Fuck your shitty webm thread.
Share your webms.

Other urls found in this thread:


Starting with slav post



thanks for making the start of this thread so successful. Keep em comming!

right on fam



based putin

a little rekt 4 ya


OP is going afk for a hour or two, when he is back, he want the thread to be succeed.

meh, fuck op. contrib anyway.




Oh boy, one of these guys…




tell em based user




>how many did they win? don't count WW2, the russians euroniggers** bore the brunt of that victory
sorry to say, but at the moment that's the chinks…























paste . ubuntu. com/23145992/






Only true fucktards laugh at 9/11


call me crazy, but it might be shooped, guy.






Apparently she managed to quit that stuff. Still pretty ugly, though.



What made you stop?


does anyone have the old scottish guy?


Damn. Forgot about that dude. Old bumfights shit, cool post.



anyone got the webm of that dog getting its head crushed in by the woman in high heels?

is this bait?

russian bahahaah faggot without massive material
supplies from the US they would have collapsed in a week

that laugh



This has to be one of the most cringe-inducing photos I've ever seen. This is a real person somewhere.

butthurt american



Actually, believe it or not, that would be the britbongs. The US is currently 20th.













The black American is such a noble creature.

wew lad. you fitting in yet?

One with extra footage from trucks POV

we was kings and shit


Come on? You some kinda butthurt niggy? Getouttahea with that sjw shit.



sure thing






do you guys even try?

ooga booga sheeeeit

shut it nigger!

Fucking niggers everytime


#1 it wasn't "pretty good"
#2 its hardly a circlejerk
#3 get over your butthurt
#4 go back to 4 with your other niggerluvin pc cuckbuddies

why are you trying to deny it


webm or gtfo darkie

damage control much? nigger.


any content much? nignog.


you want content now? you didn't want it 11 minutes ago.


You're quite obviously confused about with whom you're conversing with.

Maybe you're confused about who's conversing with you.

oi, who the fuck are you!

I'm the guy you're talking to.

Seems the penny just fucking dropped.

lrn2thread. Also, post fucking content.

then who the fuck am I !?




Yeah, who the fuck are you? Don't hijack this conversation.





what did he do

Downloaded a car.

Cut off a child's head for a cp snuff film.


shot up the batman movie



Givi. Unstoppable.


great big brass ones










how is shinra electric gonna explain this one.











































"make me cum"


couldn't stop laughing at this.











Holy fuck Russia





Fuck I wish I weren't only half white

who's the father

this guy























Man women suck















This is why niggers should not be allowed in school

do they make your school life uncomfortable?

They get offended when i offer to paint them white

These videos are unwatchable, niggers are shitty fucking parents, and their parents are sjitty parents, and so on and so on, their kid is getting beat and all they say is "DAAAAAAAMN"

Thankfully not because there are no blackies at my school

And it's all whitey's fault!

dey gan kill dat whitey