Hm, okay. r/HistoryNetwork, r/AlternateHistory, the Imaginary Network and related subreddits seem to be free of cuckolds and SJWs.
Jacob Foster
Kill yourself.
Henry Allen
Aiden Sanders
Robert Reyes
Brayden Smith
Owen Reed
r/aww is bretty gud
Jacob Butler
Hunter Garcia
The r/truecels discussion is pretty funny, they basically shame its users for being basement-dwelling neckbeards. One even said they should be gassed. Where do they get those ideas from I wonder?
Actually a lot of these subreddits like to shame people. What great moral character they have!
Connor Walker
r/antipozi /r/publichealthwatch
Jace Thomas
Carson Walker
normies will normie. Many are as incapable of critical self-analysis as Holla Forums and no less bigoted. It's one of the plusses of redtits that you get an uncensored look at the normie thought processes.
Brandon Brooks
Brandon Cook
you are a heretic. i like people like you. see you on the scaffold.
Daniel Moore
op is baiting by the way.
The only good subreddits are
/r/gonewildaudio /r/gonewild /r/kotakuinaction /r/Hailcorporate and depending on your fetish certain other small boards.
Lincoln Rodriguez
We cuckchan v2.0 now.
John Hall
shit taste famke
Julian Wilson
this. I haven't seen a gore thread for months
Daniel Richardson
good, gore sucks.
Jack Morgan
Should I dump some gore? I have a decent amount honestally.
Isaac Nguyen
Anthony Murphy
Nathaniel Hill
tumblr content
Joseph Kelly
do it faggot
Nathan Collins
Gavin Evans
Henry Hill
Robert Reed
Isaac Scott
Kayden Jones
Xavier Parker
Juan Taylor
Jaxon Hill
Grayson Brooks
James Davis
Angel Wood
Austin Ross
Andrew Wood
That two pump chump makes me feel better about myself.
Jordan Baker
He got like a 12 min blowjob before they started
Nathaniel Smith
oh the tryhard failures. every single image used in this derailment was lifted from tumblr. every single one. You guys just make this place smaller and less interesting. you're already dead inside, so kys is pointless.
Adam Mitchell
my nigger. i want ones where another girl puts a straw up her butthole and drinks it directly though or ones with piss or ones that are both piss and the straw up the ass
Zachary Hill
I'm sorry user It looks like you have been cucked so much you don't know what non cucked means anymore
Asher Perez
I got into a couple of exclusive reddits including /r/gonewildgold (or maybe it was /goldgonewild/) regardless it's where all the hot chicks post their nudes except you need gold to post in it.
Jose Garcia
p nice
Caleb Jackson
Jason Kelly
Christopher Perry
Jose Kelly
William Richardson
Lincoln Watson
Ian Thompson
Austin Jackson
^son on infinitechan you can include multiple images in one post
Jace Ward
Brandon Torres
man that cunt looks like the insides of a fish
Luis Gomez
who's that girl anyway? got pics of her pissing?
Cooper Edwards
Good luck spamming the thread to 750 guy. You wasted an hour spamming 128.
Jose Morris
what if we help him
Michael Ramirez
Logan Price
Aaron Watson
Christian Hernandez
Hudson Hughes
Dylan Martinez
Luis Lopez
Carson Long
Isaiah Turner
Nathan Ortiz
stay busy, downie. stay out of mischief while the adults have a party.