Did anyone see CNN?
This was a massacre, I don't think CNN anticipated that white people were getting uncucked so fast.
Did anyone see CNN?
This was a massacre, I don't think CNN anticipated that white people were getting uncucked so fast.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nope, but we need a video now that you've mentioned it.
All this and no video OP? For shame, faggot
I hate that the MSM has no concept of POGs. To them anyone who ever served in the US Military is automatically a highly decorated hero who's opinion is highly valuable.
It happened a few seconds ago on live tv
The don lemon butthurt brigade are still discussing it
They had no idea how bad Trump was gonna BTFO the whole agenda. And If you watch shit like today's based as fuck presser? They dont understand it even know.
Media has no idea how badly they are despised. They are alrdy gone. They just dont know it yet.
I don't even think we realize our own power. With the way Trump people took out Ted Cruz and went after telemundo when they were staging a news piece it's only a matter of time before they start going after the (((media))).
bump. Get this shit asap.
superfluous bump; op better delivar
I swear these Traps4Trump are getting harder and harder to discern.
Kind of making me sweat a little.
wait. the bitch in the OP is a trap?
this conduses the dick
Yeah, evidentially there is this whole Traps4Trump thing.
that's fucking disgusting. Gas them all
why can I not stop laughing at this?
They all have the same androgynous little kid face and skinny body. They're easy to spot imo.
Hell is forever!
bump where's the video OP?
Sauce, ya cunt'
where da video at im firin up photoshop finna cook up some dank memes fam
Here's the video. You faggots need to step it up.
You expect me to click this shit?
seems to work for me
Of what? Bernie supporters are usually the opposite of conscientious.
I normally respect and appreciate all veterans. This guy I'll make an exception.
Watched the video anyways. O'brian held the high horse stance as long as he could throwing buzzwords and misdirection to try nd counter. SEAL bro said it like it is nd said it like how we faced shit overseas.
Be damned if i punched someone everytime they disrespected my female team members.
Its the weakness that has invaded the army.
he did a half deployment and saw only patrol contact. He feared for his life and got out.
Id thank him for him being a brother but other than that he is cowering.
Women don't belong on the front line, they perform 1/5 of the time on par with men.
No it was the bernie supporter being smug as fuck for most of the interview. The trump supporter played into his hand as well and should have been less apologetic.
My MOS is PSYOP.As much as you fucks love throwing that word around. We deploy with conventional forces like infantry and calvary but we also are sent out with TF and SF units.
Some of the females ive met could fuck me up.
But as for standard female soldiers, yes most of them shouldnt be on the front
People hate namefags around here ya know
That's what I'm saying, and that's what tests have proved. It's also disgusting to send out America's most precious resource into a battefield and treat them like men. Women need to be treated like women more than ever, they need modesty and encouraged to wear dresses. Women shouldn't even be in the work force or be voting.
I'm only about half-way through, but tbh fam, I'm rather disappointed in the Trump supporter's argumentative skills.
Why can nobody form a coherent argument on camera these days?
There are 1.6 billion Muslims on the planet.
According to all available statistical evidence, upwards of 1 billion (1.1 billion, specifically) of those Muslims believe Sharia should be the law of the land.
So, we have a population of people espousing a political ideology (masquerading as a religion) wherein the vast majority of that population believe that their religious law should dictate the law of the land… And the argument is that we cannot exclude such a population, on the basis of 'freedom of religion'?
Should freedom of religion apply to a religiously-themed political ideology, or even a religion, which dictates subversion of rule of law and thus/further represents inherent opposition to freedom of religion, amongst other Constitutionally-protected freedoms?
What about freedom of speech?
Islam DEMANDS those who create images of, especially to mock, Muhammed must die, that such should be illegal within any society of which Muslims have a presence in, so how does that work?
I'm just so sick of this circular bullshit.
I dunno where it goes from there, as A) I've never seen that argument laid out on television, and B) in the off-air efforts in that vein, the opposition always just breaks down into hysterics or starts employing leftist emotionally-charged rhetoric.
Doesn't hold any meaning.It's the net m8.
WWII american production capabilities were primarily women due to the men serving in the war.
I draw the line when they received their equal rights. Any more treatment then that is absurd.
Women are women, they act like trash they are treated like trash.
Woman hits a man, gets beat like a man.
well you will get harassed soon enough.
also equality of women would work if men and women were equal which they are not physically, mentally, or spiritually.
Women aren't equal to men and to treat them as such is insulting to both sexes. Women working in factories was one of the most repugnant aspects of WWII as well as the modern world in general. Also stop namefagging, I don't give a fuck who you are or if you've served.
During war time, lots of things were required which were not to be the case during peacetime.
Women should not be in the work force unless such is required, due to males being required elsewhere.
As it stands, there is no such need for women to be in the work force - they are only there because we fucked up with the entitlements, and nobody would compromise as regards pulling back on the entitlements a bit, and so we needed some way to pay for all these fucking entitlements, and having the other half of the adult population in the work force drastically increases the tax revenue (at the expense of birth rates, only furthering the problem, thus motivating towards more immigration).
What we need is to get women out of the work force, back into the home, and to cut back on the bloody entitlements such as to no longer have a scenario which motivates toward these harmful and ridiculous behavior patterns.
by all means go around Holla Forums namefagging so people can start following you around and ridiculing you. but you're a tough special snowflake muhreeen you can handle it!
I fucking hate VICE, but this is a Holla Forums must see.
It's like tom hanks had a child with channing tatum
One of these guys will take a bullet for you, the other will shove you out of cover and run.
The thing with that is that our men only left to go fight le ebil nazis who we shouldn't have been fighting in the first place. I agree with American involvement in the pacific theater, Pearl Harbor was an atrocity, nevertheless if we hadn't sent so many worthy men to die in Europe we wouldn't have felt so obliged to put our women into factories. There is no excuse to treat them like that.
You're goddamn right.
tell me me more friend of this horrible atrocity
It was the only time other than 9-11 in which Americans died who shouldn't have. I'm glad we nuked them and wrested control of the pacific from them, if only we had maintained that grip. FDR was a faggot, but there's no way Americans are going to accept something like the death of our people. Japan lost their hegemony fair and square. We should've just stayed out of Europe, and colonized the pacific with Americans when we had the chance, that way China wouldn't be the kind of threat it is today.
Stop talking shit and spouting kike neocon military industrialist historical narratives on Holla Forums dickwad
We shouldn't have invaded Iraq, ba'athists are always better than ISIS. Nevertheless neocons aren't shit compared to the real American imperialists of the early 1900s. We fought for the white man, not the jew. Fuck the jews, the gooks, and everybody not white. I'm glad Hiroshima and Nagaskai got nuked.
I would have preferred we not embargo the japs in the first place. They wouldn’t have attacked, then, and they would have been able to clean out China once and for all.
Changing the subject to nukes won't save you. We never should have had the war in the first place. You know what would have made china less of a threat and Russia? If we had buddied up to Japan and let them increase their influence over the Asian hemisphere
>Cuck: "I'm one of many. It's been a spontaneous emergance of groups all around the country."
This is pretty stereotypical commie speech. They allways talk about "spontaneous" protests, riots, etc. because they see history as a struggle between the lower and upper class, and as such their side is grass root by definition. They allways find the need to emphasize this.
I'm guessing you can find a fair amount of commies in the top of that organisation, and that's where he learned the language.
Good point. Still fuck this Japan are honorary aryan bullshit. Death to all gooks.
Communism was going to fail with or without the help of gooks, as history showed. We should have never been involved with the European theater yes, but we got to test nukes on gooks because they killed 2,500 Americans. Seems like our only mistake was not colonizing the pacific.
Quite right.
… Really dude?
Come the fuck on.
I'll come back to this…
I know…
… And there's something else I'm probably right about, but I'll let you (readers) decide…
> en.wikipedia.org
> Beginning in 1938, the U.S. adopted a succession of increasingly restrictive trade restrictions with Japan.
> The Export Control Act of July 5th, 1940 was one in a series of legislative efforts by the United States government and initially the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to accomplish two tasks: to avoid scarcity of critical commodities in a likely pre-war environment, and to limit the exportation of materiel to pre-World War II Imperial Japan.
> In Septempber, 1940, Japan's move into Vichy-controlled Indochina further raised tensions. When combined with its war with China, withdrawal from the League of Nations, alliance with Germany and Italy and increasing militarization, the move provoked an attempt to restrain Japan economically.
> On October 8, 1940, Admiral James O. Richardson, Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, provoked a confrontation with Roosevelt by repeating his earlier arguments to Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Harold R. Stark and Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox that Pearl Harbor was the wrong place for his ships.
"At least as early as October 8, 1940, …affairs had reached such a state that the United States would become involved in a war with Japan. … 'that if the Japanese attacked Thailand, or the Kra Peninsula, or the Dutch East Indies we would not enter the war, that if they even attacked the Philippines he doubted whether we would enter the war,
but that they (the Japanese) could not always avoid making mistakes and that as the war continued and that area of operations expanded sooner or later they would make a mistake and we would enter the war.' … "
> Responding to Japanese occupation of key airfields in Indochina (July 24) following an agreement between Japan and Vichy France, the U.S. froze Japanese assets on July 26, 1941, and on August 1 established an embargo on oil and gasoline exports to Japan.
> In their final proposal on November 20, 1941, Japan offered to withdraw its forces from southern Indochina and not to launch any attacks in southeast Asia provided that the U.S., Britain, and the Netherlands ceased aiding China and lifted their sanctions against Japan.
> The American counterproposal of November 26 (the Hull note) required Japan to evacuate all of China, without conditions, and to conclude non-aggression pacts with Pacific powers.
> telegraph.co.uk
> Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled "Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States," it flagged up Japan's surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined "Methods of Operation and Points of Attack."
Up to that point, public and political opinion had been against America's entry into what was seen largely as a European war, despite Roosevelt's private support for the Allies' fight against the so-called Axis - Germany, Italy and Japan.
> Attack on Pearl Harbor: December 7th, 1941
Yes, yes he is - and no, no we wouldn't… And he used that against us, bro.
It was all a ruse.
FDR knew it was coming, WANTED IT TO HAPPEN, because nobody wanted to go die in Europe or Asia or any of that shit, because it wasn't our war.
FDR created conditions such that the Nips had no choice but to attack us, and the conditions dictated that being 'direct' or 'honorable' about it was not only undeserved, but far from pragmatic.
fuck off weeb. Two nukes weren't enough.
Its like a visible, physical form of Divine and Conquer.
Who could this be? :^)
I don't care about pretexts you fool. The Japan had a grip on the pacific and we were right to take it from them. Any and all chances to undermine asians should be taken. We should have nuked them thrice and then colonized the damn islands and made our way into China before Mao was able to acquiesce nuclear technology in the late '40s as he did. That way China would have never been communist. No sympathy for commies and gooks.
These are not the words of an ethnocentric nationalist, nor of any sort I can consider my brethren.
These are the words of a 'patriot', in the worst, most vicious and disdainful, usage of that word.
They likely would never have been Communist had Japan been allowed to dominate them.
You simply desire clay, and you're willing to bleed a decent folk dry to have it.
And what's more: The very notion of America being willing to engage in such action is preposterous - the US was never going to invade SE Asia in any appreciable quantity, nor would we have retained rulership over it if we had, it is too far off.
.. But we COULD have allied with a decent - the most decent - contingent of the local folk, who would have been willing and welcoming toward such an alliance.
Instead, we chose to side with our European brethren in service to the Jew.
And this, you celebrate.
Grotesque, to say the least.
No sympathy for white supremacists either m8 - acknowledging the superior nature of the European people as regards the formation and management of advanced civilizations is one thing, demand for elimination of all others is another, and a prospect which none on this board, nor anywhere else, has effectively managed to convince me is a move born of anything but hatred and malice, the emotional motives of the Communist, the Leftist, the Jew (> implying).
I have no desire to conquer this world through bloodshed and terror, nor to obliterate its peoples for the sake of clay when the stars are yet waiting in volume beyond reckoning; especially not when, if there be any clade of hominids, any race of Men, worthy of an alliance alongside the European Man, any clade worthy to stand beside us as we reach into the stars, it be these Men under discussion.
You, sir, are an atrocity, as is what you suggest, and after you would claim such of the fully-justified attack upon Pearl Harbor, all I can say is this:
I taste of your words, and what I taste is hypocrisy and murderous vitriol, and I spit your bitter, malicious terms into the gutter, where they belong.
And were I ever to meet you in battle on the basis of such terms, where such conditions - the elimination of non-European clades in totality - have not been justified effectively (as is yet the case), I would gladly put you into the gutter, to join your noxious expulsions; for those are the words of a monster, a man who has stared too long into the abyss (or not long enough, perhaps), and had it stare back into him in such a way as to become all that his enemies would accuse him of being, justifying their efforts to destroy him.
That dude was a smug faggot who couldn't make an argument based on anything but trying to shame the dude out of wrongthink.
Oh no? An ethnocentric nationalist has no desire for lebensraum?
It's much more than clay, it's a potential breeding ground for my bloody people!
You sound like a fucking hippie. War is upon you for better or for worse, you must know how to approach, but to ignore it entirely is no better than putting one's head in the sand. Pacifist fool.
I am much worse than that, and non-whites are entirely justified in wanting to kill us. We are a grave threat or we are otherwise their plaything.
Fucking namby-pamby. You are no better than the bernie supporter in that interview.
Or just let Japan and Germany win and join them? You fucking zionist, (((neocon))), shabbos goy.
Not at the expense of entire peoples, no.
I don't remember Hitler calling for the Japanese, nor even any of the surrounding European peoples, to be exterminated merely to make room for expansion - generally speaking, most of the lands Hitler 'took' were really more like 'reclaimed', in that they'd been part of the German or Austro-Hungarian Empires - rather, he called for alliance with those worthy of such, which (rather obviously) included the Japanese.
What you're shilling, that's basically entirely counter to a nationalist perspective - raiding the lands of others, without any sort of justification, for the sake of land and resources, for the sake of greed alone, and made possible only by extreme blood-letting of an otherwise innocent and generally-decent folk, is not something an ethnocentric natioalist would support… Maybe a 'white nationalist', that is, a base Neo-Nazi tier skinhead, a literal white supremacist who wants to see all others abolished.
The concept of lebensraum as you present it is nothing more than a Jewish illusion, pushed as to create some explanation for the Nazi invasion of Poland and demonization of the reclamation of lands taken from the then-fallen Empires as part of the Treaty of Versailles.
So are the stars.
There is absolutely no reason to murder each other over this clay, when there are entire planets within range for expansion.
If we hadn't lost so much in the conflict - an even-more-bloody version of which you'd have liked to see play out - we may well have already colonized Luna and Mars, perhaps even Venus.
But, no, you're right, murdering the entire population of Asia for the sake of clay is totally worth it bro.
You sound like a fucking war-monger.
War was not upon us, nor is it now, really - and if there is a war, it is one of invasion, not of hunger for 'living room'.
Push back the invader, defeat him as utterly as is required to ensure he does not march upon you again, and that's that - absolutely no need, certainly no justification, for genociding all non-whites m8.
What you promote is not war, it is atrocity in the name of senseless greed.
No, no, not 'us'.
Just you.
You are a monster, a rabid dog overcome with lustful hunger and greed - you reek of Semitism.
The non-whites are not at-all justified in wanting to kill whites - they are fully justified in wanting to kill you, however.
You and I are in a room, and I am holding a gun - objectively, I am a grave threat to you, should I choose to be so.
But what sort of a monster would I be to shoot you merely for the sake of more 'breathing room'?
The worst sort.
You push divide and conquer tactics, you call for murderous bloodshed upon any who are not your own, regardless of merit in such deeds, and you employ all manner of fallacy.
On the contrary, it is you who espouses the nature of that Jew supporter in the interview.
And I, like that poor soldier in the same, am wasting my time trying to converse with you, because nothing about you is real.
Alright, I went back and listened to the rest of this, and the Jewy faggot talking to the Trump supporter is legitimately retarded.
And women's suffrage is a concept used by Communist Karl Marx, and Marxist Communism is objectively more-foul than Fascism in any form, therefore we should abolish women's suffrage?
Association fallacy.
And Muslim enemies.
You had Muslim allies - small in number by comparison - helping you combat Muslim enemies - vast in number - as a result of Muslim enemies engaging in a terrorist attack in your home country which killed thousands of your countrymen.
And how about those allies, eh?
What about the tea boys?
What about the opium and hashish?
Why not tell us what happens to our outposts, built of concrete and rebar, which we build in Afghanistan for the Afghani forces to use (namely, that those same forces disassemble those outposts in order to sell the rebar for scrap)?
What about the fucking tea boys bro?
Nope. Sure didn't. Been watching Undoomed instead.
In an ideal world, ethnic nationalism could flourish and we'd already being faring the stars most likely with the Japanese (and perhaps other East-Asian peoples) as partners on our voyage. But this is not an ideal world. I'll take white supremacists over black/brown/Asian supremacists any time. In fact, we need them now, we need hatred. Without hatred we cannot gather the will to fight. Hatred is not bad nor good, it is a necessary tool. Realize, that this "supremacy" naturally dies out among us when we're not fighting for our very existence on this planet.
Also hypothetically speaking, if there had to be a global race war that involved every race and only one would be able to survive and you do not choose your own, you're a traitor to our blood. In that scenario, it's one supremacy versus another.
Yes, at the expense of entire peoples. Reality makes you squeamish then.
There is every reason and every obligation. You know nothing of the European people, we desire adventure and the annihilation of non-whites. You are a cuckold and a coward. Kill yourself.
This is a story that is all too old. No need to worry about an invader when they no longer exist. You don't think in the long-term, you don't think about saving lives in the long term, not that we should be terribly worried about that. A life lived in entirely in security, comfort, and peace is no life for the white man.
It's actually very calculated and thought out selfishness. Without a desire for bettering ourselves we are nothing, and the most efficient form of this is extermination of non-whites for the sake of lebensraum.
The sort of monster that lives to see another day.
Keyboard warrior or actual soldier with PTSD?
Former SS.
Oh yeah I forgot that gooks were white, my bad :^)
This guy feels like he only joined the military for money and to play the veteran card rather than actually giving a shit about his country.
Stop larping, Amerilarp.
Eh, you're pretty eloquent dude, and I appreciate your essay but
Kill all non-whites user does have a point. There is always a threat of multiculturalism as long as non-whites are around. Just look at Africa's exponential population growth which threatens to destroy the world economically – this was unthinkable in the 19th century when whites were at least a third of the world population, if not half.
Having the earth cleansed and reborn with an all-white population with every country in the world having a pre-cuck European standard of living would be wonderful. Just make sure to preserve the little contributions some nonwhites have made, such as pasta and Tang dynasty architecture. And I say this as a nonwhite.
Naturally, white people in general want to preserve true diversity in all its forms (flora, fauna (even the various races), culture, tradition, historical records, architecture) so those would undoubtedly be preserved and cherished for their role in overall history. It's that pathological altruism kicking in again, we're like the wannabe caretakers of the planet.
I wouldn't mind an all European Earth (perhaps when we're off this rock another one can be colonized as such?) at all but I think eradicating the Jewish problem is all that is really necessary for our problems to be fixed.
He's a deserter. Do to deserters what the brits did in WW1. Shoot them.
I prefer Adam Curtis’ Bitter Lake myself. For starters it contains this priceless little gem:
Why does no one ever point out that this applies to, AND ONLY FUCKING TO
Why do non-Americans get the same rights just because they want to come to America?
This lisping, limp-wristed, pole-smoking, butt-fucking faggot is the reason those that despise America wanted to weaken & infest our military with homos & feminists in the first place, so they could FINALLY find some military vets that supported the LibFascist agenda of destroying America and promoting national suicide.
I pray that one of the first things Trump does is reinstate the ban on faggots in the military & the ban on women in the front lines, as well as returning the requirements for special ops services to their former levels with NO EXCEPTIONS for gender.
God, the sight of a REAL soldier having to sit next to that "conscientious objector" flit, and then having to justify his opinions to "it" makes my blood boil.
Meaning he lived on a nice cushy base with all the amenities.
I wish there were a way to check to prove myself right.
meaning he jacked off while watching them rape 5 year old boys
What a little faggot
What gave you that impression?
Thanks buddy.
What a fucking faggot.
He'd probably be that faggot who'd cry to the DI after being hazed for fucking up. I'd give him a blanket party. Fuck I hate weak cucks.
What a good fucking point. If hitler had been able to hold off russia, and just leave it there (not easy I know), we could have had Germany leading europe, Japan leading asia, and us leading the new world. Paradise.
Would have reached moon in 1962, Mars in 2005, hyper dimensional travel in my lifetime. Oh well time to warm up the tanks it will be a cool war to fight and make for a new calladooty title later.
It's called character building.
Oh just shut the fuck up with this moralist bullshit already. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting the dominance of your race and people, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with invading, subjugating, and even destroying inferior peoples to get it. You can cry all you want about "muh neo-nazi skinhead" garbage, but that's just because your quasi-egalitarian "nationalism 4 everybody :-DD" drivel is being disagreed with. There is no reason we should stop doing what has literally been a staple of human civilisation since the beginning. Do you think the Romans didn't invade, subjugate, and destroy other peoples? Do you think Colonial nations didn't? Might is the only thing that has and ever will make right, and I don't see why we should have to stop simply because you label it "neo-nazi white suprmacest". As a matter of fact, I do consider the white race superior to all others simply based on comparing our civilisation with that of all other races. Why should we not recognise our own superiority and flex our collective muscles? You're just a cuckold.
Same scenario happened on Fox last night.
Same group for the libshit.
"Vets versus hate"
100% Soros I'd bet. He's doing all the "versus h8" movements.
Kinda reminds me of vid related.
Does the faggot think that lie will word?
Ww2 was the worst thing to happen to western civilization since the h I ns. You fought for jews.
Did you mean 19th century? Because the 1900s [1900 - 1999] were 100% wars for the nose.
Thanks, user.
"You can go hang out with Bowe Bergdahl for all I care."
Savage. I admire this man's composure in the face of such reckless buzzword assault.
Absolutely savage.
This is how you win. This right here. No apologies. No qualifiers. Just the truth.
said like a true good goy
gold and silver are not "real money", you retard. Returning to a gold/silver standard would be disastrous.
Are you saying that there is no real money, or that something else is real money?
…for money lenders because with physical currencies you can only lend as much as you actually have. You can't make gold and silver up out of thin air.
This makes me have even less use for sand niggers.
What the fuck are we even doing there? Fuck that place.
I'm saying that making this kind of distinction is retarded. Metal money is no more valid a currency than fiat paper money and carries no inherent value.
And one of the biggest issues of a metal-backed currency is that there is only a set amount of it, meaning the economy is physically incapable of growing larger than the supply of metal to back it. Also, if your economy is backed by a precious metal, then (((select individuals))) can just control large amounts of the resource and inject/retract it from the market at a whim, manipulating the economy in their own interests.
What we need is a fiat currency controlled and issued by the central government, not private banks who lend it to the government at interest.
OK moishe, what is money?
"a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes."
We're trying to help a bunch of stoned, junkie sand niggers.
so silver coins aren't money???
I'll agree with your statement
as the founding fathers of the U.S.A. originally intended.
I said "gold and silver are not "real money"" to point out how making some kind of distinction between the two is retarded.
lisping contentious faggot juxtaposed with handsome, amicable military success
That's obviously wrong, gold and silver have immense inherent value. A lot of applications for those metals. Rare, finite, useful. Good material to use as currency.
What? If there's more material wealth around than the previous prices in gold would indicate then all that does is drop the prices. Now there's more shit, and everyone can afford more shit. A perfect match.
Except, these individuals would have to obtain currency first. As opposed to when currency is entirely fictional and these same (((select individuals))) can create LITERALLY INFINITE amounts of currency, manipulating the economy in their own interests way more drastically. Gee, which of these sounds like the better system? Which of these would the (((select individuals))) prefer, do you think?
What do banks do in such a world? Do they still create currency by lending something they don't have? Then you're still fucked. It'll take longer before the banks own everything and create a central bank and take over the government all over again etc. but it must eventually happen.
This guy reinforces that the only worthwhile part of the Army are the Rangers.
My friend is a 23 year old E5 and he isn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box. How the christ is this guy only an E4? Maybe it's the mangina.
Gold has no more value than fiat currency save for a few uses in electronics. This idea that gold, silver, or any "precious metal" holds inherent value is a complete misassessment.
Not at all. Gold is just as much "real currency" as any paper fiat currency except unwieldy and horrible to back a nation's currency with.
No. It means that there is less gold in supply in the economy to fuel the growth of industry in the form of loans and investment, meaning the economy is forced into an unnecessary box defined by the physical supply of gold.
Which they already have control over. People had huge quantities of gold long before the gold standard was removed. Are you implying that people are incapable of accumulating material gold? Don't be foolish.
Backing currency by gold does not remove the power of select individuals to manipulate the economy, it just changes the way they manipulate it. Wealthy powerful Jews will be manipulating the economy easily since they will always be the ones with the most control over gold.
Gold has no more inherent value than government-issued fiat currency. The value of the currency is maintained by the legitimacy of the government.
Bullshit. This is a perfect example of where the slipper slope fallacy actually applies. A government-controlled bank has no reason to be taken over by private central banks. In fact, a government-controlled bank with sole control over the money supply would be less-easily subverted than an economy backed by a physical commodity that can be funneled into the hands of private interests.
Good doc on the history of central banks, fractional lending and, currency.
It's always interesting when the left makes up a bit of insanity, and uses it as a factual talking point.
You nailed it!
And with dubs to spare
I actually don't have any dubs images, though
holy shit it's just so predictable
the commie cuck literally describes himself leaving the military as a conscientious objector. you fucking faggot, DID YOU EVEN WATCH THE CLIP?
He looks suspiciously like a NU male.
this is a girl you idiots
she's a half-spanish/half american chick who cosplays Trump
Because they only let people on who are not dangerous. If you're too good, they don't want anything to do with you.
Roger Stone is banned from CNN for being 'too effective' a Trump supporter.
That's why they have that mopey cuck as the only Trump supporter on cnn election nights.
they are forever 6 months behind
they are just now starting to realize Trump can actually win
This and its the simplest rebuttal of them all. US constitution doesn't apply to foreigners outside of the US, at all.
Holy shit I fucking lost
What a fucking insufferable faggot. Between the wisecracks and the annoying fucking nodding I'm amazed at the other guy keeping his cool. I love how he says "unlike you I won't go after your personal record" - yeah, because his record doesn't have anything that completely discredits him and outs him as a fake ass bitch.
Even he knows that he's full of shit and no veteran at all. That's why he wore that hat, only a fake is this desperate to convince you he's genuine.
Are faggots like this really taken seriously in the Army?
that guys underbyte really pissed me off.
looks like one of those gimps at the end of pulp fiction.
anyway navy seal completely won that argument without even trying at that.
My favorite part was him kvetching that every soldier around him was a racist who called followers of the religion of peace "Hajis," and then the very next point he tries to make is that the vast majority of vets cherish and respect the Muslim people and hate Donald Trump's hate.
He has to go back to his original gender
What did that limp wristed four eyed faggot even serve as a damn cook?
Fixing money wouldn't be going to a gold/silver or any asset backed currency. What it does mean is you don't allow private jew-banks to use loan-debt and fractional reserve lending to create "new capital" you create it as credit via the Government.
I know Holla Forumsacks watch Bill Still stuff like Money Masters and The Secret of Oz, I can't believe there's so many kike-tier goldbugs around tho.
tfw your fellow ameriburgers think money needs "inherent" value.
Nigga, if the currency is based on a physical asset, what happens if/when there's a shift in asset prices?
The problem with the US Dollar isn't that it's a fiat currency. It's the hands in control of the supply and therefore value therein. This is like looking at your car having a problem because of an oil leak, and instead of getting a gasket replaced or trading in for a newer car, you decide to go horse and buggy. Because, horses don't need gasoline.