
Democracy is not a good system, and it isn't the best we have, either. Allow me to explain why.

The democratic leaders have limited terms. After (usually) four years, they're gone. In these four years, they can freely loot and plunder the nation, whereas a monarch has to make its resources last him for an entire lifetime, as well as that of his children. That the state isn't regarded as their property amplifies this effect. They can dispose of its use value, but not its capital value, so they will not have an incentive to take care of the latter. This is shown in how taxation exploded after 1918, with the downfall of monarchy in Europe. Before 1918, taxation tended to be around 10% of your income, now it can be as high as 50%.

When the state can freely take away your earnings and savings, then you will not earn and save that much. This tends to make people more shortsighted. Instead of planning ahead, they will live in the moment, and will not be interested in starting families, acquiring useful skills or making informed economic decisions. A process of devilization occurs. Crime and deviancy increases, which the state takes as an excuse to engage in ever more social planning.

With the voters becoming more and more shortsighted, with honest work becoming less profitable, and with the state giving them the tools to engage in plunder, the voters and the lobbyists will do just that. Interest groups will spring up and demand their "fair share" of the wealth of their nation. This is the tragedy of the commons all over again: It's like you had a limited grass field, and ten cattle herders letting their cows grace on it. Cooperation is a losing game; the most profitable course of action is to only look after yourself.

Democracy is not just a threat to the citizens, but one to the entire world. With the behavior of the state being a public affair, the frequency and the scope of war becomes worse. In old times, the kings had to fund their armies themselves, and when they conquered a region, they had to make use of the resources in it. They had no interest in conquering barren land, which is why collateral damage was unheard of and the lifes of their soldiers had a value. The people in conquered regions often stood by and watched as the armies fought. It was like entertainment for them. Driving the enemy off his land was usually the goal of the lords, not to vanquish him.

We can see the failure of democracy daily. Laws become more and more invasive, the people more dull and shortsighted, respect for the life and the property of others decreases. The only long-term solution is to abolish democracy.

Democracy is not about giving one man the power to control, it's about giving one man the reigns of representation, to put your problems forward on a grander platform than just your neighbours.
Those senators are your representatives, not your rulers.
Your President is your signatory, not your emperor.
You can stand up and be counted in a democratic state, unlike with other political ideaologies.
Start realising you can enact change, that those is Parliament work for and represent you, start making them listen, or be lost in the foreboding facist statist regime that will follow.



The alternative is ditatorship. Or anarchy.

You are every different kind of idiot.

How do you make sure he represents you? Behind every representative, there's a few hundred thousand people he has never met which he is supposed to represent. There's absolutely no reliable way of making sure he actually does represent their interests or their will. Even if there was, legitimate minority interests could still be ignored by the majority. In a global democracy, the west would be plundered into oblivion by China and India.

Dictatorship is not monarchy. And both monarchy and anarchy are better options than democracy. Same with aristocracy.

Is that pic for real, or is it a falseflag from the chans?

Yes, idiot. Monarchy is literally ditatorship.

how did i make the same typo twice


Nope. The monarch owns his country. The dictator is its humble servant. Historically, monarchs and dictators acted nothing alike, because the former acted in their own interest, the dictators in the public interest, meaning that they can basically get away with everything.

No it's real. Google ciscrimes and see more shit.

I won't link it for obvious reasons.