How can a heart be hate-speech? Have a H.E.A.R.T., user

Look at this message of love and pride. Simple, warm, familiar. A logo that even a soccer-mom could love.

It's a lot harder to claim it's hate-speech when it comes from the H.E.A.R.T.

Other urls found in this thread:

We should make a tag like #HateSpeechInTheTalmud and try to get is banned of something. We can dish out mad redpills and cause a lot of Jewish butthurt.

banned or*

dailly reminder

there is no such thing as hate speech

brought to you by America

Thats pretty fucking silly.

Fishy-chan is everyone else in this scenario

sage slide threads

What is HEART? Is it a real organisation?

Why sage something that could reach people who are turned off by all the "sturm und blut" imagery associated with the far right – the skulls, svastikas, lightning bolts, bulging muscles and clenched jaws…we need something to reach people with a lighter touch…particularly women. Keep the masculine imagery but add something new to broaden the reach.

Calling something "hate" has been the biggest thought-stopping cliche success of the left. We need to side-step this whole line of attack by talking more about LOVE. We LOVE our white mothers and sisters and daughters…that's why we fight to begin with. Let's spread a little LOVE.

Then the screeching SJWs are the ones who come across sounding bitter and hateful.

Maybe this particular logo isn't the answer, but at least it points in a new and potentially fruitful direction.

It will be if you believe, user.

…so no? If only believing was enough to make reality, user

Because it's a meaningless slide thread.

Herp derp slide shill blahblablah…sorry schlomo, that doesn't work anymore. Back to shill school for you.

Wtf does a slide thread even mean…

Well at least I'm trying something.
The overall idea is not whether this particular idea works; its to find a branding mechanism for the far right that reaches new groups of people. Something between "muh waffen SS skull insignia" and "muh anime nazi cosply waifu." Something that conjures and plays on the homey, heartful, simple, family resonances of white culture. Simple, uncluttered design that is warm and appealing to women and elders, somehow soft without being sexual…the joys of home and hearth as it were…come on, let's kick this idea around a bit and see if it flies.

If someone has to explain you obviously don't belong here…

Do you not want new posters, new traffic, a growing community, your ideas to spread?

This is a think tank, we don't need 10,000 members to spread ideas. Quality, not quantity. You've failed the entrance exam if you can't understand the speech or culture. Our immune system is working when it filters you out.

Way to turn your think tank into a circle jerk. People coming here might agree with you on lots of political and social views, just not use the same terminology yet. You're ruining your own movement with this attitude

I agree, negative branding is really the last thing holding back actual facts about white in-group behavior for the masses.

That, and the Jews.

a thread that slides into the pages 5+ so it's never on the first page and usually is ignored because it's in page 10+ or whatever

you are either a shill kike or that faggot mod therealmoonman. OH WAIT, THEY ARE THE SAME THING

So why bother saging it?

The only thing wrong with the picture is pointing out the sweatpants. Who the fuck wears jeans inside his own house ?

My heart bleeds for my enemy.

That acronym is gay. Also organisations which do fuck all are useless.

I like the use of non-threatening imagery though, the triggering alone would be worth it but it would actually help ease the normies into our cause a lot more easily than a swastika or SS symbol which they've been taught since the first day of school are the symbols of evil. Take something that the normies consider to mean love and good and the Holla Forumsisization becomes even easier.

Oy vey you fucking anti-septic! You know who else used hearts?

The gnadtzees!

There is some very powerful meme magic at work here.

This is great. Make everything a "hate symbol," starting with English, the language of the colonists and crusaders.


This is going to confuse the hell out of them. Beautiful job user.