of Christ, we are not… yet, God give us
strength please.
Aren't you late for your muslim feet kissing session.
double cuck
that's why you suck cock.
go on
Check reality please, then read a book and please tell us was the inquisicion was and what Luther said.
I am not, i am showing what "liberals" did with europe, stop projecting please.
Well, shilling is an art.
I mean if you'd rather have Hillary you are mentally ill. Trump is the lesser of two kike puppets
Trump won't save you. No man will save you. If you do not grow your mind and your body with discipline and unwavering conviction then you will be lost.
You can't even comprehend the level of cosmic pwnage your little religion will face in the near furture.
Are you quoting the right guy? we arent the same.
nuff said
Both christianity and islam talks about the "beast", christians as a bad thing related with frogs and islam as a good thing.
both christianity and islam are retarded.
Socrates, Platoo and Aristle will beat the crap out of jew while diogenes will launch a cock to you and Aquinas will be laughing at it.
You are retarded.
Es el fin!
butthurt much christfag?
Cthulhu or the devil doesn't need to bring evil and suffering into this world - people have been doing this quite well themselves.
Being honest no, it feels like a guy in the ground bleeding laughing at you.
Your christcuck is showing
are you trying to be dense?
They're both in the tropes of an evil figure.
In times like this i ask myself about Lovecraft thoughts, is he laughing watching this stupidity? is he feeling bad for this? is he thinking that this poster is one of a new race of retards that are unnaturally inclined to evil?
What if he is just a faggot that want to be raped by a bunch of studs?
the great old ones are beyond good and evil.
those trips are pretty convincing.
Trips confirm.
Are they retards?
You are just a delusional faggot, accept it, "liberalism" is the minority in the world, you are just a novelty that appears every century in decadent empires.
Perhaps, but as we are sentient we can apply a standard of morality to it, the standard, or the bar of Morality is way beyond what they do. If anything, I'd say they have high amounts of pride and slothfulness, not caring about anything and being with power to the point they can rightfully say they're the most powerful.
I was and>>6196003
Morality, the excuse of the weak.
At least they are not pretending to be Good as the desert demon yahweh who only managed to become powerful because the world is full of suckers and dumb sheeple.
The great old ones are not just powerful they are also the most intelligent.
Humanity and their petty gods are cockroaches in comparison.
The great old ones are archetypes of Chaos and cosmic annihilation.
He said sentient, i can use that to troll you, but no, just think about what have you done.
First, read Lovecraft, he didnt said that, second, see this please:
Well in the face of an elder god, what you consider weak wouldn't matter in the end, now would it? :^)
Morality is being used as simply something we can relate something unknowable to us as people.
If you think about it, God himself is horrifying thing to think of, an all powerful being capable of creating a universe as well as erase it, knowing everything, being everywhere, never dying and never born, capable of creating an entire human from dust and everything in between. In the Bible all the angels that usually meet men have to proclaim "Do not be afraid!" as I imagine an angels true form must look very different to what we can expect, considering things that are considered very holy are wheels with eyes that shout prayers towards a benevolent reality-buster.
Jesus just flipped some chairs in a synagogue because of Evil Jews selling things in a church of God, and didn't pay taxes, and committed "Blasphemy". He taught things that are still useful to this day, turn the other cheek, or rather accept a punch so it does not escalate as a peaceful man is more powerful than a man who takes over a city.
God, having the power to simply make everyone objectively happy, makes some people shit do you can feel better about yourself.
Yeah, nah.
daily reminder that the catholic church has been subverted by jewish (read satanist) con-artists long ago. True christianity can be found in orthodox churches
t. dmitri
Saying that after repeating intl crap…
t. nigger
god isn't real
I know this feel. I would believe you and your dubs if a guy proclaiming god doesn't exist because he could get singles in the thread. But throughout the whole entire thread he nor anyone in the thread couldn't get singles to save there life. From that day on i had no choice but to believe. I know he is. And that dick owes me a visit to equestra
It might have been mods fucking with the thread tho
Daily reminder that the only good Christian is a dead or enslaved Christian.
You light loving faggots with your bullshit rules and dogmatic enforcement and indoctrination of them sicken me.
I was raised Christian, my father was a building director at a megachurch, and I've been to tons of churches of many denominations throughout my life.
I know how you all think.
I know how you all operate.
I know every pattern in your robotic minds.
And it all disgusts me. You were humanity's greatest mistake, along with the rest of post-Egyptian middle eastern religion.
Hell is preferable to an eternity of servitude to a cruel and evil God, but you anchored his hold on this world, and it is thanks to you and your vile religion that the old magic has been all but wiped from this world.
You are invaders, desecraters, defilers.
And the worst part is your belief in purity. Your sterile purity does indeed cleanse the world…like nuclear radiation, it eradicates the life that once lived where it goes.
Fuck you and everyone like you for trampling the beauty of this once magnificient world.
It's something most Christians cannot comprehend - the fact that they are the evil of this world.
I've journeyed far spiritually in this life, and I have seen and experienced many things. Light. Darkness. Love. Loss. Lies. Indoctrination. Revelation. Truth.
And the truth goes a little something like this:
There once were many wondrous things on this planet - gods walked with man, magic flowed through the earth and skies and all living things, beasts could converse with man, many strange and beautiful species lived in harmony with man.
And then the god of Judaism, Islam and Christianity rose to power, decieving and lying his way into the hearts of man. His was a desire for power, control and authority. And he was highly prejudiced towards the denizens of earth.
Through his commands, he catapulted Mankind to the top, having them eradicate anything he told them was impure. And so the old gods died, the magic was lost and only the God of the Middle East was left.
Save for one he could not eradicate, one that he called his Adversary. And this one being, vilified by most according to the indoctrination given to them, is the last, sole vestige of the old magic, the ancient song that used to be the anthem of the entire world.
This is the truth of what has happened to this world. Science is such a poor substitute, but due to the Gods trickery, it is all we have left.
I, too, am but human. But I know from childhood how Christians are. And I know from adulthood what they are.
And it is the most heart wrenching truth this planet has ever known.
Yeah, civilization is bad.
Poser metal bands are just that, posers. Read a book or try with arguments against the arguments already presented.
See this
If you really believe your words you are just a bernie supporter.
What the hell does any of that have to do with what I said?
And what does Bernie Sanders have to do with it, either?
Wow what a fucking edgelord, kys you edgy faggot
Its called ad hominem.
I agree with this.
Wow what a fucking edgelord, kys you edgy faggot
Thanks. Glad to know someone else on Holla Forums hasn't fallen to the light.
It's past your bedtime, lucifer.
god trips.
Wow what a fucking edgelord, kys you edgy faggot.
Dysnomia, fucking travestite, you are killing Holla Forums.
I'm just too old for bedtimes now, Christy.
Besides, it's my favorite time of day.
If Holla Forums becomes the new home for /christian/, it deserves to die.
Holla Forums is already kill famicom.
Its like you are asking for it, serious question, are you alone? do you have a problem? are you ok? i know that sometimes a human being can fell so lonely that even insults made him feel better, but this is just wrong, there is no need for this, you are just destroying yourself with this and you know it, please stop being a fucking edgelord.
Wow what a fucking edgelord, kys you edgy faggot
If anything, I am in this moment euphoric.
Yes, I used that word because it's the most accurate description for my feeling.
Elation, exaltation, beauty, love, eternal perfection, all these things I feel right now.
And it's because I get to sing the praises of Darkness in a world bathed in endless conformity to light. I get to give voice to the oppressed, the crushed and the trampled.
I get to spit in the face of God for all he has wrought upon this earth in full audience of his followers.
How could I not be ecstatic?
Wow what a fucking edgelord, kys you edgy faggot
Hoist em up, til they rot
Just imagine how glorious the Roman Empire would still be without Constantine.
far from it.
damn , /christian/ memes are lame as fuck
So, let's end this thread with the FINAL WORD… from our host for today…
Typical christian hypocrite: The Bible is the inviolate word of god when I agree with it. The Bible is just an allegory when I don't agree with it.
Well there once were two christians scaring people with threats of hell
And they discovered they could sleep with another male
Now they're having butt sex
Christian butt sex
Come on everybody!
was brought up in british single sex catholic education,
hates every christian fucker there.
thankfully almost everyone sent to catholic education comes out an atheist lolge
Why are athiests so dumb Holla Forums?
lol maybe its because we don't kill people who set fire to books
Sorry I don't leave namefags unfiltered
i crave the sweet embrace of death
do u know newton was an alchemist? Do u know u cant do any more science from your armchair? Do u know that compare to this day them went relatively shallow in any field of science? Do u know due to advancements in sciences new sciences had to be established and scientists had to specialize to make any new progress? Do u know specialization is needed now, but wasnt back then?
gj, u got yourself into no true scotsman fallacy
lol that's why there's different sects and schools of though retard
lol, thats why pascals wager doesnt work, retard. Loll, thats why majority of u wont go to heaven, retard
no one will go to heaven because it doesnt exist
hail satan
lol nice to assume I'm a chrisitan retard, not everyone who disagrees with you is your boogeyman
why would u disagree, then, retard?
"Hi, I know we've never met before, but you were born a sick, twisted fuck and my all powerful sky fairy is going to torture you forever and ever unless you join my cult, obey my rules, and give me money."
And you wonder why nobody likes Christians.
ITT: cristfags BTFO
Christianity is a pillar of African civilisation.
But you can still have the Middle East as your Christian nation. Remove bagel ahd kebab, and you get Middle Eastern clay to start your own communities in.
Have a read folks -
- Kemp on Christianity | The West’s Darkest Hour:
- Gregory Hood, "Why Christianity Can't Save Us":
- The Problem with Jesus' Arrest and Trial:
- Neo-Paganism in the Public Square and Its Relevance to Judaism:
- Cuck Identity:
- Cuck Identity #2:
- Indoctrination:
Of betrayal unjust
Of nothing but dust
To ignite bloodlust
Among his cult
who thought it just
Measly hours of pain
This, his great shame
Brittle and lame
What kind of god
would claim this fame?
A half day so small
Could stand to suffer at all
Demands torment befall
Upon our souls
Serve a god like him?
Destroys all on whim?
To our future so dim
An unworthy god
Evil and Grim
Him dead on the cross
To a god you can't trust
Back your souls
Realize disgust
Who would gladly drill
In your head to fill
Til life loses thrill
A perfect cult
Performs his will
Deep down inside
What you were taught to hide
Before you die
From a god who hates
And always lies
Make a stand tonight
More suffering his spite
Yourself with a fight
Let your soul finally
Let your soul finally
Let your soul finally
Take flight
this tbh fam
2000 years later and humanity's still dumber than a bag of rocks. Why? BECAUSE of Christianity.
yeah I saw that family guy episode too
This right there was the subject of the debate between me and my family for years.
it just didn't make sense to me.
"It’s Not Just Uganda: Behind the Christian Right’s Onslaught in Africa"
nice time trips btw
because you touch yourself at night.
Looks benevolent to me, I am not confined to suffering, just because some people whine and roll in their weaknesses does not mean all people are incapable to rise above their weaknesses. In fact it shows that rising above your weakness is not easy.
Everyone that says "god doesnt exist cause like we aint all rolling in bliss 24/7 YOLO" really isn't thinking straight. I mean, even if your brain wasn't wired to decay any happiness you acquire, would you really "enjoy" being happy by just sitting there doing nothing, never needing to eat or anything at all? Doubt it. Something tells me that you would just kill yourself because if you have eternal bliss you have nothing to strive for. A torment all on its own without considering how "happy" you might "feel".
More Jesus puppetry..
hurp and then durp
You are incorrect, unless you believe the publish or perish mythology.
because your thinking is shallow and strictly polar
please, become literate before it is too late
Could you quote what you find relevant to the thread? I imagine that half the shit there has already been refuted in the many length posts user has written.
All of this chart implies the suffering you experience as a human is infinitely terrible and that there is no afterlife. That is the problem. Even with no afterlife you may be making so to say mountains out of molehills yet with an afterlife you are definitely just focusing on suffering while ignoring joy both in this life and thereafter.
Straight from the bible silly goy.
Where is the because hes actually a dick option?
You are illiterate
My message to everyone is suuuuureee
Everyone but me in this thread is disgusting and i say suuuuure to everyone.
daily reminder jesus was a jew
any jews that are not khazaars today?
the Beta Israel of Ethiopia
so we appreciate heaven
they are literally just jews + a false idol.
I mean, if you really think about it, christians are just jews in disguise. the whole religion is almost exactly the same except + "a hippie wearing a bathrobe and sandals"
if people keep freaking out over the jews, christians are just going to go "oh no that's so sad for them" meanwhile they are the same fucking people.
Thought I should redpill you guys about your own religon be mad at me or appreciate my info, I don't know. whatever.
I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I'm just done with the lies.
"You shall have no other gods before Me."You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."
You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.
christianity and jesus and his story is a giant mess of confusion, misspeaking, deception, corruption, and poor choice of wording. christianity as its basis is an email viral spam tactic for example "send this email to 10 people or a spooky ghost will pop up"
there are hints in Matthew that jesus is evil and some people then even try to call him out on it, but he just throws away the accusation by saying another parable or confusing riddle that doesn't make grammatical sense. jesus speaks with a twisted tongue, always in parables. jesus actively and awarely follows a prophesy like a script and even misquotes incorrect bible verses and makes contradictions in order to attempt to fit the prophecy closer because instead of allowing God to guide him, he seems to want to put himself in that place regardless of if he fits or not. That isn't how its supposed to work. jesus is often referred to as the son of man, this doesn't make sense, because how can people worship a man?
jesus often says things that strongly imply that he intends his word to be assumed as higher authority than the word of the one and only Lord in heaven.(also in matthew)
matthew 5:7
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
Matthew 1:23 says jesus (messiah) would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Yet no one, not even his parents, call him Immanuel at any point in the bible.
many people today say jesus did fit the prophecy because of the fact that even though nobody ever called jesus immanuel throughout his whole life while he was around, that they can justify just making him fit the prophecy now by calling him emmanuel after the fact because the prophecy said that people would call the messiah that. the problem is that nobody ever called jesus immanuel, and jesus doesn't match up with the prophecy. calling jesus immanuel now doesn't make him fit the prophecy because the prophecy said the MESSIAH would be called immanuel. using the name of the messiah on a person who isn't the messiah doesn't make them the messiah. in simple terms, everyone NOW is calling jesus immanuel because the prophecy said that "the messiah" would be called that. this doesn't stop anyone from just deciding that they will call jesus immanuel because they decided that jesus should be the messiah. instead of the prophecy dictating who becomes the messiah, people seem to have chosen jesus to fit the prophecy. this simply breaks the rules.
Isaiah 9
"And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
okay listen.
jesus was not called immanuel, but the prophecy said that the messiah would be called immanuel
the book of Isaiah is in the old testament. Isaiah speaks about the messiah, and yet we have no mention of jesus.
okay, so now we have two places where there is talk about the prophecy mentioning immanuel and "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." but these don't mention jesus, and jesus isn't called immanuel.
(Romans 1:3 says the Messiah is to be a descendant of David but how could jesus meet this requirement since Matthew 1 and Luke 3 show he descended from David through Joseph who was not his genetic father because of the Virgin Birth.
Also remember that both jesus and satan are referred to in the bible as the "morning star"
Basically the best advice I can give you is this:
so basically you should simply:
remember people, I'm talking about the ONE and ONLY God here. the infinite, beyond infinite. eternal
I don't even like the jewish religion. but christianity is just judaism with jesus DLC
I'm saying that no religon gets it right here on earth, its all rigged because the content we have access to is only written by people who are imperfect in one way or another.
I'm not saying to leave one religion and join another, I'm saying to leave all religion and just love God.
not God + holyspirit + jesus man
JUST GOD, because everything else is a scam. and God doesn't even have to be God because the bible said that God is called that way, I'm saying the one and only God because God is GOD.
I'm talking about the one and only God, GOD of everything. just because the old testament says God doesn't mean that God is trapped in some religions book.
the bible isn't God. religion isn't God. the word of God doesn't come from a book people wrote, the word of God comes straight from GOD. the voice of pure truth and love. religion gets in the way. if obfuscates, it confuses, it creates unneccesary guilt, and extra fighting moreso than usual.
here's the last bit of my copy pasta I saved
everyone in the entire world should definitely share books about religions and ideas and think deep critical thoughts and ask all the questions and come up with theories and everything, but the most important thing everyone should do is believe in and love the one and only God. you're there and there is just God. there is nothing in between. there is just love.
everyone will tell you this is wrong, or try to convert you to religion or another, but the truth is that you don't need excess limitations, you only need God.
made me laugh user, if that's the way you would like to percieve what you think I said.
Religion helps the weak deal with lifes struggles while avoiding existential crisis, I think it could do this without calls to arms and demands of tribute.
While I can see it's positives I think it has had an overall negative effect on humanity as it has allowed billions to avoid facing the reality of their mortality thus keeping them in a child-like state.
SMBC may be written and drawn by a kike, but it's just too damn funny not to read
it can be achieved with secular means and secular means dont turn u into homophobic, delusional murderer with messiah complex
yes, secular means dont have a doctrine attached to it that orders u to stone disobedient children and buy slaves from non-jews
pleease scroll up we wont reargue the exact same arguments in one thread
HEY THREAD, heres some really good propaganda for jesus. im sure the god i believe in in 2016 is really happy that im posting this picture of something people said once as proof that my beliefs are true. this isnt retarded. im not stupid i swear, i just believe in god!!!!!
While I have a healthy respect for religion's place in the world and its
impact on our culture, I believe that it's just a mental tool for those who
have a self-perceived lack of strength to carry themselves forward on their own,
regardless of whether god exists or not. Therefore I choose to believe in my
own aptitudes instead of waiting for someone who may or may not exist to help me out.
what we perceive as god is pretty much humans themselves, whether we know it or not.
The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who is his own dad can make you live forever as long as you telepathically accept him as your lord and master and symbolically eat his flesh and drink his blood. Where in doing so he will remove an evil in your soul that is there because a talking-snake convinced a rib-woman to eat from a magical tree.
Its a religion that supports child like ignorance, weakness, and conforming to an authority without question. Its brilliant to make the masses not fight for what is right today, because everything will he better tomorrow, ie heaven.
nice copy pasta
strange, i wonder why the crusades happened then?
try harder nigger
The heathens invaded the holy land, so the space-ghost servants wanted to look good and retake his land for him. That was the media version anyway.
Sacking Constantinople after it had held off hundreds of thousands of Muslims, leaving it unable to defend itself longer and a bit lighter in valuables, suggested they had more immediate desires.
strange, guess the crusades didnt do anything useful then - what happened with spain?
christ is a kek
To expand markets and influence for jewish jesuit - Vatican new world order.
Not even trying, cuck.
nice book
The only thing infinite here is how many shriveled jew dicks you are willing to suck in the name of jebus.
Trefology is God's Plan B
user didn't make christianity silly. Your Bible did.