ITT: A bunch of Holla Forumsacks get together, buy a property, and build an Aryan settlement as meme capital of the world.

Less discussion, more organizing now.
Property is 2nd pic related, located in map related.
In a small village called Kukuk. Used to have summer camp for autists run by guy called Bantz. 4.5 acres, 2 houses for 50+ people. More than enough for a handful of Holla Forumsacks.
Right by a lake and a farmer with guns.

Property still up for discussion.

Go here if you want to join so we can get some numbers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot link: seminarhauspartner.de/ferienhof-kukuk-seminarhaus-dabel-hsnr438.html

Have any of these "community" things actually happened?

We're gonna make it happen.

It's like you fags don't want to get extremely cheap land without niggers and other subhumans.

I support what you guys are doing and wish you success, just please be careful, especially in stassi Germany.

Now that's white flight.

Could we set up a gofundme type thing and set something like this up as a training base for anons from all over?
We could run courses in self sufficiency, traditional skills, fitness, programming/ hacking, making money outside the system, political subversion, propaganda, speech making etc etc
If we could coordinate to bring in trainers and anons that want to learn skills, we could do something quite special I think.

Reminder this is just a distraction, intended or not.

You're not the dead sea sect or some Amish, you're part of a greater whole, the rest of us being asleep, and saving that whole won't be achieved by moving away.

Bump for the American branch.

European here..,

Someone get to it, I can't into online banking shit

Yes, several times. /namibia/ and /greenland/ even got their own boards.

People actually went to namibia?

Nah, writers created hitpieces about it and the project discontinued. It's not a good idea to post it here because of shills.


Panhandle of Idaho?

I was going to say northern Idaho in general. Unfortunately eastern Washington is fulling up with beaners, and Coeur d'Alene is becoming a suburb of beaner loving Spokane.

Come to New Hampshire we're white have funs and I don't have to move

I've looked into this a bit myself. Maine is a PERFECT state for this because of very nonrestrictive building regulations in northern Maine. Building restrictions are what will fuck you, so this is good.

Downside is, obviously, it's cold as fuck. We're white, though, so who gives a fuck.

Isn't the northern 2/3 of Maine owned by private corporations?

No just Trans Nazi wanking. Can't even meet up for simple networking yet are going to build a "community".

I wouldn't know. The important questions here are:

- Is there enough land for sale?
- Where?
- For how much?

I'm going to make the assumption that #1 is yes but I haven't looked specifically into where I might find land, so the where and cost are two things I don't have. Still, Maine is an idea and, again, the building regulations are very lax in northern Maine.

you niggers come up with this plan every spring/summer and never follow through.

but I want you to follow through.

especially now that you guys have decided upon leadership through death squads as the preferred method of governance.

THREE CHEERS FOR Holla Forumsiberia

How? I only have no money beyond a flight there…

*I have no money beyond a flight there

Planet earth is ours.

Have we gotten a gofundme going yet, lads?

Ah so this is the new demoralising term these days. LARPer get old, did it?

Threadly reminder that you should maintain a thread on >>>/col/ for longer term coordination.

Not really interested but an idea for you:

That's on you, white man. I would help you orient yourself once you get here, though.

NNWA when?


What's the requirments to get into New Hampshire? How much?

Is it risky if I came originally for a holiday but got lost after a few months, found cash in hand work and never went back?

Same requirements as the USA. Based on your post I'm assuming you aren't a US citizen; have you looked into what it would take migrate here legally? Being an illegal under President Trump doesn't seem like a great idea.

It's a good idea if i'm willing to work for it.


Why aren't you joining the European branch, user?

Because OP was retarded enough to suggest moving to Germany.

Going to Germany is a one-way ticket into prison for Nazism and denying the holocoaster tycoon.

It's not that easy to create a prosperous community in Europe. Especially not when the states are very centralized and the country is densely populated.
Setting up shop in the dead rural areas would mean our entire group would have to live off the land, or start a factory together. And that is just not a very feasible plan. So we'd have to live closer to a medium sized urban center, which means no ebin windmill flags and no public salutes.


this isn't Holla Forums

Holla Forums has a lot of old timers on it

What's to stop someone from just scamming everyone?

We aren't kikes here, user.

Nope, no kikes here, shills aren't a thing.

American user reporting. I have like 53,000 American Airlines miles I've been saving for a vacation in Ameristan (already spent air miles for European flights).

I'd be willing to scout a property, since I've been looking for an acreage anyway.
I'm tied up with real estate until late summer, but I could put a week or two of work and a few thousand into the project provided I was given shares of ownership and a private Kukuk shed to visit every now and then.

The Kukuk property has like 3 bungalows IIRC. I'm sure you could have one of those.

Yes, this! NJ user reporting in. I need to get the fuck out of here, I can't take it anymore. I'm looking at about 3 years to leave for somewhere else.
Is property cheap/taxes low?
I want to do perms culture farming and learn livestock rearing of sheep and goats (maybe even some dairy cows). Is the climate amenable to this?
How is the employment?
Are the women cunty and trashy? (Anymore than the rest of America).

Sorry for all the questions, but I've been looking very seriously at NH.

Property taxes are mid to high. Low capital gains tax. There is no income tax or sales tax, but there is restaurant tax. Property is very, very cheap up north and in certain rural areas in the west, but "normal" in southern NH when compared to the Northeast US. Although cheaper than NJ (scout around on Zillow).

I know a libertarian hippie family in southwestern NH who raises many pigs and a couple cows, as well as some basic crops. Though I don't know much about sheep and goats specifically in this climate.

Up north most people have a bunch of hustles going on like seasonal work, or they have a small business. In the south the economy is decent. There is a lot of tech and engineering in Manchester and Nashua. Dover and Portsmouth the hipper more liberal areas.

The women aren't any especially cunty and trashy when compared to the rest of the US. In the inner cities they are, but it's like that in most of the US. There are a good amount of hwhite traditionally raised women in the rural areas.

If you have any other questions I'm more than happy to answer. I've lived here for about 5 years now, originally from the same area as you. And if you ever make it up this way I'm willing to meet up and show you around Manch at least

It's all fantasy talk. No real life anything.

Yeah, that's what you'd like.

I'd say most of 8/pol/ is between 22 and 35


Add your year if it's not listed.

Hopefully the mods don't delete this thread. Everytime we've tried to have a poll like this in the last year, the mods label it "datamining" and shoah the thread Asking year of birth is datamining now?

Shit, now I'm worried.

Maybe it being a post in a thread just aimed at the readers, instead of a whole thread itself aimed at the whole board, it will be ok?

Well, my backup plan is fucked. Even my eastern Kentucky town with a population of probably less than 10,000 people is showing signs of becoming culturally enriched.

Every time I go to the grocery store, I see a SWPL, middle-class, cuck couple with seven niglets. The worst part is that I've seen multiple "families" like this here, just not at the same time.

Loo poos are moving into the general area with certain restaurant and lodging chains, spics are already here, and all the whites are either dying off or moving to larger cities for college or because "KY is boring and homophobic, lol."

I'm not sure if I want to move or not. Most of the country is probably at least this bad. I've been thinking about Montana and Idaho for a while now, though. In the short term, I just want Trump to get elected, but where I'm at, Mexicans aren't even the biggest demographic issue.

I'm so very confused and conflicted about it all.

you better enjoy starving

Honestly FAM this shit would only be allowed when Trump becomes emperor. It wouldn't surprise me if he subsidized these Aryan farming communities because produce is declining.

Imagine living in an all white shitposting farming community, my sides would orbit the Earth every day.

I hope and pray Volkisch villages pop up everywhere in reaction to creeping Marxist globalism.

IIRC there's already several of these in Germany but none so far yields the power of memes.

We really need to organize some kind of road trip or meetup to deal with this (thus far legit to be frank) criticism.

Inb4 muh honeypot

As far as the American branch goes, the related thread has the most progress made out of any of these discussions thus far.


Is this off the electrical grid or on-grid?

If off, I can contribute something small but (maybe) significant. I'm designing a plastic solar cell enclosure that will be 3D printable and would significantly simplify the construction of solar panels and significantly reduce their cost.

See, most of the cost for panels now is the shipping. Panels are heavy because of the glass. You can build a panel yourself with just solar cells, which are much cheaper and much lighter, but there's a problem: they're brittle and most people don't know enough about electricity or electronics to be able to put them together. So, what I'm designing is basically a fool-proof plastic enclosure. You thread some tabbing/bus wire through some holes, place the cell in, it makes contact with the wire and establishes the negative connection. Because the enclosure can be sized to the specific cell, there's such little room that the connection wouldn't slip and no soldering would be necessary. Then you'd thread the tabbing/bus wire through some more holes for the positive connection, and secure it down with a separately printed piece of plastic that slides into the same holes and clips down.

Which finishes the cell. The result is a safe and protected cell enclosed in plastic which resembles a battery, with a male positive side and a female negative side (heh). Then they can just be pressed together like you would batteries. At the end of a run of them, they connect to a bus bar (same tabbing wire) via a simpler type of enclosure that's also 3D printed, which just accepts a tabbing wire and a male or female connector from the cell enclosures, bridging the connection and giving you a full circuit that you can wire to your charge controller.

Because it's designed this way, there's no need for eva or silicone to protect it (it would be redundant), which further reduces cost, and the modularity of the cells with the enclosures makes it very easy to replace anything that breaks, potentially extending the life of the panel many years and significantly simplifying maintenance.

I'm still trying to work out the best way to design a frame for the panel and a cover for it, which is more finicky because the materials used need to be strong and most 3D printers won't be able to print something large enough, which would impact the structural integrity of the frame if i made something you could piece together instead of a more solid frame. Which is a separate issue from the fact that it would be made out of PVC in the first place, which is fine for enclosing a cell that won't ever take any direct impact anyway, but isn't exactly a rugged material that can withstand harsh weather. Then there's the cover, which should be glass but I'm thinking with the right kind of support maybe some thick, clear plastic might work, which would be less brittle and possibly more appropriate for weather-related impacts like hail.

TL;DR: Solar panels that are 3D printable, cost less than half the price and last nearly twice as long. Pic related.

I've tried to meet up over coffee to talk with local volk but either they're too scared or I'm somehow offputting. When I used to listen to The Daily Shoah they were always talking about having successful meetups so I don't know what to make of it. Since then I've focused on meeting new people locally without worrying about hiding my power level so much, with mixed results.

Drop White Nationalist as it's the problem. Meet as a normal White concerned about our rights. No reason to be scared or put off if you're not meeting a trans nazi.

I got you fam. You want a Holla Forums meetup, what you need is to do it by proxy. Find some other meetup to crash and impersonate. halfchan /soc/ shit or something. No one from there even has to attend, it just needs to be organized from outside this side and under different pretenses.

- Why
Because there is no government agency that is going to let its agents waste time tracking meme lords if we make it even a little bit inconvenient for them. If we do it under other pretenses, say some halfchan gay sex thing, anyone attending has plausible deniability and it's not like the FBI is going to stick around to make sure you do let your boipussi get pummled.

Worst case scenario, Holla Forumsacks make some faggots very uncomfortable and the alphabet has to explain to their bosses why they went to a gay sex meetup. If you happen to get illegally arrested for crimethink, just say you like dicks which, as we all know, is very kosher.

some people on 4chan are fantasizing about getting land in Namibia

They've been doing that for years now, and yet Namibia still belongs to niggers.


We won't need electriciy, we have memes

The Emperor in his wisdom , states that passion and persistence are the difference between being successful and being a failure. Never give up, and never take no for an answer. If any of you anons are truly passionate about the cause of the white race then go forth with an eternal flame within your hearts and forever hold your heads high.

but remember this. NEVER give up

Why hasn't meme-powered electricity been invented yet?

Why does it have to be a giant "meetup"? Just meet another Holla Forumsack at a coffee shop and chat 1 on 1. If they start talking about planning violent shit then you know they are a retard or alphabet. Too many people are blowing the risk way out of proportion and overthinking shit.

How did that work out in South Africa?

If you can arrange a 1 on 1 meetup then sure, you're right, do that.

Otherwise, singling people out is harder and there's always the chance that multiple alphabets are there.

God knows why they'd bother but they've been known to do dumber shit.

We're past that point now, we don't give a shit if we look like ebil gnatsays. Just do what Trump is doing, hes feeding off of the negative publicity and is growing stronger.

Then fucking stay home coward. Every other group can network but Whites.

The feds can't encourage normal people to commit violence. No trans nazis, no feds.

Also the fact that apparently you have to be a namibian citizen to purchase and own property over a certain amount if I recall correctly


I don't want the meetup to be just irl Holla Forums memespouting. That's stupid just go on Holla Forums.

The main problem with these threads is that we seem like useless autists that only shitpost and never leave the house or do anything requiring effort.

So the meetup should require extensive travel from most (at least 2-3 hours, possibly more than a day) so that it can be demonstrated that anons have the wherewithal to travel long distances (as would be required for such a community, as we're geographically dispersed). It should also entail some physically demanding activity, such as hunting, camping, hiking or skiing to demonstrate that we are not useless faggots who can't into honest work. It should absolutely not be sitting around in a bar drinking beer and meming out. I have nothing against being drinking buddies with Holla Forums, but as preparation for starting a community it is not conducive to organizing and building trust.

I really want to plan such a thing and go through with it. Even if I'm the only person to show up, I can report back here and the second time I plan it, other anons will know that at least one other person is a likely show.

I'm trying to decide whether to organize it on Holla Forums, the mead hall or /col/.

I don't like this idea. Firstly if agents are watching us, they will also read the thread, so you gain no security for the extra hassle.

We should just meet up without any extraordinary secrecy (beyond not going out of our way to recruit unrelated faggots like soc). If the agencies are at all interested in Holla Forums, they will send someone to pose as one of us, or to watch us from a distance. They will observe a bunch of men meet up, enjoy some ordinary outdoors activity, possibly express the occasional right wing view, and go back to their homes. There is no crime going on and even if they wanted to frame us they would have no case because we will adopt a zero tolerance policy to any illegal provocateering during this meet such as lol le overthrow the gubmint.

Because it's one thing to go down the street and pop into your local coffee shop (if there's even other anons in your town who are interested) but wholly another to me to some field in the middle of nowhere and become a farmer wit h internet people.

The meetup must be difficult to prove that there are people who are indeed able to show initiative and overcome hardship, which is a crucial skill for starting a community of the sort discussed in this thread.

Homesteading sounds pretty cozy to an extent (obviously lots of hard work but still).

Are yurts White?

Oh, you're talking about the Northwest Front?

They're not, but why would you live in a dwelling intended for nomads?

My conception of meeting others isn't memespouting but to meet local like-minded people to network for mutual assistance and friendship. The hunting, camping and stuff can come later after you've hung out a couple times and exchanged ideas, gone to the range, lifted together, or whatever other anons do in their spare time. I think that' s a fairly natural progression for most people.

I get what you mean about proving yourself but I don't think you'll have much success like that because white adult males who have value will have a lot going on in their lives. Probably working 5d/wk, going the gym 2d/wk, and have a GF or waifu.

So they'll want to test the waters before they commit time and energy to something. Especially when it's a big unknown like meeting up for a camping expedition with internet anons you've never met before.

But I haven't had any success meeting up 1 on 1 either and I've tried for a while so I could be totally off base. Or it's a numbers game and there just aren't enough people in/around NH.

First it was Zambia, then it was an island in the Caribbean and now this. Come on guys, focus on something better than RPing an Exodus.

I didn't mean to disparage, but like I said, there is meeting up just to meet up, and then there's meeting up to see gauge how motivated other people are for some kind of project.

Sure, would be nice. I think this is what meadhall was for… Unfortunately doesn't seem to have been too successful. In my state there were close to 25 anons, and in my city 2, but somehow I never managed to meet up with them. I believe I helped others organize and meet though, at one point.

So do I. I intend to take time off work if this is a 2+ day thing, but ideally it can be accomplished over a weekend.

Well, that's another reason that I say something like camping: If you go to the area, and nobody shows up, you go camp or do whatever on your own and it's still an enjoyable, worthwhile trip. If you go and other people turn out to be cancer, you can just excuse yourself and have fun on your own. If it turns out people who show up are decent folk, lucky you, mission accomplished.

That's why the activity must be chosen so that it's appealing own to people like us. Eg. Camping, shooting, etc. Note how this doesn't work when meeting up for coffee: If the others don't show up, or they do but turn out to be not your kinda crowd, now you're sitting in a coffee shop, alone, and thinking "well fuck, I could be home playing vidya in my underwear right now".

Seriously, nothing against your approach. I think both have their place and I'm 100% behind you, but it seems that past experience shows two things:

meeting up at a hunting lodge could work.

If you're using a rifle like a pistol, prepare to die. Move to a midwest state with wide open ranges and good funz lawz as well. And I will trade you tons of german girls for british or scandi girls

There's no oil shortage you gullible nigger


And you're doing what, you fucking faggot?

Hm… so, uh… how many kikes have you killed, mate?

I have a funny idea.
This year I'm starting a business in between the us and france. In france the price of items like sunglasses and back backs are all incredibly expensive.
An example is an east pack from Walmart is around 100 euro here. So basically I'm going to buy this shit here in the us put it on a rented container and use some of my french contacts to sell the shit there by undercutting the price.
I stand to make a lot of cash with this.
Bonus points are all the migrants that will buy this stuff.
So basically this year I make the migrants fund our pol colonies bc that's where I'm putting the money I'm making for this.

i would recommend starting a closed community in czech republic and not in germany

prices are lower
better gun laws
no hate speech laws
no sjw
no antifa

1. Europe is fucked.
2. At least USA has guns
3. Make it look like some corporate retreat.

Doesn't it have import taxes? Might as well take it from China.

>Hwite Australian

get round it aye

Is it kewl if I'm a redpilled tgirl? Can I join? I don't promote faggotry, but I'm not a semite cocksucker, either. And no, I'm not into your treehouse for wanton sex.

Good points. If one strategy is not working (and it's failed us both so far) then we should try something new. In the meantime I'm just going to start wearing my meme gear IRL like remove kebab shirt and hope people pick up on it.

but yeah guys
this commune shit is a cowardly retreat
the real call; you are not harkening: you have accepted defeat and foolishly presume fate is already sealed (like this cunt:

do not give up: you have not even begun to try.
ride out!
bring the pills to the polis
awaken the folk!
you have no better timing! the september rapefugee pozening and trump!? they are ready to hear!
scrub up; suit up!
take a euro trip!
go door-to-door!
street action is fun, but is ultimately useless: don't waste time fighting: speak to those keen to hear (there are plenty more than you have breath to tell)
show them the problem; show them the solution!
this is not a physical war: the battlefield is on the mental plane of our own kind - there the kulturkampf rages.
the harvest is plenty; oh but the workmen are so few.
its so fucking easy: they are ready for it, bros. you don't even have to mention hitler, the jews, etc. its way more simple to explain the shifts happening to a ready ear, compared to apologetics or debating.

beset in our twined fates: we all have a slice of paradise and loving families to raise there in peace. even if your nation is terminally poz'd, you can still have your own plot; for
but with such a sweet destination for you to embrace…it is only the beggining for your kin.
how then now can we not rally for the cause of progeny's inheritance? what have we to spare: not blood to spill; but mere spaghetti.

Depends. Are you white?

I blame the memes for this.

We already tried it. It never worked for several reasons. Focus on creating an irl Holla Forumsack network instead of an autist stronghold.

There are in fact a lot of right wing transsexuals and many of them support Donald Trump.


calling yourself a "tgirl" might is a bit suspicious i don't know anyone self respecting who would use the term "tgirl"

tbh I thought they made a typo, but I guess it doesn't matter.

Every trans I've met has basically just had some problems and what it usually boils down to is bad friends and bad family. Give them a good friend and they get better. I see that with a lot of things that most of us have just condemned as hopeless.

- Don't entertain their facade, always call them out but don't be confrontational
- Treat them like a person and with respect, but always regard their trans nonsense as strange and uncomfortable
- Be a good person and a good friend
- Watch how quickly they drop the trans shit when they discover that they not only don't need it to maintain a good friendship, identity and character, but it actually gets in the way

All it is, is a lack of self-confidence pushing them to adopt some unusual lifestyle to try to establish some kind of identity. As they gain natural confidence, they drift from their bizarre shit and it all becomes an embarrassing memory for them.

Crossdressing isn't an uncommon fetish, but a person should never make a fetish into a lifestyle. Furries made their fetish into a lifestyle. Cucks made their fetish into a lifestyle. Homosexuals made their fetish into a lifestyle. Never go full fetish.

All of you will be lined up against the wall to add a coat of red to it.


No Finns allowed.

How many people are doing the NWF thing?

i said transsexuals not "tgirl", "transgender" or "trans" or any of that other cucked faggotry. if you still have a dick you're a guy in a dress.

i do agree though that "transgenders" are primarily doing it for attention and identity rather than some imperative biological need. it's pure faggotry.


Kind of what this guys saying. Remember the town a few years ago (I think it was New Hampshire, or something. Maybe. Some yankee state) that had lawsuits filed against it for racial discrimination?

Apparently, the cost-of-living was too high for any POC to live there, so they filed a complaint to have their own little shithole Section-8 ghetto, or something like that. Because the town was "too white" or whatever.

I'll be back later with a link to an article so you know I'm not just spewing bullshit.

Well, this was the one I was talking about (and it was in Conneticut)

But HOLY SHIT FAM, in Georgia, too?

These are mutually exclusive things.

The point of the community is literally to get away from people like you.

amazing i was about to ask this too.

i'm a bit more open to wanton sex tho.

what should we call ourselves? traps?

it's not gay or degenerate to be a trap and we can be redpilled.

i just want to have the kind of life girls get to have. it's not fair that i can't just because i'm a boy physically.


good enough for me

Yes it is, and you are a faggot.

You could just admit you're gay, and don't call yourself a t"girl".

but i don't want to be gay and i want to be a girl.

the thought of gay sex doesn't turn me on. the thought of straight sex does. so i'm straight by definition.

i'm just girl-straight. i want hetero sex, just like you do, but as the girl. just like girls do.

You have WAY too much of an attachment to your fetish.

I don't care what gets you off. I really don't. It only becomes a problem when you tell people.

You don't have to try to justify what you're into, or convince people you're not gay, if you DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT.

No one is going to treat you like a woman. That's reality. All you're doing is making people hate you and treat you like shit. Grow the fuck up.

This is hopeless.

You are a man, and you will remain one, even if you cut your dick off or gobble estrogen. I hope you will come out of this phase without doing something you will regret all your life.

tbh a good friend could probably cure me but i'm so far gone that at this point i just want a friend to be my bf.

i know it's strange and uncomfortable. that's why i'm a recluse. i don't push wanting to be treated like a girl on people irl. that's wrong. i just wish i had friends who would. even just one to be my bf. then i'd stay with him and bask in his treatment of me and keep out of everybody else's face.

it's not to have an identity. it's because i'd only fail at being male. being a girl is the only way i'd be a successful person. i can't be a man. but i could be a housewife to one. if only i was a girl.

it's not just a fetish. it's knowing that i could be a woman but can't be a man.

i know that. that's why i wish i really was a woman. but that's impossible ;_;


i'm not an sjw! i hate them and all feminists.

i think women should clean behind the fridge and not have the vote!

how less sjw can i be?!

You're a tranny faggot, and you blame "society" for not accepting you as a womyn.
That makes you a disgusting fucking social justice warrior.

So you're saying it's an escape from the responsibility of being a man?

Did you have a shitty/beta/absent father? They're the ones that are supposed to teach you how to be a man. Did you not have that?

i don't blame them. i just wish i was someone they did accept as a woman, that is, a real woman.

right on both counts.

I imagine it's hard to admit that to yourself. Even if you're a trap, you're still a man. Feeling immasculated must hurt, and if it does then it's proof that being a man is still important to you, even if you might manage to subvert it into a sexually submissive fetish for comfort.

Are you attracted to women too, or are you *exclusively* dick crazy?

tbh i was never even manly enough for it to hurt really. that takes more male pride than i ever had. what hurts isn't being unable to be a man, it's that i don't get to be a girl.

i like women too. they're really pretty and beautiful and i'd love to be around that beauty as well as to have it myself. but that's just physical attraction. sexually and romantically i want someone strong and assertive to make me feel submissive and safe. a man.

How are you redpilled when an integral part is that being a tranny is bad?

If you still cling to this "but i was just born this way ;-)" bullshit you're not redpilled at all, you just memorized a few merchant pics and think parroting it makes you redpilled when really you are bluepill supreme.

Personally I think right wing trannies are fairly low on the list of societal ills that need to be fixed, between immigrants, sjws, left wing lgbt shit, political correctness, affirmative action and other things that are far more harmful. I don't even mind particularly you being on this board and shitposting with you, so long as you don't pull an don't hit on me silly boiis. But it's ridiculous that you think that Holla Forums's ideal society would in any way be pro-tranny.

You don't think a woman could ever fill that role?

It's literally just a fetish, it's called autogynophilia.

but it's not! even gays are more deviant than we are. i still want hetero sex and hetero relationships and gender roles.

i don't, that's bullshit. i think i'm a trap for the same reason you do: because i'm a failed male.

tbh it's flattering when that happens and i like flirting with anons. but i understand why the majority don't like that.


no. women are submissive and mentally weak, like me. at most they like being on top a little bit in the bedroom or want their own career while still wanting guys to approach them. they don't want to be breadwinner and to have a homemaker partner. that's why feminine guys repulse them. they repulse me too for the same reason, because i want a manly man, even though i am one myself really.

no that's just part of it. it's much more than that. it's being male while lacking everything that makes males men. agp is only a natural consequence of that. not the core problem.

Yes it is. Who are you to decide what is or what isn't redpilled? We did just pull this stuff out of our collective asses, it's based on some deep thinking and builds on millennia of human experience.

You think you can just push your own headcannon whenever it suits you and expect the philosophy to retain any semblance of internal consistency? Please.

I think you are because you refused bother to better yourself, and you are refusing it to still day after day. FYI the correct thing for you to do is stop now and be a man.

You're cancer. The anons who do that are likewise cancer crossboard tourist who never understood what Holla Forums is about and are only here for the merchant pictures. The moral thing to do is for all of you to just leave.

Because it makes it makes no fucking sense, lol. Why bother claiming to follow an ideology when you modify it in such a way that it defeats the whole point of the ideology?

Women act like women because they evolved to be homemakers and mothers. You're just a weak, lazy faggot so please don't insult decent women by claiming you're anything like them. Putting on a slutty dress isn't all there is to being a woman.

Some of them do, actually. I happen to know one who's single (I prefer subs, personally).

Before she knew I had a gf, she was very pushy. Told me she liked teasing guys and not letting them orgasm. Started getting into it before I had to tell her I was taken. A very confident woman, I can say that much.

You're telling me that kind of woman doesn't appeal to you? If I were to give you her email, you'd never use it?j

God you're such a faggot I take back what I said about being okay with you posting here.

You literally described autogynephilia in your own words. Holy shit you're so degenerate you even try to glorify your stupid gay fetish as some transcendent thing.

What are you even doing on this board? How could any of the topics we discuss possibly appeal to you? Please leave and don't come back.

are hetero sex and hetero relationships and girls being submissive to men and gender roles traditional and consistent and moral?

yes i'm too mentally weak to better myself, just like women are. that's why i should be one.

but being here is my own tiny way of bettering myself. like a girl who supports right-wing men while knowing she's inferior to them.

but it doesn't! there don't need to be any modifications at all, just acceptance that i'm a girl mentally.

i want to be a homemaker too. i want to be a companion to a man like good women are. i know that's more than just being a slut.

like i said, some girls want to be tops sometimes. ask her if she wants to be breadwinner, ask her if she wants a feminine stay at home partner, ask her if she likes men who crossdress, ask her if she thinks she's more of a man than a woman.

she'll say no. at the end of the day, she wants a man to look after her, not the other way around. guaranteed.

being pushy is just her way of making herself sexually available. it's feminine teasing, not masculine assertiveness.

i'd email her but we'd end up chatting about the different kinds of guys we like, not hitting it off.

no what i described is a whole personality. you said that's just a fetish. it's not. it's a kind of person who naturally has that fetish.

do you think feminism was a mistake? the left is bad? women shouldn't get the vote? me too.

Asked her already while having a discussion about feminism. She'd rather be the one working and the guy stay home because, in her words, "I'd feel more in control."
"I prefer more meek guys" was literally one of the first things she said to me.
I don't know why I know this, but evidently she likes immasculating men. Making them wear her panties and bra, skirts, etc. So I'll take that to mean "yes", but I imagine she'd rather be the one to make you crossdress rather than let you do it of your own volition.
I have never felt inclined to ask her, or any woman this.

I don't think you'd be able to say that if you saw the chat log.

Holla Forums let's have a talk, please


ok maybe she's the one in a million exception. i want to talk to her now.

if she's basically an ftm then she could be a reverse version of me. i might be able to date a girl like that.

then again, there's ftms who's backed out once they learn how tough being a guy is. so maybe she thinks that she wants all this but wouldn't really when it comes down to it.

i bet you do. tell!

that could just be a fetish. like a reverse of crossdressing guys who still want to be masculine mostly.

but you need to if you want to be able to say that girls like her are an equivalent and a suitable match for guys like me. because i do think i'm more of a woman than a man and if she doesn't, maybe she's not as masculine as i am feminine.

maybe i'll get to if i get to email you and her.

1) You are not answering my question.

2) It's moot because you are not a girl.

No, that's you should man up and stop being a degenerate. Christ I did it, every other user here does it, every man in history did it. It's not hard.

No. You clearly cannot be bettering yourself, because the point of the board has went so far over your head you could strap an antenna on it and make a GPS satellite.

You are also a nuisance for the rest of the board. Honestly at this point I am convinced you are trolling, but I'm only replying so that these things are said clearly for the benefit of other Holla Forumsacks.

You're not a girl, neither mentally nor physically. Ironically, medical science has advanced now to such a point that it's possible for you to physically approximate a girl, but nothing will rewire your brain.

You're not a woman so you can't be, any more than a pig can pit on a pair of yellow wings, learn to sing, move to a bird cage and call himself a canary.

It's of course very sad when you're whole personality is built around your fetish. Maybe you should invest some time in a few non-sexual hobbies.

>>>/mgtow/ is that way

Hey user, is this friend of yours single? Is she, you know, volkisch?

I'm not submissive at all and I'd dominate the hell out of her, but I like a woman with some fighting spirit. Post a tox id if you wanna talk about it.

She really doesn't give me the impression that she wants to be a man. I think that's just how she is.

Only because it's uninteresting. I'm dating a sub, I'm a dom. This girl is a dom too. It wouldn't please my gf to know this, but I talked with her about the type of stuff I do with my gf, what she does, etc. I learned a lot more about her than any taken man should probably ever know.

Wouldn't it be a fetish either way? The important detail is that she's dominant.

I don't think it's that complicated. You're a sub, she's a dom. Bada-bing, bada-boom.

Nah. If she makes a temp email, I'll post that but I'm getting a strong "I crave dick" vibe from you.

the answer is that i'm not deciding it, you guys already have.

but whether hetero stuff, sub girls and gender roles are redpilled must be objectively true or false. that's regardless of what i am physically. if you believe the same as me, then either we're both redpilled or neither of us are. regardless of me wanting to be a girl.

it's easy for you because you're a man. you grew up as one. i didn't learn how to be a man, so i'm only fit to be a woman.

what is the point i'm missing?

not close enough ;_;

my brain's already feminine enough in my tastes and instincts, like being feminine and and wanting a man to submit to, that i'll be a good girl if i was one physically. no rewiring required. but i'm not one ;_;

i know that. but i ought to be, because then i could be useful to a man instead of just a wasted attempt at one.

the fetish comes second! i already told you that. i'm a failed male, so i want to be a girl. so being a girl becomes a fetish. my personality is the failure in the first place, the fetish is based around it.

and i do have non-sexual hobbies, like being redpilled and politically incorrect for example.

but i'm often reminded how i'd be better off as a girl.

> >>>/mgtow/ is that way
kek, you act so better than thou and then you turn out to be the bluepilled one. have fun giving a girl half your salary and your house and letting women vote you into being a minority, white knight.

keep off, she's mine. cucked by a trap :p

she doesn't need to want to be a guy. just to think she's more of a guy.

as a girl she gets to act more masculine than i get to act feminine, so she could get away with acting how she wants without wishing she was male more than i could the other way around. so she could be as masculine as i am feminine without her wanting to be a guy even though i do.

why not? as a sub "girl" i wouldn't mind my bf talking to other doms about what he does with me, even girl doms.

uh what about boyfriends?

if it's just a fetish for her then i might be too feminine for her. i'm feminine in many ways, not just a sub in the bedroom.

ok. i can talk to guys without wanting to fuck. at least without it going further than a little flirting.

Why not go to russia?
Also other westerners, not just brits


Kukuk which could also be construedin ancient egyptian as Kekek


fuck missed the first =

at least I got dubs…



congratz Holla Forums took you 2 year to take sane location

This community idea, if it ever happens, won't end well. They will demonize, destroy and bulldoze it with you all inside. Waco Siege, Ruby Ridge,…

let the meme happen.
Any data give to media will be complet bullshit:


I'll fucking put on a coat

Oh my fucking god, here we go. Degenerate brain damaged tranny derails our entire thread.

There are only two genders and they correlate to whether or not you have a Y chromosome.

Polacks from all over the world will be coming here. What should be the official language of our mini-state?

How will we sustain ourselves financially?

Oh please. That's retarded to put at the end


Kill. Your. Self.

It really would be a dream to live in a country where you could raise your kids without the fear of them suffering in a multicultural hell.

user is the girl going to chat to me or not?

yes i know that retard i just wish i was the other one

The answer is you're mind is fucked brah you got no consistency. Give it up, you're living a lie, admit it already instead of trying to navelgaze with me.

No it's not, this whole conversation began and is concerned with solely with what you are physically and what you claimed to be. Stop trying to switch topics.

I don't, you have no beliefs, only memes and self delusions.

No, you are not redpilled because you fucking want to be the little girl holy shit can it be any simpler

You got a Y chromosome in them there balls son? Yes? Then you got as much as anyone else started with.

Then get learning, scrub. All human knowledge at your fingertips and you're just shitposting on a taiwanese fingerprint board. Go google how to man up or something.

Nigga look at yourself, you're pathetic. All you got is your stupid fucking fetish that grew out of a Holla Forums meme and stopped being kewl in 2008. Shit you're like those furries whose whole life revolves around furfaggotry.

Funny since you clearly don't know what it means to be redpilled. Also shitposting is not a hobby faggot go look in the dictionary and see what hobby means.

Fuck off kike shill.

Cucked my ass I'd rekt u irl m8. Keep dreamin

Yes, we are definitely onto something here.
That something is the will of Kek.
It is our task to see it fulfilled.


christ you're arrogant. you have no idea what's wrong with me or how to fix it.

At least I'm not a BITCH

I know exactly how to fix what's wrong with you bud, it's right here.

Incidentally here is the first jewgle hit. Pozzed as fuck but even so literally if you did half the things on here it would fix 90% of what's wrong with you.

And you don't even have to, you're on Holla Forums, if you lurked even a little, you'd easily find copious information of vastly higher quality on how to uncuck yourself.

you don't have the first clue.

Anyway, sorry for the long derailing, broskis. I've seen a few of these pol village threads in my day and every single time like clockwork there is

I couldn't help myself. I'll try to get back on topic now.

The easiest, least commitment way is for everyone to work remotely, unless they have skills that are in demand locally (farming, repairs, constructions, gunsmithing, reloading, canning, smoking, animal husbandry etc). Freelance software development and related stuff, for instance, is easy for white men to pick up and make decent money remotely, other avenues also exist.

Alternatively you could try to save up money, get farm subsidies and such, then sell cow, pig meat, and grow a cash crop. Maybe logging if applicable. The income is modest, and you really gotta do your homework, take business (more precisely farming) loans, buy industrial equipment, antibiotics, herbicide (unless you want to go organic), hire cheap labor when us Holla Forumsacks have more important work to do, get a tax lawyer, etc. And if you fuck those up you'll get BTFO like any other business enterprise, but hey, fortes Fortuna adiuvat.

The free land is only like 3 acres, and you have to live there for 5 years. Also it's for Russians who live in Britain.

Anyway trouble with Russia is the infrastructure is shit in the boonies, much of the land is tough to farm (and unlike the 1st world it will be hard to generate income from hunters and tourists) and because of corruption as soon as you accomplish something a government bureaucrat or local big guy might fuck you and take it all. Then you're left there with dicks in hand, no land, no money, no legal reason to remain in the country and next thing you know Russian migration police is showing up at your door to kick your ass and deport it back to where you came from.

You're not welcome in a sane society. I remember your posts from months ago too, you're the one that always writes in all lowercase no punctionation, typing like a self hating little bitch, it seems like everyone else gets better but you remain a degenerate piece of trash.

Thanks for ruining our perfectly good thread.

Nut up or shut up, you are not a girl trapped in a man's body.

I can't help hating them.

Back somewhat on topic, I remember there was a forum dedicated to a Holla Forumsland but they wanted to buy a fucking island. Wasn't going to work. Remaining in USA or Europe is the wisest choice.

White men wanking on the internet and doing nothing in real life.

The Jews just laugh.


If I ever won the lottery or somehow became rich, this is something I would fund/do.

I'd buy a bunch of land and/or a pacific island. I would probably get some professionals to put in a modern home for myself, and some power hookups, water system, etc.. And then offer fellow hwhite men the ability to homestead on my property for like 100/month per 'plot'. The "rent" being just a means to invest in further shit like doing community buildings and functions.

But I'd focus a lot on like getting a couple people who can do things like manage the land, run a school house, work a local clinic, etc..

What is the name of the white country?

your fantasy warms my heart user. I've been looking for ways to fight the jew with my assets that I currently have. But the strongest path is starting a business and I have no clue what to go into.

You need capital to start any business producing high-tech goods. Entry level businesses are generally going to be low-tech goods like farming/ranching to produce crops and/or livestock. Or services that are p much manual labor.

Probably the coolest idea would be doing something akin to what happens in Texas. Running a massive ranch that's a game preserve for rare/endangered animal species from places like Africa/Asia. And using overgrowth numbers to sell hunting tags.

There was a 20/20 piece and the place covered in the story would sell a single-head of something rare like a scimitar-horned oryx for $50,000 USD. A ranch like that could also be used for organic farming for self-sufficiency and selling overstock at like local farmer's markets.

niche manual labor seems to be the name of the game for someone like me. Could do some professional work without more than $1,000 initially invested in tools and supplies, but what to do.

it would be nice to have land where you did production like you said, pic related. Especially in a happening situation.

That's a cold place but it look lovely because the genocided tassy abo have no clue how to start a fire! I am extremely glad that they regressed. If I want to imagine Australia without the bushfire then it will be like tassy.

That is for the Russians.

No. I would hang you myself. No matter what the other retards said.

Yeah the easy options are pretty obvious like doing landscaping work, general contracting. IDK how many anons or Holla Forumsacks are plumbers and/or electricians. But that'd be a pretty interesting market to get into.

If you create a business reputation for good work and having 'hwhite' workers. It would fetch it's own following, p much anywhere not NY, Cali, or Portland.

but everything on or east of the Great Dividing Range is fairly heavy bushland because it simply gets more rain than the vast interior of grassland

plus the added bonus of not living around violent heroin addicts aka Tasmanians

It is good to have rains because it is possible to build a mini dam for the private community to be self sufficient and start a farm. I don't know how many non white people are in Tasmania.



Do not despair. Once he is out, we will meet him in the paradise that is Kekek.

Kekek, Paradise on Earth


Trips fucking confirm.



growing animals for rich kikes to shot them isn't really what the fuching inventors of animal-protection laws had in mind I suppose

M8 I'm American, they can't do shit to me what with being still under occupation

wtf are you talking about?

In germany we have the 'territorial-principle' it doesn't matter where you are from, if you break german law you're fucked like everyone else

(I study law so I highly doubt that i'm mistaking here)

Mass immigration via EU countries is illegal aswell, but here we are.

Actually it is, it's just not something that sits well with shit-libs and "environmentalists". But the sort of laws created by Teddy Roosevelt and the like, had a more real world approach.

When you can raise populations of animals, and 'sell' tags to attempt to hunt the number of head that more or less need to be culled to maintain the population; and bring in enough money to cover the annual costs of raising that population. It's a pretty spectacular deal.


Natsoc is pretty enviromentalistic to be honest, like I already mentioned they literally invented animal protection laws and all parts of culture and art were at some point praising and cherishing nature the Führer even became an vegetarian at some point.

idk what your deal is politically m8 but it ain't natsoc!

Also raising rare wild animals just to sell them to the highest bidder that gets off to killing an rare animal (not even for food or to use its materials with graditude and humbleness for this creatures life having to end) but just for some weird degenerate snuff-fetish in terms of hunting sounds like one of the to 10 most jewish things i've ever heard! You can't be serious about that man.

We are trying to beat them, not become them!

Nigger not even the Norks will keep an American in prison, we literally had a mini invasion into Mexico after they arrested that Marine.



sure thing buddy. sure thing

Kekek absolutely confirmed PARADISE ON EARTH
Come home White Man

Are we gonna get together the money to buy this fucking place now?


The village isn't called Kukuk. It's actually a hotel you can rent, so it's also not buyable.

t's called Kukuk (Kekek). What else do YOU think it's called?

Dabel. As it says on the description.

The description is wrong.

Btw, what happened to namibia?



This is a really neat idea user, I have a very large 3d printer and I'd be willing to help build prototypes.

Be it known that high in the skies, Kek smiles down upon Kukuk, Paradise on earth.


Yurts are actually pretty amazing structures. They completely resist high winds and large amounts of snow accumulation while keeping a decent R value. For temporary structures, they are pretty awesome.

Orania, an almost all white traditionalist and independent Afrikaans community in South Africa

I can probably chip in money in installments

Has the American meme capital finally been decided yet?
And is it a match for Paradise?

Exactly, so unless you have to move your herd of horses to a new pasture every few months it seems a pointless gimmick. Even a basic brick house is much better.

Also I'm very skeptical of fancy ones like that photo. He's got all that crap that will be a pain in the ass to pack up when moving, the cupboard is very hard to transport, windows and doors imply a very elaborate setup and collapse, electronics imply some truly outrageous fuckery. A big TV, in a yurt, just seems wrong to me like people who bring their computers when going camping.

Yurts are a sophisticated tent invented by horse nomads who couldn't live in permanent structures due to their lifestyle (frequent migrations for livestock husbandry reasons as well as political and military events), and also looked down on city builders (understandably so since they were often militarily inferior). I am baffled that western hipsters want to buy lots in cities, put down yurts, connect electricity, water and all sorts of things that you would put in a permanent structure and try to live in them like a house.

Anyway, as a mobile home they're quite sexy. However there's not many situations where I would prefer to fuck around with one instead of a cheap modern tent or an RV.

It was an honest bump

There is a reason, why it is extremely cheap - it's a fucking nowhere of degree unintelligible for european person (burgers and aussies, being continent spanning nations, probably have better mental perspective).
But with mongoloids, junkies, convicts, degenerate convict descendants and other human trash that was dumped there.


IK. Its like they've never cracked the spine on Shelter and looked at the N American map of different cultures dwellings.

For the dreamy newfags:

Find out what the neolithic structures for your bioregion were and emulate them.

i.e. if you are a *nomad* on a dry, cold steppe get a yurt. If you want to live in one place in N Dakota start stacking boulders because wind. If you are in Portland get a bigass lodge so you and your extended kin can dry out indoors together. If you are hot and dry go adobe. et cetera.

The last place I'd want to be in a grid down situation is in a big tent with one exit.

My grandfather died two years ago and left our family a huge farm by the Appalachian mountains in NE tennessee. If I could end up getting the inheritance, we could start a community there. somewhere around 14-50 acres.


Got a prospect my dudes


How much do I need to put in for the Euro branch?

also how will money be made? It's not going to be a vacation. Shit needs to be serious.


What are you going to produce with your colony to pay back your stakeholders?

there was a plan to grow and sell tobacco iirc

Now we're talking.


Just go to the northwest where there's already people doing it in the real world.

How much is the property and is there any conversation to join? I'd like to join in on the Europe project and I've got skills working with cattle and other animals

I have been researching this by myself, and I find it interesting that you're posting this here. I plan on doing something similar, but I will be printing with conductive plastic and likely be using silicon infused plastic doped with phosphors and boron for the materials. Why not use nylon as a case and clear peg+ filament? I have an 8 cubic foot printer that I've ordered, so we'll see how it works out. You should also look into graphene batteries.

Living in a van sounds more appealing at this point. A lot of people around me have talked about it with a few of them actually very serious about going through with it.

I wish someone would design a parking lot or some shit just for van-dwellers though. Stealth camping all the time sounds like it would be tiring. Designated small parking areas in different cities and (especially) different countries would be awesome.

Living in the middle of nowhere with autists is now more appealing than modern society

Someone who knows German needs to contact the owners of that property and have a sale arranged.

I hadn't considered conductive plastics at all. Didn't even realize that existed. I'm a bit concerned about their resistance and cost but I'll have to do some research into that. Conductive clips would be great for attaching cell enclosures together, simplifying construction and killing two birds with one stone.

Nylon seems like a great material for the case but I'm concerned about it weakening from UV exposure. Also, what do you mean by

Has anyone contacted the current owners of Kekek yet?

Is it because they like the nature?

Cowardly White Nationalists want to run away because they cannot fight.

I hear New Hampshire is a really nice place, but if that's what your women look like then I'm having second thoughts. I'll have to bring one from my state.

Unorganized dipshits surrounded by a sea of libshits. Also raining like 50% of time. Sounds like barrels of fun.

if anyone is living in canada, i happen to own 72 acres of land… just sayin

also theres an aging town nearby with only a few thousand people who mostly hate immigration, hell, you guys just move to saskatchewan, we're known for being redneck racist farmers, lots o natives though

I hear sask is a giant western ghost town stuck in a timelapse
Sounds like my kinda place

You got skype? England here looking to move and bide time till Trump wins and I can offer my services to MAGA.

how much u need fams?

i didnt read the original thread so i dont know whats going on


I think a community of Holla Forumslocks is a great idea. wed meme together and live together in about two years ill have my culinary classes done and ill be ready to move. it would have to be rural and less then 100 men as to keep everyone on a first name basis. We could feed ourselves and defend ourselves any one wanting to move in would have to be approved by us.

no self respecting Holla Forumslock will live in commiefornia.

Here is a good ones its 160 acres in Wyoming for 40k zoning wise its agricultural so if the soil is any good we can have our own little community there.

please give her this email to message if she wants
[email protected]/* */

Original thread is capped in OP.
I don't know how much, someone who knows German needs to contact the owners of the property

What about Chile guys? Look at the other thread.

I know these threads are maximum LARP but can you at least try to keep within the bounds of escapism and not cross genres to science fiction?

honest bump

Is anyone still on this?

I would participate with something like this, but I like my area too much. I think it'd be a good place to settle a community (midwest), but I wouldn't expect others to choose here.

Is poal.me down for anyone else?

Nah, i'm going the balanced route.

Muh h'White Nationalism turns most off and we'd be more successful moving mass into attacking what kills us.

Don't make the same mistake that white trash retard Craig Cobb made and make it obvious what you're doing.

Even Tom Metzger called him a retard for doing it the way he did.


As a Quaker, this interests me greatly. I've followed the previous efforts as well as the forum covering the possibilities. I've always said, what about Newfoundland in Canada or create a strict acceptance commune somewhere in North East or North West USA?

I've traveled extensively across the entire North America. These are just my best ideas.

If Canada: Newfoundland. It's vastly white… Non-whites contain mostly native inuit population or some asian around for the good tuna. The populace is anti-degenerate and a moderate between xenophobic and foreign culturally acceptance. Viking/Irish/English heritage peoples that enjoy hockey, drinking beer/rum, and fishing/farming/hunting as hobbies and ways of life. They do not consider themselves "Canadian" and is very right wing in comparison to the rest of the country. Strong ties to Europe/England as well as well as dependence on the people of the country themselves.
People are paid to have babies here. The population is in decline.

If USA: North East Kingdom of Vermont. No major cities, and the biggest town around (Newport) has started to expand a little. Populace is 99% white, with French, English, French Canadian, Irish, and Native American being the vast majority. No mudslimes! Compared to other parts of VT, it's VERY rightwing. Hardcore conservative people that base their opinions on investigation and research. Easily red pilled with a healthy distrust of anything from the government or big business. Very communal and holds some of the core Vermonter Colonial values in their communities. Outdoor stewardship as well as Hunting/Fishing are taught by the older generation to their children since colonization. The water and air is pristine and clean. Plenty of supplies around and within 200 miles of the Canadian boarder. Even the along the river seperating VT/NH is good clay/good people. This is by far the best candidate in the USA imo.

If Europe: Ireland. I've been all over Europe, but lack the best information to make a great choice here. Ireland is vastly white, and right wing. Hasn't been corrupted by mudslimes and is pretty red pilled towards the current struggles. Spent a majority of my time in Europe in Ireland and Wales admittedly. But, from what I've seen. Ireland (western/southwest) may be better than other parts of Ireland.

If Other: Belize, is by far the best tropical candidate. Investigate yourselves. It's better than Mexico and white people are thought of as stable/trustworthy figures of income in that country. The economy isn't great. But if we came invested with American currency, the exchange would be amazing. (.50 USA = 1.00 BZD) Double that money.
The climate would be excellent for importing/exporting a vast array of goods, but supplies and local pool of labour would be limited in comparison to USA/Canada.

There is a Whites Only community down in South Africa that employs blacks to work at the community. I'd rather give my aryan brothers the work, but I could see bringing in some non-whites if none are to be found for menial labour.

Other Mentions:
1.) Think about supplies and climate to produce/consume as a starting base… If we build it, they will come.
2.) Land where a plantation like commune, with adjacent living community may be raised.
3.) Be artisans in every aspect of work.
4.) Innovate/Adapt.
5.) Sell/Trade goods created by artisans/farmers.
6.) Profit.

also, I'm starting a Gofundme for this. Will be linked with my name, information for security purposes. Openness with investors and those willing to participate.

Nice idea but Pooland's too cold for me. If you're going to make it Eastonia at least make it Croatia or W. Hungary. Tbh tho a Latin country would really be better (even if Romania), at least that way everyone has half a chance of actually learning the language.

I might try setting something up in about a year if nobody's gained any traction anywhere.

That's great.
I'll be willing to contribute some money when a Kekek gofundme comes up.

Mate it's in Germany, and Poland isn't really that cold.

Making it now, just thinking of what to put here… help?

Fuck lol you Ossis sure have some Slav-sounding toponyms don't you. Rostock and Schwerin holy shit who are you even trying to kid

Anyway I'd be down with that, kann ein bisschn Deutsch. Would need some cheap community accommodation though or otherwise I'd be priced out (me and most of the NEETs who would actually consider doing this)

Still would prefer somewhere warmer. Why not down in Varg Vikernes land at least

We need to figure out a treasury and a few held responsible for the effort. Then work on the place…

You're raising money for Kekek, the meme capital of the world, for Holla Forumsacks all over the world to come and relish in the holiness of this site, Paradise on Earth, granted to us by Kek, bringer of light.

Northern Germany is still pretty warm, we regularly get 25-30°C in summer, and -5°C in winter. Other than that, 20°C is the average.

I'm loving it. First Church of Kek.

Pic is VTclay. My vote for best USA location. Pretty much 99.9% white and very red-pilled/conservative locals.

Wait wait wait, Kekek meant only the European branch, didn't it?

Yes, Kekek (Kukuk) was the town we wanted to settle in Europe

Have to wait to finish :-/ Brb in 3 days or so…

I'm thinking this northwest front shit is a fed sting operation.

Bump for Kekek

What a fag.

Talk about missing the point

Go back to brit/pol/

Anyone who is interested in this idea, add us on Skype
We'd like to network with you guys
Add ever.mod

I lived in a 16 ft. RV for 2 years. Parking is NOT an issue. The most trouble I got in was a traffic officer asking me to move my RV. So I drove it 5 blocks north and parked again.

The one from Greenland?

gun laws are awful in Czech Republic

Hello, I'm 100% pure Aryan from Norway.

Can I join?


Sounds wery interesting. Is there a way to folow your progress ? I am very interested in free energy issue, would like to see this product of yours in real life

lurk Holla Forums and threads like these. i'd make a wordpress or blogspot or something if it was necessary to, but the mods don't mind threads like these and i'd just upload everything for free anyway. better that no one knows who i am in that case.

god knows if i tried to sell something like that i'd have 500 different lawsuits coming down on me.

plus that way, anyone with a 3d printer could print off the parts and sell them online for people without 3d printers. which would reduce the cost of those parts. and if it's successful, that would also increase interest in 3d printing. win-win for everyone.


It's gotta be an island located hundreds of miles from anywhere else.

I think the Faroes are a good candidate, if you don't mind barely any daylight around the winter solstice. Even in winter, it's not as cold as some places in mainland Europe due to the Gulf Stream.

why, so we can get shoah'd?

I'm in my early 20s, germany law student
thinking about changing the subject.

What would be an helpfull subject in terms of creating a healthy place for white/natsoc people in european kukuk?

agriculture? economy? math? fucking rocketscience? Hell I even join the military.

I don't give a fuck.

Just tell me what we would need to create this new world to be free from the degeneracy and consider it done.

I'm willing to sacrifice all my time and money, every second, every penny to create a place for white natsoc people to live and prosper in peace and to save our race from this genocide.

Would probably have a bachelor's degree 3 years from now in whatever subject I might choose.

Can't think of a fitting subject myself to support such a place of our own (something thats never been done before) so I hope the Holla Forums thinktank doesn't mind me asking where I am needed.

Let's finally make those 14 words count Holla Forums

Agriculture, I would say. Plus anything any anons are skilled in (both as a revenue source AND as production for other Kukuk-Klansmen)

Was looking at this place too, however our cell phones won't work there. We'd have to use nothing but internet and radios.


Was also thinking Texas. It's pretty easy to get a high paying job in the oil industry.

Building a gated city wouldn't be too hard either.

They're literally the only ones doing anything you massive faggot.

Unless you really believe Holla Forums will do anything in the real world(they won't)

It's just internet bullshit.

The NF? No it's real. I moved to Idaho and there's actually other people here getting involved in the real world as well as spreading the idea of migration online.

This Holla Forums idea is just internet bullshit though and always has been. We've just been on the internet for two decades and no one has done anything since National Alliance days.

The NF is the only answer to white genocide.

THIS. I would love to live in Montana or northern Idaho

This, unfortunately.
I live in CdA, and every fucking summer legions of these stuck up liberal assholes from Washington come pouring in for their little patches of lakefront property. It's gotten considerably worse in recent years.
And to make things worse, Spokane is a "Sanctuary City", as well as the fact that the Human Rights Education Institute headed by none other than Rachel Dolezal is here.
Besides those tumors growing on the side of the Panhandle, it's great up here, and the weather is great for any kind of crop that typically needs to be further south of here. The aquifer that we're sitting on top of is a nice assurance as well.
I would definitely recommend just a bit farther north, I hear Athol has some great land for sale, and Bonner's Ferry is a fantastic spot.

I feel like I'm missing out, because I'm always looking for opportunities to get involved in that kind of thing but only come across more libshit new-age meetups. Got any pointers?

page 18 bump

please don't let this thread die ;_;

Even the name is gay.

Op you are talking about the NWF. It's already happening. Go to northwest front.org request an intro packed. Go to the forums talk to the party.

Read HA Covingtons "the Brigade" friend

Yeah where you at. Go to northwestfront.org and request an intro packet. Email HAC and we can find people near you.

Please visit /NWF/ for more info on the northwest front.


Mate, Cascadia isn't in Europe. You are welcome to choose NWF as the American branch.

It means the Gods are with us.

Meant for

The absolute sovereign citizens live on the Wyoming Montana boarder and pay not property tax in Wyoming, then drive to Montana to pay no sales tax.

If you make less than the poverty line then you can actually pay no tax at all on living, minus property taxes.

Those are the things we need, he who controls the robots, controls the future.

Kekek, Our Home

Had 150 votes before, now down to ~10

the european/german one doesn't seem to be up for sale. renting is a bad idea. it just takes very little negative antifa,media or locals reaction and all of the sudden you have 2 or 3 dozen homeless Holla Forumsacks.

I own a farmstead in southern germany which with some of work could house 8 Families and 3 or 4 singles/neets. but i don't know how to
1: find SERIOUS fitting people
2:get them to renovate the thing without being an exploitative fucktard while still upholding my right to remove non-fitting individuals at will.

I don't think they won't sell it.
Of course we don't wanna rent, but Kekek is Paradise.

Please don't. New Hampshire is a royal shithole filled with a bunch of greasy old faggots and their obese, stupid children. I'm from New Hampshire and anyone worth their salt got the fuck out after high school. Seriously the biggest group of inbred trash you'll likely ever meet. Fuck their bitches, take their shit, GTFO, and then come to Idaho.

kukuk (kek=kuk sometimes) would be perfect,sure. but i'd rather see something pragmatic than a nice label.

and to be honest i have a problem with living in a place called kukuk (the german word for cuckoo) do i relly need to elaborate that further?

Yeah, Kuk sounds similar to Cuck. That doesn't mean they're the same.

Kekek is an ancient land offered to us by the great Kek, Lord of the memes and protector of Holla Forums.
We must take His offer, user.

I'll be buying some small property in the countryside of Portugal pretty soon, and I'll try to live as autonomous as I possible can, growing some crops and reproducing small games like rabbits, and doing some hunting here and there.

You guys should do the same. It's cheap and when SHTF you won't be fucked as city dwellers.

I know. I'm not even sure if they are pronounced in a similar fashion. I always assumed Kek/kuk was pronounced in a 'klicking' way. 'cuck' always sounded the way a fenninist chav from a british shithole would pronounce 'cock'

t. german


Here are a few ideas for you and other anons wondering what to study/specialize in. This is based on the assumption that the fall of civilization is imminent (rapid return to the dark ages similar to the fall of Rome) and as such we really need to get the fundamentals covered, if we are to survive, grow and compete with unfriendly factions;

We can't rebuild civilization and live in shit-tier, ugly modern buildings that require constant maintenance work. We need visionary builders/architects to create striking, beautiful and useful buildings and create a sense of home, might and grace. Solid stone buildings that fit in with the landscape and nature, will last for centuries and in styles that will become synonymous with our people.

This is incredibly important, you might want to continue on your current path as it's hard to get into law courses so your skills are rare and valuable. If we want to create a more advanced society that won't fall into the traps of our current one, we need redpilled, fair, just and enforceable laws as a backbone.

The benefits of these are obvious, depending on what resources are salvageable from the old civilization after the happenings (race war, nukes, total financial collapse, famines etc) who knows what we might need to build for ourselves. Good engineers will ensure we have technological, energy and military superiority.

Ships, weapons, vehicles, energy generators, mining tools, comms, cranes, running water, lights, hand and power tools… the list of what engineers could provide for us is almost endless.

For obvious reasons

Also for obvious reasons, we need as many branches as possible covered (surgeons, psychiatrists, midwives, paramedics etc)

We may need animals for certain applications, those animals will need looking after.

We'll need a few personal trainer types to help keep our people healthy, strong, fit and ready for anything.

For navigation, mapping and land management.

We'll need libraries to collect as much knowledge as we possibly can. Every scientific discovery, technological blueprint, piece of medical knowledge and historical lesson needs to be accessible, otherwise we'll be in the dark without knowing it about whatever we're missing. We'll need historians to curate those libraries and pass on the history of our people, and the important lessons to be learned from it.

A lot of European (and probably American) Universities offer military societies where you can train part time to be ready to apply for an officer role after your degree. I would advise this over joining the military outright because the university corps will give you training in tactics, leadership and general warfighting without you having to actually go and fight for a cause you don't believe in. Often there are Navy, Army and Air Force divisions which do different specialized training (seamanship, navigation, orienteering, shooting, flying etc) so do whichever appeals to you more, but remember human capability to build and run planes (requires massive infrastructure) might be a thing of the past soon.

Arts are very important for culture, but I might suggest doing arts as a hobby alongside a more practical field of study. Sing, write, paint or sculpt in your free time and if you enjoy it, you'll begin to excel quite quickly.

Subjects to avoid;

As for my contribution, I'm personally studying Horticulture & Plantsmanship with the aim of specializing in growing plants and trees super-efficiently in controlled environments (hydroponics) such as underground or in space.

What should you study, user? Any of these would be useful, so pick one that appeals to you. There's enough diversity among us that we should end up with plenty from each field.



White man running away like cowards instead of fighting.

kill ureself muh man

Daily reminder to
The poll got wiped when poal.me was down a few days ago.
It's now back up again

For the sake of Kek, Lord and protector of Memes, and Kekek, His hallowed homeland, Paradise on Earth, World capital of Holla Forums, bequeathed to us, his righteous followers, to deliver our nations from evil.

The guys at PracticalPreppers specialise in solutions for living off the grid or homesteading, thus minimising dependency on the government for things like electricity or water.
Engineer775 has tons of videos on solar power installations, wood fuel water heaters, water pumps and filtration systems for springs, etc.

What we will also need is the ability to print propaganda material effectively and cheaply.


Praise be to Kek, Lord and protector of memes, who bequeathed to us our hallowed homeland, Kekek, Paradise on Earth


Did everyone just abandon this now?

Has anyone contacted the owners of Kekek yet?

If not,

Kukuk, our safe haven in this time of Weimar tier turmoil

Come home white man

Australia would been beautiful and snowy if abo didn't destroy the rainforest.

I've heard this before. Any god sources you recommend for further reading?

good sources*

What about us aussie wrong-thinkers, lads? Can we come?
Personally I feel dejected being here. Australia feels like a lost cause, pajeet, gooks and lebscum as far as the eye can see.
I wanna move where somewhere I can actually belong.

pic unrelated

Anyone can come as long as they are haWhite and not degenerate.



Maybe we could start the Aus-New Zealand Branch of this idea. There are plenty of rural properties in New Zealand that are dirt cheap and in 100% white towns apparently.

If you're interested add vanya.monarchist on skype

Great idea. Australia has plenty of land.

I'd like to propose
The Auckland Islands
for the Aus/NZ branch.

It's a shame that I am not Russian.

Be glad you're not some filthy Ivan.


We must have some German contacting the owner of Kekek

Similar thread: 8ch.net/pol/res/6477545.html

And we have our American branch!

Pretty much. East Coast North America. Keeping Americas colonial roots and traditions alive with our European kin.

this is all (((nature reserve))) though. nobodys going to let you live there.

I read that it was only for Russians and Russians living abroad.


Any news yet?

Yes! Completed here..


Literal "safe space"

It would be nice to meet Cantwell and toss commies out of choppers together…

People out in the country tend to be a lot friendlier and redpilled to in my experience. You do get fat shitcunts in rural centres tho

There are plenty of cheap rural lots in Australia and New Zealand. The trick is finding the ones where you could reasonably live off of the land

Thanks for the bump my man.

Yea, city life pollutes the mind.

Are you from Aus m8?

Nah, I'm not. If anything I'll participate with the European branch.

The Amish have recognized: Technological progress is the work of the devil and separates you from god.

I'm not a christcuck but if you don't realize that automation doesn't work in the favor of average joe but a few jews and technocrats that want to start human farming a la matrix soon you aren't very redpilled yet.

The hard and humble farmers life is the only way to go if you want to have loads of kids, a wife that knows her role (women just can't farm like men for purely physical reasons alone) and feel like a man and not like a work slave.





Stupid White men falling for the Libertarian Survivalist kosher run away loner too scare to fight…

So how is your fight going then? How many Jews did you kill so far?

Wanking real hard there Adolf?


The New Order has a large property (many of its members are rich fucks), Varg & Jack have their own little plot of land that they and their followers mess around with, and National Action supposedly has land that it does training in.

So infantile and pathetic.

Don't waste your time.
We all knew you're a kike who squirms at the thought of sovereign Whites organizing and being productive.

lurk moar faggot

Can anyone tell me what the situation is like for White people in western Montana, specifically Missoula? I'm moving next year and that's one of the prime candidates for location - seems white according to demographic data, but not sure what kind of shenanigans Obama has pulled since the last census.

semi-crypto attempt in Oklahoma. Very Mayberry:



Winter can get breddy gold here too :DDDDD

t. Romanian

They have, but you don't talk to people on boards about it. The best thing you can do is join an Odinic kindred, get to know a group of people, and then you form a community.

You do not discuss where it will be in an open forum so that Jews can swat it down, though. You have to know who you're dealing with when you try to form it.

But yes, they exist. You just absolutely have to keep a low profile because of how oppressed Whites are these days.


try Odinia.org to find a kindred

More obvious b8 to get you to give up your locations. Don't buy this shit.

Form your groups and vet everyone. Only then do you get your IRL tribe.

And be sure to disappear all confirmed enemy agents that try to infiltrate you. I'm sure you can spot them by now, like the faggot I'm replying to.

Everyone in my local community is bluepilled. I won't have any luck there.

What I see this project as is one giant meet-up.

It'll just be a bunch of autists spouting memes and saying kek every 2 seconds and lazy fucks who're used to sitting on their fat asses browsing the internet with no real social skills, so the community will break down quickly when they return to mothers breast. No thanks.

Damn that must be an industrial sized projector

No I just assume that from the amount of weeb shit and forced memes posted here that it is the truth.

See here



What do you think?

So much delusion itt.

This guy's right tho.



Might not hurt for as many crackers as possible to move into the area, settle in (office drone / retail / fast food jobs, then work up) as a "respectable citizen" the start sounding out their new friends on WN ideas. Basically doing the job of the NF (I wonder if they know their "NF" is the same as an old British group called National Front?) without actually being part of it.
If enough people did it, and built willing "cells" around themselves, the ideas of the front might end up coming to life, even if it was originally an anti-White shilling operation.
…just like Brexit, as a matter of fact. The kikes create a controlled opposition monster that turns on them.

Which is why all everyone on the Holla Forums who were for the idea of settling into a different land, had the better idea to switch it to Botswana. At that time, Holla Forums was more or less 1488ers and couldn't see the forest from the trees, instead of the well-disciplined ss-men they are today, to put into euphemistic terms. I was one of the few Holla Forumslacks who posted on that thread, though I was more along the lines of helping with advanced (for pol's need) geographic/terrain knowledge and more or less logistical support for the project as well as setting up radio operations and providing security I'm qualified for both of these things. It's a shame people didn't want to hear about the near impossibility for that project, I myself strongly urged moving to Botswana as they have a non-marxist government and actually encourage people to move there, especially farmers (if I remember correctly, their gun laws are fairly lax as well), but no one listened, and the whole project collapsed because someone from vice or gawker got wind of it. It's a shame really, if we had a better direction for the project with actual leaders and skilled people who understood the thorough ins and outs of the campaign, perhaps we would've been happily farming in Botswana and possibly invited many of the Afrikaners and Boers to join us in great prosperity. Those were the days where Holla Forums had many terrific ides, but they just didn't know how to set them in motion.

In the end, much of the info i gave out was when the fools on here were toying with the idea for causing national revolutionary change in the land of the elephants. If you know anything about Africa, you'll understand what I mean.

The cowardly White man keeps trying to run away instead of fixing his country.

The coward that runs this forum will ban anything he doesn't like more so than any liberal. Nazi butthurt when you question the true believers of failed White Nationalism.

Yes come home and get your children raped by mudslimes.

What sort of honeypot is this? The fuck is wrong with you people, are you all faggots organizing a sausage fest of alt-right fashy gay goys?
Fuck the whole prospect of having improving your hometown, thus your state, thus your country, what the cool kids do now is literal circlejerking with ideological buddies on alphabet soup agency owned property.

Also present in this thread,

You're all dying for that cock – I mean that

Mate if anything the FBI or whoever it is you're so afraid of is already tracking you, so they could kick down your door at any moment and drag you into a camp.
You really don't need to be scared of going outside.

That was literally one poster who's since been banned.

To be honest I'm convinced you're a shill that's here to spread fear about any actual activism.

What happens if we try to leave?

What happens when the government tries to shut you down?

Surely nothing can go wrong.

What? You can go home then I guess.

If we don't break any laws that'll be hard for them.
If they try anyway we'll fight back.

Are you going to bring your own coffins with you then?

I'd rather die fighting for my the sake of my nation than of old age in some hospital.

Remember when that Cuck Cob bought up a white hamlet in North Dakota?

The moment he announced to the world it was for whites only,you had atleast one non white move to the city.

Nice buzzwords you have going there.

Chances are you're under the age of 20 right?

Its suicide basically what you're saying. A few dozen at most people in some commune in the middle of nowhere don't stand a chance against a government.

Stop pretending like you're going to have thousands of people coming. You're delusional.

I never even said that. You're making shit up.
I know the polling numbers, it was at maybe 150 per branch before it got wiped.
You think we would theoretically have a chance against the government alone, by ourselves, living hundreds of miles away from each other?
We've already gained massive ground only shitposting on the internet, what we could do as an organzed community – no matter how big – will be amazing.
Go take your fear mongering somewhere else.

That was a whole city, not a private property though.

I have 120 acres in rural southern Idaho. two wells and excellent water rights. Fairly windy too for power generation.

Remote Alaska has no niggers for obvious reasons.

in N.H. you could make a lot of money running guns into canada.

There should be a meeting in every region of USAistan. Each group would try to find out whois legit (by sucking off each other). Then you have national meeting in secret pace. Elect national leader after heated debate and suckfest. Then go home and work for a jew and let sjw feminist face sit you.

Yeah, nah, how's /namibia/ doing?

Namibia's goal was unrealistic, they wanted to start a fucking colony.


some were stupid enough to suggest overthrowing the government of namibia. i couldn't imagine a more stupid idea from NEETs with no proper training whatsoever.Also

got a five hectare property for sale for only $2000 USD on a tropical island in the phillipines famo's
now 20,000, 40, 000 is unlikely for our lot to commit but $2000 raised communally on pol is achieveable
its arable farm land too
heres some pics of the island and a link to the property

I wouldn't be surprised if half the board was composed of kids and underage b8, tbh.

makes it 66k not 2k…

KEK is truly with us

65 Phillipino pesos = $1.38 USD


Greenland is better than this.

shit, im retarded sorry fam ive had final exams today and yesterday heads not screwed on straight

it is but the problem with us is price
besides are you a real man or a limp wristed weak chinned 'wait i need to pack my hypo-allergenic pillow' lefty
we need something no matter how small, a physical presence of any kind

dont sweat it fam

exactly the same post and same image as the 1st thread a couple of weeks ago.
exact the same 3 reply
trying to derail the thread this hard

oy vey, shut it down

We are a band of brothers and native to the soil!
Fighting for our liberty with treasure blood and toil!

Don't build structures on the land, that's where they get you on taxes to support our enemies, build regular construction methods on RV/tailor frames so that you have solid house construction but only taxed for the land itself. Follow that with doing your own utilities, which you have to tread carefully as well, like they charge regularly if you use a septic tank method. Then grow your own food on top of this so you maintain your health from not eating the poisoned crap.

i can't be the only one who sees the problem here, right?

That piece of land has so much memetic energy radiating from it, by the grace of KEK all those who seek to do us harm will be destroyed.

good luck with that.

Idaho is one of the most beautiful states in the union. The entire northwest is pretty amazing besides Washington and Oregon. I have a family friend who owns a cabin in the middle of nowhere idaho, literally no laws there. We could hunt whatever we want, do whatever we want, and no one would be bothered. Honestly, some sort of farming settlement on a large plot of land in the north would be the best

Kekek, the white man's promised land

White man worshiping an African God.


KEK is great.

This is humorous because Japan would actually be the best location for this as

You're welcome

Any idea how much this thing will cost?

Has there been any progress on this besides shitposting?
Fuck, get it together Holla Forums. Just this once. Do it for KEK.

Glad you guys are setting this up but I'm under the impression that this sort of thing happens all the time just under the radar. A lot of the places where my family live are tight knit, gun owning farming communities that are mostly white and right wing, though they aren't nazis. I just hope that thought gives you guys hope.

I'm in a lucky enough position that a couple of my friends from high school have been talking about buying up land near where one of them lives and starting a little community of our own, though we've got some roadblocks since I'm not married yet and my friend who already has kids is poor af and can't move right now. hopefully in a few years though, and if we reach out we could conceivably attract like minded people.

You folks seem cool. If we ever succeed I'll extend an invitation to yall. Seems like it'd be easier for a few people to set up a community first and then add people than it is for a bunch of people on the internet to do it without a catalyst.
I wish you all luck.

I also have one criticism of these threads, people talking about needing to attract folk with skills when you should all be developing these skills anyway. Study up on building, timber management, farming, and get a wife who's at least interested in crafts. I know redpilled or prepper women are hard to come by but if she likes to make origami or knitting try cultivating an interest in other crafts. Next time a button falls off your shirt ask her to put it back on for you. One idea I just had to encourage a woman into getting into crafts is to take her out to amish country, look at their wares in the store and make comments about how "It's so cool that they made these things themselves, but they're kind of expensive, if only we could make this stuff too" (wink wink hint hint). Then go home, look up tutorial videos on youtube and act like "look honey, it's so easy."

Even if you guys don't succeed at this you should all seek an independent and traditional life solo

Some homesteading tips.

>You can't legally sell pasteurized milk so don't try, and I've heard of a few cases where the government has started cracking down on communally owned cows (people have been pitching in to buy a cow so they can share the meat and raw milk without technically selling it, but the FDA is getting all up in people's shit for that too now). Just get a cow yourself and "gift" people the milk and meat and try to keep it on the DL

whoops, meant to say unpasteurized

For those of us still in university or tradeschool we should consider renting with other Holla Forumsacks. We all need to start networking and organizing.

Image so anons can save and learn

Move to Galicia in Spain. Best farmland in Europe and you can buy A FUCKING VILLAGE for the price of a house in most of the western world. Our ancestors fought and died for that land for millennia, and the natives lost respect for it. Take back Galicia!

There is nothing preventing you from coming over and building your utopia in Italy.
There are plenty of uninhabited zones that are really wonderful and still just 1km away from civilization.
Pic related is the average seaside in the center, as you can see there's ton of space to build and the terrain is cheap.

- You cannot be fired for having political or personal opinions.
- Schools are not ideological echo chambers. If a teacher makes propaganda you can get them fired. Schools are full of openly fascist people, no one thinks anything of it.
- There are proper defamation laws: in particular, a "defamation by press" law which makes it easy to punish journos who use media to lie, slander and ruin lives.
- No affirmative action. No "diversity". No race/sex politics in general.
- Police is not afraid to protect people. You will not hear of "no-go zones" in Italy.
- Shouting "racist" or "sexist" doesn't do anything. You only look bad if you cry wolf.
- Unemployment in italy isn't what foreigners make it out to be; you just need an high school diploma to work. Or know a trade skill. Only high school dropouts or people who have useless diplomas have a problem finding a job.
- If you kill someone who walked into your property it's ok as long as they were about to damage property or people, and provided you use a weapon you legally own.
- Italy's economy relies on luxuries and industry. STEM diploma or luxury-related diploma = guaranteed job.
- Tax rates are only 24% for most citizen, but 38% for people who make more than 55k/year (i.e. doctors, lawyers)
- Tax rates allow everyone to get very cheap education and healthcare.
- Jews in Italy are 0,03% of the population. They have no power, no media, nothing.
- Shitskins are only 2,1% of Italy's population. The majority of non-whites are Asians, followed by Slavs, who are all pretty cool people and cause no issues. Slavs are integrated and Christianized, Asians are reclusive, very traditional.
- Being a fascist isn't a weird opinion; a lot of Italians are fascists, wear regalia, do the Roman salute, the stuff.
- There are Fascist parties frequently. Mostly involving Alpini infantry or other traditions.
- Denying the holocaust is legal, disputing it in schools and public platforms is common and acceptable.
- The media isn't owned by liberals. Infact most of it is owned by right wingers.
- The nationalist party is grabbing all provinces, will win next elections in 2017 easily.
- Best food in the world. Best clothing in the world. Great environment. A lot of very green/seaside areas in the center.
- You can settle a "commune" legally. If you are into building natsoc utopias you will not find a better place, especially because locals love those things especially if you produce healthy food which they love to buy. Italians love to buy hand-farmed, natural food so farming makes you rich. Fascists will also fund you if you do this.
- Antifa isn't a thing here.
- Most people understand English provided you speak loudly. Italian is a language that is spelled loudly and decisively, so if you adapt your tone to our style we will understand what you're saying.
- Being an English or German speaker is a huge boon to your chances of finding a job.
- We have great infrastructure. We didn't invent concrete, aqueducts and highways for nothing, we love to build.
- Fascism is actually good PR. Nazism not much because Whermach wronged Italian locals, but it's not shunned either; the trick is saying you love both Fascism and Nazism in which case they will agree (but still hold Fascism is the better ideal).
- You can keep a white-only community. Basically, just make it a "club" or a company; clubs and companies can have their standards for entry. You can turn down any non-white and even long-nosed "whites"

This is how I'm willing to help:
- I can help you to immigrate. It won't be hard at all if you're white.
- I can find you a great place to build a community; depending on the budget and your preferences (mountain, hill or seaside) I will search for a good deal or even an unsettled zone you can get ultra cheap from govt or retired landowners.
- You are short on money there are many places with a lot of abandoned buildings (not Detroit style abandoned, I mean like abandoned villages with wooden houses and the rustic stuff) which you can legally settle for free. Govt and locals like people who do this, it's a sort of Italian meme called "restoring the territory"; it's seen as a service to society.
- Ecology themes help. If you want to build an eco community you will likely get govt funds as well. By ecology we don't mean that vegan idiocy you have there, we mean herding, farming, fishing, hunting or artisanship. We don't like dirty hippies, but we love people who appreciate the beauty of Italian environment and respect it.
- Being friends with the locals help immensely; it shouldn't be hard since country people are all fascist or at least very traditional. The only thing you have to prove to gain their trust is that you do not commit crimes (like stealing their property).
- I can make connections so that women move in with you. The trick is to create a connection with locals and traditions, that way you start getting close to traditional communities. Churches and sub-5k pop towns are full of girls who love farmers and traditional folk in general.
- I can connect you to all local fascist communities so you can share stuff with them, get help, get fascist girls, etc.

I'll monitor the thread tomorrow as it's late here now. If there is real interest I'm willing to put my resources at your disposal to get this done.

Italian here, I agree with most statements
Schools don't usually brainwash students, but unfortunately quite a few teachers have political bias.
There's a fairly high chance you'll be arrested if you shoot a burglar. Almost everyone will side with you tho.
IRPEF (Italian income tax) ranges from 23% (0 to 15k/year) to 43% (75k+/year). And it isn't the only tax we have.
It was recently made illegal.
Last elections were a clusterfuck, right wing parties didn't gain that much because they were divided. The real winner was M5S, which is a shitty party (except for the anti-EU policy). But yeah, LN and FdI are getting more and more popular, just slowly.
Really? Cool, I didn't know that.
Very few people are fluent in English here, and most will only go as far as "Hello, my name is Mario Broccolini"
….what? Our infrastructure is utter shit

As for the Fascism thing, population is basically split in half. People are either fascist or shitty immigrant dick-sucking leftist scum because their partisan (btw, most partisans were just fascists that changed sides out of convenience) grandfather told them fascism is ebil

White men hiding under their beds wanking to White fantasy lands.

This is why the Jews have won.

Remember when Europe was an all white continent?

Now whitey decides that he has to run away and create a little piece of white land because his time is done.

Truly whites are over.

I'd join you but apparently you look down on NEETS. Good riddance to you, then

You're right I'm afraid. No Whites anywhere will make the slightest effort to do anything normal that would work in real life.

Sounds comfy as hell, as a NEET now I will daydream about this for the next year

What do you know about Trieste? Is it nice?

I think the northwest front in us is a thing, there is plenty of property out and around Grays Harbor county Washington,
I don't think it is a do now kind of thing but I already met with a polack from half-chan and one from here in person.

It is worth discussing and apparently homesteading in WA if shit went real would probably be value

You cannot run away Adolf faggot. The Jews are already pushing migrants into the Northwest.

You will have to get off your cowardly White Nationalist ass and fight in real life.

Eh, I already live in a small conservative town, so I'm not scared of the happening, I'm trying to be ready for it my dude, and if I can help all the fuggers that live deep in the shit like seattle and tacoma I would because if any major disasters happen they are going to be hurting not me.

Ital-user, is Italy not controlled by the plutocrats in Bruxelles?

I've got $300 (Canadian) and some knowledge of farming. I have a ~99% european heritage and want to start a new life. What can you do to help me specifically?


Board has moved to /col/


I'm already looking to purchase a property in Sicily. I am open to the idea of other people sharing in its development. I've attached pictures of the property.

Currently it's only 1 acre but the adjoining land is also for sale. It's about 32,000Euros which I've arranged to be paid over the course of 3 years. If you want to buy in, we can arrange terms and stuff. Or if you have no money but you want to help, then we can work that out too.

The above poster is talking about Botswana or something… no idea wtf that's about. Building in an underdeveloped country just seems like the wrong move to make. At least in Sicily, you have international connections easily with Palermo, Naples, and Rome. Sea shipping via Palermo, could easily arrange for land transport through the straight and up to Rome, etc.

Serious inquiries please!

More pics.

I have a stable job mobile, so I am able to be the major financier who is also capable of doing developmental work. I'm an American.

I have another property on the coast (yes, literally on a coastal mountain) of California. It's much smaller, maybe 1/3 of an acre… that is about 1/4 of the price of the Sicilian parcel, but again, it's smaller, and the weather is totally different…

The California parcel has no room for farms or anything probably. Maybe some chicken coops. However, the area has several available parcels, so it is possible to purchase several, and us friends can develop them and interact using the roads.

Also, you reach out to me, let's chat

Come on kids. Don't let me do this alone. Imagine the flags rising.