Self triggered SJW
having mental breakdown
Nigger SJW gets triggered
lord of the wasteland humongous
he seems like a reasonable fella
you're sexually harassing me!
shut up cunt
What the fuck. Not that she was sexually harassed (she fucking objectively wasn't) but I'd give an arm and a leg to get sexually harassed. What's the big fucking deal? Even if you don't like it, smile and nod then bail from the conversation ASAP. Not that hard to be an adult. Guy makes a joke and gets this, what a world.
b but m muh patriarchy
He's not making a joke though… His name is literally Hugh Mungus.
you sure about that?
I would probably comit a serious crime if I personally withnessed this. I would get so fucking mad at the hypocrisy, low intelligence, malevolence, dishonesty coupled with female entitlement.
My name is Mr Mungus but you can call me Hugh
she's not a nigger, she's a pajeet
Haha, I sent a message to this girl urging her to end her life. Completely within the legality of the EU, nothing wrong with asking a person to kill themselves for the betterment of mankind.
I have two messages in my facebook, I bet one is from the stupid bitch.
You think that's bad? Just watch this. Prepare to cringe.
continent of Hawaii
I have no idea what's going on in that video but screaming incoherently and demanding people's names is the best way to make everyone hate you.
You think you're funny? You disgust me you're a racist misogynistic piece of shit. It literally turns my stomestomach knowing that I have to breath the same air as you and your ilk, why don't you do the HUMAN RACE (the only race that REALLY exists) a favour and just kill yourself.
You must think you're really cool right? Hahahaha look guy's I called her a nigger!!! Good job showing your inferior intellect she's an Indian NOT a 'nigger' not that I'd expect a shitbaby like you to understand that.
As for her 'mental breakdown', he clearly grabbed his penis and said 'I'm humongous'. She didn't ask for that, in fact it was HIM who asked her if she wanted his name then he proceeds to attempt to dominate her sexually in public, and you're here telling me that that's ok? Maybe you're NOT ok!
ooga booga sheeeeit
yup. now fuck off you nigger slut kike cuck.
that woman needs to calm her tits
so, if i work in a public building in the us i need to say my name to any idiot who asks? wtf