Someone dumped this comic a few years ago. I forgot the name and looked for it, ever since. Finally found it, so I'm dumping. Also, my first time dumping, please forgive me if I fuck up.
Maybe I should have skipped the covers. Every issue seems to have, like, twelve covers. God knows why.
Next issue
And I fucked up.
Wow, I fucked up again.
End of second issue.
Start of third issue. I'm skipping the covers. Every issue has a shitload of them and they take too long to post. This one has 8 fucking covers!
Seems like total file size is too high sometimes. Gonna have to post fewer pages at a time.
End of third. Is anyone there?
Start of the fourth issue.
End of the fourth issue.
Start of the fifth issue.
Once, just once, could they not? Could we just once have an evil Communist rapist? Or a batshit Libertarian? A Hispanic separatist? Anything original?
Gotta have dem nazis.
End of the fifth issue.
Start of the sixth issue.
End of the sixth issue.
You know, in all honesty this shit ain't bad. Nice to see comic books acting like comic books with DC and Marvel being what they are. Thanks OP.
Start of the seventh and final issue. Who's lurking? Make some noise!
Thus ended this series. Thank you for reading and have a day.
Thanks OP
actually no, there is another part where john starts to go evil. but hey, thanks op
Not too shabby. 8/10. I find it hard to believe he wouldn't notice that crowd, but whatever. Appreciated it.
Which part is that? I only know of seven issues and I've posted them all.
It's not bad, but on par with the rest of Avatar's comics
Thanks OP. That was great.
And that's a terrible shame. Feels like the story is very well contained as it is.
That was a good read, OP. Thanks for that.
so is this another edgy "good hero goes insane" story?
I figured it was going to be another "RIP AND TEAR" gorefest, but it's more subtle and intelligent than that.
A hero gets sick of letting the scumbags and psychopaths live so they can go through the penal system. He's haunted by the fucked up shit he's seen, so he starts killing them in secret.
It's kind of like Dexter (the serial killer show), but the guy is a superhero who is doing it so he can actually sleep with a clean conscience knowing he's done something actually good for the city.
You didn't do Rubicon.
They have Urban Legend which was mentioned here, and Kitty girl. In the second series he taken over a small neighborhood after it was abandoned and the Mayor unleashed a Meta who's powers were that he could come back from dangerous stuff. I.e if you snap his neck, his neck will be stronger. Poison him, the poison will no longer work on him.
That shit got wild by the final issue.
I feel another storytime coming on.
I had no idea there was more, but I found it and I'm downloading as we type.
You bet your candyass!
Gather around kids, because it's storytime with uncle user.
This time every issue has a non-retarded number of covers (one), so we're including them now.
Posting four, because file size.
Always thought the guy in the last picture looked like Rex Leech from the Superboy comics.
Also loved that Karen can't find anyone. The only man that is perfect for her, that made her feel great….kills criminal and not feel bad for it.
Alright, I let OP finish up. Good luck buddy.
I don't know him. I'm clearly not reading as many comics as I should.
Just a minor character that's all.
Thanks, guy.
End of first issue.
Second issue.
Fukken file sizes, makin this weird
End of second issue.
Third issue.
Fourth issue.
End of the fourth issue.
Fifth and final issue.
Thus ended Absolution: Rubicon. I hope you all enjoyed my little story. Good day.
Hold on a minute. I just closely scrutinized the wikipedia page for Absolution, and it looks like Happy Kitty gets her own comic. I'm gonna see if I can find it.
Yup, here it is. It's called Absolution: Happy Kitty #1, but as far as I can see, there is only the one.
As clichéd as they are, I do have a thing for Japanese ninja schoolgirls.
What is a Japanese ninja schoolgirls greatest weakness?
A ruler, of course!
Anyway, getting on with it.
And thus concluded this comic dump. Thank you all for reading and good day.
This is great. Thanks for the storytimes.
At first I was a little wary if I was going to enjoy this, yet now I know it is.
So I guess Happy Kitty just join a new master to kill people? Or makes it for fun?
And they were doing so good right up until these last pages.
Thanks storytimers. That was interesting,
I'm glad you all liked it.
I had a misgiving or two, but it's held together well enough. Danke.
Yeah, I'm just going to rant and vent for a bit here.
This comic is liberal propaganda shit.
Somehow, John manages never to kill a single innocent, his investigative skills far surpassing the police somehow - which, granted, wouldn't be hard in the real world, but here the cops are never powertripping bullies working under a corrupt and overregulated system. Yet still the system can't do it's job even with mundane criminals, even with the public's approval of John's methods.
And all the bad guys are cartoonish and one-dimensional, with no redeeming traits, never even competent if they don't happen to win the power lottery - the only exception being Happy Kitty, the only female badguy, of course. Oh yes, women are most certainly good by virtue of being women. John doesn't approve of prostitution, but never does a thing to the prostitutes, and refer to those who'd fuck the same badguys he kills as "ladies".
Whereas single guys who try to date are all shits.
And of course, our hero is a fucking gungrabber and preppers are murderous racists.
Yes, I'm butt-blasted. Yes, I shouldn't let it get to me, I failed. But I feel better now.
Everybody uses le ebil nazis when people get bored with le generic psycho. I want something original. How that gets you triggered, I don't know. Sorry for caring about keeping things fresh.
is there anymore?
Sure thing. Just a coincidence you wanted the bad guy to be a libertarian.
Thanks for the dump, OP.
That was a satisfying read. It felt like a bit of a power trip, but sometimes you have to indulge.
bumping so I can read this
This was pretty good, but I think it would've been better if it just ended with John sitting in jail, or even just with him escaping.
Why does everyone on that cover look like they are having a painful rock hard push and tearing up a little?
Lime senpai?
Goddamned I love riders of justice.
Yeah, that last page of him trying to lay low and buy groceries was a perfect cap off. John Dusk lives on as hero in the shadows, the public loves him, the police hate him, the super heroes have mixed feelings.
This was great thanks OP.
Thank you guy for posting this maybe some day someone will think of you and dump this for others to read as you did
I'm not really seeing your points here. I think your misunderstanding liberal double-think. They say all cops are racist pigs, but they still think they should be the only ones with authority (i.e. guns)
It's also liberals who usually portray criminals as victims of circumstances who just need re-education. Its always the ebil right-wingers who hold a pro-justice standpoint.
And the treatment of women is an odd one. If they do it because RAWR GURL POWR FEMINISM than yeah its liberal. If they do it because of the traditional value system, woman as the virtuous nurturers, than its right wing. The fact that it looks at prostitution as shameful rather than "empowering" should tell you something. Also, holy fuck, he even told her dressing like a skank at dive bars was fucking stupid. That's like the ultimate progressive taboo.
And I don't know who your fooling about people who go to Single's Night. Its like IRL dating sites. Only creepers on the male side and baby-crazy cat lady's on the female one.
I see your point about preppers though. But eh, nobody's perfect. I'm not even gonna dive into how it treats Christianity with respect instead of as backwards idiots.
Prostitute detected
That was so refreshing. I was scared they were going to kill the Servant, but the fact that he believed so hard he could come back from that was cool. Even if you aren't religious, I think you can respect a man of such conviction.
oy vey
I think the prepper, the nazi guy from the first series and all the actual psychos being white men is just a way to shield the series against liberal criticism.
In the end of Rubicon, there may be a question of whether John is going too far or not, but throughout the whole comic he is pretty much shown as the good guy and has everyone's support except from the government and his fun-ruining girlfriend, obviously. Even his one mistake was forgiven by Alpha, because she knew what he was doing was right.
This is the afterword from issue 0, Gage seems pretty unapologetic about people taking justice in their own hands.
Thanks for the dump.
mein gott
why bother living
Thanks OP
I want to lovingly cuddle Alpha Bitch.
What are you implying?
This was a good comic. Thanks, OP. Pretty neat for a first dump, too.