Came up with this on Holla Forums

Came up with this on Holla Forums

This is Shango, an african warrior with the power of the African God of Thunder/Fire/Lightning and other things!

Shango is proud of his heritage and wants to help africa, but sadly New Yorkers keep trying to recruit him.

Shango is trying to adjust to the world in which he learns that while in his world he went after criminals who cut clits off of women, raped babies to stop aids and of course the odd shaman/zombie army, New Yorkers deal with things like spreading legs on a train and being looked at!

Anyway, Let's make some comics.
aka MS Paint Thread, Let's go Holla Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Christ, Freech I know the Fourth of July is tomorrow but you're progressively getting worse at making these threads.

Have I stumbled upon a mirror universe?


If you go back in time to the summer of 2015….

What? No I literally just made it

I would legit read a comic about this, and I don't read many comics.

Pressuring Holla Forums to choose between a nigger or SJW's.
Absolutely subversive.

I actually want more of Shango.

Something like a BLM member trying to explain how horrible the police are with Shango just reminiscing about the warlords that would abduct young boys from their families for soldiers and rape women daily.

Decent idea, dogshit execution.

Weird, didn't I see this exact thread here on Holla Forums?

It's lost in translation.

Holla Forums used to be a lot more moderate a few years ago. Hell, a year and a half ago they were.

The election cycle brought out the newfags, shitposters, and try-hards to shit up the board to oblivion. Same thing happened in 2012.

Superb artwork
Mind-blowing dialogue
Amazing plot

Basing it on what they wore for ceremony when I was building houses in Africa, m8e.

I'm not pressuring anybody! It's just a silly MS paint comic, christ people relax.

I can't draw for shit, I need to work on dialogue and there's no plot but thank you regardless

First off,
Second off, did they call it a robe? That's retarded. I don't believe you.

I also came up with this.




End, see if you like it, it's shit but it's at least patriotic.

This is like if a 6 year old tried to pander to Holla Forums.

Does an honest to god autist in his 20s count?

That's basically the same thing.

Well, what the heck, why stop now.

Because your shit is terrible.
You know how many other honest to god autists in their 20s have made shitty comics and put them on the internet?

Well is not like it was a serious project, just for shits and giggles in about 20 minutes done, plus i don't star myself in those friggin crapfests.

Next time, give us more giggles and less shits.

Well I don't think it's that bad. But hey, we will see.

I don't see the problem, they're about the same mental age.

They didn't call it a robe, no, relax m8e
Fair enouuuuugh

It's really fitting Red Pill bears resemblance to the Reddit Alien. :^)