Subhuman pieces of fucking garbage BTFO
Egyptian Rep Reminds the Kangz They Were Nothing More Than "Dogs & Slaves"
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Whats the nigger equivalent of oy vey muh shekels?
Sisi is pretty based. Supports Assad and hates the kikes and the mudslime terrorists.
Ba'athism is like Arab Fascism and keeps them out of our nations.
Then it wasn't really slavery, just wealth redistribution.
Nubians BTFO
Nah nigga dats some bullshit bix nood!
a daily reminder that ancient Egyptians were aliens
Black ppl be culturally approptiatin and sheeit smdh tbh fam
Egyptians were egyptians.
No idea what this is but it sure isn't what those retards call "afro-americans".
Post the full article nigger it says i have to subscrube n sheeit.
LOL it's about time the Egyptians fought back against the disgusting appropriation of their history and culture
Fuckn KEK nigger got rekt!!
fun fact arabs hate niggers more than ben garrison
if you ever call them a nigger they will rant for 6,000,000 years about how niggers are inferior
this works esp. well on saudis
the north africans at my work absolutely despise blacks, this would anger most real egyptians
I love the dichotomy of WE WUZ KANGZ
what the fug tbh
Is that why kikes always call them sandniggers?
It's one of their only redeeming qualities tbh
kikes can't into memetics
they are too attached to the material world, memetics transcends their reality into an aryan realm
Meanwhile, actual Hannibal.
I think niggers lack the the ability to retrospect and also never seem to learn
just live in the now, without a thought of the or future
so expecting them to commit suicide (on purpose) for doing something stupid/wrong is giving them too much credit
Idk user, hating Blacks and Jews is pretty based, Muzzies might actually be our greatest ally. If they stay in there own countries.
didnt you know, everyone wuz blak then whites magically appeared and took over
Out of all the kangz bullshit, this one pisses me off the most.
the quran or arab historians basically shit on niggers IIRC
esp. when the arabs went to Ethiopia kek and those are the top 10% of niggers when they're not starving to death due to being niggers
kek that's no Egyptian
Arabs and Persians on the characteristics of blacks, long before any European colonialism in Africa took place:
Second greatest*
I always hated that bullshit.
authentic gooks have no filter when it comes to niggers
met one, without ever seeing a nigger before, said that they were monkeys
and this comes from someone who's a part of the zerg race
"Muslims are our greatest ally"
Jew spotted.
I grew up in a very multiculti ethnic neighborhood with lots of Asians. Asians are based as fuck on the Groid Question. They will call niggers "niggers" to their face and they'll do it with a IDGAF smirk on their face. Asians HATE niggers more than the ghost of Jefferson Davis.
>>>Holla Forums
heres how arabs treat house niggers
So when is someone gonna dump some Tricknology images in here?
Fuck this is disheartening to watch.
Civilisation in which such practizes are not needed is actually quiet rare on this planet.
a statue of Hannibal from people living at the same time as him & the current day people of Carthage. God I hate niggers always trying to take credit for shit they never did.
They castrated all niggers before being slaves
They just got them fresh from niggerland
Nah nigga Hannibal was black did you see The History Channel's "Battles B.C.?"
Fuck this retarded fucking society. Still can't believe blacks think they are Egyptians.
da anchunt ejeepshuns wuz white europeans n sheeeiit
I aint kiddin you! we used to fly around de world n sheeeeeiiit
da ppl of ancient Mesopotamia wuz germanic n sheeeiit mothafuka
Said no one.
they'll steal your wallet then steal your history
I've often wondered why that wasn't practiced in the US, maybe it was a money saving plan, they thought they needed so many that the cheap way out was to let them breed freely? Imagine if the majority of niggers had been neutered before shipment. They could have had their cotton and picked it too, if you get my drift. All the benefits of the free labor, while decreasing the aggression and rebelious tendencies, no "family" issues unless you wanted a breeder (maybe you would need a special license, if nigger over population was a concern), and when they industrial revolution and let's free the slaves mentality kicked in, instant nigger-free continent due to old niggers dying off naturally. Fuck I wish I had a time telephone so I could call the past and give them some tips.
They bred them with irish hags.
If you castrate them they are like monsanto corn, no replacements.
Yeah, sure, why not. Because that makes sense.
Praise Ammit the Matriarch and Kek. Nubian meatspace females BTFO.
I guess shipping them overseas is pretty expensive, and breeding them you could improve upon the specific qualities you want
ARya stark?
Good goy.
Cool Jew meme.
B.C. stands for Before Christcuckery.
Oh yeah, this one is piss boiling, Hannibal was a match for any Roman, a kangz he was not.
I read on here every fucking day that "the ruling class was white." I have no evidence and have not researched it, but that sounds stupid. I assume they were more like bashar al-assad.
King tut was an R1b Celt, fam.
Every time kek.
someone fucked up
Yeah if they were doing that to an actual person it would be pretty hard to watch tbh.
I like how you can tell the Egyptians from the sandniggers in this pic.
No land for muslim scum.
Why is Al Sharpton such a hyper-ape?
I don't blame Egyptians for being angry. Would you want your great history and legacy hijacked by people whose ancestors hadn't managed to figure out how to build a mud hut when your great culture was already thousands of years old?
I know some Moroccans. They joke about and mock niggers more often than Holla Forums does.
Damn, that is some savage banter from the Egyptians.
There was evidence of some people from Europe going to the Middle East. Which makes sense given how Muslims in the region enslaved quite a few quite people.
The reason for this thinking is because of researchers finding some of the mummies having red hair as well as similar DNA to some Europeans. This isn't brought up to say they were all Europeans so much as to suggest that it is ludicrously insane to say they were black.
haha niggers BTFO
Get this.
The Egyptians thought of themselves as a red race.
Red. Get it?
white guy is fucking fabulous
They were like Assad, yes. Not european white but very close to them, same with the ancient persians. The mediterranean sea was either european white or egyptian golden white (don't know what to actually call them).
Then the shitskins came and that's why there are so many non golden whites in egypt.
Also, the latter egyptian pharaohs were white since they were greeks.
Ov vey, goy. Where is that statue currently? It would be a shame if the evil ISIS would destroy it. :^)
man i wish i was religious. would love to slay brown hordes for a god.
unfortunately yahweh is a brown god
You can always worship the Roman Sol Invictus, it's where most christian iconography comes from but it's 100% Roman.
You had one job, and that was to meme.
We should brexit 8ch since (((Jim))) took over it's been garbage. Any .pl shill is a (((Jim))) and Holla Forums shill too.
What the niggers fail to remember because well niggers is thous same kangs had NIGGER SLAVES KEK.
No you ignant cracka dat statue was changed later by rayciss white ppl.
Egypt is more Mediterranean than African.
Always has been as far as I can tell.
It has always been. They're mutt offspring of Europeans who became kings - Pharaohs - it's why that Rham actor that tumblr was crying was white in the new shit movie looks the way he does and he's Egyptian.
Not all, I think they wised up later on. They even allowed regular immigrants from East Africa at their lowest point. Were rewarded with a 13 year long "civil" war.
The transatlantic slave trade was banned, remember? Before that plantators went through fresh nogggs like a fat woman decimates ranch dressing.
They're Arabs. Their legacy is sand in who cares where.
is that why everybody in the mid east is quarter nigger?
from the dying days of the empire.
you know you're fucked if even the shitskins make fun of you.
Admittedly i dont know anything about hannibal, was he a kang n sheeit?
think i already know the answer
The Egyptians explicitly didn't believe they were native to Egypt, see the Leyden Papyrus & Papyrus of Ani.
Diodorus amongst others didn't believe that either:
"The Egyptians were strangers, who, in remote times, settled on the banks of the Nile, bringing with them the civilization of their mother country, the art of writing, and a polished language. They had come from the direction of the setting sun and were the most ancient of men."
we wuz atlanteenz n shit
Because even back then, we were too soft for our own good. Jefferson has a whole letter where he says "Jews are shitty but some of them are alright so we should let them all in because it would be wrong not to."
If you had a collect call back in time, and you wanted to spend it on slavery of all things, you should tell the colonials to tell the Jews to fuck off, and take their slaves with them. It was the Jews who were the slave traders. They invented "the Curse of Cain" to justify doing it. That's where the Mormons got it from.
If you disbar all Jews and forbid slavery entirely, niggers would have no claim to America whatsoever, and we'd all be better off.
Shit tier, lad.
It makes so much sense that Africans were slaves in Egypt. That's why they continued it on through their history.
Nobody thinks that; the Ancient Egyptians generally kept pretty consistent with the colour they used to depict themselves in their art; which is usually a darkish brown. They distinctly depicted themselves differently to Nubians (Sub-Saharan Africans) and Europeans (who very occasionally are featured in some of their art).
Hell; we even have perfectly preserved mummies that we can test the DNA of and compare it to see exactly what race they were. Every test I've heard of shows that Modern Egyptians are very closely related to Ancient Egyptians.
That last picture
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
ayy lmoa
that's the truth, though.
it's time nogs start to understand that if arabs take over, they are beyond fucked.
Funny you should say that because every time they do some DNA test on some ancient corpse of some fallen great civilisation it always shows that the nearest genetic relatives are North West Europeans, not closest living relatives mind you, their descendants are just a bunch of mudbloods with little or no genetic relation to their ancestors who actually built the civilisations that they failed to maintain.
Which are the shitiest European countries? Southern Europe and Eastern Europe right? Is it a coincidence that these regions are also the ones that have been at one point or another occupied by non-Whites for centuries?
Italy is actually a pretty good case study since Northern Italians are white as the driven snow while Sicilians and Southern Italians are fucktards who can't into civilisation!
Arabs, Mongols, Moors and Turks, all a bunch of mongreled up hordes who've all taken a massive shit in the European gene pool.
Fun fact, the word for blacks and slaves is the same in Arab (abeed, abd).
Everytime an arab see a black he thinks slave.
Egyptians were white.
Asians like those need to go to the >>>/oven/
cucked egyptians
>a reminder that as well as racist, Egypt's regime suffers from extreme cognitive dissonance. #WeAreSorryAfrica >
watt ze fugggg
I love that cap. :)
So they're making false "hate" allegations on an international scale? They pull that stunt all the time for sympathy.