How do I get away from being a hoarder?

OK, so as the title suggests, I live in a huge mess and I don’t know how to get my place cleaned up. Luckily, I don’t have any maggots, since I manage to throw away everything that could rot away, but I’m drowning in empty soda bottles, papers, dust, packaging of all kinds of things, laundry,…

I hate being in this mess and I regularly try to clean up but I fail. I feel like every space I take up starts getting too small after a while.

Has anyone managed to change their hoarder ways? Are there any resources on the net that deal with this?

I'm not great about it, but here's what helped me:

that makes it so there's a place for most everything in my room, the rest is just a matter of tidying.

Stop hoarding.

Pretty simply really.

Never, EVER allow anybody to visit your home.


Also, user make time to clean your room from top to bottom.
Try to do this all in one day. If you get overwhelmed take a SMALL brake
but don't tell yourself you can finish tomorrow.
Once it is clean make some rules and stick with them.
Like, you can one empty soda bottle lying around BUT NOT TWO.
Throw paper and trash away mediately after you use it.
If you have things you collect, they need to be on a shelf or in a cabinet
and not on the floor.
Nothing should be on the floor at all with the exception of a backpack or other like item you need every day.

I let things in my place slide sometime but I always get shit in order after a day or two.

You can do that too, but only after you have gained some discipline to make the effort to keep things clean.

just burn the house down and start again on the insurance.

chances are you can get your fleshlight upgraded.
show us some photos, user.

(t. insurance assessor/adjuster)

pic related

I briefly dated a hoarder, her kitchen was filthy, her bedrooms were so full of shit you couldn't open the doors to them, she restricted me to the living room only.
I fucked her anyway, once. She was surprisingly clean despite her house. Pussy was tight as fuck considering her age, she smelled nice.


They will take all your stuff and throw it out.

Deal with your underlying issues that is causing you to horde. Until you do that your house will never get clean.

Set fire to your house and claim insurance money. Hoarding solved.

Your best start is generally to throw away anything you don't need. Do you have 2 forks but always eat alone? Throw away one. Do you really need that thing you haven't looked at in over a year? Throw it away.

More so the case with absolute rubish like empty bottles, but you also want to do the same with "I may ever use this" items. And don't have doubles of things you use every day but have to clean. Soon enough it becomes a "I'll clean my plate tomorrow" situation. Sure, every now and then, you will have a "man, I wish I didn't throw that away" situation, but most of the time, the type of item is easily gotten again anway.

Love having the minimum of required items. Breed habbits with that, and then later you can move on to having extras because your house is now clean enough to have people over every now and then.



You've gotta trick your brain.

pay someone else to clean it

Consumerist cucke detected.
How does it feel fatgot (fat faggot)?

Jokes aside get a pet.

Okay OP, I live in a very similar situation to you. It seems endless and insurmountable, so all I can tell you is a few things that have worked for me.

1. Make a list of goals. Itemize the things you need to clean into smaller tasks. This will make it look like you have more to do, but it will make the tasks themselves smaller and you'll feel like you're actually getting shit done. For example instead of "clean kitchen" you put "do the dishes" "clean out the sink" "clean out the fridge" and so on.
2. Check if there are any recycling plants in your area. If there are, you could get a tangible reward for cleaning up your filth. You said you're awash in soda bottles, gather them one at a time and crush them to save space and put them in a bag. Take that bag to a recycling plant. Probably won't be a huge payday, but it'll be enough that you feel rewarded for your effort.
3. You find it boring? Do something fun while you do it. For me? Whenever I clean I listen to an audio book, a podcast or a music album I've never heard before. This can make me extremely productive as in some cases I'll keep cleaning until the book has finished.
4. Might not be a bad idea to download an app like "epic win" or something similar. Turns your effort into feeling like RPG quests.

attempt at humor failed

I'd say no live messes outside of regularly-emptied trash cans (nothing organic that can grow mold or attract vermin) is a pretty good rule of thumb whether you choose to keep hoarding or not. That and throw away the shit that's actually garbage (food boxes, bottles, etc.).