Ok Holla Forums you got me, the tides of war come to the Western World from the Middle East allowed to be let loose by multiculturalism. Their numbers are growing and must be quelled. However, if we are to defend our homes we must properly arm ourselves.
Be prepared; they have readymade AK47s as there are a total of over 100 Million variants that exist circulating in the world.
How can we make it easier/cheaper to build AR-15s or other western weapons as only 8 million exist. This is something we should seriously consider putting our heads together for or face the largest genocide known to any man unprepared.
Did Christ command you to fight? Does God not set up who rules man?>>6181941
Carson Miller
A few things off the top of my head 1) Depends who you are fighting. go to /k/ if you think its going to be government and ask them.
2) If its just muds you are primarily concerned about then you really don't need anything fancy like all of the insecure wannabe operators on youtube. Just simple iron sight semi auto guns with a flashlight at the most and bolt action rifles if a longer range weapon is needed.
3) It wouldn't be much of a fight because muds can't put up a sustained campaign and run when they know they are about to have a real fight.
4) If this is Europe go make slav friends who can get you shit from the east. The hard part wouldn't be getting the gear, its finding men willing to use it.
5) None of this matters anyway because its going to take years before you reach a critical mass of people willing to do anything. At that point you can bet that if Trump is half as good as people think then they will go back to being domesticated.
Robert Howard
if you are in NATO-aligned countries, AR15 for the ammo availability.
If you are not, stick to AK.
Done deal.
Hunter Hall
Not even close. There are hundreds of millions of guns in civilian hands in the US alone.
Guns are simple to make and already dirt-cheap. Even with the West's industrial capacity diminished from its glory days, we could place a firearm in the hands of every white man, woman and child with little effort.
Lincoln Morgan
It's funny since private gun ownership being banned in the EU as we speak
yes, but what about Europa? We dont have a gun under every rock. the only thing I have is a 22lr comp rifle.
Nathaniel Adams
Whereabouts are you, user.
England here…
Jeremiah Cook
Europe isn't a country user, Bavarians and Swiss tend to have a lot of firepower.
Kinsman. You can obtain a rifle by joining a gun club or by claiming it as defence on your farmland… assuming you have a friend with a farm, or a farm yourself.
Benjamin Hall
In europe expect smuggling to quickly lead to a surge in balkan and ww weapons beside cheap chinese knockoffs and recent stuff from the middleeast.
The surplus of past conflicts moves to where new ones are happening.
Ian Cox
Angel Thomas
yes actually
it was prophesized that we will be flooded with aliens as punishment for abandoning our faith and whoring ourselves out for the jew - but when we eventually get our shit together it will take 7 months for us to bury all the bodies of the dead invaders
I'm also concerned about this. Eirefag here. There are apparently still guns around but they're in the hands of a marxist militia or a loyalist, kike-loving militia. Use what you got and take what you can get pretty much.
Brody Taylor
As a Christian I feel a religious obligation to keep at least one gun near me at all times especially when in the city. I would assume that all good Christian Germans have kept at least one gun on them, despite government regulations, if not however then personally I would try to network online and buy guns "below the radar" so gubmint doesn't catch on. If you can't do that then go and buy a 3D printer, guns can be printed now from hard plastic but each gun will only last 7-9 shots before breaking. This could be ok for a hit and run against some muzzies but for sustained combat perhaps in a "capture the base" situation you are going to want a real, metal firearm.
Gavin Price
You really should avoid violence as much as possible because any time soon you're just going to die all over the place and waste everyone's time. In the future there are two scenarios: White racial consciousness in which we use the weapons that are currently pointed at you to turn every other "power" into a smear, or a more likely slow decline in which the hilariously white police force and army of today slowly browns over time to the point of uselessness, and that point whites armed with literally any gun will probably succeed in an attempted takeover. Pop's shotgun would be enough.
Adrian Edwards
If I'm correct, the US military can get a single M4 for dirt-cheap: less than $1,000 a unit, so price isn't a concern on their behalf.
As for the average person, you can get a moist nugget or a shotgun for less than $500, so it's still not an issue unless you're flipping burgers tier of poor.
Getting armed in case there's an invasion isn't an issue, the real issue is getting properly trained, fit, and forming proper militias.
Chase Reyes
Levi Gonzalez
What website is that?
Joshua Peterson
nowadays you can get a reliable AR off the shelf for $500. s&w sport II or ruger ar556