Drugs and their effects on the public

Pol, on a political-science level, we've always managed to stay 10 steps ahead of any leftists based on the doctrine, of what is in the dark, will come to light.

The leftist doctrine, the social justice warriors and with them, their masters the Jews are but misinformation specialists that delude themselves or intentionally others.


What I want to talk about is the drugs on the streets. National Socialism is losing the cultural battle. It's not cool to care for yourself. It's not cool to workout, to be a better person, to be a Christian or one of faith that is an honest person.

It's just not cool. Granted, it's the stable life.

A little about me. I had a blonde girlfriend, english background (although American) and I had another girl, dating two at the same time, so that if need my genetics could carry on.

Fast forward. My girlfriend was on meth, the other decided that going back to her black ex was better. I don't know what's worse.

My girlfriend had a background of heavy, heroin use from the East Coast. Living in the middle of nowhere, she moved out here to her brother's figuring it'd be harder to get to drugs.

But she ended up there. It was thanks to a former brown friend, he and I didn't hang out, but he came over once and offered meth and the relationship turned sour.

Why am I talking about this? The drugs on the streets, from what I see on blogs in tumblr, when I talk to girls, is affecting females the hardest now.

There are so many drugs right now. Deadly ones. Ones that make you go crazy. I feel drug use is at an all time high and it's ravaging the fucking country.

I'm not talking about when I did LSD or smoked weed in high school to experiment and change my mindset to that of a more peaceful and loving person and to understand God and religion.

I'm not even talking about doing drugs to get high and smash pussies at parties or to feel good. I'm talking about the kind of drug use that replaces life.

My question to you.

What are you experiences in dealing with addicts?

How is it in your area? Are the drugs bad? Is it overflowing?

On a political level, what can be done to stop it?

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Adderal is the big one that has a "very rare, small chance to increase paranoia" is one. Go ask some libshits if they're on adderal. A good number will be.

It's the gateway drug to other more severe drugs. "I'm paranoid doc and have anxiety all the time!!!" down the line. "medicine" is no longer for helping health. It's to create a string of prescriptions to turn people into paranoid zombies.

I disagree, women are totally attracted to all of that in men, especially fitness. As for your gf, you might have to just dump her. Think about it this way, would you want your children to have a mother addicted to heroin? Think hard, don't let feels get in the way.

As for drugs, I use kratom as an antidepressant and I understand a lot of people use it to get off H. Since kratom is a mild opioid it keeps cravings / PAWS from causing a relapse. Kratom itself only has very mild withdrawals, so it is not really a problem. I use it every day to keep from wanting to kill myself. I have dealt with depression and anxiety due to loneliness since high school. I am 24 now. I have always been a social outcast and never had a gf. I tried many different drugs including pharmaceuticals, psychedelics, stimulants and nootropics, but nothing 'hard' like meth or H.

Military fag here. Does it pop on a drug test? I

No, kratom will not pop on a drug test.

What's a good place to buy it from? Im guessing you buy it online right?

Also, does Kratom at high doses feel like you're taking an opiod? Like oxycodone?

Yeah I kicked her ass out. It was hard because I developed a connection and she understood my views on politics and agreed it was okay for me to see other white women and to build a family around that.

I'd hang with you dude and show you around the town and get you laid

I know. What do you think I'm doing now.

This is what I'm talking about.

I want a political solution to drugs and we're on here talking about highs.

Wtf man. It is so pervasive everywhere. I'm not some church fag that is straight edge, I'm just tired of everyone taking fucking something.

i use herbaldom usually unless i catch a sale (lots of sales posted on plebt/r/kratom)

I have never tried an opiate stronger than vicodin, but high doses of kratom get very euphoric and you can nod from it.

I think it is because I live in southern California. Whites are already a minority here and the 'culture' is ultra degenerate. I would probably fit in more anywhere else in the US, lol. I am planning on moving eventually.

If it is any condolence to you, when I go anywhere I am sober, because then I can focus on other people rather than myself. It is when I am at home that I get depressed. This kills my productivity, so I manage it the best way I can. I understand what you are saying about people always wanting to get high at parties and everything, I think that is because they are nihilists/hedonists with no real purpose to their existence. These are generally the same people who have promisuous sex and don't want to be married or have children. I think the best way to combat this is to give people a purpose. The Hitler Youth is a great example. Instill pride in their nation, their race, and give them the tools to act on it rather than be stuck with no opportunity.

I've lived around some pretty bad tweakers and seen a few of my friends turn out that way. I lived in the meth county of Texas so I've been around it for most of my life. Been using drugs since I was 12 no thanks to DARE coming to our school and telling a bunch of bored kids you can get high off of gasoline and air duster. Now I live in the metroplex area of Dallas and the drugs here vary a lot on where you go. Weed is pretty common and meth is plentiful. Never got hooked on any hard shit but probably would've gotten hooked on smack if there had been a consistent dealer. These days it's just opium tar and whatever psychs float my way. I don't think there's anything political you can do to stop this. It's just a product of modernization. What else is there to do? Some people replace substances with self improvement but most people see that as pointless. If people actually lived to survive then they wouldn't have the need for this stuff.

SSRIs and SNRIs are contributing to women becoming sluts.

Women are more prone to depression:

The standard treatment for depression is to go on an SSRI or SNRI

SSRIs are known to limit the ability for people to feel affection towards others and act as behavioral dis-inhibitors, as well as cause binge eating and weight gain.

Feminism, and in turn SJWs are made of fat, ugly women with mental issues.

So what we have here is:
Women are diagnosed with depression in their teens
Women are prescribed a SSRI or SNRI
Women sleep around because they're both dis-inhibited and are incapable of building intimate bonds with people
Women get fat because of drugs and lifestyle
Women are unhappy because they no longer get dicked by men outside their league
Their "depression" worsens because they're mentally unable to accept their biological role
Women end up spending money on pointless things to fill their emotional voids
When that doesn't work, women ruin society

There needs to be a slave market to sell women to capable young men who have earned their way in the state.

I swear. There is no way out.

That explains the fucking cat ladies. That's an entire generation of wombs fucking gone.

She was on strattera and suboxone. For a guy like me, it was just crazy seeing her take all this and she explained off the meth sores as side reactions to these drugs.

What exactly is a SSRI or SNRI?

Hitler Youth is just the beginning. People need something to keep them busy and if it's not working for their community or relaxing, then it shouldn't have a point.

It isn’t on topic as such but seeing as you brought up Kratom I thought I would share my thoughts on it.

Back before it was banned in my country I purchased some to help me with my Insomnia, it didn’t (as nothing I found yet has) help my sleep issues but it did lift my mood markedly.

I don’t suffer from any depression but being rightfully concerned about the dark path our world is on I am not normally all that joyful. Kratom didn’t change my thoughts to that of bliss and optimism but it put a smile on my face, my outlook didn’t change but it negated the effect my Holla Forums tier mind has on my general happiness.

What I am trying to get at if you are not using kratom to cure an actual disorder or to come off of opiates then I would think twice about using it. There is a big advocacy movement intent on promoting it as totally harmless and in comparison to harder drugs it is pretty inert but it IS addictive.

I would best put it like this; life is nicer on Kratom than it is off of Kratom. I found myself waking up and making a cup of Kratom tea pretty swiftly after first using it.

I decided it was about to become a problem for me so turfed the rest of my supply down the toilet.

why would you date a girl on opiod maintenance? you only get that because you're completely dead inside and can't live without the drug.

Do I sound like the fucking guy that knows this?

9 months of heroin isn't something I can comprehend.

Other girls I tried to date have kids (of course half nigger) and the dating market itself is pretty pitiful. I know it's my city.

I used kratom daily for a year straight before and quit and the withdrawals were comparable to quitting caffeine. Recently I have begun to give up hope and wanted something to pick up my mood so I got back on it. Basically kratom is as addictive as coffee. And I would rather NOT be on it because I am shoveling piles of leaf powder in my mouth all day, but I really am dissatisfied with life and see no way that I can move and get a good job or otherwise advance my status. I live with my grandmother in a beaner neighborhood (she is one of the last white homeowners here), I was going to college but became extremely depressed when I could not find myself an aryan gf and dropped out. I used to work as an electrician but got sick of all the fucking spicks and the unsafe work conditions, and wages which never seem to increase. I had barely any friends in high school and still don't. I feel hopeless. This is why people turn to drugs (and alcohol).

ok let me lay it out for you then.

people who do heroin for a long time reach a point where they can't detox from it, their compass has gone haywire and their soul is drained and they just want to kill themselves if they're not on the drug.

until recently they sent these people to methadone clinics. they'd show up every day and get a little cup of the stuff and hang around the clinic and steal things and trade advice about how to violate their parole. recently suboxone was developed as a replacement that they can use on their own without supervision which is more convenient and keeps the junkies away from each other.

she's never going to get better. she's broken. she will never be able to raise children either.


Whats the best kratom strains in your opinion? Anything similar to Oxycontin?

My life is shit as well, and since im drug tested randomly I cant take percs.

I've come to accept this. But it's hard for me.

All the strains I have tried feel nearly identical to me. I currently have herbaldom's blend, which I mixed with some strains from other vendors that I got while they were on sale. I actually got a sample pack of like 12 different strains which I ended up mixing together. Just make sure to go with a reputable vendor (use search engine to find reviews).

I'd rather sleep with junkies than with angels.
I know it's not very in line with Holla Forums's ethos, but Jonny Hobo and the Freight Trains, as well as Pat the Bunny's music in general is really great for coping with problems from drugs.

i feel your feels user

So whats worse? No gf or a druggy gf?

I'd personally go with no gf over a druggy gf. I don't wanna deal with that shit.


You don’t have to justify your Kratom usage to anyone or me user.

I’m not suggesting that it is in the same league as opiates but my personal experience was that it artificially altered my mood to quite a high degree and that is not in my opinion healthy. If you are not mentally ill then you shouldn’t avoid reality with the use of mind-altering substances on a daily basis. No matter how you justify it.

I am sorry that you feel helpless but you know drug use no matter how harmless you perceive the drug isn’t going to fix anything. You know this; you wouldn’t have typed such a long justification of your usage if you didn’t.

do LSD, microdose if you want it for depressions.
Normal dose is about 100-150 micrograms, microdosing is done with 20-30 micrograms, it's the only drug working on such low doses, normally you are talking about milligrams, so it's almost indetectable in any drug test you can still detect LSD, but the test is specially for it and pretty fucking expensive, not to mention that it only works when you are tripping, not few hours after that

Be sure to get LSD and not NBOM

yeah, you are correct, druggy gf is worse than no gf you are going to end up nogf anyway, with a broken soul on top of it, just get an escort if you want sex and you will be the same, but without being a broken man


ITT, a self centered faggot who cheated on two girl friends then blames them when they turned to ahmed and jamal for attention from real men… who also just wanted to fuck them….

Be a beta bitch and blame the women for your failure.

tl;dr if u have a girl, and she turns to drugs or black cock, you got (say it with me now Holla Forums) CUCKED


The true redpill behind drugs is go fucking legalize and regulate it:

Legalize all drugs now. Like ron paul said, just because meth is legal doesnt mean you'd do it, you'd do it because you wanted to. Keep social stigma if you want, its not good to encourage drug use, but it is good to be fucking realistic and pro freedom.

You're retarded, Adderall is used by soldiers and a lot of STEM students use it to focus while studying. The worst liberal idiots are usually on SSRIs, SNRIs or antipsychotics.

You apparently never heard of fentanyl and its derivatives. The new generations of painkillers and I believe even some stimulants now are effective under 1mg.

I have no trouble believing that.

SSRIs and SNRIs are two classes of antidepressants. The difference is one acts on serotonin while the other acts primarily on noradrenalin

The best way is to legalize and regulate while keeping a really harsh social stigma related to it and stopping bleeding heart faggots from pitying those who decided to waste their lives getting high.

The drugs like meth and shit aren't even half of the real issue OP.

Take a look at society today and how millions of americans and other sorts are on psychological medication, hormonal therapy, and the other sorts.

This is not even the tip of the iceberg with how pharmaceutical companies and psychiatrists seem to team up and make bank on behalf of the lives of millions of others. Many giving conditions that are even questionable if they even exist, children who are diagnosed as to having ADHD among other sorts and given so many pills that they become dead inside, and not even going about the kid just being AN ENERGETIC KID.

This is just a huge part in the cog of the dying system, countless tiring out americans and stressing them out with shit work environments, and the solution they go to is the pill, the medications. Which most of these medications have side effects worse than what they are treating. But it's commonly accepted now. And you find that the individuals on so many meds wind up worse off than when they were originally going on, because the body becomes accustomed to the dosage, and thus they purposely overdose.

There was once a time when individuals would actually talk about their problems, help solve the solution by acknowledging what is troubling, and further seeking through communication.

But instead, there's a wall. A psychological wall that barricades individuals from the truth, and only furthers to feed their narcissism. The way of the pill is the convenient "fix all" to society and what ails them, allowing the progression of society to grow stagnant, decadence being fostered, and flaws and psychological mishaps being encouraged.

The mexican drug cartel may have their millions in pushing cocaine out on the street, but they have practically nothing on the monopoly the pharmaceutical drug companies have being able to legally push drugs that turn its citizens worse off than they originally were going on the drug. And people overlook it, because it's so common place, as well as just being issued more medication with horrid side effects to counter medications that are giving an individual side effects for being on it.

And soon enough, the average 10 year old child will be taking 5 pills a day if they aren't already, and teens to adults will be taking medication like they were eating a bowl of cereal.

you have so little self awareness that it probably didn't even cross your mind that letting that girl know that she was not enough for you and you wanted other women may well have been the catalyst that pushed her back towards drugs.

Meth is the drug of supermen, so long as it only stay sin the hand sof supermen and people who are atleast smart enough to know not only what they getting but to have some fucking chewing gum and stay away from energy drinks and fizzy drinks.

I know why drugs are illegal, they should never be acceptable in the mainstream, but we sure as fuck need to do more research on them.

Women should never be allowed to use drugs, nor non-whites. They can't fucking handle them.

lol kill yourself faggot

"Make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian lives." -The Prince of the Jews of Constantinople

if you anons are depressed and don't want to become a slave to poisons then I recommend consuming L-theanine, I consider them as happy pills (capsules)

This story better be satire

Am i the only one who never have been using or has been around drugs?

Like, where the hell do you find these degenerates?

Some of us take kratom for depression and pain relief. The people that take it to get "high" are the people ruining it for the community.

Yeah no there is nothing wrong with legal drugs right guys?

It's pretty much all personal preference. I personally love white strains but other people say it gives them bad anxiety. Go on plebbit/r/kratom.

horrifying* fucks sake

OP, something that is not talked about enough is that drug laws give niggers and to a lesser extent Latinos better access to white women, or a subset of white women.

If you see an attractive white girl with a nigger, there is a good chance that drugs are involved. Niggers are already much more prone to criminality than whites, plus it is easier to survive in prison as a nigger, plus their culture attaches no stigma to prison time…if anything, it's seen as a positive.

With that said, niggers are in a better position to be pushing drugs than whites, and get all of the perks that come with it.

If drugs were legal, this would be a non-issue.

Subtle shill. Filtered.

You are a moron.

Can anyone make a pastebin about weed?

Against and pro-weed please.