Peter Cuckens Comes Out Against Trump

Look at this subhuman piece of fucking garbage. The British are White people's aborigines.

Oy vey. I guess we can't all be as intelligent and enlightened as these vermin who gave their country and their women away to sand nigger neanderthals.

Other urls found in this thread:

based britbongs strike again

Well he's jewish through his mother, and some jewish people recoil from Trump like a demon recoils from Holy Water, so I guess that explains it.

The wrong brother died

hes the same as a redditor.

Use "Not an argument" on him.

Nah, the slavs already hold that title

Le British Conservative

It sounds like something his brother would have said.

I wanted to love you Peter, and your way with words.


The man sure disappoints as time goes on.

Its time people stop acting like Peter Hitchens is smart or good. His brother was smart but not good. People on the right tried to falsely elevate Peter, saying see, he's the actual smart brother. No he isn't. He's shit. He is the minor brother. For a reason.

Both of them should have died along with the rest of the British.

Christopher was actually more redpilled than Peter, despite being a hero to the cringelord atheistfags.

The Eternal ANGLO strikes again.

Unsurprising. He's a neocohen.

Every day the lines seem be getting more and more clear each day.

WW3 will be the US and Russia vs the European Union.

Japan can come too.

To be fair, Big Brother Hitchens would probably have said the same shit.

Pete's right about marijuana, though. Pot is a shit-tier drug.

The UK is considerably more white then the US even if you don't count the Welsh and Irish

Why does brit/pol/ jerk their johnsons to this kike cuckold again?

Oh right because they are all anti-white faggots.

Go take a look that their thread OP right now. It is smuggly mocking the firebombings in Dresden.

Japan is coming whether they want to or not. Someone has to supply us with our strategic reserves of smug.

Hitchcuck was exiled from Brit/pol/ ages ago for his remarks about interracial marriage and Enoch Powell

Probably because brit/pol/ is now been co-opted by the left-wing.

Britcucks should be genocided along with their degenerate trash spawns in the south, The aussies. Enough babysitting these cocksuckers. All they ever do is get them selves in trouble by acting like utter trash and then we have to spend $$$ and American blood to save them. Fuck them.


Luckily North America breed them into irrelevancy with the Irish and German influxes.

Not enough mind you to keep the innate cuckoldry of the eternal anglo out of the nation, but enough that we can recover and become great once again.

I figured out Peter was a cuck when I heard him tell people to abstain from voting as a form of protest. He's the old guard of britbong cuckservatism.

That use to be the majority opinion on Holla Forums before the trumpcuck influx

I've yet to see the full image. Link?


Sorry, just have to rub it on the britkikes.

Uncucking britpol is an uphill battle. I've been actively shitposting there, making statements against their country that simply can't be refuted. Still, some of those cucks are proud and rather than agree with me they choose to defy. They are proud to defend their loss of gun rights and their 1400 molestations.

Some listen though. By July, we will know if the Brits be free or cuck, eternally.

If thats the case its gonna be a short worldwar, if even a worldwar in the first place.
More like two giant vultures sqabbling over a dying bull.

This is not honorable.

There are moderate ways of disagreeing with someone who wages war so bravely against the destructive forces of the left.


Not exactly a surprise he doesn't like Trump. Hell I'm only really rooting for him myself because there's simply no other choice.

But I wasn't expecting the masturbatory "I'm clearly of a superior intellect" reply.
Feels like we're entering a time where you have to list your IQ score, educational level and career achievements before you can have a simple conversation.

Pick one and only one

God bless the modern education system. Someone pays jews for the privilege of telling you that anything they say will be trash.


He's a lost soul
He won't be happy until everything he ever loved is dead

He just wants it all to be over





Just look at britpol and how much they hide behind le memes and le banter excuses, the reality is every last on of them is a cuck who's more assblasted at america and germany for the past then the paki's raping their children, they are a finished people.


To be expected. They can never become great again if they were never great in the first place.

you just can't handle the bantz, lad

I really hate this contrarian cuckold, words can't really describe how much. He is worse than useless.

His main purpose of existing is to make the right-wing over intellectualised, neuter themselves with "morality" and be a "representative" of the right-wing and in the process make them look like a bunch of nerds who are out of touch.

No. You're cancer.
And that's coming from a brit/pol/ poster.

So he is a jewish cuckservative.

Exactly. Even his fat fuck and nearly just as contrarian neocon brother, Christopher Hitchens, wasn't as bad as this mundane kike.

Th-that r-really hurt
jk what a faggot.

brit/pol/ is a really fun containment thread. you're the idiot who wants it to be something more

David Lane and Robert Matthews were right about everything.

that's what I'm talking about

Britpol is the only funny thread left on fullchan

What a great day. I haven't grinned this big in a long time.

For a spastic with the mental age of 6, maybe.

top cuck, why don't we have a "containment thread" for spamming pictures of nigger dicks as well(i'm sure most of them are posted by britcucks), your thread is cancerous and its days are numbered.

Brit/pol/ is a sad, sad place. I just went there, drawn in by the Pepe over Dresden meme.


The Brexit vote is, I'm afraid, going to go berdy much like the Scotland Independence vote, and they'll pussy out.

Hell, half their voters are sand niggers already.

They're still hating on Germans, and ignoring the fact that Germans are at least white.

It's a shame it will take at least five to ten more years for the Muslims to kill the last of the anglos on airstrip one.

That is a lot of crying and anger masked by claims that
from passive aggressive faggots we will have to put up with.

I'd love Fuuka tenderly.

So many asshurt yanks in this thread

Wow you fucking genius. Really helpful.

Lol where did nigger dicks come from? Something on your mind bud?

brit/pol/ is fun when you're a high-bantz, shitposting mood. I'm glad it exists tbh because it keeps most of the shitposting regulated to one thread.

Nigger dicks aren't even big. We have better dicks than niggers. Fuck nigger cocks.

Christcucks, basically.

Actually, brits would be cucks if they loved WW2-era Germans.

Anybody who is still talking about world war 2 in the present day as if it was a good thing, never mind the outcome is an absolute fucking idiot. Nevermind the kikes and traitors who've been selling us down the river to join up with the elite club of swindlers, let's talk endlessly about WW2.
Article is still as relevant as ever.

brit/pol/ are try-hard plastic patriots, not nationalists of any kind. All of them deserve to be euthanised to make way for white Brits who still have testosterone and uncorrupted brains.


Cool it with the antisemetic remarks please.

Brit/pol/ is a civic nationalist thread.
We stand with based Israel against Donald Drumpf, the nasty racist bigot.

Of course, because Brits are subhuman inferiors whose "achievement" is bring non Europeans to Europe.


You guys are morons.

Don't fight each other! No excuses. For shame you must be all shills otherwise I'm really dissapointed that you fall for Jewish tricks this easily.

brits are kikes at this point, both have the destruction of the white race as their goal, why differentiate?.


He was supposed to be our Morality Man. Why, Peter?

No you see this shit is like "hurr why help them let them all burn."
Do you NOT GET how you are being PLAYED? If we don't stick together we WILL LOSE. ==WE WILL LOSE==

They're not THAT bad; they're just confused.
Like this guy:

They're so caught up in the "RAF won the Battle of Britain" propaganda they can't see past it.

They can't see Chuchill was bought by the Jews.

They can't see that declaring war on Germany resulted in massive Soviet expansion.

It's tough gristle to chew, I admit.

No, brit/pol/ are willingly idiotic, doesn't take much trickery. Shouldn't surprise you, they're stuck to media, they crave it, even if they say it's "to understand the enemy" they are subconsciously being subverted by the electronic jew. They willingly put themselves through sunday politics and question time every week, knowing full well it's shit and their enemies will have free reign to slander them simply for being white, heterosexual and wanting to live amongst their own people and survive.

I know like 2 nationalists IRL who know about Holla Forums and that's only because they post on another forum and because of le epic memes.

I'd happily burn brit/pol/ posters alive, because you can guarantee these would be amongst the people trying to stop a happening.

Let's have him debate Moly

Eurocucks are faggots. See, we can have civic and cultural nationalism because we have Anerican Exceptionalism. Eurofags can't use regular nationalism because it paints them as le nazis so they want the diaspora coubtries to fall with them

Why does a scorpion sting? It's his nature. Fucking jews.

I dont want to say it but



Truly exceptional.

says the guy who believes in an invisible sky daddy because hes afraid of dying. lmfao.


lol, fair point.

Kuddos on gorebombing the britcuck thread. They are squeamish little faggots that refuse to see reality. A little bit of violence will send them into conniptions.

Ever since Trump started is campaign, I see nothing be fracturing and division within the Right. Any sense of solidarity will be lost in due time.

They want to stop happenings because they are actual NEETs, and folks like Mosley would do what Hitler did to subhumans.

Past wrongs can be forgotten, but taking pride in your country firebombing 200,000 civilians and POWs?

Absolutely disgusting.

There was talk about banning /brit/pol few months back. I support taking some action as drastic to get rid of them.


Yeah, ok.

The arrogance of some of these nazis, lads…

For fucks sake these are people who just come here to feel good about themselves or something? True definition of cuckness. Weak spineless fucking retards.

Best thing to do when you come across on obvious brit/pol/ autist is ignore him. Like a female the lack of attention will make them cave in and make them knock their stupid shit off or kill themselves.

The mindest of your average brit/pol/ poster is feminine, the very opposite of masculine.

Lad we are on thread #922

Success Breeds Envy

Freechan with their obvious D&C bullshit that noone even bothers to acknowledge

Said the proud subhuman of the islands who swept Rotherdam under a rug.
Fucking filth.
Truly a race of inferior subhuman retard.

Except that it's going to provoke a reaction, and our threads are going to get jizzed up.

It's low energy trolling, like a 13 year old boy who's obsessed with Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer. Don't even know why people acknowledge it, it's not even original, it's been done before.

You are a shill. Noted and filtered.

Is there a "help me 1"? Where is this from?


Where's your N.A? American?

Trump support is a bare minimum to nationalism in the west. One cannot call themselves right wing in any sense and not support Trump vs. Hillary. It's not even that fucking hard to just say "yeah sure trump should be president".

Unless right wing to you is "muh constitution" and "muh civic nationalism".


Ewwww! Perdy!

Too bad the proud civic nationalists of Brit/pol/ dont like them, eh?

Its 3 or four trip cucks M80, they dont represent the nationalist Britons here theyre just fags. I filter them as soon as they come on, easiest way is to filter anyone mentioning 'civic nationalism'

Acknowledge my dibbel-dubbels and answer my question.


No one takes your b8 m8.

This guy says Trump is "not a true conservative" and is the reason why the West is declining, because there are no true conservatives anymore and they disappeared some time ago.

Perfidious Albion is already talking about bailing to Holla Forums. It really shows you where the britfags stand when they see that place as a viable alternative.

brit/pol/ is all the proof you need Britian is unsalvageable.

It's just banter, m8

No it isn't user. Think about it for a minute. It isn't..


"True conservatism" to these guys means sex in the missionary position, religion (not exclusively christianity) playing a larger role in peoples lives, even to the point of infringing, being "moral" i.e. helping shitskins out so you can be the "morally superior", draconian laws and being a nerd.

If that's what conservatism is meant to be then fuck it, who wants to be one?

oh and muh free market, even though not every other nation is going to play by these "free" rules if they don't think their nation can get the upper hand. Britain and the US at its best always had a bir of protectionism and ran the economies in its interest sinstead of letting "muh free market" dictate the policies.


Wasn't talking about Hitchens in that post, more the general "true conservative" mindset.

Based Bomber Harris tbh

That first one is fucking adorable.

The brits have always been the worst europeans. It time we come and turn them into the next state after we kill off most the population


NeoCohen propaganda spread with the help of Zionist Christfags.

Most of these people are salvageable.

I would take a million track suit wearing slavs over 1 British cuckold at least slavs are tough and the women are hot


D&C bullshit.

We should have helped the Germans firebox you out of existence and killed the redcoats like our forefathers we could have ended the cuckoldry why did we listen?

All the fucking shills in this thread.
We WILL lose if we fight each other instead of the Jews.
I'm not saying brits are the best at the moment, but jesus this much d&c
Sage for d&c and probable slide thread

You wonder why your shit never takes off?

??? They are Brits are the ugliest whites

So? Fuck britpol, fuck them all the way to hell. My point was you are tarring all British far righters with the shitpol brush.
Or someone was, I can't be arsed to go back and check id's

Because you think the other one would have supported Trump? Christopher Hitchens was the worse but neither of them are worth paying attention to.

Brexit will fail just like every single "Democratic" process anyway.
I will be there to shit on them. Meanwhile real Brits can prepare for actual revolution and drag those NEETs to camps.

Britain gets hundreds of thousands of slavic immigrants

The women are the opposite of "hot"

No, he's not right about that if he still thinks people should go to jail for growing cannabis plants.

No shit, it will once again be America and Russia trying to stamp out western civilization. Already happened twice in the last 100 years, not exactly hard to foresee.

This is more like it
White unity = an unstoppable force

Yes, some of our own will try and stop us, but there are option

[Muffled Muezzin Calling Brits to Prayer]

From personal experience nearly half slavchicks under 40 are superhot while I've only seen like a handful of attractive British females out of hundreds I've met.

NA scares the Brit/pol/ shits to high heaven. I wager that I would love to meet these NA lads one day.

As if is his muh weed is muh degeneracy didn't already tell you?

From my experience nearly all slavic girls are fat, have a propensity to race mix, can hardly speak English and leech British society for every penny it has.

The men are also pig ugly, cowardly and swarthy like spics:

I guess virtue signalling is more important than politics or alliance building.

Not a surprise, with such perfidious albions.

Brits, I know you guys aren't bad but one of these days you really have to put up a public national apology for your forefathers basically dooming the world as a whole. It's the only right way.

Donald Trump is a symptom, not a disease. The disease is the death of real political conservatism: a cool, intelligent reluctance to believe that all change is good, a love for the established, the particular and the well-worn.


What you described is my experience with brits

Donald Trump will be the next president.

It's literally nothing but assburgers shitposting and neets jerking off to traps. They should just be banned from Holla Forums for lack of serious discussions.

I sometimes wonder how much the quality of this board would be improved if those wastes of air were permanently banned. There is very little difference between them and /int/

… That's the natural progression of britcucks.

Kikeswheels are on the same boat with the likes of /int/. Dont expect it.

They are more of an /int/ thread so they should just go there. Would actually breathe some life back into that dead board.

Did someone say (((Jim)))?

If there is one thing you can trust it is shit/pol/'s inability to judge good character. If they think NA is Hitler times one thousand you can safely bet that they are probably pretty good guys with their nation and race's best interest at heart.

You're welcome to check out maps of Europe pertaining native eye color, complexion, hair color etc.

Spoiler: you're darker than most nationalities North of Romania, ladm8.

Statistics, show actual statistics of Poles or w/e actually raping significantly more than your chavs even though vast majority of the immigrants are of the working age and you're counted along with children and elderly.

See, you're just gobbling up these articles that are put there mainly so you can vent at someone white instead of those pakis perpetuating mass rape shit that still goes on in your country.

Peter Hitchens is literally a Jew. I never understood the fascination with this kike.

What a fuckhead!

To be fair, Brits are the closest to being Jews of all Europeans. It is almost impossible to differentiate between the two based on personality or behavior. Brits are the Jews of Europe.

If you knew anything about the Express of the Main you'd know they're two of the only newspapers in the UK to frequently report on Muslim rapes.

The fact is the people Poland is sending us are basically subhuman.
The vast majority of them are left wing.
They're some of the biggest cucks I've ever met in my life.

When they aren't behaving like turbo cucks they're raping, vomiting in the street, refusing to speak English and generally behaving like niggers.

All of them need to be deported.

Post a timestamp with just your nose.

No they wouldn't. Some of their best men supported Germany, including the king himself (who was ousted by kikes because of it).

Brits can and should have the same stance on WWII as we do here in America. It was a mistake, our people were lied to, and they were used to further ambitions of globalist groups opposed to their own national interests.

It's simply the truth. Houston Stewart Chamberlain noticed it 100 years ago. Brits had been integrated into Jewish culture even back then, and had lost their own.

Would Trump apologise?
No, and neither shall we apologise for something we haven't done.

When Brexit fails, I will shit on you subhumans so hard.

This is the reason people are laughing at brit/pol/.

When Brexit happens and the AFD start shilling for the EU who will you guys vote for?

This picture really does have it all!


I'm the one who said "fuck britpol all the way to hell."
I hate them with a passion

Pics are from na's ironmarch threads.

Why don't you have an na ,America?


He also doesn't support Farrage. He is the british equivalent of the "lol just wait for Hitler" subverters, whether he knows it or not.

Defeatist as Fuck

See, now THIS is /britpol/!

Don't worry lad, when the time comes, you will have an option

brit/pol/ is for dumb civic nationalists who do NOT help the cause like NA.

What have they even done to pakis, they are all talk?

NA call out Jewish supremacy
Britpol hate NA
Britpol was floored by shitposting subversive Jews about 18 months ago, so much so that even faggots like Tonuser had to leave to escape the faggotry

Nigger, NA are watched 24/ fucking 7, what do you want them to do, go out and start lynching pakkis?
As Horus says "you are not much use in jail"
They're a propaganda outfit and a very good one, irl shitposters and the best thing to happen to British nationalism for 30 years

They play practical politics like everyone should at this time.
The future might be different, but right now the game is practical politics

More like "just wait for Menachem Begin."

So useful, saving the British public from achmed.
Pick one or the other

Keep yourself warm with that as your women and children are raped by subhuman shitskins with the full support of your government.
Also America has always had a non white population.(doesn't mean we can't ship them back to their ancestral lands)
Britain was completely white, now it's rapidly becoming a non white cesspool. If you think you're racial statistics aren't being tampered with go for a long drive through each of your city's and their surrounding town's, I believe you have a lot more non whites than your government wants you to believe.
You're also unarmed. Your situation is much worse.

Yeah, how about you fuck off, cuckold. America is a white nation built by whites, for whites, and should remain so indefinitely. America is a white nation in every sense of the word, and this aspect of our identity is inseparable from who we are as a people. The definition of what it means to be "American" is firmly rooted in a white European foundation, and to remove this important racial element would be to destroy the true American identity and replace it with the sterilised race-blind "propositional nation" identity we have today, which is not based on shared blood or history, but some supposed adherence to a set of loose enlightenment values.

Any amount of foreigners, even ones who have lived in this country for generations and have supposedly "integrated", inherently dilute the innate white European nature of our society and threaten the long-term survival of our civilization, since their people played zero part in building or defining America as a nation, and have no genuine deeper connection to the European race and our shared history as a people. They are forever foreigners living in the nation of another race, and can thus only act to degrade our national identity.

The only way non-whites can be incorporated into the definition of "American" is to completely negate and ultimately destroy the central white racial element that has defined us from the beginning, thus leaving us open to the importation of more non-whites who are naturally incapable of upholding our European identity, culture, and history, and are genetically inferior to us in that their race will never be capable of rising to the levels of white civilization. I'd also like to point out that any non-white who has immigrated as a vested interest in ensuring that the innate racial portion of our identity is usurped so they feel incorporated into the nation fully, and also to continue this process of non-white immigration since they themselves are a product of this system. Any amount of non-whites creates a positive feedback loop that is unsustainable.

Since this country is part of Western Civilization and is a construct of the white race, and our culture is a direct expression of our race's unique vigor, importing any amount of foreigners who belong to a non-European race and who are genetically and circumstantially incapable of maintaining and growing our civilisation in the way our race has done so for generations, inherently threatens not only the survival of our cultural, national, and racial identity, but also makes us lose sight of who we are as a people, where we come from, and the strong white European foundations on which this nation was built. It's simply ludicrous to believe that a non-white from China or India, for example, have any capacity to truly uplift our white culture or connect to the race of people that produced it. Culture is not something that can be separated from a group of people - it is unique expression of a race of people built around a common ethnic identity.

In the long run, the only binding force that keeps a nation together is a shared racial and cultural identity. A shared culture is simply impossible to foster in a multiracial population where people come from vastly different backgrounds, look vastly different, and have no bond to each other through blood or history. The only result of such an arrangement is a degradation of our national identity and an inevitable loss of social cohesion and trust, which is a staple in multiracial societies due to the biologically defined tribalistic nature of humans.

I have no interest in subjecting my nation to this destructive and unsustainable system of multiracialism simply in the name of "exceptionalism", which is completely irrelevant in the long term. An unbroken identity based on blood is what forms the foundations on which greatness can be built. Superficial cultures and values may come and go, but the only insurance you have that guarantees your civilisation will rise again is an unbroken racial chain throughout the generations.

The loss of your race results in the loss of your genetic lineage and a death of living history.

They are pretty much what Holla Forums would have if any of you ever left your houses,
New vid uploaded today of them trolling anti-fa



do more false flags

So you want them to go out and commit murder?
Or stir the masses into some kind of revolt?
Can't cause revolt from jail, dickfag

NA doing things back in the early days

Reminder America is 60% white and your Civic Nationalist God Emperor wants a BIG BEAUTIFUL DOOR in the wall to let all the Mexicans come and work for him legally.


wish he was an ethno nationalist. but not even the cuckservatives would support him if he claimed he was.

You mean like touching little kids like the heroes of the white race that you are :^)

It's not like we think he's perfect, dumbfuck, but he's certainly got a lot of good going for him. At least he wants to deport all the illegals and ban muslims. Try getting that out of any European leader, let-alone someone likely to win the presidency.

false flag = pretending to be antifa

60% white and falling.

Still waiting on that epik white American revolution.

It's never happening

Oh,right, I thought you were implying I was false flagging or something.

You can read in autistic detail all about their first anti fa infiltration on their ironmarch thread, it's funny as fuck
They came back with souvineers

Implying this hard

Meme all you want NA are still paedophiles

shalom shlomo

Not an argument tbh

I guess he didn't really mean this:

Oy gevalt goldstein

NA were catching paki pedos the other day. Pretty based tbh fam

Sounds like some sort of paki reasoning to me

Nice strawman shekel sniffer

Catching? It was a heated conversation tbh. Also it doesnt absolve them of being nonces


What's the weather like in nazareth?

Wouldn't know we aren't Israel's greatest ally

got any examples of groups better than them, fammo? The kosher BNP or EDL? hue.



A few got arrested for burning faggot and Jew flags.
While in the cells a few of their m8's waited in the police station for them to be released, passing the time by improving the reception's decor

Just filter it m8,

How's it feel being a cuck?


I'll try how did you know I lived in the United states

but am I wrong?

Brits are mentally afraid and brainwashed - like a bunch of women, they are all compelled to think alike.


u wot m80? europeans have the most neanderthal dna, especially for things like skin and hair. more neanderthal = more white = more better.

You get marginalised if you're a white male with testosterone, in Britain. It really sucks sometimes.

Brit/pol/, and Peter Hitchens are okay to me, but they don't like me.

Or is it that Neanderthals have our DNA? Or both?

everyone except sub-saharan africans has some dna from neanderthals.

Is there a single Brit left on earth that isn't a complete pansy?


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In Britain, they still like style. Perhaps too much.

How does that explain the jews that are literally on tump's team


Go to 2:28

Farage supported Ron Paul and now he backs Trump.

His brother was a Trotskyist you retard, not to mention a major figurehead in backing the Iraq War and one of the few who went on to defend it long after it became a disaster.

You really think he'd support Trump?

Can you lads read Burke or something and stop talking out your arse.

No lad we're all crypto-Jews controlled by the Rothschilds, what Germanic DNA? Only America and Germany have any semblance of Aryan genetics.

Name one example where Farage defended multiculturalism.

Also the UKIP candidate where I live is still researching the Rotherham scandal and organisating marches against Muslim grooming gangs. Anne Marie Waters.

is her opponent NVIDIAFire?

Christopher Hitchens was one of the only high-profile people who supported David Irving and opposed his prosecution for holohoax denial.

He renounced his commie leanings like in the late 80's and was by most people's judgement, a fairly conservative figure.

Fedora-stuff aside, obviously.

Trumpcucks on suicide watch

But I support Trump's decision to help Israel.

Shalom to the Nazis and Muslims.

It hasn't been proven that it came from Neanderthal, has it (I hope not)? I heard that they could have had similar origins instead of us intermixing.

Good lad, I bet he also hates that shitty Lipton tea like everyone else does in the civilized world.

…and like clockwork, the insecure fedoras sperg out.

Peter Hichens is based as fuck if he is a bit naive at times. I would say he is sort of an entry level redpiller.

lol, why? don't like the idea that your ancestors weren't all niggers out of africa? what's more likely?

you might think it happened because the niggers were smart (lol), while the neanderthals were stupid and primitive in comparison. except there is no evidence for this, and considering peoples with more neanderthal dna are much smarter than those without any, the opposite seems more likely.

i think people cling to the "out of africa" theory because they have an agenda. how often have you heard someone say racism doesn't make sense, because we all came from africa?



i remember reading one article claiming that neanderthals were not less intelligent than modern humans. who do you think they were comparing them to? us, or sub-saharean africans, who often have retard-level iq on average?

First Thomas Sowell and now Hitchens…

sounds like a (((neoconservative))) tbh, it doesn't ultimately matter what party or ideological position they say they support because they're subversive cancer to the core


That's what that fucking snob came up with? He could have said anything and that's what he chose? Sounds like he didn't have a choice.
I can't wait for catastrophe. The current direction is dreadful.

So he's a Jew.

The Brits are by far the most self-destructive whites out there. At least the Germans lost a war and had their cuckening forced on them. Brits won the conflict and immediately proceeded to bend over and grab their ankles. Literally from world war victors to destroy the empire and let in all the indians pakis and muslims. How does that even happen to what was the greatest group of people on the planet for CENTURIES? Fucking christ.

Is this any real surprise, though? This faggot sees himself as part of the (((internationalist global elite)))

pls dont scalp me

probably because there are too many muzzies in bongistan, like in france. some things are just not on the menu.
it's not like brits didn't had it coming.
most of the shit the west is facing started in the british empire. or in france.

Yes, yes, that's what it hinges on.



Seriously, though. A lot of us wonder the same thing. Unfortunately the people that ask this have found themselves in absolutely no position of power to question it


Hitchen's is not indicative of ALL britbongs, but probably the majority of white ones.

He's a full-tilt cuck. He's anti-trump to try and stay viable in the eyes of the mainstream that's already marginalized him as a reactionary joke from a by-gone era. He's either too cucked or too fucking stupid to realize it.

The era of "being respectable" in the eyes of the left is dead. Fuck that shit. Putsch NOW.

I don't know why brit/pol/ loves him so much. Last year before the general election he was shilling the 'first past the post' system, claiming it's why an out of touch party like the tories are going to loose, tories then won an overwhelming majority.

They make a big thing about his sparring with Brand, but his points and arguments are always weak.

He made an leave eu film years ago, but even that was very dry and lacking.

He's all round a very low energy individual.

that's TWO words.

Fuck this boring pessimistic prick. He's toxic to the cause.

Looks like somebody's still butthurt over 1776

Main reason to dislike him is because he's so fucking boring

I might consider it.

completely lost my shit.
thanks, user.

lock him in the building when burning down the lugenpresse fleet street

will donny's jewish grandchildren through his converted daughter recoil from him? what about all the zionists who like him?
