Russia banned hentai, now officially.

21 May 2016, russian "duma" finally applied laws that compare any drawing of a naked child, exposing genitals to child porn.

It means ANY drawing, including lolicon hentai.

Google translated version of 242.2 law:

Even for fan fiction about fucking a loli you can get into jail like for making child pornography yourself.
Reminder that most internet providers in russia banned Holla Forums exactly for hentai.

But i guess Holla Forums will approve this, since we all believe this is a "based" move from russians. Hentai autists are degenerate, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Should only be a bit before the degenerates swarm the thread.

wow that's bullshit

hopefully anime is next

Kek weeb salt incoming.


Anime = hentai. Looking at cartoons = raping kids.

before 20 replies this thread will be full of

Worst shills on Holla Forums by far

So It's just banning loli? Nice clickbait there you fucking faggot. Still step in the right direction.

We need Trump to talk this over with Putin so we can MAKE LOLI GREAT AGAIN.

Look at you. You think russian police can tell the difference between loli or milf, and won't claim they are both lolis.

We already discussed that subject in 2013 when the law was applied only for banning internet websites, and not compared for owning child pornography. Now they can throw you in russia into jail just by having a picture of a drawn japanese school girl without panties on your hard drive. Even if that was a milf in sailor fuku.

For example doujinshi of sailor moon is CP now.


I really hope that it isn't a fake, and somebody send to the Glorious Leader some anime pictures.


Slavic communist subhumans acting just like their multiculti kike controlled counterpart?
Color me surprised!

What are you, degenerate pedophile creep?

I was mostly kidding. Is that real?

Russia is becoming totalitarian again, but white people have things of their, our, own to be much more concerned about.

what's wrong with banning degeneracy?
are you an adult?
why are you still staring at cartoons? will live on, or at least I hope.

What a bunch of faggots


Misleading thread name, kill yourself.

It died in 2009, user. New .hk website is owned by muslim shitskin monetizer, that made advertisement of his "board" on social networking websites. Pic related.

Situation on russian imageboard community is complete shit because of that. But nobody cares now, because newfags from vk replaced the entire community.

Also most russian imageboards will surely delete all drawn lolicon just to survive.

Wow, its fucking nothing. OP is a fag.

Amazing how we'll turn around the next day and applaud Japan for giving the UN the middle finger and not ban this stuff themselves.
Its almost as if different countries have different cultures and views about this shit. Y'know, the ACTUAL non-leftist meaning of "diversity".

My god, I can feel russian channers dying on the net.

You're right, they'd be too shitfaced to give a shit and throw your weeb ass in the gulag.


I dunno how to feel about this.
Fuck weebs and "meme culture" but also the censoring of the internet and so forth.

You know, i have a conspiracy theory in that matter. Jews inside Russian government are making stupid laws to make young people go full liberal and hate government and Putin for them.

Its like everything they do is set to make more hatred, in reality most russian laws don't work and only people are getting into jail for them are the ones put on the show before the crowd. Because you have to put into jail millions of people for laws that we are having right now, they are just a show.

It not only covers entertainment, piracy and internet, there were a lot of laws on selling food and medicine recently. A lot of crucial drugs needed for old people for survival were banned mercilessly for the sake of fighting against addicts.

Putin doesn't know what his subordinates are plotting with those laws. This is what you get for trusting kikes.


Yes. It's not a dictator shoring up his power by restricting society under the guise of fighting degeneracy, it's the Jews playing a trick on Putin to make him look bad.


I guess it confirmes that hentai is degenerate and a weapon against the West.

Tragedy for memers but probably for the best.
Russia sees the bullshit happening to us westeners and as spitballing at whatever they think may be the cause.

so who's jewing who here?

Fuck them.

They want to deprive people of every bit of life that they can because they're fucking goyim and don't deserve life.

Real porn degrades women and is largely controlled by jews, what's the issue with hentai?


Communism is all about depriving people of their humanity, but sex slavery is okay.

Reminder that thousands of women in Eastern Europe (namely countries like Russia and Ukraine) are every year sold off to Israel to be sex slaves.

But no, lets ban drawings to make the retards think we're noble creatures.

Same as regular porn. It's unhealthy to immediately satisfy your base urges and you can't procreate with your hand.

Missionary only in your sturdy dna tested to prove 100% caucasian wifes vagina under the covers with the lights off followed immediately by prayer for conception of healthy males. Anything else is degenerate.

It caters to the lowest common denominator within society and creates a culture of NEET paedophiles justifying their obsession with 2D images through ironic posting of '3DPD'.

Prime example - this guy needs to draw in several atrocities to make his own perversions seem minor in comparison. He has no real argument.

We are LARPing this hard as christcuck, are we?

The argument is that somehow pictures are more evil than real massacres and requires the UN's attention.

We don't expect you Communists to understand why your worldview is utter trash in whatever form it takes under the guise of protecting people from themselves.

Go enjoy your deprived lifestyle and commie blocks back at your own board

>>>Holla Forums

He tried to strawman reality. The picture illustrates what actually happened last year.

You're triggered because I'm right. If we don't increase birth rates whites are going to go extinct. Your masturbation addiction isn't helping.

Do you consider high school student a loli?

Because banning porn will increase the birthrate, right.

pretty damn pointless, its not going to stop people from keeping loli around and unlike child porn its impossible enforce it, its available in unlimited supply if you have a fucking pencil and a pad.

there's been no medical benefit shown for abstaining from masturbation any longer than a week. The reaction you feel is purely psychosomatic.By all means abstain if you want too but don't pretend you're a grand crusader because you don't tug on your dingaling.

OP is a Faggot. Fuck off. Sage goes in all fields

It's a start. Look at history and every successful society had strict rules about who could fuck who when and sexual taboos. Ours have broken down and the state we live in now is an out of control hypersexual orgy, none of it natural. Plenty of orgasms and no families. The reason for those rules is to encourage the formation of families.

We already have strict rules about who could fuck who.

A girl will get you to jail if she decides you aren't worth it.

Sweet weeb tears.

This. OP is a faggot. Different countries have different views on things. That is THE OPPOSITE of Globalism. Wanting all countries to be the same is Globalism

They're not "banning porn.", user. Russia is nibbling around the edges of that maybe, but this sort of thing shows basically a double-minded approach. Again, this is not my business as a white man living in the country that I do, but looking at the law in an objective way.

That's new. Just another part of the subversion. It's done to create more division and resentment between men and women. As well as the feminization of the west. We're being set up for genocide. It's just not being done with outright violence yet.

Homosexuality is acceptable now, sex out of wedlock, chronic masturbation is the norm, seeking a wife is no longer desirable, divorce has skyrocketed. All of these things were taboo a few generations ago. What you refuse to see is all of it served a practical purpose. When people referred to "perversion" it was because something was perverted. The natural order of human procreation. Just because perversion is now the norm doesn't mean we should accept it. It's become too destructive.

We are being set up for genocide by a system that enables it.

You are not fighting against the system that enables homo, masturbator and pervert, you are supporting to ban porn.

Who knows, might just be a power grab into media, but like I said it's a start. Everyone here is just flipping their shit because they don't want to feel bad for masturbating to it or be judged. They're like fags ranting about anything anti-gay. Fuck em, it's sick and it's wrong. Good on Russia.

You really believe porn has nothing to do with that system? Subversion is a two way street. You have to have a willing populace who wants to be subverted for it to be successful. All this shit we do to get off perpetuates this sick culture. Reform is only one part of the equation. This society if it wants its families and its women back must also purify itself.

Come back when Jewtin legalises nationalism, rayycism and holocaust questioning

Lolicon was banned in the west a few years ago too. I think Japan may be the last frontier at this point for that kind of thing; although certain US states do still allow it.

The male sex drive outpaces the speed at which we can acquire a female. And I hope you are talking about monogamy, so even more so in that regard.

Ancients had porn, bro. Obviously it wasnt gross stuff like cucking or scat, but it was still porn.

I wait any minutes for you to destroy the system now.

We just switch the SJW left for the religious right.

Both moral busybodies.

japan letter un jpg

>>>Holla Forums

Doesn't Putin Support the Jews?

Does that Mean Putin Fears the Samurai?

Thankfully I am not russian.

hello chaim

They had some carved rocks and paintings. I think it's unlikely they beat off to them, they were fertility goddesses and shit. But even if they did it's hardly the constant bombardment we have now. Even before the internet when you could rent porn we didn't have so much with such easy access and it was a hidden shameful habit much more so than now where it's the norm and a joke. Sexual attitudes have become even more warped as a result. Transgenderism, cuckoldry, teenagers having sex with fucking dogs, this thread, etc. It's gotten way out of control. But the main problem is immediate gratification. It's like an obese woman hooked on junk food who won't stop eating. These porn addicts don't know what natural healthy sex is. Because of it and because there's now a generation raised on it we've weakened a huge portion of the male population who may have started families despite the social pressures and now won't because they can relieve their sexual urges for hours on a whim. It's an epidemic.

Isn't that what we're all trying to do?

Doesn't even have to be a moral issue. I'm talking about the necessity of sexual restraint to increase birth rates.


Under no circumstances should fiction of any kind ever be banned, no matter how disgusting or degenerate you think it is. Once this box is opened, who says what kind of fiction will be banned next. Fiction is entirely subjective and always should be.

It's born open. It's called creativity and is the reason we're not microbes who simply eat and reproduce.

I hate these hypocritical moral trumpeters that would eventually ban kissing in public as much as I hate the people that create disgusting works and push it in our faces. They're on the same level but on opposite ends.

I did like the drawings of Natalia Poklonskaya though,
or isn't that considered anime?


fuck hentai and fuck homos

Banning anything like this gives the real slime leverage

I bet there are people in singapore that masturbated after catching someone littering

If you want to protect kids ban pakis


welp, the second iron curtain was bound to show up soon anyway.


Nice, thank you for that one!

Starting to understand Hitler's remarks on the Russians better. They seem to need that iron fist otherwise they will turn into niggers.

Well, once again, cencorship shows it's ugly head and many Holla Forumsacks cheer it's return once again, don't worry folks, Hentai won't the only thing that will be censored, this is just the beginning, and who knows, some other country might follow.

It's okay when it's something we don't like, but it's not okay when is something we like, hypocrisy runs rampant and it's only going to take us deeper down the rabbi thole, the day some government takes a step closer to ban all discourse on the internet or outright ban sites like Holla Forums, we'll have some Holla Forumsacks cheering all the way.

Let's see how cheery they are when it's THEM who get shut down. It's funny how many Americans are here who will defend their American freedoms, but then cheer countries like Russia for doing the opposite, the founding fathers would rolling in their graves.

*rabbit hole

based putin

Holla Forums is already banned in squatland

You guys do know Marxism came from that place.


The Weeb Wars are approaching.

the ones cheering are Russian shills, back during gamergate there was pdf's of nato/private companies cataloging how Russia used pseudo grassroots shilling to get people on Russia's side.

They wanted to do similar things like that with sjw crap but thats a top down change which is incompatible with those new kgb style operations.

Remember Putin is willing to let people break his laws to brag about his victories.

go back to Russia you godless commie cuck.

This is literally what's happening to Holla Forums right now. Russia is Holla Forums confirmed.

Nobody here wants freedom.
They want their own form of justice, and it happens to be a very bloody path.

This is proof that you cannot rely on any country or leader to promote freedom. You must do it yourself.

Just wait until the saints conquer a nation.
We are going to ban every book that isn't the Bible and execute chronic masturbaters.

>implying trump isn't going to execute weebs losers

What is this, Gawker?

He wont execute people, because he isn't a godless pseudo commie.

Trump is going to put the weebs to work.

They have to go back to Japan


Yes, now fuck off.

Then why don't you just kill yourself you unproductive piece of filth?

and miss out on the age of the waifu?
never, keep paying my bills wagecuck

Stay mad.

If you can't tell the difference between a loli and a milf, it's not drawn right.

We'd be cheering for Trump banning hentai here too. It's mostly about hurting the weebfaggots. It was never about the images you post or your interests, it's about you as people. You're a cursed, hated bunch and I can't wait to see you all suffer. I honestly hope the SJW plague hits Japan before it's officially drowned out by Nationalism. This would allow Japan to find it's balls when they are eventually overthrown and we'd have old Japan back with no kawaii uguu bullshit. The shit probably wouldn't exist if Hitler won the war anyway. You people have everything backwards. You may call it hypocrisy, I call it objectivity.

old japan had real child pornography

I'm not even a weeb, you call that objectivity? I call that "My opinion > Your opinion" "My taste > your taste"

Maybe you should get off your high horse, why are you even here for example? That's a good question.

I'd rather work and die there than in your sterile, neo-Bolshevik tyranny that suck's jewish cock for a living. Reminder that your labour in a jewish society is to line the pockets of International Jewry and its co-conspirators in the same way livestock is raised purely to fill your stomach for dinner and nothing more.

We were created for greater things than the war of moralfaggotry between rival puritanical factions.

Ironic considering the history of CP in Russia.

I don't actually give a fuck though since I don't live in Russia

And one more thing, self righteous shits like you are a fucking cancer, you assumed I was a weeb because I defended free speech? So everyone who disagrees with you is a fucking degenerate and should we all bow down to the big government shutting down whatever YOU find non acceptable? Kill yourself, please.

You're about 60 years too late to fix this problem, the only solution is total collapse.

Hey, if you're gonna defend objectively bad things, expect it. I don't care if you're a weeb yourself or not. You're just as bad by association. There's a woodchipper out there for everybody.

It's just a bunch of fucking pornographic drawings.

Get off your filthy hands from loli waifus!

Anyway, anyone in Russia who does not want to end up in gulag is already behind 20 proxys. Everything is illigal. We are just one step behind.



Oh i see, you're one of those prudish cunts, you're like vegans except that your "meat" is pornography, well, if that's what you believe in, fine, but let's see how you like it when censorship extends past only porn.

not america, don't give a fuck

never liked lolicon anyway. lolis are not for sexualizing.

They are cancer.

It's a slippery slope with them as much as it is with faggots and other cultmarx elements that inch their way to completely destroying any and all joy in life. We're not some robots that can reproduce and whose purpose in life is to merely earn money, eat, breed, and sleep only to do it all over again the next day. I can barely imagine a worse hell than that.


fam, you have some nice photos of Hitler.
Can you post all of them?

You absolute niggers, you should never ban freedom of thought/fiction or similar completely, only suppress it through society. People always need a little leeway in their private degenerate shit, if you take it away it will ALWAYS end in either revolts or tyranny. A State should keep the fuck out of that.

Just do it like this:
1. Teach in school to see degenerate behaviour as nonacceptable, instead of tolerance of everything.
2. Don't allow it to be appearing in public media like, just like porn, show only non-degenerate shit.
3. Companies are only allowed to exist if it is positively influencing the country, so porn industry won't be able to make money in the first place.

Basically fascism.
This way the society won't like/respect it and won't be forced to see it like now, and the small niche degenerate faggots who are distancing themselves from society anyway, have their little secret faggot world. They are neither suppressed, nor are they given a platform or tolerance, they can't even make money from it, they also won't find much reason to revolt or demonstrate this way.

I just love the fags who twist Goebbels' words around.


Oh, you mean like this board? Any group of individuals that come together and do [X] will gradually grow and spill outside. They'll gain supporting just as our ideas gain support in the fascist-hating indoctrinated society.

Very good start, but what about individuals artists that draw it/do it for the sake of doing it? Or those who are funded by kikes as they are today?

outright banning seems like an excellent solution tbh.

Why'd you reply to the same guy twice?
Are you proxy-fagging? Why do you use niggerspeak and expect people to take you seriously?

Fuck off back to Russia, you stalinist nigger.

But pornography is one of the most liberal things imaginable.
Pornography opens your mind to alternate sexuality and fantasies, and accepting them in others and society too.
Why do you think the jews are so involved in porn? And half of all porn is cuck porn at this point? What gets you off reprograms your brain.

Rabbi hole was honestly more accurate.

Excellent job by Russia. Who ever runs this chan site is a creep that should be put in prison or worse. He provides boards for faggots of every perversion and then pretends he's noble for promoting 'free speech' which is total bull shit.

Having a website full of degenerates is not the same as posting CP.

I was still reading through the thread, saw the Hitlers I haven't seen before, so asked him to post them you autistic cuck

nice projecting



>outright banning seems an excellent solution tbh
And I' m the autistic cuck because I don't want to adhere to your warped sense of justice? Fuck off. Your communism and puritanism has no place in the halls of hitler's memory. Eat shit and fucking die.

Pic related it's you.

It's going to be a messy war.

The only reason people gain support is by gaining a powerful position, or powerful assets. If they can't get into our schools, our justice system or media or politics from the very start, they don't get power. Without companies they won't be making money/assets either. And if we treat funds/payment/donations as profit, the recievers will be treated like companies, and therefore kikes funding those people would be illegal.
In this kind of world, i am questioning if kikes would be even able to have assets or money, because they couldn't control anything that way.

Also, the only reason Holla Forums like opinions and the right gain momentum right now, is because we expose lies and tell facts. The left doesn't do that, because their entire construct is based on lies. We have the truth with us by default.



No, a better analogy would be owning a park that a lot of people enjoyed but some people did drugs in.
Hotwheels doesn't take part in any of the CP posting, in fact he highly condemns it.

To be consistent, he should ban the Russian Book "Lolita" aswell, the term "Loli" comes from Russian Literature.

And with WE i mean right-wing politicians and other people on the right side who have power now, without them we would still be stuck in 2007.

seeing "real men" having to pay alimony, lose hous, due to getting cucked for rest of their lives, kinda weared off the impression that you are any kind of tough guy.

the fact that you have alergy to non jewish media that promotes racemixing and cuckoldry doesn't help either in seeing you as a role model rather than a burned out figure bitter at those who escaped the Feminist Purge.

*to non jewish media, and instead only see jewish media that promotes…

fix'd, sorry4typo

Does anyone here even live in Russia?

What's the big deal?

It's true. It's just buisness. Demand and supply. Two willing parties making transaction, Thats why capitalism was great.

Holla Forums using D&C related to smug anime girls posting again, but in a more camouflaged version.

everyone knows it, but at least we put on a show first.

Love Hina sucked no lie. Mitsumi was best girl. So based Putin I guess?

Wait is that FMP?

Hello Mr. Cohen McGoldstein

You know yourself!

fuck off with your pornography

Of course I have no place, those are reserved for kikes only. :^)

JIDF in full force today.

Let's dissect…

Holla Forums doesn't have any of that.

according to that, Holla Forums has no power.

There are other countries.

It's pretty much impossible to cut the flow of money between a kike and its shill

oh, we're talking about an imaginary world.

Lies presented by science, backed up by pretty much all Jewgle search results.
there is research that proves that "homosexuality is caused by genes" which is obviously a lie.






fuck. pic 1 and pic 3 are the same thing

pic 3 should be this

Fuck off kike.

So in Russia, you have to add the caption "this girl is a 400 year old vampire" to every drawing of a naked girl?

It is.

I actually really enjoyed it if I'm going to be honest

So that's all you have to say? Not "dirty Jew" or "filthy Jew" or "ungodly degenerate yellow-teethed hell-bound Jew"

Oh, yes, you can't say these words. They hit too close to home, right?


You're not from /christian/ trying to hijack national socialism for your own goals, are you?

Souske is /k/ approved

This won't help anything. Banning drawings isn't going to increase white Russian birth rates, it's just going to be used as a measure of intimidation and control. OP has a warped sense of what is based, banning gays from being able to advocate their lifestyle is based not threatening people minding their own business in the privacy of their own home

Gas yourself, lolberg

educate me sir master wise user cohen

[citation needed]

because it was degenerate, you fucking cuck.

Get off my board /leftpol/

Fucking called it. A christcuck is going after shit because nofuns. Tell you what, you useless troglodyte: Run a country and ban everything you don't like. See how well that works out for you. Are you not aware that Hitler's policies would have moved Germany away from Christianity and would have most likely turned their state religion into some kind of "paganistic" or otherwise esoteric "my race is my belief" type of situation?

Did you not know that National Socialism is inherently Nietzschean, where in his musings he says that "God is dead" for the western man, not because people have stopped believing in Christianity specifically, but because your bullshit slave religion of dualism began to rot and the west lost all touch with spiritualism?

What say you, oh judeo-christian apostle?

This won't remove smut. It will only further proliferate online. 20th century institutions coming to terms with the 21st century.

inb4 loli black market crime lords similar to US prohibition era

meanwhile Germany is debating if marrying underaged girls under sharia law should be acceptable

When the fuck did niggers claim tbh?
I have been using tbh since 2005 at least.

Since niggers went on the internet.


Well then they need to gtfo tbh


As i said.

It doesn't, at least not enough to be powerful enough for change on its on. Other people in the right-wing have power, some lone wolf /pols/ only accelerate it through memes. At most we borrow power, or have little snippets of it.

Whom will have limited access to the economy of our country, once "free market" cancer is gone.

Not if you control the money flow through national banks. And even if it might be impossible, it would be extremely limited. Also, kikes shouldn't even have citizienship.

Every achievement started as imagination. I am talking about the future you cuck.

Wouldn't exist with everything previously said.

Indeed. Any power Holla Forums has is by association, memes, and the power of words. Which can also be applied to anything, including degeneracy.


That won't happen in any country in the short or semi-long term. Pretty much every country has le hatespeech laws, and if your presidential campaign includes anything negative about kikes, it'll be shot down. Pretty much the only way to get into power again is through either paramilitary means or squeezing the Jews so hard until they change the laws.


Indeed, but here's what seems to me like an issue in your narrative, it seems to assume that you can change the past. No. They already exist, they're at the hands of every citizen, and companies like Jewgle will never stop shilling these results.

I'm of the mind that I'd rather they didn't ban hand drawn kidfucking. The reason being, the photographs and videos and actual live pedo rings are an abomination as it violates the innocence of a child and consent to it can't be given by the child. With the drawings, there's no consent issue, no violation of trust, no physical and psychological damage to a developing young girl or boy. And while I'd rather they all offed themselves in unison, the depraved who lust for kids will continue to exist in the margins of society and if that's the outlet they can rub one out to and deplete their frantic filthy kidlust, fucking give it to them since society dictates that you can't give them a bullet. If it saves one kid because pedo faggot blew his load on a mongolian cave painting and temporarily lost the urge to abduct and molest a kid, then nobody really wins in this situation but nobody loses either.

I'm not particularly invested in it one way or the other, but given the power to dictate the law of the land, I'd let drawings slide. But I'm an outlier in that I don't agree with Holla Forums on 100% of whatever the general consensus is on all topics.

Get ready to be forced into work in the concentration camps, and be paired with women through legal speed dates, user.

Eat the fucking burger.


I feel this would honestly hurt him since a notable chunk of his supporters including myself are otaku degenerates.

Really starting to hate you fucks.

But he isn't, he's saving white children from abortion because only Russians in Russia get abortions, not any of the minorities.

Putin has been literally trying to make Russia more Russian again because of a couple of years ago when people protested 'Moscow for Muscovites.' Do you remember Putin kicking out some 30,000 illegally immigrated Turks from Azeribaijan?

His only political opposition of importance is the Russian nationalists, he's trying to appease them to keep power.

How did they message Trump?

He has been working hard to make anime real, I won't let you ruin it with your fake attempts at meme magic

More and more, he proves to be a kike puppet, and Holla Forums just loves sucking kike cock.
Nothing like in fighting to prevent anything from getting done.

Anime has strong reserves of meme power. The God Emperor surely understands this.

Russians are subhuman scum. No surprise here.

It sucks there are faggots here cheering censorship, if you rely on censorship to win you don't believe you can win in a fair fight. We should win by truth not lies and censorship.

Too bad they banned too many other things which you could lilke too.

Russia has done well.

Go watch some cuckold porn, faggot.


Weebs need to die if that is what they would do.

I'd rather have more white children safe, thank you very much.

ITT: shit I just made up on the fly because I'm a shill

Nice try, +1 shekel.

I swear to fucking god these niggers have some sort of equivalent to the SJWs' jungle-fever.
Lolifags are degenerates, but they still should have the right to be degenerates in their own privacy.


Pretty much this

Like I understand the idea to sell this content being banned but not the idea of people enjoying whatever the shit they want, although I also understand that the reasoning behind this is "if we remove sources of degeneracy, degenerates will somehow revert into normal citizens"
Or probably it's just Russia being Russia

have you never been on /g/ fam?

I find it so strange that people think that could ever work. Degenerates are degenerate by nature, not by environment. If environment created those personality traits, then maybe niggers and Jews aren't so bad. Maybe it's just their environment making them that way. But no, we all know that's bullshit.

That's bullshit, user. You can't scratch off every cultural trait as genetic.

Feels good not living in a slavic 3rd world autocracy


Degeneracy is a meme

Some light reading for you nigger.
You could at least try to use a search engine.

>Saving white
So, keeping them locked in "there" orphanages is saving them, when clearly they have issues with meeting the resource demands placed upon them.

Its like you don't even try.

I for one really don't give ashit about Slob Slovs as I don't feel there white. I do have some issue with there children getting fucked over and turning in to even bigger trash then the current kike puppets already running that shitter in to the ground.

This is hilarious but who ever did this probably got wrek'd by the glorious leader.

Nationalist internet? Honestly FAM this is inevitable for any nationalist country to do, even Holla Forums's ideal one.

Do you really want shitposters from brazil shitting up your internet experience? Its little difference from having brazilian people around you in meatspace.

I'm sure there will be a pan-European internet that is joined together with America, Canada, Australia, etc. But no 3rd world shit posters allowed.

I feel like is right about this. Degeneracy, especially pornographic degeneracy, has been heavily molded into people's brains by the very people that benefit the most out of it. It's not as if pornographic content or risquè shit never existed, but it's undeniable that the newer generations are obsessed by it. Traits can be imposed by society or environment.


You don't solve a problem by eliminating a symptom.

then define it shlomo

You're underperforming, Moishe. They're thinking of letting you go.


Ah you're a 'Slavs aren't white!' memer, got it.

So you are an ACTUAL DnC shill.

Of course there's a child homelessness problem, did you read where it's located?

Hint: not the WHITE parts of Russia.

You're filtered by the way, you're a shitty DnC shill in comparison to others, even.

I said define it fam what do you think is freedom of speech? Just the freedom of calling black people a negro? Does it stop when your feelings tell you it does?

0.01 shekels has been deposited into your account.

You're still avoiding the question

Oh, so there now colored area that simply don't matter to them.

Christ. You call that white, yet shit upon real whites because they have a counter opinion to you.

Keep sucking that kike cock with open arms for 1984 style rule.

Not an argument.


The soviet union has finally recovered

Learn to read nigger.

Speech is speech, freedom of speech is freedom of speech. Porn is not speech.





It's not freedom of press either though

images like this one is why laws like these can be an huge problem. the way these characters are drawn they're shown with bodies that are desirable to males; good hip to shoulder ratio, hips are a decent width, curves, breasts that are more developed than the charterers age should allow. they're around 10 years old in the show yet they're built like a 16-18 year old girl with smallish breasts and a larger head. I wouldn't tag this loli based on the bodies but the law will see it as such and so do so many people that tag shit on boorus because of the charterers age and not the way it's drawn. pic related, official artwork, same visual cues

this shit >>6186626 is true loli but the law will most likely not go for just that and end up blanketing anything as japs tend to draw young girls with post pubescent features.

also jim blocked FUCK YOU JIM YOU MASON CUNT

"Freedom of speech" is generically used by a lot of dumb people to imply freedom of thought.
You really can't blame them though when they are repetitively bombarded with libtards screaming it well pointing to pictures of there nude children.
Every "progressive" repressive cuck ever.

So why aren't you banning these artistic depictions of children?

You stupid faggots just prove the people who want to ban the shit right. Keep it up. Nobody is on your side and when you step out of your little echo chamber you weebs will see that you have nobody. Why? because you are objectively indefensible. You're the waste of society.

Wow you're really reaching. It's great seeing weebs lose. Addressing this bullshit has been a long time coming and you did it to yourselves, really.

Oh no!

exactly, it is.
I got a different impression from this thread
But I don't have a Russian ISP.

What a wonderful idea, comrade!

Is this about the retarded idea that porn decreases fertility? Because media in general decreases birth rates by being a distraction. However, people that get caught up in media and don't reproduce deserve to go extinct. It's a flawed trait, incompatible behavior for the future.

All US states allow it - every law that has been challenged banning drawings has been deemed unconstitutional. What they try to get people on is obscenity charges, and depending on where you live a woman not wearing a burka is obscene.


Does that happen in the US outside of Michigan?

There are alot of ways one could come at that.

I am a weeb. I'll quote Ghost in the shell as my reply.

I have no idea what you are getting at. I was merely trying to clear something up for Please read my other posts for a better understanding.

Depicted children are not based upon any "real" child, living or dead **

A victory for women everywhere.

Bullshit. Popular art reflects society, society doesn't reflect popular art. Why? Because if people are disgusted by something, they won't condone/purchase/look at it.

It may not be words, but it is expression. Is typing on your keyboard speech? No, it's not. Ban keyboards. Are chans speech? No, they aren't. Ban chans.

I don't hear anyone talking, so it's not speech.

Freedom to speak one's mind extends further than simply making noises with one's mouth.

So freedom of speech only extends to ideas that you agree with, and people who disagree are to be silenced?
"Freedom of speech" literally means "Freedom to speak your mind" (because what else is there to speak from?). To take away a person's liberty to think independently, you take away their freedom to truly speak freely, because then they're just regurgitating the same thing they're required to say.

Based on a real child or not, so what?
How does an illustrated deception of a child in a lewd act does not equate to an actual child having pictures taken of them without clothes on? Or am I misunderstanding your point?


They were always a coloured area you fucking idiot. Russia conquered Muslim lands and tries to keep them there by giving them regional controls while still putting them under their heel.


Oh no wonder it sucks

You are not the person I was replaying to with that post, so I think you are misunderstanding it.
^ + How does an illustrated deception of a child in a lewd act does not equate to an actual child having pictures taken of them without clothes on? Or am I misunderstanding your point?
Well I do enjoy hentai (of all kinds), one is a deception of fictional, non tangible, non living, unable to be exploited or hurt in anyway "things".
The thought of exploiting there children in the name of "art" when they are not wise enough to understand what the hell is going on is a slippery slope. I used that pic in line with what I have stated here in this post, under the context of thread (hentai); to say, I support freedom of speech and thought, so long as its not with living, tangible creatures that lack basic wisdom that age brings.
Really wish I was on my other system, I would drop that pic of mudslime with 14y/o girl (whos parents know and are OK with), in I think Finland and frame that in a negative light and example of what happens when you let children lacking wisdom (that comes with age), do there own shit.


Russia will keep being totalitarian shithole. Either they go back to Romanovs, or they go back Soviet and make new purges

I wonder who's the happiest in the whole game.

the aim of extending the jurisdiction of the law to the realm of ideas is not to "prevent real crime" but to symbolically destroy innocent people for any reason or no reason, in other words to re-establish the ancient institution of human sacrifice
understand the psychopathy of this thinking before cheering

I have hidden everyone who used anime in this thread.

Soon you fucking weebs, soon!

they are eager to not see anime girls not being posted, and nothing to do with "weak male" issues.


The Miller test is based on the people who live in your area, so if, for some reason, you live in a majority Muslim area then their ideas about obscenity come into play. What people don't realize is their vaguely worded laws will bite them in the ass down the line.

Also, to clear up any misconceptions about CP laws in the US, the official stance of SCOTUS is -
Child pornography is not necessarily without value, but it is illegal because of the harm that making and distributing it necessarily inflicts upon children


There goes my plans to move to russia

Hentai takes away profit from Jew Porn Producers, and they don't mind being cutthroat in cutting away competition.

Which is another point, they're with how much actual CP comes out of Russia this can be seen as them simply banning the competition.

The niggers of whites can't tell the difference between 2d and 3d? What a shock. I'm reeling from how out of left field this is.

I hate all those fags that twist and turn Goebbels' words against him.

True kikes.

Isn't Serena only 13 in the anime and manga?










You're posting images. Who gives a shit? This isn't a defense. There is no defending the indefensible though. You'll kick and scream all the way to the fucking wood chippers.

It's really fucking obnoxious when weebs try to say Hitler and Goebbels were just like them. The shit they like wouldn't even exist if the good guys won WW2.

It's more about just fucking up the interests of undesirable people. It's time for the hammer to drop on weeaboo trash. Expect this to spread further than Russia.


Perhaps because XxX_WESTERN_XxX entertainment wouldn't be complete shit if they won.

Now Nip entertainment is our only sanctuary away from the POZ.

Agreed, they are a cancerous lump in this board. They need to be cut off and doused liberally in cyanide.

>not knowing how to redtext
newfag out

Regardless of if its communism, flesh eating drugs or "lightly" used military equipment most things that come out of Russia stay in the 3rd world.

Are we being raided?

Probably. Anime is babby's first trolling topic.


usually its just a handful of autists who get baited by smugly drawn cartoon faces.

No the RIDF is always here.

I'll check them dubs but…
I would kindly [citation needed] on that there good buddy.

I'll follow along with you if you promoted the positive narrative Hitler winning would have given us. To simply shit upon another for "muh degeneracy" & "muh wrong thought" leaves me to wonder if you would have been cast out as one of the sickly children.

It's getting kinda old though…

This shit is only able to exist and be so degenerate because of western occupation of Japan. Imperial victory would have lead to much different entertainment. Why wouldn't you even think of that before acting smug? dipshit.

[Citation needed]

Yeah one without pixalted genitals

Why does everywhere in this world have to suck?

Oh, yeah, we're definitely being raided by the kindergarten troll squad. High-tier posts with (1)s all over the place right now, like this monument to discourse.

Apparently brit/pol/ has been gorebombed, too.

There's nothing that needs to be defended here.
Too bad I'll be helping drag degenerates to the woodchippers with you, whether you like it or not.

Okay man, Imperial Japan surely would have lead to cartoon children taking tentacles up the ass.

Nigger I don't give a fuck.

That painting is from before the 20th century…


Okay try again, but this time in English.

Third image's artist is fucking great.

Feudal era japan
Gay samurai
Not sexually repressed to shit like the shitshow that is the west
Some how not going to get kinky as clearly displayed by


Absolutely disgusting

some one should shooped that on

There's more ways to insult the Jew than just calling them a Jew. Try some of these!

The Rat Nose
Slither tongue
Pack of Wahwahs
Tiny Tim Ticklers

I knew a kid in elementary school who was half Jew and half Brazillian. We called him Toucan Sam. Basically stop trying to kill creativity and embrace new ways to insult, fucking JDIF shill.

kike is actually the one word the shills WILL NOT say.

You're feeding either an autist or a troll.

I'm kinda considering doing a big parody thread about "[COUNTRY] BANS DEGENERATE CUBISM, EXPRESSIONISM MASTER RACE WINS" and shitposting all over about how degenerate 3D objects rendered in 2D are, just to highlight how inane complaining about a medium or style is.

The people bitching about "anime" aren't even bitching about anime. They're bitching about topical materials that exist in all mediums.

Yeeeah…. that's why the UN is trying to shut down anime…

I hope to hell it gets deleted and you get banned.

Oh I know. I'm just here for practice.
If you read my other posts, you can see I have issues forming coherent sentence stricture from my disjointed thoughts.

Its also why I have not compared any one here to the SJWs that use the same contradicting arguments as displayed by

For you, user.


Here, have a pepe

That's not anime anyway, all that kawaii uguu little girl garbage? that's weebshit.

This is anime. Learn the difference.


YURI anime can be real interesting if you get my drift.

That's what happens when there only source of anime is (((Adult swim))) and like all people with child like mentality, they seem to think they know t all from viewing, playing, otherwise sampling the respective format for a few days.

Yayoi is fucking life.

Carry on then.

Here's a point to mull over: The constant lashing out at anime is because it goes against everything Western media has embraced. Everything is dark and gritty and sad. We had 10 years of emo following 10 years of punk, we have almost 30 years of "fuck the police" noggery. Our culture has centered around being angry, disenfranchised, tragic, and wistful about how it ever being better is a pipe dream. Even our kids' shows like Adventure Time eventually spiral down into edgy 2deep4u, and those that don't are blatant propaganda about how great "alternative lifestyles" are.

When Naruto came out in Japan, Sasuke was considered an interesting character because the emo phase never happened there. His brooding was intense and insane, and not associated with MySpace faggots carrying on about cutting themselves. The idea was so foreign to them that it was genuinely interesting.

Anime is the last pop culture bastion of honest-to-god Romanticism. There are clear goodguys and badguys, fighting for your family and people is honorable. Men are men: strong, proactive, and leadership minded. Women are women: demure, helpful, and always beautiful. Self-defense is never unjustified, weapons are cool, and European phenotypes are held up as pinnacles of beauty. Action is sharp, direction is inspired, style is performed with thoughtful execution.

There's a fighting spirit in their music, even. A sort of triumphant warcry that you never, ever hear in Western culture.

Naruto is shit though

and so are most Shounenshit.

It is. I used it as an example for the differences in culture.

Imagine a world where emos are so unheard of that the sheer whiplash of Sasuke existing at all is compelling.

Well put.

There's also the entirety of the Iyashikei genre. Call it escapism if you want, but it doesn't change the fact that it espouses virtues such as purity, innocence, modest beauty, and harmony, which are dead in the west.

One Punch Man is great.

Good post for new comers and those uninformed. Thank you.

I'm very old school anime guy who moved in to hentai as my dick started to stiffen.
I rid my self of anime in the later 90's when it started to promote slice of life, do nothing, uninteresting shit churned out for the lowest common denominator.
I'm so jaded by it now, I can't even pick out the gems from the shit.

"weeb" as a term has pretty much exclusively been attached to the moefags. Nobody was called a "weeb" until your cancer of choice became dominant.

weeaboo was different and a bunch of assbags used to twist it around to mean "ANYONE WHO LIKES ANIME PERIOD"

Now it's "weeb" and it has been rightfully attached to a group of undesirables once again and weeaboo is still associated with dipshits who don't even understand the context and is therefore meaningless. Enjoy your context, moefags.

Holla Forums-tier revisionism

tl;dr of West "cultural superiority" and why people seek other things

Putin is kiked.

Why are hohols so shitty at memeing?

Wow so based

Are you retarded or trolling?

vatnik detected

ayo that's not cool bruh

I think you're reaching a bit but you're not wrong. Kikes can't stand anime because it preaches values that they don't like and they have no control over it.

Same reason why they're destroying vidya. They can't stand the idea of a medium dominated by white men, but this time they can "do something about it."


Enhancing the wrong think.
Thank you for that pic as well.

I masturbate to hentai and still don't see anything bad about this as long as big tittied hentai is not banned

I mean sure, drawed images are not cp, but considering that pedophilia is supposed to be the next target of slippery slope, this is a good move for russia

Reminder that lolicon ban is in effect in probably all Western countries except debatably the U.S. In my country you can get 10 years for saving a sex story containing a 17.9 year old in a 'sexual pose'.

All destructive sexual activities are related to personality defects and the related pornography is just an easily distracting symptom.

Oh, and AoC is a meme that knows nothing of healthy sexual behavior.

meanwhile in germany, shitskins rape native german girls and get 2 years, if that.

You'll actually get 3 months suspended, but 10 years is the max penalty in the book for "child abuse material".

I mean, 3 months with 18 months suspended.

explain. is this like parole?


Pidorashka are white nigger

All slavs are horribly unfunny and try and force memes





where is this ruru cartoon from?

Questionable, at least.

"One of Europe’s largest mosques opens in Moscow"

"Russia makes Holocaust denial illegal"

What's the real story with Putin? Is he good or bad?

putin is ahead of the pedophile acceptance curve

In this thread, people congratulate Marxism in action on the basis of removing fiction will make a healthier society.
C'mon guys, you'll make Trump cry.


About fucking time. Finally fucking weebs will stop swarming threads with their commie drawing of muh lolis.
Can't wait for Glorious Trump to follow based Putin's steps, though I'm sure he planned to ban gook shit in general from the start.

Banning pornography in a AIDS infected shithole is truly a wise decision.

Come on idiot cuck. And then you call us who read chinese picture books delusional? You can't even distinguish reality!

Everyone loves the military boot until it's on your groin, you people shouldn't praise Russia, it's like praising your big black bull after he fucked your wife while not having any choices in the matter.

Fucking 3DPD everytime

This is exactly the kind of cuck I'm talking about.

Holy fuck. You guys are actually sucking the U.N.'s dick and proud that Russia has turned into their cucked fucgois. Tell me, how does Sarkeesian's clit feel when sodomising you? Do you feel triggered by fictional pictures that you have to call "MUH SOCIETY'S WELLBEING"? Tell me, how did you find Holla Forums after browsing tumblr and funding feminist patreons? When did you turn into such a spineless cuck?

Don't you think you're projecting your beliefs a little bit too hard there?

Trump hates gooks, when Trump bans this shit in America I'll laugh at the weebs who shilled for him so earnestly. Seriously though, thanks weebs, for supporting Trump and helping removing yourselves.

That's childish anime.

This. You purist faggots don't look at the bigger picture:

myriad colors it wasn't that good

Its so obvious that you don't vote for Trump, that it stinks.

He'll reduce trade with Japan to promote the local economy. He won't prevent people from buying shit if they actually want.

Look at this fucking goy, he wishes to jump headstart in a commie state.

Go to leftypol and stay go.

Seriously faggot?

More like reddit-tier. This fag probably doesn't know what a wordfilter even is.

Most of them get their material on torrents and sharing websites.

Only newfags decorate their entire rooms with waifus and shti.

Stay salty poorfag.

It's about going after the lowest hanging fruit to pretend you are doing something.

It's the least of your issues and nothing will be fixed by making it illegal, you should never be in a position to make laws, masturbating has no principle for procreation and procreation in principle is not enforced in a free state.

You will only increase births by making sure young males have access to lots of money to buy a house and spend it on their wives and then on their children. Keep people dirt poor and limit their liberties and you're a commie.

I always hated you all faggots.

The only good anime is either about sports, politics, gambling or business. Or similar serious seinen themes.

Everything else has almost no intellectual value.

Welp that's a new line of shilling… oh wait!

Trump disliked Japan's economic intervention in the US in the 80's and 90's, now that they're not as big a threat as they use to be as they're market isn't as good as it use to be in the U.S.

At the current moment I'm sure he dislikes South Korea and China more than Japan seeing how we waste way more money on them by comparison.

As a side note Japan is sort of the Great Britain of the Asiatics, they hate every other Oriental society and much prefer to model themselves after European nations on a practical level while maintaining their original culture and traditions.



hideyaki anno pls go

well getting all that shit banned is listening to the kikes who wanted to strong arm japan with the united nations talks about womyn hate and how loli and anime promote it. Because goons kept being blown the fuck out with smug anime faces and they wanted revenge for Holla Forums shooping MAGA hats on anime characters.

also disregard any retarded grammatical errors I may have made in that post, sleep deprivation and alcohol don't make for good bedfellows.

Trips confirm the poetic irony. I blame the redditors and tumblrfags.

sad Tomoko needs someone to comfort and hold her.

Honestly even i agree that origins of japanese imageboards are more than 16 years old.

Time to forget about it, its unrelated. If ride japanese car, it doesn't mean you must love anime.

What if i shoop an "ara-ara" speech bubble beside the loli?

Now that's what I call professionalism! Take notes JIDF.


Imageboards were created to get rid of forum-like namefaggotry. That's the sole reason of their creation.

Also nips never associate animefaggotry as their main cultural aspect, and there are a lot of haters of that stuff on all japanese chans. So i am saying it again, its the same as riding japanese car. You don't need to be weeb to ride it.

its not double sided shilling, the goons used all their connections to send anita and zoe quinn to the UN. then the UN tried to get japan to control its anime content on account of it being a danger to "women." Japan told them to fuck off.

They kept being butthurt about it and are trying to get good goys to toss it outside of Holla Forums. Now Russia did what the united nations wanted it to do and shills keep praising it and some Holla Forumslacks keep biting the bait.

Its just a retarded cycle of hypocrisy. may as well point it out for what it is.


Excuse me but one of you cartoon masturbators explain meme magic.


Anti-name faggotry, encouraging posts to be judged by their merit, and anime/manga/Japanese popular culture go hand in hand with chan image boards.

It's like using reddit and being a cuck goes hand in hand. That's their culture.

allright allright.

But seriously speaking culture on english imageboards evolved to use more pictures and reactionimages. most are japanese, complaining about it now is just inviting to give cucked reddit users a hold on culture instead of adapting to it. this is what made Holla Forums shit and Holla Forums runs the worst risk of letting outsiders change their culture.

people make image macros, some retard takes it seriously in a subconcious manner, and then the magic happens. Its just a rebirth of what Goebbels did.

Are Russians stupid?

Don't forget to upboat animegets and trigger some goons.

So from what I get on this ban
Don't forget about the greatest animeget of all time.


Anybody who watches anything fucking BASEBALL related needs to be hung up to dry. I mean that shit literally. Any kids collecting those faggoty BASEBALL cards need to be tossed into woodchippers.

I'm serious…


Talking about that, yesterday a man got himself into jail for posting macro image against orthodox church.

Sentence is 1 year and 3 months.

Its his fault though, for leaving real information about himself on the internet.

Why not just do what 2ch does and block IPs from other countries if you want to go that route?


Do you know what imposters are?

Is this some sort of irony?

Baseball is a smart sports, there is nothing wrong with it… Or you trying to parody weeb hater?

In 1936 Olympic Games nazi germany held baseball games as part of the olympic games, they were included for the first time after 1912.

And imperial japan also practiced baseball fanatically.

One outs is a great anime, try to watch it.

the imposters are faggot goons trying to make good goyim out of Holla Forums, if you actually paid attention /r/gaming tried to get rid of anime back on Holla Forums. then shit reddit says and goons are trying to get rid of it again.

You guys are misrepresenting this.

Based Putin simply want Russian men to pursue the real thing.

She truly is blessed.

Russians are fucking retards.
If there is a god, he has a sense of humor for giving some of the most retarded people so much land.

filtered, get ready to hang

It is degenerate, but it's also a victimless crime.
"Protecting" people from themselves has historically not worked out very well.

Nice, now let's see it enforced.

consider harakiri

Daily reminder of what anime does to Russians


Dont forget this

Jewtin outplays everyone once again!

What does this have to with actual child pornography, though? No real children can be harmed through drawings. This just comes down to thought crime.


I believe the current top Russian mathematician is a 30 something NEET that never leaves his mom commie block apartment.

So they are no strangers to this level of autism.

Hahaha, and you faggots said Trump wouldn't make anime real.

Desert Coffin is a real martial arts technique now. Putin has learned it and will apply it to Saudi Arabia.

This is what anime actually does to russians.

I think I prefer the suiciders. At least they are doing something to clean up the problem.



























Why can't the east make proper art?










How will they satisfy their peadophilistic tendencies now???




And Z


-flat color
-hard strokes
-gradient on the cheekbones with flat color designs / not working there
-no light source
-no shadowing
-background does not match with character design
-centralized composition
-where is the nose?
-where is the mouth?
-headscale too large for the character's body.


-brush stroke mixed with hatches and line art
-poorly made line art painted instead of illustrated near the neck region
-eye on the left lacks define line art
-uninteresting texture on the hair and cup
-eyebrow overlaps the hair, for what purpose?
-disgusting hatches on the right top ear, this should be cleaned for the final piece
-no light source
-bad composition
-badly composed motion on her left hand, is the cup moving around with the liquid? no dynamic/liquidation?
-more uninteresting hatches on the background
-no rule of thirds
-flat color on the face but abused for every other element on this scene

OH MY, LOOK AT ALL THAT lack of art because it cannot be found

But where is the art?

I can't find the art.

Daily reminder that anime/manga/hentai is not an artform and therefore discarded.

Here is a source proving this fact.

The east cannot create art, the east created manga, anime and hentai, therefore, it is not art because the east lacks innovation and creativity to generate art.

You do realize it's a shat out animation? A cartoon. Only animated movies have exceptional art and rarely do animated movies ever diverge from line art.

What point are you trying to make? That you are too autistic to realize that animation styles are obviously more simple than a simple still frame?




- hard strokes
- unfamiliar design on the props / incompatible with the character's design and universal aesthetics
- glossy hair
- badly composed shadow
- no light source aside from the hair's glossy texture
- third world moonspeak blocking the composition
- dull and boring background
- badly illustrated hands, is it crippled? see basics on anatomy 101
- hatches on the hair region
- eyebrow overlaps the hair, it should be underneath the hair.
- gradience on a flat colored character, remove the gradient from the cheekbone.
- headscale too large.

First is CG brother.

using excuses to disregard how bad you are at making art is really sad. anime is not an artform yet it tries to fit in like an awkward dork child in the corner of a lunchroom.





Literally what?

So you are saying that the only way any animations would be acceptable is if it was as good and as technical as a kinkade painting?

The point is that it IS simple and easy to draw so they can make enough frames.

Do you seriously not understand that concept? Or are you just being stubborn and don't want to admit that you are wrong?


Artpiece: Fine Wind, Clear Morning / Red Fuji
Artist: Hokusai
Location: Private collection
Created: 1830–1832

Artpiece: Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Artist : Jacques-Louis David
Location: Château de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison
Created: 1801–1802

It's wouldn't be an anime thread without you senior autisimo. It's nice to see you.

why can't the east make proper art?


you know that a lot of CP comes out of russia right?

dude anime lmao

I think Ukraine is where you can basically fuck a child as easy as if you were in Thailand.

East versus West

fuwa fuwa. I want to rub her head.

anime my dude lmao

lmao anime indeed.

but where is the art?

but where is the art?

rub cute operators heads!

Old cute operators!
New cute operators!

Sounds like you're expert on the matter.
Remain where you are. The Feds on the way to your house now.

dude there is no art
it's anime dude lmao

Ah, something you have in common with the feminists. The girl on soldier uniform meme is getting really old.


my dude anime
le shiggy artmeister

dude calm down
anime lmao
cartoons my duderino

I'm pretty sure his criticisms apply to manga as well, faggot. You have nothing.

People don't even talk like that here. Way to out yourself, Holla Forums or whatever the fuck you are.

I'm pretty sure all of my point also apply to manga, faggot. It's not like manga writers are rich and famous studios with infinite timelines to draw with.

oh shut the fuck up
god you're pathetic.

Holla Forums hates smug anime.
I'm talking to you like this because you're talking images of cartoon girls from japan too seriously, the only way to respond to a shitpost is with a shitpost.
My dude :v)

Oh damn, nice comeback. Calling another user pathetic is such a laugh. Nice projection m8.

Got any sumg Marisas? Reimu a shit

hahaha my man


Trump supporters, who are chronic anime masturbators, are on suicide watch.




Where is the art?

So do we, fuck you.

haha anime


- no line art
- it can't breath, where is the nose
- hard strokes



-flat color
-no texture
-glossy chains


Daily reminder that anime is degenerate and targets the retard audience.

my little duder
cartoons of anime my man

Not an argument.

- Hatches
- Bad composition / horrible rule of thirds
- gradient cap
- glossy hair texture

Where can it be found?

my man

anime haha


There ya go!

Dude, Trump doesn't care about anime lol

But anime is not an artform, where is the art?



Eastern woman in painting VS Western woman in painting

When is this man going to jail?

dude my dude
there is anime all around, cartoons
post more art please ok

Daily reminder


good reminder my man

Cartoons my mannerano

yfw east can't create sculptures


East VS West.

cartoons are anime my man
hahahah dude


Stop you fucking spergs

the one on the left is fucking laughably bad holy shit.
besides that anime my dude





me on the left



me on the right


once a communist, always a communist.


stop right there
thats not art
thats a cartoon
a finnish one too
theyre asian therefore anime
get out of here before its too late

i need to sleep talk to you tomorrow ok

more of fuwa fuwa tank operator

Weebs are making themselves look absolutely retarded in this thread. I hope people finally see this feminized trash as the astroturfed shit it really is on Holla Forums. These are the same faggots who counter signaled the reaction to that Salon pedo article. Keep that in mind.

nice car2n m8

The Salon pedo article whose premise of mental illness Holla Forums agrees with

try again

500 reply get :^)

Shitskins are free to ravish Swedish lolis with the only penalty being a few weeks of community service lol.

And the weebshits were in those threads defending Salon and counter signaling the threads pointing out the slippery slope. It tends to happen every time.



Russia's not all that bad

Mr Putin's final appointment to mark International Children's Day was to give an award to Kleshovs family to recognise activities that promote 'the institution of the family and child-rearing', but the youngest family member found the presentation from Father Russia a bit too much.

According to the official Kremlin website, 'The Order of Parental Glory' is awarded to parents (or adoptive parents) who are 'raising seven or more children and ensuring due care for their health, education, and physical, spiritual and moral development.'

'The birth rate continues to grow. Last year, 1.9 million babies were born in Russia, a figure close to the level in 2014. In general, these past three years have seen a steady annual natural growth.'

and nothing of value was lost

'White' slavshit detected.

Daily reminder if you fags lived in Russia you couldn't even post of Holla Forums because it's banned

on* Holla Forums.

Is this the new "if you lived in Hitler's Germany you would be gassed yourself!"?

In Russia you wouldn't post on 8ch because there's no need to for 8ch. There is no political correctness so you can just express your views publicly. Nobody will blackball you and ruin your career for saying trannies aren't real women on twitter.

Incidentally Russian imageboards are nothing but self-hating liberal faggots.

You fucking wot mate. Proxies exist, TORposting exists and VPNs exist. Stop being a nigger.

Are you really that dense

The fuck m8. This isn't up for debate, you cannot connect to 8ch from Russia.

Just flew back to the states from Russia. When you go to Holla Forums, a white, government screen comes up explain why it is banned.

You know America caused the Asian Crisis to stop Japan from becoming a great power?

Sweaty weeaboos BTFO. Based Putler.

how the times have changed.

This is one of Putin's blunder, don't kid yourself.

though it is not enforceable considering russian internet censorship is pretty incompetent.

well, putin runs a dictatorship AND has a conservative stance (some say homophobic) on marriage and social values, so that was to be expected. never mind the fact that much of cp comes from russia, though. if you got money or make them money, they are like all good mafia: look the other way.

still, i think putin is pretty much the worst when it comes to personal freedom, even moreso than trump. but then, these cocksucker are all the same.

you want freedom, you take it for yourself

the only way these days
fuck all government

You shouldn't be fantasizing about having sex with children in the first place, you freak.

If an authority has the power to stomp out hentai than what is stopping them from stomping out political opposition, such as Holla Forums? Freedom of speech is necessary for individuals like ourselves to criticize the government. We are not seen as the good guys here. If the USA was anything like Russia this image board would never exist, and I doubt the alt-right would have any influence whatsoever. This has been on of the dumbest threads I've seen on this board and I have no doubt in my mind that this is related to the degradation of Holla Forums and 8ch in general. I'm >>>/out/. Good luck guys. See you on xyz, and maybe in the woods when shtf.

The funny thing is that nu/pol/ is in favor of it all regardless of where it happens.

What happened?

Are oppai lolis banned too? Do you think they'll give it a pass because of tiddies?

They honestly probably don't have the time and money to prosecute for grey area cases right now.

You get directly thrown in the worker camp. There is nothing else.

you thought Holla Forums defended free speech?

no my m8, Holla Forums is just right-wing tumblr.

Point stands.


I always suspected this. It's time to cast you fuckers out.

prove me wrong you retard.

the Holla Forums of old stood for free speech, the Holla Forums of now stands for censoring everything they dont like, just like tumblr.

get fucked, if you fall to tumblr level, you deserve to be treated like tumblr

It's true you are a sjw pls cast yourself out right away.

listen to all this butthurt.

Weebs have lost it. You're done here.

I know, 37 posts of butt hurt it's pretty funny

It's an interesting thread. The salt and anti-Holla Forums sentiments expressed by supposed allies and MUHFREESPEECH Holla Forums faggotry expressed so openly how can someone like me NOT stick around? You've lost. It's great to see. It's been a long time coming. People are sick of your shit.

no, we are the ones who have to go.

this place, it no longer represents the values Holla Forums was meant to stand for, this is just right wing tumblr or stormfront 2.0

if only there was a Holla Forums imageboard that wasn't shit, joshchan, .pl, and endchan are all fucking dead.

If only a Holla Forumslack could make a Holla Forums-only chan with sensible general rules and tight moderation. It's a dream tbhfam


Hell fellow free speech hater this sites discussion is far to open you should check out this other site called it has lots of censorship and mod power tripping it's almost as good as reddit!

weill it only concerns lolicon which i personally find pretty disgusting. shouldn't be a reason to throw out a repressive law, but whatever. if we had to count the laws we break each day everyone of us would be in prison.

i give a fuck about their laws or any law for that matter. had sex with a horny 15 year old, who cares. she wanted it, so who am i to judge. no one's business and especially not the state's. so fuck em. clinton probably raped tons of girls and still runs around. it's a fucked-up world.

I can imagine all those Russian bernds getting lolicausted right now

if only

Based Putin. Loli pedos and Muslim pedos are on the same level of degeneracy. Worse so since we are brought up being taught fiddling kids is evil. Based Russia purging the loli plague.

So jacking off to drawings is same as raping real kids, no?

weebs smh



I wish they could just ban every porn and put the Orthodox church in charge of the nation, like the Holy Roman Empire used to be. But I guess Putin is just too retarded/jewed for that.

This. People go batshit about this yet they perfectly fine with their countries being run by pedophiles involved in child trafficking that actually harms real, living children. The same SJWs who didn't give a shit about Rotherham or any other child abuse scandal will continue to push this through because it makes them feel good about themselves in their own little world.

Reminder that if you support this you are literally taking side with SJWs and feminists who wanted UN to ban fucking drawings because it hurts their feelings and not actual children

Wow thanks super retard. My boss walked by my desk and saw that picture and now he's just sent me a message telling me I'm fired. I NEEDED THIS JOB TO SUPPORT MY FAMILY YOU HEARTLESS FAGGOT AND NOW MY KIDS ARE GOING TO STARVE FUCK YOU FUCK YOU

feed them with your semen

Don't have an iphone or something dumbass.

You're taking side with jews if you love muh porn and sexual liberation so much, how about that.

There are zero jews in manga/anime industry. And explain again, how is actual abuse of live children comparable to jacking off to fucking drawings?

If Jews loved hentai they would not use the UN as lever to ban it it's not only competition to their pornography but it is also less aesthetically degenerate than the moanfest of painted trash mainstream porno is.

It's not about the collaboration, it's about the ideology. Jews love sexual perversion. Freud would become a huge fan of anime porn.

27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery. 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

If it wasn't because of feminism, they wouldn't. But who needs loli anyway when you have access to imported 12 years old from ukraine in israelli synagogues.

Dude, what does that crap even mean. Also, how is mainstream porno any more degenerate than futanari pegging shit that is getting popular in hentai these days?



About everything but DmC

you deserve it

Oh, the bible says jerking off to cartoons is the same as raping children. Fair enough.

one is pure art and one is random nigger thrusting his flaccid dick into a random skank

good job russia is banning their own fucking books

the law might also work like in poland where it must depict a real kid so doujins don't count

This thread is pretty much dead, but I'll post anyway.

Russia gets more censorship and you guys claim a victory… Most of you and the leftists retards are the two faces of the same coin.
Drawings of children are the product of an artist's mind, no child is harmed. In fact, I think it can help reduce the number of pædos committing crimes, since they can simply masturbate to these drawings and don't go after the real thing.
Censorship is never good, if you want, for instance, combat degeneracy, you don't ban it, you expose it to everybody why such thing is degeneracy and how this is bad to society.
Banning chinese cartoons is not going to solve the problem, people will simply find another way to obtain it.

I'd say explicit nudity regarding children should be banned in any form, otherwise no.

To those of you calling anyone who likes anime in any way a degenerate weeb: you're fucking dumb and working against us and yourself: we share our goals by being Holla Forums and if we're all real Holla Forumsaks it shouldn't bother you because A REAL Holla ForumsAK DOESN'T HAVE DEGENERATE TASTES. That being said, feel free to scream at anyone heaving degenerate tastes and that does not include anime in general.

fucking hell you ruskie shills are fucking retarded and need to suck on more of putins semen vodka.

if you dont want to be called tumblr then stop acting like one you little redditcuck.

Fuck off you cunts. Holla Forums has nothing to do with you and your degenerate weeb culture, just as it has nothing to do with Trump.

You're all invaders here.

Why does so many Holla Forumsacks think "Russia", is based?
Take a look at video related.

Also, "The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, Holla Forums might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later. Error information: " CUCKMONKEY FIX YOUR FUCKING SHIT

This probably won't matter much. The law in Russia is some of the most lax-enforced in the world, you know they're the #1 source of real cheese pizza right?

Even in countries with extremely strict law enforcement, there are still booming porn trades. Look up any active JAV torrent on Kickass, the overwhelming majority of seeders are Chinese.

Eat a bag of shit, retard. Nobody said pol or Trump had anything to do with anime (or at least I didn't say so) and I'm not a weeb in the full meaning of the word. I am a Holla Forumsak who happens to like anime which has literally nothing to do with Holla Forums but your hate towards anyone who likes anime in any way HAS something to do with Holla Forums, it helps to divide us based on something that isn't against Holla Forums OR YOU, NIGGER.


They've never been there nor have they been near it. They swallow Kremli's propaganda like SJWs swallow Jamal's cock. Even most of the other slavs hate them.


What kind of anime? girly shit or manly shit? it's time to draw a line in the sand.

Both. It doesn't matter to me if it's manly or not because I don't question my manhood.

Wow, that's what defenders of faggotry say too.
Almost like Jewish brainwashing but it couldn't possibly be that if it's coming from the Japs, right? They wouldn't do that to you…

It seems you don't understand what anime means to me or anyone else. It's not a fucking way of life, it doesn't define us and our actions. It seems I have to point that out because you're making it blissfully obvious you don't understand shit. I just happen to like anime, it's not my way of life, it's not changing me, it doesn't affect me. I just like watching it. How hard is it to understand that?


I'm not defending anything, there is nothing to be defended: I don't need to defend myself or anime because I know what I am and what anime is, but you don't and you're not someone I need to defend myself from.

Liking pretty girls is faggotry? Huh, who would have known.

Just as I said earlier: you're blissfully unaware of what "watching anime" means.

In conclusion you should un-crust your foul ass and steam up that dry brain.

Almost forgot:

Not an argument; your opinion. What you should refer with that statement is furries, MLP, persona-faggotry and similar.

"cute girls doing cute things" is about on the same level as MLP so shove it up your ass.

That pissing slav is a fucking ape

I'm not even huehuemonkey and I'm triggered

wow you're buttflustered you giant weeb fag

he asked if it was girl shit or man shit and you are all like

you're so gay

just admit it. you jack off to gay shit and probably shota x shota or wtv is the name (yaoi?)

The funniest thing is that you're not even taking to a weeb. Guess both of you can't read. Away with ye, away with ye scoundrels!

And what the hell is going on in there?

^BUMPING for those two.

Based loli

A drawing is not child porn. Even Holla Forums on .pl doesn't censor it, don't be triggered.

I need this for reasons.


To be honest this is how I got into Anime. Got completely burned out from playing games like CoD and Battlefield, burned out from all the shit shows on TV and violent films, burned out by the constant thug life nig nog MTV music that permeates the "Western World" and the bullshit sports of effeminate eunach looking men kicking around a football for 90 mins rolling on the ground like faggots every 2 mins.

I just got jaded with it all so I eased into some Gundam Wing to wean me off the violence slowly like some kind of heroin addict then expanded my horizons onto other types of anime.

Seriously, I felt the need to take a break from near constant violence and shit reality TV bullshit, (((Western culture))) doesn't exactly cater for anything beyond that to be honest.

As for hentai, I hardly ever watch it or play it but I like having the choice to view and play whatever I want to play without some faggot telling me "no, you can't do that".

I know you all want me to be a gud boi and just play Arma III all day long every day but I don't really want to do that, it's boring.

Reminder that most of the anti-anime fags in this thread are goon faggots who are constantly raiding Holla Forums. They've had it in for anime for years due to it not being feminist and PC enough.


Putin dun goof'd

Let's just hope this doesn't take off world wide.

If it does, it would effect the west more than it does to them. I dislike pedo weebs. But this slippery slope isn't cool.

Based Russia.


No, it will be backwards effect in europe.

They will allow muslims fuck your daughters.

top kek

not to defend this faggot, but you do realize that not everyone lives in the united states

that is some degenerate shit


Filthy casuals.

Just ignore them, Holla Forums is dead anyway, the oldfag cripplekike defenders will stomp out free speech where they see it. Eventually they'll realize 8gag is gay.

so, when are we banning Holla Forums ? It's degenerate and someone who banns it will be "based"
you fucking kike driven retards

I would accept loli banning only under hitler.
Until then i'll keep my cute girls doing cute things.

I liked that one about the piano player, but I'm a sucker for SoL.

Fuck off Holla Forums.

Holla Forums doesn't defend degeneracy.

You could be a degenerate on all these boards on Holla Forums, but no you had to go out of your way to be a degenerate on Holla Forums and complain when people don't want you here.

You must live in ussr lol, i don't, suck it.

Anime is pretty cancerous.

Or at least the autists who stole it from us are.

Have you guys been on 4chan's /a/? They're either all women or all faggots.

Right here.

He's a faggot, ignore him.