Don't give them what they want


Do NOT let yourself be TRICKED anymore. If you say white countries deserve to be cucked you are a CUCK litterly promoting white genocide.

Bump for fucks sake. You people need to stop taking pretty compliments from the Jews to blind yourselves. STOP BEING THEIR FREAKING PUPPETS ANYTIME SOON.

We were doing a great job at spreading the word through Evalion…

But then you know what happened…

Certain vocal minorities need to be removed first.

People should be more aware of divide and conquer tactics. (((They))) like to find areas we have disagreements with and will amplify the problem. Shills play both sides in an exaggerated manner to cause derailments and in-fighting. Stop arguing over who's white and who isn't - if you're a westerner or if you're European, then you're marked for genocide. Doesn't make a difference if you're British or Fingolian. Likewise religion doesn't matter either. If you're a white Christian or a white pagan or white atheist you are all targeted for genocide.

Did she mention this?

While I do not want any white country to be invaded by nonwhites, I must still acknowledge that what these people have done they have done to themselves. Liberals deserve the cultural enrichment they bring themselves, and it's our job to either pick up the pieces and kill or deport the remaining nonwhites, or prevent them from causing an immigration crisis in our lands.

This isn't a rift between whites from white countries. It's about certain subset of posters here.

/Brit/pol has been taken over by edgy leftists and shitskins larping nationalists.

They are purposefully trying to drive us to hate the British people as a whole.
As such, any real Brit poster worth their salt should denounce the general now.


How do we join forces with the cucks without becoming cucks ourselves?

You didn't get the first post this time, Correct The Record-kun.

By falling for this Jewish trick you are a cuck in my eyes. Congratulations hope you feel good about yourself when your lifted of to Europe to decapitate white people to save poor repressed niggers. What a bright future right?

There was nothing to take over, brit/pol/ has always been 4/pol/ and an embarrassment to us all.

I asked you a question, faggot. How do we join forces with the cucks without becoming cucks ourselves?

"Whiteness" is just the American Anglo mongrel's attempt at co-opting the whole European heritage as theirs, for they lack any distinct identity, ethnic or cultural.

I answered your question. Now I know for sure that you are a shill. 100% filtered. Very very fucking simple.

Go back to Africa you fucking chimp.

AND every post is anti-British


Yes, I'm aware the American pale mutt can only see black and white, without any variation.

The British (((elites))) really did fuck whites over on every opportunity for the last hundred years. I don't blame anyone for not trusting the eternal anglo.

If anything, we need to liberate them after we've cleaned up mainland Europe.

How many dudes does Holla Forums employ?

Actually, this question has been bothering me for a year or two aswell.

No one in Europe wants your "help" you dumb burger. You're the fucking problem.

t. Not a brit

I'm not nearly good enough at English to sound like a burger while typing out a post.

Found the kike.

This has literally nothing at all to do with the OP. are you trying to derail the thread or??
Evalion is a yellow toothed whore. If she wants to awkwardly spew Holla Forums memes and make the rest of us look like complete beta nu-male faggots, let her. It's not like we shut her down, but we sure in the fuck couldn't care less.
Now back on topic before thread derail…

Kikes relish the chance to lump all peoples of Europe into an indistinct heritageless mass that are the "whites" of USA.

I agree and hate to see fags shit on other whites while they claim to be white nationalists. Although back and forth bants are all in good fun.

Were these crafted as part of the full meme dominance program?

Tell that to the Brit/pol/ shits.

It doesn't benefit anyone.

Harmless banter is fun though and doesn't hurt anyone.

Indeed they were. Crafted by yours truly. Here have png version I made and feel free to make your own.

Its pretty obvious they are D&C shills.

Many of the anti-white or demoralising threads are actually started by cuckold fetishists. OP is right that D&C in any form is wrong and should be exposed.

Your post is pretty much that. Filtered.

Try to spread this message. I'm asking all anons to simply spread this message cause nobody seems to care nearly enough even though it's extremely important.

This time you have been too slow, Schlomo. Only second post for you. Oy gevalt!

Can someone please spread this to half-chan? I would go there but I just can't do it.

The constant shit flinging with Christianity/Pagans/Atheists is a big one. Anyone who isn't a shill or troll by now should at least know that the Bible calls out the Jews and advocates a strong and moral fiber for man.

Then we have the arguing between Brits, Americans and Germans. Usually these three. Downright strong condemnation of either or all three. They are usually worded and written in a similar fashion. Probably just one guy doing it.

Yes, but the problem is that others respond or even other shills respond, to make you think people fell for the bait and it spirals downward from there.

Bit of banter is fine. Its likely the only way we can stay sane with all this going on. SWEDEN YES or rather ANY COUNTRY YES is a morbid but fun joke. Londonistan is another good one as well as burgers/clappers. Tongue in cheek banter with an edge.

Reminder to hide all D&C threads and filter D&C shill posters.

Yeah Adolf must have been an american when he talked about the whiteness of France.

Yes you're right. Some basic namecalling isn't so bad. Beyond that it becomes D&C.

Bump can someone please spread this on half-chan? We need to get this known and I really can't get myself to go to that shithole again.

You da man

dat boi comin

I've never meet a white person.

I've been Brits, that come in English and Scottish.
Met Frenchmen, met Germans (those come in weird offshots like Bavarians or Prussians, or Austrians even!)

Met Poles, Czechs, Hungarians and Slovaks.

Met Italians.

I've also met Americans. Dixies, and Yankees, and Texans, and midwesterns and Cascadians and southwesterns.

I've never met "whites".

Are they from the same place as these "men" that the Constitution of 1795 speaks of? Because of so Joseph de Maistre has a few words for you.
