Can you solve it?

Can you solve it?

is it Mot Hanks?

did 9/11

Can you solve it?

Monk Shat

Swen Swej did 9/11? Fucking northskies.

moot hanks?

Tom Shank

T'mo Nah'sk?

Mo Thanks.

It's Noth Mask

It's Tom Hanks you retards.

Worst guess so far.

Is it Sheev?

Otm Shank. He is India's answer to Brian Donahue.

Otm Shank.

Does he poo in loo?

no, he poos on the floor of the Kwik-E-Mart, then picks up the poo and sells it as a hot dog

So… Authentic Indian cuisine then.

Easy, Mot Khans.

It's Tom Hardy.

Khan Tsom

Don't be stupid, Tom Hanks is the character in the movie.

Khna Htmo

read it in his fucking voice

Khans Tom?