Pope Awards Medals to Celebrities George Clooney, Richard Gere, Salma Hayek

Pope Francis honored American actors George Clooney and Richard Gere and actress Salma Hayek on Sunday, awarding them the “Olive Medal” for peace at a Vatican event.


The Vatican event was organized to promote the work of a foundation called Scholas Occurrentes (schools of encounter), which Clooney praised as “a wonderful program” that enables “many different religions to speak of inclusion, because we know that hatred and fundamentalist attitudes are learned and inculcated.”

It wasn’t clear from reports what the celebrities had actually done to merit the medals, although George Clooney is well known as a liberal activist and successful fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, with attendees paying as much as $353,400 per person at a recent event held at the actor’s home.

According to its website, Scholas is an International Organization founded in 2013 and operating under the auspices of the Vatican, which “connects technology with arts and sports in order to promote social integration and the culture of encounter for peace.”

In recent months Clooney has come under attack for criticizing Europe for not taking in more Syrian refugees, while insisting on absolute isolation in his $100 million palatial estate on Lake Cuomo.

Conservative commentator Alex Jones recently laid into Clooney as “one of the biggest fake, liberal, con-men of all time” for his visceral attacks on Donald Trump, fawning support of Hillary Clinton, and hypocrisy for scolding the West for not taking in more Syrian refugees while not lifting a finger to help.

In his critique, Jones includes a video from Paul Joseph Watson with more than 5 million views, which further excoriates the actor for his alleged double standards and moral self-righteousness. The critique notes that the actor owns five mansions, three of which are in Europe, and that he just bought another in Britain for 10 million pounds sterling. He further noted that the villa has eight empty bedrooms, and yet the actor isn’t exactly taking in migrants.


Can we just organize some random event and give random medals to redpilled public figures? Normies will think this is significant somehow.

Oh God what a cuck. Any Catholic Holla Forumslocks who haven't converted or started practicing Orthodoxy by now are really beyond help.

Pretty much describes the whole bunch of them.


why would I convert just because the current pope is a faggot socialist
there have been tons of shit popes in the past, you're way overemphasizing their importance, just like the jew media

We all know this Pope is shit but exactly why is he going into this far into overcuck recently?

because he's a socialist
that's what they do

Well, you can easily turn this against the cuck pope by accusing him reward the rich and not the brave and poor rapefugees.

That's why. If there were no Trump or refugee invasion, he wouldn't be able to get this much attention.

I've actually considered this…then put out press releases & see how many "news" outlets report it.

Why is the current pope such a fucking cuck?

Maybe not convert, but Catholics really should start talking to their priests & cardinals, asking, "how can we shit-can this piece of shit pope?"

That whore of Babylon really loves that media bukkake, doesn't she.

they are
I don't know any catholics that like this guy

more and more catholics are going to traditional latin mass (not the new novus ordo stuff), reading more conservative sites etc
Francis has really redpilled a lot of people on the nonsense that's taken place since the 60s with Vatican II imo


The most reasonable post so far.
Shame the pope for giving undue attention to the wealthy. After all, he prattles on about how the poor are great and need help.

The Church was infiltrated in the 60's.

Time to start making fun of Richard Gerebil again.

My triples confirm, Deus Vult

I hope one brave soul has the fortitude to put down a fallen angel that calls himself the leader of Christ.

This is not a man of Christ. I can literally see the evil in his eyes.

Reminder that Catholics will be considered Jews on the day of the rope and will be gassed.

Second Vatican council mate. It isn't the pope, it's the church itself. Pope Francis is 100% Catholic in the neo-church of Vatican 2. So was John Paul II, another subhuman heretic who is burning in hell right now. In fact, all the popes of the second Vatican are burning in hell for being whores.

Longer than that, dude.

Globalists giving other Globalists awards for being globally aware.

Virtue signaling at it's finest. I wonder how far the Cuckope will be able to take this before catching backlash from actual Catholics?


I'm really disappointed in Bergoglio
He's a heretic, he is anathema.

Doesn't surprise me. They're all a bunch of cock-suckers. Literally.