Is China openly cracking down on feminism the turning point of Asia? They are not making the same mistake as Japan as they embrace feminism, LGBTQ and multiculturalism. China not taking Rapefugees like a japan is just saying.
Base China ain't taking no Feminist shit
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When will CHYNA finally invade Japan so we don't have to deal with this weecuck bullshit anymore.
If us whites get genocided, Asians will take our place.
>not perferring un_POZ'd Nip cartoons over XxXWESTERNXxX entertainment
I coulda swore we were a mongoloid watercoloring mp3board.
Shit and here I was thinking I was posting on a Vietnamese fingerpainting forum
That's the only thing that make me sleep at night, knowing that if jews and shit skins manage to destroy us, at least the chinese will invade and exterminate all of them once there is no one to oppose them, unlike us they have no morale, you can't exploit their fee fee.
They already have m8
They already are.
[citation needed]
Feminism, homosexuality, crossdressing.
Japan has become as degenerate, if not more degenerate as the western world. Cuckime has completely corrupted them as a people and left them weakened to the jew. They are so cucked by Schlomo's banking system that they have negative interest rates and have to pay to keep their own money!
I really hope BASED China straightens them out. Trump has a lot of respect for China, he calls them Shrewd businessmen.
[citation needed]
I have to concede this one to you. Most japs don't care about homosexuality, but it isn't pushed in Japland the same way it is in the west.
In porn, this is accurate. In the real world, though, it's looked down upon and not respected. You can't get a job in the country if you have dyed hair or tattoos, so I doubt people will accept crossdressing.
The negative interest rates thing is true, but for the Schomo assertion: [citation needed]
The actual reason is that the Japanese government's falling economy as a result of "based" China manipulating currency, and that affecting Japanese tariffs with China, thus meaning that government spending must rely on selling bonds, which since the Chinese currency is being manipulated devalues the Japanese currency, meaning they need to promise the Yin will be worth more in the future for potential bond purchasers.
The Jewish population in Japan is estimated to be between 1000 and 1400.
I find it hard to believe that kikes are controlling the banks there, too.
Tbh Japanese are getting pretty faggy. It's embarrassing.
Or maybe I'm biased because I'm seeing Japan through the lens of the internet. But I've been seeing a lot of faggotry… men kissing each other in the lips/mouth like it's lulz so fuunn and other garbage.
Siding with Communists - ever.
How about you drop the anime and take a look?
segregated hiring dumbass
this nigga can't into バイト
Its really cute and almost sad when its obvious they are Chinas bitch filled with Han Chinese, who all speak Chinese and the native Taiwanese would be considered a critically endangered species of human if they were ever evaluated.
the samurai were notorious faggots
the Hagakure had an entire chapter devoted to justifying boy love
the Japanese have always been sword swallowers that fetishize submission, the modern Japanese have simply had their low-test masculinity erased from popular culture
What the fuck is up with all the anti Japanese and anti laomite flipbook animation D&C shit lately? This thread isn't even related to that country.
Why're you shitting on the honorary aryans and praising the people who cook dogs and swindle people worse than kikes?
Because its becoming apparent that they're not honorary aryans at all, and are just as degenerate as the west with no attempt to stop it.
Go back to jacking off to your anime girls. Leave Holla Forums to real men.
Goddamn what lewd armpits, well, if you don't mind.
Why don't you gas your self?
The lewdest
Just more "fracture points" for the desperate D&C shills to "exploit".
I seen some screencaps from the shill hives where they discus raiding Holla Forums with anime and then complaining about the anime by flooding threads with spam(like we've been seeing for a while here).
Pretty much the same thing that happened with that Eva shit.
No kidding, I've seen like three or four guys on a single thread go exactly like this
Literally the same comment or the same vibe of comment, in like ten minutes worth of posts, regardless of context
Stop Suika, stop you damn oni.
Who is your favorite Touhou character and what do you think will be the long term consequences of Chinese adventurism in the Sea of Japan with the recent strengthening of diplomatic relations between Japan and Russia?
My favorite Touhou character is Reisen and I support the rearm of Japan with the support of both Trump's USA and Putin's Russia.
Make Japan great again!
you are a very confusing shill
get it together moishe
How do you envision Japan's relationship with the United States changing as a result of article nine being repealed and presumptive President elect Trump declaring that Japan must begin paying for American defense of the archipelago in light of the fact Japan has surpassed China as the single largest foreign holder of American debt, and do you like pizza?
it's going to be bad for short term but good in long term.
Abe will hopefully pay more for the marines in Okinawa until he finishes rearmament.
And pizza?
Personally I think it is a decent strategy to minimize defaulting while still allowing Japan to maintain the illusion of sovereignty. Since the discovery of natural gas on the continental shelf off the coast of Japan and the invention of a method of extracting it back in the mid 00s China has been making bolder and bolder moves in an attempt to claim the Sea of Japan as it's territorial waters along with several disputed islands.
By allowing Japan to revoke article nine the state department is essentially admitting that it can't get involved in a dispute between the USA's two largest foriegn debt holders. However abandoning Japan before they have a chance to properly rearm would result in invasion and the complete lose of a major trading ally in the region as well as strategic locations in the event of a war in the Pacific.
By having Japan pay for military protection while they rearm themselves we should be able to erase a significant amount of our debt to them while at the same time allowing our stationing of troops there to be conditional. This removes the need to view the erasure of debt as a defacto tax allowing the Japanese to maintain their sovereignty while still striking the balance of power in the region.
Russia's recent attempts to make overtures of friendship with Japan does have some troubling implications in long term politics. While Putin may simply see this as a means to undermine the US and prevent them from improving their economic situation, it may lead Japan to think that they would be provided some measure of safety under Russia's aegis in the event China makes an open move. I personally do not believe Putin would involve Russia in an open conflict with China over a middling trade partner such as Japan at this point. He has too much invested in stymieing Erdogan. I believe Putin's current objective is to allow a certain amount of Turkish expansion in line with Erdogan's desire to reestablish the Ottoman empire, but only enough to pressure the Baltic nations into rejoining with Russia under a soviet style compact.
The most difficult thing to predict in this entire scenario is China. Behind the mask of monolithic hegemony that is the Party, there have been numerous changes in leadership and reforms in the last ten years leading to contradictory and some times down right schizophrenic actions. To be honest I don't think China knows what it wants beyond more power, more wealth, and more growth. There is no clearly delineated ideology they are pressing to reach these goals and it makes them an unknown factor and extremely dangerous.
I agree with all you said, but Abe is making friend with Putin out of sheer hope for sure, USA is being led by a weak leader right now so Abe has no chance but to seek a stronger ally.
But yes, China has always been a wildcard that doesn't willingly submit itself to either East and West, we must remember how the chinks break ties with the Soviet THEN normalizes relationship with the US in less than 10 years (70s-80s). China just follows whoever seems strong at the moment.
The party seems to be leaning towards the Kaifeng from some things I have been reading lately. I know the jews are getting antsy about the mess they have made in the west, but it seems to me that the cultural drift with the Kaifeng was too significant to be mended with the recent actions of the Ashkenazi to justify a complete jump into (nominally)Socialist China. While they could help the Kaifeng shore up their support in the Party, it would still require a generation or more to normalize relations between the two diasporaic groups so as to secure Israel a new host to paracitize.
I fear that Israel may provoke conflict specifically to aid in their infiltration of Chinese society. Instigating conflict and then aiding the side they wish to infiltrate is a fairly common tactic with Ashkenazi jews, but I don't know if that aspect of their culture is reflected in the Kaifeng.
Frankly speaking the Kaifeng have been out of the global stage for a very long time, and this recent emergence into global politics is another untested and unmeasured element of Chinese leadership. It's a shame we can't have an actual thread about this without it descending into people parroting how much they hate jews at each other. I mean I hate the hooknosed bastards as much as the next guy, but if you just scream that at each other nonstop you don't have a chance to discuss their actions or theorize on where they are going. Currently Holla Forums is a really good place if you wish to amplify an idea, but frankly I miss pre-second exodus where we could look into things more deeply.
I guess I will sage and abandon this thread since there doesn't seem to be any real discussion.
Chinese are far more national socialist than communists
The new wimmin Taiwan President is a fucking SJW. She even endorsed Cunton for President, ffs. If she doesn't get impeached or shut up, we might be seeing the China-Taiwan conflict go hot.
Just visited Taipei last weekend. That country is stuck in a collective funk of butt hurt fraught with confusion. You can take the Chinese out of degeneracy, but you can't take away the ant mentality from the Chinese. They really are fucking ant people.
Let them have Taiwan. They hate on anyone that isn't Japanese, forgetting that the USA is the reason why they aren't circle jerking to Mao amid a glass crater. Gorgeous country and excellent geopolitical piece but they aren't worth WW3, especially with that grotesque sjw at the helm.
Youre super fucking wrong if you think the CCP cares about the nation and the people to any fucking extent.
They go against the west for their own power game, not because theyre a paragon of virtues and ideology.