“If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.”

1. – Any and all weaknesses can be used against you, and in conflict, will be. As such, weaponise your weaknesses by making them known; hide them in plain sight. Wear your weaknesses like armour, flaunt them, and you deprive your opponents the use of ammunition that would otherwise discredit you.

Other urls found in this thread:


2. – If weakness is speculated, deny it. If weakness is known, spin it. If it is directly observed, dismiss it. Should it look profitable, leverage it for status in the victimhood hierarchy.

3. – Justification can only exist in respectful exchanges. When you are disliked, justifications are deemed excuses, your guilt, pre-determined.

4. – Do not defend against your attackers, attack them; justification is a Machiavellian fallacy. Do not justify, stipulate.

5. – People are like stocks, acquire assets, avoid/drop liabilities and ignore market rumours; acquire insider information wherever possible.

6. – The only difference between the toxic and the unlucky is the unlucky bring you down inadvertently, avoid both.

7. – Attacks reveal intent, defence reveals priority. You don’t defend the unimportant. You don’t attack allies unless it’s a decoy, this simple concept can be extrapolated to any situation.

8. – The battle of the sexes is the only war where crushing the opposition isn’t victory. No, a man must avoid checkmate and stalemate, he must continuously put his woman in check. This and only this is victory for both sides.

9. – Everything is war in a different set of clothing. Love, business, politics, wherever there are competing interests there is a battlefield, and wherever there is a battlefield, there is war.

10. – When things fall apart, be ready for total war.

11. – Don’t insult the king in the throne room. If you must insult him, do so only amongst those you are confident share a mutual disdain. Lèse-majesté is dangerous, in this context a king is anyone you rely on socially, politically, economically etc.

12. – Lust of all kinds begets deceit, desire is good until it isn’t.

13. – Machiavellianism is the art of wielding power, how it’s wielded is determined by the wielder’s morality or lack thereof. Don’t blame the strategy, blame the soul of its employer.

14. – Machiavellianism does not determine one’s morals, one’s morals determine the use of Machiavellianism. He who believes he is too moral for Machiavellianism is no more moral than he is an idiot.

15. – When people don’t like you, their questions are attacks. Sometimes these attacks are disguised as concerns, other times they are blatant. Whenever you’re asked a question, gauge the legitimacy of the question. Insincere questions must be met with insincere answers, if any answer at all.

16. – Do not trust those who overwhelm you with questions. They may simply be very curious, but it is more likely they are searching for dents in your armour. The line between curiosity and interrogation is thin, and people do not wear uniforms.

17. – Doubling down on your position or ignoring the challenge usually trumps an apology.

18. – Ignore your ignorer. To ignore your ignorer is to enter a war of most silent attrition. Who will speak first when silence is golden? Whoever speaks first loses. Whoever speaks first admits they need the other more, no matter what plausible deniability they may retroactively invoke to disguise the fact.

19. – Ignoring is a non-response response; no response is a neutral response. Lots of neutral responses hint at a negative underlying sentiment, for people who like you struggle to ignore you.

20. – Where bullying fails, charm succeeds and where charm fails, bullying succeeds. One should substitute in hard power when soft power fails and vice versa.

21. – People are enticed by the allure of circumvention, operating outside the rules carries its own thrill. People feel good when they get away with things.

22. – The trick to dealing with psychopaths lies in possessing a full awareness of the conditionality of the transaction, for they are scant in sentiment.

23. – Not knowing what a psychopath wants from you is equivalent to operating within a perpetually detonating flashbang. If you cannot discern what they want, cease dealings.

24. – Being charming is the result of happiness or success, not of virtue. It is amusing that people oft fail to make this distinction, they conflate charm with virtue. As a matter of prudence, the more charming, the more dangerous.

25. – Whether you realise it or not, the powerful are always testing, always evaluating. They yield milligrams of respect only to those who consistently pass their evaluations; a fluke of success will not earn you their respect, it’ll get you a glance.

26. – Real victims suffer in silence, posers pretending to be victims do so to gain money and status. Be wary of “loud victims” they are almost always playacting.

I kno it's just OP posting, BUT,
Underrated thread

27. – People don’t want to be betrayed, but most will betray if it suits them to; the standard of morality people demand of others is higher than that which they demand of themselves. The coldest psychopath will demand the deepest altruism and the most devout loyalty, beware cultishness then.

28. – Interpretation is always perverted to suit the agenda of the interpreter, whoever controls the flow of interpretation dominates.

29. – Trust the average woman as much as you trust your government, occasionally there’s a good candidate, most aren’t worth your vote.

30. – Strong personalities hate the weak and distrust the strong. A man who considers himself a king rarely wants to share the room with another.

31. – Never hesitate to work on your verbal dexterity, vocabulary and comprehension. Debate lots with people who don’t matter. Strong articulation is a form of soft power.

32. – There’s a lot of freedom in stupidity, playing dumb is oft profitable.

33. – Too much perception can niggle a person’s paranoia, perceptiveness is threatening to those aware of their ill-nature. In suspicious company, appear less perceptive.

34. – Appraise a rule by its worth. Do not defy a rule for the sake of defiance. Some rules protect the ruled, others protect rulers – distinguish.

35. – We’re all players in a game. You’re a player or a piece on the board, you move or you’re moved. You play the game, or the game plays you.

36. – You can’t not play the game. You don’t beat the game by denying the game; death’s the only escape from the game. Until then, play well to live well.

37. – Beware the encroacher, an individual characterised by ubiquitous and uninvited insertion of their person into your social affairs. Out of a need to be noticed in the desire for social elevation, whilst his status is inferior he will extend his hand with a smile. Once he moves past you, he will forget you, his intentions for you are not sincere, you are merely a piece in his ascent to success.

38. – The encroacher targets your popularity in an attempt to siphon it through association.

39. – The encroacher gives themselves away by either A: absence of pleasantry B: lacing their pleasantry with subtle and sporadic undermining. Do not be an encroacher, the quickest way to garner the favour of the powerful is to befriend them, not to irritate them with persistent public exhibitions of your self-ordained superiority.

40. – Charm trumps more aggressive manipulations when dealing with the perceptive. The perceptive like being charmed, their awareness of the seduction does not negate its effect.

41. – Always appeal to incentive, never to mercy.

42. – Too much perception is threatening, even intimidating, people distrust you when they realise you are as perceptive as you are, even if you mean them no ill will. When people know you have the potential to destroy them, like nuclear material, they quarantine you.

He that is kind is free, though he is a slave; he that is evil is a slave, though he be a king.

43. – Legitimate concern is rare, more often than not displayed concern is a means to an end, a foot in the door to seize the moral high ground.

44. – Anything you say can be twisted to make you look bad, and it will be, because that’s power. It’s how hearts and minds are won, politicians and the mass media do it for a living – neither is starving.

That's a two-way street, Machiavellian

45. – If you have a firm grip on Machiavellianism, it will be difficult for women to exploit you. On the flip, they’ll be harder to love too.

46. – Narcissism is antifragile in the sense it makes no distinction between love & hate, only attention and inattention.

47. – The secretiveness of privacy drives people mad, even if there is nothing to hide, the reluctance to reveal creates suspicion. To ensure the safety of a secret, the existence of the secret must be kept secret. As soon as somebody becomes aware of a secret they know not the nature of, they will be compelled to unearth it at any cost, thus threatening the secret.

48. – The difference between an interview and an interrogation is merely a matter of perception, all interviews are a collection of shit tests.

49. – When you are being interrogated and don’t realise it, the topic will rapidly change in order to determine what you’re most uncomfortable with. This topic will then be focused on, I call this vulnerability reconnaissance.

50. – You nearly always learn more about somebody in an informal setting than you would a formal one. Paranoia and thus mental defences are greater in formal settings, to truly get to know somebody you must mingle informally. Of course, as much as this opens them up, it opens you up too.

51. – Advice that wasn’t asked for is rarely appreciated, let alone followed. Don’t give advice that isn’t asked for, don’t advise everybody who asks for your insight, only advise those you think worthy. An “I don’t know” will keep things civil without forcing you to waste time.

52. – When you advise people you reveal more about yourself than you perhaps realise, after all, your advice reflects the core of who you are, it reveals the why and how rather than merely the what. What’s are easy to change, why’s and how’s aren’t, they’re more identifying.

53. – If you want someone to implement your ideas, it’s better to make them think your idea is theirs. Plant the seed, give them credit for your thinking, and they’ll believe their repetition of your idea makes it their creation.

54. – The quickest way to gain people’s trust is to help them.

55. – Liking animals and being religious creates an appearance of uprightness, people of ill-nature wear these appearances to disarm through disguise.

56. – People don’t dislike being tricked, they hate realising they were tricked. Tell lies that cannot or will not be investigated, compulsive lying is the purview of the histrionic fool.

57. – Beauty oft conceals bad intentions.

58. – Be magnanimous to friends, civil to strangers and ruthless to foes; furthermore, know who’s who.


1. – Hijacking is a special kind of Machiavellianism, for it wears the agenda of another whilst pursuing its own, like a metaphorical Russian doll, it hides an agenda within an agenda.

OP will truly survive in a dystopian future.

2. – Read between the lines, if you can deduce why somebody is asking a question and you do not like the reasoning for their question, do not deign an answer. Ignore or dismiss traps, do not fall into them.

3. – When someone attempts to undermine rather than refute you, they’re the enemy.

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html ee

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html zz

4. – Undermining is personal, refutation isn’t. Refutation communicates “I believe you’re wrong due to the findings of the available evidence”. Undermining communicates “I’m going to humiliate you because your opinions invoke my disdain.” Refutations are logical retorts, undermining is interrelational violence. Learn to distinguish between the two, for they oft appear similar.

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html eee

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html ffaaaf

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html nsssnn

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html ffffff

5. – Bending the rules is no more than the abuse of technicality to circumvent the spirit of the rule without violating its letter.

6. – Love doesn’t conquer psychopathy.

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html esssee

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html ssaaas

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html ttt

7. – Only pick fights that’ll yield profit; pettiness will erode your credibility, fighting on many fronts will exhaust you.

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html zzz

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html fff

8. – The crab bucket mentality is pervasive, a jealous friend is a betrayal waiting to happen. Know when to cut the gangrenous limb, do not allow the sentimental nostalgia to sustain poisonous ties.

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html rrr

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html llloooo

9. – If you are drawn into something emotionally, the odds of damaging your reputation and engaging in regrettable acts exponentially increases.

forechan.org/ 8ch.pl/4chon/index.html nnnkkk

10. – Many arrogant men believe anger is the safe emotion they can display without real consequence, this belief is folly. Man should endeavour to be mindful, for this will allow him to rein in unruly emotion.

11. – He who does not control his emotions is puppeteered by them. Strict adherence to emotional data is tactical death, whilst ignoring emotion idiotic, and suppressing it tiresome. As such, emotion should be channelled, not ignored or obeyed.

12. – On national anniversaries of loss or celebration, people are at their most vulnerable. It is at times of heightened cultural emotivity that reflection takes root in the mediocre, and filled with regret, the populace is at their most manipulable.

42. - Any female aged less that 10 years of age, shalst consume weekly their own weight in male human semen, for the good of their own nourishment and sexual self-education.

13. – Self-deprecation builds trust, when people see even minor imperfections, they’re endeared by the transparency.

42a. - As per 42., any female aged 10 or older, shalst be of universal, legal Age of Consent.

14. – People are susceptible to negativity bias, if something is negative, it is more likely to be believed without rigorous investigation. Acts of virtue come with a burden of proof, acts of unvirtue do not.

15. – Appear easily provoked, then ignore those who see it as an opportunity to attack; this is good for enticing the lurking foe to reveal himself. Present an illusion of disordered vulnerability, seduce an attack, and by the time your foe realises the ruse it is too late, he has revealed himself.

16. – An effective strategist knows when to utilise counterintuitive gambits to get a better view of the battlefield. For example, if you are strong in one area, make your enemy think you are weak. If you are weak in an area, make your enemy think you are strong. If you confuse the enemy’s data points, he cannot successfully analyse you. If he cannot analyse you, he cannot defeat you.

17. – Be wary the plausible deniability of jokes, “it’s just a joke” is the most common phrase used to disguise a transgression. All good jokes contain truth, as such if one crosses your boundaries under the guise of humour, they are still trespassing, humour but smoke and mirrors for such trespass.

18. – He who acts boldly under the cloak of sadistic humour is not to be trusted, for humour is the jester’s shield and sword.

19. – People who get caught doing something they shouldn’t do not reveal the complete truth at once. they opt to reveal the least self-incriminating aspects first.

20. – The objective of trickle truth is damage control, to minimise the damage done to one’s reputation when a loss of reputation is all but unavoidable.

21. – As lies compound, trust erodes, and the more difficult it becomes to lie. The more it is perceived that you lie, the better you must be at lying to successfully do so. As such, compulsive lying is tactically unsound – lie only when necessary.


22. – Trust can be earned and spent, but if you spend too much too quickly, your account with the betrayed individual is permanently closed, no matter what you do, you will always be spent.

23. – People love to be seduced, but they do not like to know how. Honesty doesn’t pay when transparency compromises the beauty of the illusion that sustains you. Like any magic trick, people enjoy the perception of mystery, not what creates it.

24. – Apply seduction to romance or sales, never reveal your tricks. Give your pitch, not your essence.

25. – Effortlessness and dismissiveness foster an appearance of strength.

26. – If people feel judged by you, they hate you. In diplomacy, suggest via statement, do not undermine with command or overt dispute.

27. – Honesty is ugly, most people want their opinions validated, not disproved. It is but a minority of intellectuals who enjoy being disproved.

28. – Manufacture a threat and you can sell its solution.

29. – Control both sides and simulate a conflict, monitor organic responses for potential allies and enemies.

30. – Utilise counterintuitive strategies, it pays to create a group to undermine your interests. By creating a group to threaten your interests, you prevent a concealed threat from mobilising. Those interested in undermining your interests will join your artificial opposition rather than form their own.

31. – The truly best deceivers begin with themselves, and therefore tend to be more emotional than rational in disposition.

32. – Environments come with varying expectations and codes of behaviour, environments define expectation unless you are bigger than your environment.

33. – It is better to define what will be expected of you, than allow others to define their expectations. If you do not define what people expect of you, they will define it for you.

34. – He who defines his role has more freedom, for people become their roles.

35. – Your benefactors should overestimate you and your enemies should underestimate you.

36. – The lower the average intellect of a man’s company, the more he must show aggression to be respected, more intelligent company demands the inverse.

37. – As a Machiavellian, it is always pertinent to ascertain the intellect of one’s company, and then adjust one’s demeanour as relevant. A person who cannot dial-up their personality up or down is unfit to wield power.

38. – Intelligent narcissists require consistent displays of histrionic aggression in order to respect somebody.

39. – Acting is necessary. Just as one key cannot open every lock to every door, a single disposition cannot unlock every favour from every person, as such, adaptability.

40. – People are like safes with combinations, by correctly calibrating your traits to align with their values, you unlock their trust, desire, and respect. Incorrect calibrations create apathy and disdain.

41. – Disagreement is acceptable for it can teach, but sabotage is never. A leader’s task is to discern the prior from the latter. When in doubt, assume sabotage.

42. – It is important to work smarter than harder, but better to be seen as dumb and hard-working. Few like a rich man who earns more in a less arduous condition, for jealousy of his privileged position is rife. A smart man earns more than a hard-working man, yet a smart, hard-working man who appears average outearns both.

43. – It’s easy not to outshine the brilliant, but it’s difficult not to outshine the incompetent. Regardless, know your place and behave accordingly.

44. – Ignore powerless idiots, ridicule powerful ones. Powerless idiocy is an annoyance, powerful idiocy is a problem. Relevance and status shall determine classification.

45. – The man confined to reason will be humiliated by psychic warfare, whilst the man confined to cunning will have his sophistry undressed. Logic and cunning are the most powerful psychological tools, therefore you would do well to cultivate them both. To cultivate neither is to be weak and to cultivate one is to be average, but to cultivate both – this is to be dangerous.

46. – Logicians look for reasons, Machiavellians look for loopholes.

47. – Incentive is the most persuasive use of soft power, with fear its hard power counterpart. Those who can’t be bribed can be threatened, whilst those who can’t be threatened can be bribed – very few are immune to both.

48. – Be egotistical only when necessary.

49. – You bond with people over the things they hold dear, pets, media franchises, hobbies – this is how you gain trust. In matters of trust one should appeal to emotion, never to reason. Give plenty of reasons you should be trusted, give nonsense reasons for why you shouldn’t.

50. – In social matters, people do not reward he who is most logical, but rather he who is most impressive.

51. – Cunning and rhetoric almost always triumph over logic, fact and statistic in matters of persuasion.

52. – Despair in the moment is tantamount to forfeiture.

53. – Most are foolish, instead of befriending power, they hate on it. These people aren’t cut out for the game, for one does not acquire power by hating the powerful.

54. – A champion must always defend his crown, for as much as he is admired, there is always a man who lusts to take the powerful’s wealth and status for himself.

55. – The least patriotic leader’s one who so utterly dominates his kingdom, that he does not allow it to flourish out of the insecurity that permitting so would remove him from power.

56. – All abusable systems are abused, and so it is folly to expect any system not to be abused. Systems should be designed on the assumption they will be abused, and where less than infallible, retroactively amended to be so.

57. – Absolute dignity is rare, most pride is no more than resistance that can be removed for a price. The weaker the ego, the lower the price. For the right price, fantasies of all persuasions find manifestation.

58. – In matters of effective sophistry, one must calibrate language to the discerned intelligence of their listener.

59. – Disdain precarious alliances, it is better to have no alliance than a precarious one, for weak alliances foreshadow betrayal.

60. – Taste isn’t just a matter of food or scent, but likewise of personality. One man’s annoyance is another’s joy, delicate tastes require finesse. And yet if is a taste is too demanding, specific or exacting, one may wish to wholly reject the fetishist notion and cease all association.

61. – Don’t become the slave of another man’s tastes. Exercise prerogative with association. If you know the taste you can leverage its fantasy, but if the taste is concealed and used as a benchmark for invalidating you, leave.

62. – People decide quickly who they do and do not like. When factions form, anybody not on your side should be assumed to collaborate with the enemy. As for those who do join your cause, analyse their motives.

63. – Whilst punishment should be swift, reward should be gradual.

64. – It is far more profitable to see things from your point of view than from the opposition’s. The more you acknowledge the opposition’s point of view, the more power you give it. Therefore for your point of view to dominate, you must dismiss your enemy’s.

65. – Displays of agility typically indicate one of two things: you’re being mesmerised by a diversion, or you’re witnessing mastery.

66. – Don’t play cards you don’t need to play. Holding all the cards does not make you indestructible, you may still lose if you play your cards poorly. Execution is everything, a poorly played card is worse than one not played.

67. – Tailor your approach to the personality you’re dealing with.

68. – Nothing is more compelling than fantasy, do not underestimate its power to convince or exploit.

good thread OP

This whole thing is some of the edgiest shit I've seen in a while.


42a. - As per 42., any female aged 10 or older, shalst be of universal, legal Age of Consent.

Disdain for aggression is also a sign of cowardice.
Its easier to pretend being stupid than for a coward to feign bravery. Its hard to respect a coward.

Nice thread overall.



I'm guessing this explains the cuck threads then.


way to miss the point, you don't need violence when you can do things through smarts.

You're all retarded, if violence is the LAST refuge of the incompetent, then it's the first option of the competent.


My opinion of you is that you are a pussy who would abandon his gf to a couple of niggers after only a hint of violence and run.

The patriotic art of lying for one's country.

nice backwards logic you idiot. also this

You've bested me user.

nice mental gymnastics ya doofus. are roaming packs of wild niggers your only antagonism in this violent slum you call home? or do you sometimes encounter wolves too?


Its just that you strike me as a sheltered coward who needs to hide his true colors from his friends so you don't lose them, that is all, good luck drifting through life and not getting in a situation that would require guts.

sounds like you're insecure about how you appear to your "friends". must be terrible being surrounded by people of questionable character and loyally to whom you constantly must validate yourself and you call these people friends. I would hate to see your enemies.
geez are you still in high school?? grow up kid.

OP, or anyone who can answer my question: A person who utilizes and applies these concepts which have been discovered by his own observation and not his being told could be called what?

Is this how people justify acting stupidly enough to get themselves into trouble?

we call that wisdom, user.

Yeah, seams like i was pretty much spot on.

Have you ever considered that trouble might find you with no fault of your own? You might want to check for megalomania.

this fucking nigger ass shill making me go one by one and filter him out.

Yes, but there are only so many things I can prepare for, I'm already occupied by a lot of things other than fearing scenarios where I might end up having to be tough.
I've simply chosen to hone and trust my ability to see trouble from a mile away and being able to avoid it. Worked pretty well so far, maybe it'll end up being my downfall, who knows.

1. – In matters of persuasion one should appeal to emotion, not reason. Where this fails, use sophistry.

2. – Logical fallacies double as effective Machiavellian power plays, for logic is antithetical to cunning.

3. – Anticipate your opponent’s moves, preempting where possible and implementing contingencies where not.

4. – An intellectual more than anybody must become Machiavellian, for it is this and this alone that will save them from predacious egos.

5. – Delivery is more persuasive than substance, optimise appearance and strike when the time is right, for masterful delivery can make even the mundane into magic.

6. – In matters of defection it is more effective to offer revenge than money.

7. – It is foolish to sentimentally gauge the chance of betrayal, but rather, one should assess the incentive and capacity for doing so. Offer disincentives to maximise loyalty.

8. – Your most intimate enemies will admire you, copy you and take all your advice only to use it for an agenda that undermines yours.

9. – Each personality is a puzzle in which favour can be unlocked by demonstrating the traits desired by the personality, learn a personality and complement it to influence it.

10. – Apologies are oft ineffectual, for they stir up resentment and exacerbate matters by highlighting wrongdoing. A leader should not show regret, he should ignore, deny acknowledgement, or spin a negative into a positive. To regret is to show weakness and invite belittlement.

11. – Appear unappealing to those who don’t appeal to you, for it is better to be undesired than to be desired by the undesirable.

11. - OP is a faggot, who likes to sniff his own shit

12. – To permit insolence from one is to court it from all; crush the insolent or deprive them a platform, lest you earn a reputation for timidity.

13. – The most terrible action can be bred from the best of intention. Be mindful of bad advice from the well intended, they may mean well but unintentional or not, their misinformation will destroy you.

14. – The power players have learned to harness the zealous delusions of their pawns to dress unvirtuous agendas in the clothing of

15. – Anybody who can conceive of evil can enact it.

16. – Conceal your intentions whilst ascertaining the competition’s, he who has the most correct data wins; always be mindful of misinformation.

17. – Most believe one should never be ruthless (because it’s evil) or that one should always be ruthless (because otherwise you’re weak). Both are wrong.

18. – Provocation is an invitation to act in a way that reduce’s one’s power; as such, ignoring is a skill any would-be Machiavellian would do well to master.

19. – Mastery of interpersonal psychology is micro Machiavellianism, mastery of military strategy is macro Machiavellianism and business strategy is both.

20. – Transactional analysis: Every time somebody asks you a question, they want you to give them value, or they’re looking to sabotage you. Be mindful of the blur between curiosity and inquisition.

21. – Strive for success but be cautious of it, for one who knows not how to handle it will be robbed of the qualities that made them great; rampant success introduces an overconfidence that diminishes reason and a complacency that destroys drive – do not be a victim of your success.

22. – The histrionic weaponises their storytelling talent on the slightest whim, for blackmail is how they obtain and chaos is how they indulge. Be wary the histrionic, for they take root and disrupt venomously like a toxin.

23. – Should you see the trifecta of: confrontation, dismissiveness and attention seeking – you have yourself a histrionic. Tread on their egg shells and succumb to aggressive sensitivity, or reject them by refusing to deign acknowledgement.

24. – Absence increases respect only when the absence is legitimate. If you ignore somebody but are observed by the ignored engaging others, you are not absent, and so elicit disrespect rather than respect. True absence is in disappearance, not observable silence.

25. – It’s subtler to deprive than to inflict. Inflict to make a statement, deprive to attack with the stealth of plausible deniability.

26. – If you don’t know how to play the game, people do not respect you, if you play the game, people think you’re untrustworthy. If one must choose, it is always better to be distrusted than disrespected.

27. – The unfocused and the stupid are easily made the puppets and pawns of those who manufacture controversy for nothing but their own advantage.

28. – When dealing with a troublesome women, a man must realise the presumption of innocence works in her favour. Reframe her presumed innocence, keep the focus on her and make veiled threats with pleasant language.

29. – Neither cuteness nor beauty translates into virtue, but the charm of such things leads the idiot to believe it does.

30. – Not addressing the concerns of lieutenants is one of the gravest mistakes a general can make. Dismissal will cost morale, loyalty and cohesion.

31. – The paranoid assume predation, and so in their lack of finesse make their distrust obvious eliciting nought but disdain.

32. – If you want power you have to become highly resistant to provocation, the weak will always try to provoke you to siphon your

33. – Do not reward insolence, it is far more efficient to silently dismiss than loudly dispute. Shows of force are only necessary should one wish to set an example.

34. – Never reward passive aggressiveness, for it is merely a precursor to insolence.

35. – The fewer words you need to explain, the likelier you are believed. This is why honest justification is intuited as dishonest – it doth protest too much.

36. – It is pointless to explain why you’re rejecting somebody because they will disdain the rejection more than they appreciate the reasoning behind your decision.

37. – The rejected will use your reason for denying them as ammunition for a smear campaign; it is wiser to deprive them data than fuel their fire. Concealment trumps transparency in matters of rejection.

38. – You may be tempted to gloat about why you’re rejecting a person, but as a matter of class and concealment, know when to stop.

39. – Cost-benefit hassle to reward ratio, where hassle exceeds reward, association or investment is unprofitable.

40. – Be very suspicious of neutral people, but be as neutral as feasible yourself; polarise only when necessary.

41. – As a scientist tests his hypotheses a Machiavellian should test his strategies.

42. – Utilise ambiguity as bait to ascertain interest.

43. – You should be civil to strangers but it should not be easy to become your friend, only lower the drawbridge for the worthy. A man who welcomes everybody into his kingdom will soon enough have no kingdom to speak of; what is true of countries is likewise of men. Pick your friends carefully.

44. – The most common way people inadvertently reveal their hand is through projection.

45. – People’s assumptions normally stem from the opinions they hold of themselves, the more emotional the individual, the more likely they are projecting.

46. – The more people want to believe, the easier it is to sell; the less people want to believe, the easier it is to hide.

47. – Use finesse when asking questions, lest you grant the impression you’re interrogating and arouse suspicions.

OP don't be a fag, put this all in a text file and I'll actually read it.

48. – Do not quibble over small sums or tiny favours, for the pettier you are, the smaller you seem.


49. – Misdirection is superior to omission in matters of concealment.

50. – The quickest way to make an ally is to pay up, and the quickest way to make an enemy? Not paying up.

51. – In matters of negotiation, once you identify the insecurities of the other party you have the power. If they are timid, identify their insecurities and spontaneously demonstrate qualities that assuage their fears. If they are ruthless, leverage their insecurities to degrade their ability to negotiate for more favourable terms.

52. – Find out what a person wants and you’re a step closer to knowing what they need. From here discern what they fear losing, and what they want but can’t get. Wherever there is dependence there is fear, and wherever there is fear there is leverage. Find the fear and acquire leverage.

53. – Regardless of who you deal with, be he virtuous or unvirtuous, it always pays to know a man’s fears.

54. – Whoever is willing to go further will invariably win, for he who denies a winning strategy on moral grounds forfeits victory.

55. – Every powerful man needs a fall man, a man to commit dirty deeds on his behalf, for it is in this way he will evade the deposition that follows from hate.

You know what indigenous tribes did when they found a psychopath in their midst? They killed them.

Learning psycho narcissist here, a lot of this resonates with what i already think.
But i can't help but notice how it's basically telling me to give up of my narcissism, cause it makes me loud.
I'm open to suggestions.

It's funny because stuff like this comes from a place of weakness and is hardly alpha

have you read his books? Asimov is an over-rated hack, he wrote low brow pop-scifi for children.

intellectualizing things most people understand intuitively

this is all just armoring over a fundamental weakness in your social awareness

in the real world everyone ill almost immediately realize you are playing games, and like OP mentions himself in numerous posts, they will feel threatened and uncomfortable around you

Jesus christ…

Last and least.
Kill yourself.