I have only 10 euros left on my bank account...

I have only 10 euros left on my bank account. I have no food left; and I don't get my next paycheck until after two weeks

I've shoplifted more than I can remember. If I get caught one more time I will go to jail

I have to eat tho; should I risk it?

Pic related; Booze I ripped two weeks ago

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and I need the money to get back to my hometown and for emergencies. Rather have it there ya know

Where do you live?


Honestly I know I'm gonna lift first thing tomorrow morning, just looking for support

you can if you need to - try to get some cheap filling food that's healthy if doable, like a bag of potatoes (desperate times, desperate measures). Failing that, see if any churches or charities are willing to help. There might be some sort of support center also. Perhaps ration your future food and remember you can drink tap water to save money short term (but careful because it is rumored to not be so clean in places) - let it run for a few minutes to reduce any pollution. Ask neighbors if they had any food they were going to throw away that you might have. Don't forget natural fruiting plants and gardens can also suffice. Last but not least is check what has been thrown out. There's also begging. Also watch your bills (like lights and heating if doable) and have some emergency money and long storage food (and yes, even some water you don't drink until it's close to 'expiring' (when the seals begin to fail and it tastes funny) tucked away for a rainy day. Also consider doing odd jobs to get the money you need or volunteering at a farm, garden, church, and other places to gain sympathy for food. Has always be polite but don't brown nose. good look

Don't worry: you can get all of your nutrition from bourbon alone. It's made from grains, the bottom-most and largest portion of the food pyramid.

try different stores to potentially avoid jail time.

I claim no responsibility if you take from a store and any damages it may cause, directly or indirectly. Sorry, but in this world or overlegalization and excessive bureaucracy, I have to protect myself.

this is me - I'm saying so to prevent any confusion

also you can just ask you neighbors or anyone for food if they are generous.