>seize the means of production
What the fuck does that even mean?
Seize the means of production
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it means stealing
Leftists don't even fucking know what it means dude, the USSR isn't even "true communist" to these retards
Yeah, but what do they actually DO?
they take the tools rich people use to make things they sell
'this' was meant for
Like what?
The actual hammers and shit?
Wouldn't there still be someone running it all?
Surely they don't mean "Lets all do our own shit and eventually we will get something done."
The idea is that, because capital's contribution to a business venture is fixed, it becomes a smaller and smaller part of the real value of that business over time, until finally the value added by the labor totally eclipses anything the capital ever did for it. After a certain breakpoint, it can be reasonably argued that the investors, which often didn't contribute to the business in any way at all and just bought a real owner's stake at some point in the distant past, are stealing from the workers, who do not get paid wages remotely representative of their importance to the businesses' continued operation.
"Seizing the means of production" can mean many things, but what it is traditionally constructed to mean, in the context of revolutionary marxism, is the forcible appropriation of assets by the unionized body of workers. Labor declares it will not be stolen from any longer, and sells its products for itself, without giving a cut to their old boss.
And then they fuck that nice idea all up with vanguard parties and other dumb bullshit, because communists are fucking stupid as shit and don't realize that statism is statism and it will always be a plutocratic oligarchy no matter how you fucking dress it up.
means make memes to control the menses of the mass of the individuals
IE collective unconscious repeat ideas until they get understood or remembered
control your future
That first picture is wrong
It's frustrating because it's poorly presented but I'm kind of curious about what it's trying to say. "Years" is the total number of years lived by all human beings I assume?
But there have been ~7 billion people that would have been alive 10 years in the 21st century (up to 2010) so that would be about 70 billion years lived, am I to assume that the column on the right represents "dozens of billions of years" as it relates to the years variable?
I'm not going to mental-math-guesstimate what the units would have to be for the economic output but it would have to be something ridiculous and unintuitive.
Does that capitalist have a piece of bread stuck in his jacket?
also, why is he wearing a winter coat indoors?
Because it's the closest thing to a formal high-class sophisticated suit he owns.
It means PROLE LIVES MATTER *smash, grab* - nigga get out my way i finna get dem jordans.
This nigger doesn't have a suit?
That is due to technology, not capitalism.
Capitalism has been around since there was shit to trade, so it has been around since before 1600 ad
Don't have a dog in the this socialism/capitalist fight, but the state we in the first world find ourselves in is due to technology, not socialism or capitalism
It means taking a successful business and turning it into a clusterfuck.
it means the gub'ment controls all production of things like farming, textiles, etc.
So say some faggot makes that thing you like. And you hate that asshole but want more of that thing you like. And you really like that thing so much you can write a 500,000 word essay on 'Why thing is awesome'.
Well, you find out how to make that thing you like so much yourself; you get good at making said thing. You get so good you are now are now the new faggot everyone goes to for that thing you like.
However, other faggots would be like 'I can make this thing even better, you're fucking basic'. So not only you have took the 'means of production', but you've got to protect it in a way that says 'No one can make the thing I like but me, you cannot use these tools unless I say so, OC do not steal'.
This 'Seizing the means of production' applies to anything you can think of, from drugs, to videogames, to vacuum cleaners.
Give me more capitilism theories and I'll explain them with overuse of the word 'faggot' and super simple explanations.
Socialism is the gateway drug to Communism, which is inevitably state control of all industry
When you put it like that, that's horrifiying.
I don't even trust the state to get my mail right, let alone providing me with tools or machinery.
10/10 explanation
all my this
means grab my testicles.
It means workers take ownership of the factories they work in. They sack the old leadership and the factory gets governed by a comitte which mostly represents the workers. They implement higher wages. This goes on until hte bureaucratic system eats up the profit. Things start to go downhill and more harsher policies must be enacted to keep the workers working. At this point there are no profits made and the comittee, which knows jackshit about economy tries to fight the fire with little to no success. The new leadership will loan more and more money. In the and the factory can't pay the workers who will go on strikes constantly. At the and there is the ineviteble bankruptcy.
See British Leyland.
If you want to know what state enacted communism looks like take the example above and think it's a country instead of a factory.
The main benefit of capitalism is that self-employers and entrepeneurs have to hire competent people or else htey go baankrupt. In communism it doesn't matter, if you aren't making profit the state will give you money. It breeds corruption which leads to failed states like Venezuela, USSR, etc. The only "communist" countries which still float use capitalistic international trade which means they aren't purely communist.
State control of production produced engineering marvels like the Trabant.
you mean the car made of cardboard?
Well if you know anything about Marxism or Communism, you'd know that the USSR and Maoist China were not Communist at all - or rather, they were a butchering of Communist theory. The main reason I (and many others) say this is for plenty of reasons, but primarily: they failed to destroy the bourgeois and the proletariat to create a middle class, they simply gave money and prestige to the proletariat and took the money/destroyed the lives of the bourgeois; the entire idea of uniting people was lost. Secondly, they built the country on bodies, and other than the process of revolution, there is nothing Communist about the government killing people. A true Communist government would work solely for the benefit of the people and these countries failed to do that making them not Communist nor Marxist.
Good examples of Communist/Marxist done right are: Tito's Yugoslavia, many iterations of Singapore, Dubcek's rule, and although Mao was a retard - he created a great Communist nation which is China.
And to OP::
I don't understand how "seizing the means of production" could be more bluntly put, but I'll give it a shot. It basically means that someone or some people take over the facilities, factories, or anything else that produces "stuff" (i.e. the means of production). The reason people discuss this a lot in politics is because it has to do with WHO or WHAT controls the economy. If you control the means of production, you control the economy and thus the people.
The only countries in the world with remotely good education, health care, and infrastructure are countries where the government has substantial power over the aforementioned aspects.
You silly goose.
getta hold of my dick?
He's right. If the state fails it' not communism. Because communism works. Somehow. It must be. It never happend and never will but we have to fight for it, aren't we? Just like christians and their heaven.
Communists are just like religious zealots.
you are confusing "free market" with "capitalism," just like every other historically illiterate dumbfuck american who defends capitalism as though it were a divine revelation given to the framers of the constitution
countries have traded goods since before 1600ad, you stupid fuck.
How does investing not contribute?
All criticism of Communism must directed towards the Ideal Platonic Form of Communism which only exists in the communist's mind.
It means kill everyone who is successful and give their wealth to the usurpers so they can rule over the country with an iron fist, controlling all wealth and people.
all weed grown by the government >> communism
all weed grown by Monsanto >> capitalism
you grow your own damn weed >> ???
illegal/tax fraud
all weed grown by government >> communism
all weed grown by Monsanto >> capitalism
you grow your own damn weed >> ???
it's pretty funny that he's still grinning.
Step by step, in purposely vague details, all the rich and middle class will be inhumanely murdered, and their stuff taken against their will. Then the government, which is not communist at this point, at this point the government is specifically said to be a dictatorship, is to take military control of all factories, mines, stores etc, and remove the owners by force. After that, the government is supposed to dissolve itself (LOL no really, thats the plan I'm not even kidding) and there is supposed to be a communist utopia. Start to finish that's how it works.
Just real Marx's book yourself. You'll see how absolutely fucking ridiculous his propositions are. I really can't believe anyone, much less a whole fucking country, believed what he said. Although it probably wasn't their fault, I imagine they had no choice in the matter.
See, With most examples of 'communism' which purports to have the people's interest in mind, its actually put in place against the people's will, and to their complete determent. Communism is just another way for fanatics and bullies to force people to do what they say, and somehow twist it into a good thing. Its a joke.
What book are you referring to? Manifesto was a disorderly pamphlet. I consider myself pretty right-leaning economically but people who scoff at Marx's catalog on a whole haven't studied Capital.
Because he's retarrd.
Fascism masterd race
Actually, USSR and Maoist China were the end result to any attempt at communism, since his retarded ass deflated jew fuck ideology lists dictatorship are part of the transition into a 'communist wonderland'. Disregarding all the other brain dead ideas and incomplete details, will you please fucking explain to me how everyone can 'own everything'? See, to me that sounds like nobody fucking owns anything, and the government owns everything, including you.
Lmao 'disorderly' is a word, is accidentally revealing is another way to say it. "Right learning economically" my ass. Its funny that communists' only arguments involve, "Well that wasn't communism" or, "Well marx didn't mean that". What did he mean? It seems like when anyone asks you people there's always fifty different answers, and all of them perfectly vague.
Just get down to the tacks of this, and come out with the honest communist ideology, which is based on undue self importance, envy, exploitation, and a god complex.
Infact, the entire basis of communism revolves around the idea that people need to be told what do to, and how to do it. No wonder communism has failed so much.
What you posted is a business, workers own what they are payed, and nothing else. How is this a counter example?
Ok you either didn't read my post or you haven't read Capital. I'm not a communist, I don't think there was anything of value in Mannifesto. But Capital was probably the best critique of capitalism ever written. I'm allowed to be right wing and accept that capitalism is the best solution that exists without believing that it's beyond criticism.
Sorry you're too much of a zealot to take into account other views but you don't learn anything from reading things that reinforce your opinion all the time.
It's a collective in which the workers own shares in the means of production. Not communism as a Leninist would have it, but an alternative.
Whole lot of black and white thinking with you.
That was my whole point, you dumb cunt. Trading goods is the market. The market is what you like. It's a separate fucking idea from capitalism, which is uniquely modern, and is basically the most efficient way to turn any market into a monopolistic trainwreck.
It's not like you could READ THE REST OF THE FUCKING SENTENCE or anything.
Reminder that communism will never work in theory or practice.
It's too late for anything to "work" now, we may as well just stay as we are and eventually either fuck the planet up, or ourselves (AND the planet) through nuclear war.
gosh dang
whenever i give total power to someone they end up abusing that power
thank god it's not my ideology that sucks and is wrong
we just need to try again
reclaiming factories for the people
often originally stolen from the people in unfair deals
reminder that communism only works on incredibly small scales like family units or 100~ person villages