Tfw your best friend is a Chad and chicks heavily hit on him while ignoring the living shit your of your existence...

has anyone been there ? how do i deal with this ?

Kill him

Tell him you want to be a chad like him

I was. then one day he asks if I'd like to go to a party with him. I said sure why not

the next two years I went to a party almost every other week, drunk my ass off and fucked some bitches

eventually though, I came to realize that I wasn't really enjoying it, that I was just pretending to because for the first time in my life people accepted me as one of them. so I gave it up and returned to a comfy existence of solitary shitposting

your his fat girl friend.
chad only hangs out with you to make himself look lore chad.

get him drunk and rape him.

he's kind of my friend tho

not fat, just a skinny bald dude

don't feel like picking up his leftovers tbh

user, we mean, he's using you to make himself look better by comparison.

Get cucked by him and hope some of his Chadness rubs off on you.

just dump his ass. you don't need 'kind of' friends

get /cute(boys)/, not tranny tier, but 7/10 tier, slowly try hitting on him, then, when you finally start fucking, make him your subby bitch, collars, humblers, etc but make sure be snuggle him afterwards and generally be nice to him after fucking **