2 things : The 'lowest common denominator' happens to form the backbone of America. Secondly, does this cripple even look out the window and see the state of Europe? Only asking this because he supports remaining in the EU.

There goes my respect for him.

Other urls found in this thread:

the memes never die

He's a idiot savant in theoretical physics.
The man can't even wipe his own ass.
Black science man is better on the "less-shit" scale.

Why are they asking a physicist for his opinion on politics?
Do they figure

hawking is another rich liberal who doesn't have to live the consequences of his chosen party's policies

he lives inside a gated complex in a very wealthy part of town far away from any threat

treat him like you would treat anyone else OP, its what cripples really want deep down.

Call him a faggot and laugh at his misery

Trump is

He's a fucking literal meatpuppet in a wheelchair wholly disconnected from the reality that normal people live in, who the fuck cares what the cripple thinks? He's a fucking theoretical astrophysicist, a bullshit artist on par with philosophers.

The media is so desperate that they are doing to sheltered crippled physicists for an anti-Trump soundbite.

Ask the secluded hardcore physicist about politics, splendid idea! I have a better idea though; let's ask another extraordinary genius who actually pays attention to politics, Bobby Fischer, his opinion on politics and jews.

Well now, I wouldn't say ANY kind of threat

There's still sidewalk pebbles and awkwardly-bent drinking straws to contend with

Isn't Hawking the guy that's afraid of aliens and believes robots can take over the world?


3rd thread about this


Because having a holywood movie based on your entire life isn't demagoguery.

Oh wow mister super genius thanks for the insight nobody has ever said something like that before. Truly with this unique proposition set before me I'm going to reconsider Trump and probably reject him. Oh wow. A demogogue. I've simply never had it put to me like that before. Thanks for sharing that big brain of yours with the rest of us, wheelchair science man!

Daily reminder, Hawkings was cucked by a fucking Anglican vicar, probably the most pussified and cucked of all clergymen.

He's just mad because Trump Tower is shaped like stairs.

fucking kek

Of all the scientists who feel like they should weigh in as authorities on subjects they are not an expert in, why are they almost always theoretical physicists? It's a field in which they're almost always wrong on their own shit and yet they still seek out more opportunities to be wrong.

ebin simply ebin

I wish Bobby was alive to start his own anti-Jew podcast



But that's right.. I don't see a problem

The memes are out of control!!!

Take away that fake voice he uses in his voice box and upload Moonman voice into it

At least good philosophers don't pretend that their theories are objective. But you can have a philosophy in dealing with things accepted as objective or a way of determining less subjective things.

Like for example I think that our input is entirely subjective, but can only occur because there is ultimately an objective reality illiciting these subjective perceptions.
What our eyes see isn't necessarily real, but our eyes must be real in order to see.
And we have agency in this by being responsible for our output, and affecting reality in the same way it affects us.

Can we just start calling all cripples honorary jews?

They seem to have a knack for stabbing folks that would listen to them in the back.


I don't want to sound like the old/pol/acks, but are you fucking retarded or a white nationalist?

Stephen Hawking has literally no political authority what so ever. No one should listen to a thing he says. The only field he should have any genuine authority in is theoretical physics. I find it incredibly pathetic how people think that his political opinions are somehow worth more than anyone's just because he's a "super duper smart science guy".

What is that? The heart of the card for ants?

I know, what we need is people that appeal to demagogues

Think about it. He's saying if you vote for Trump, you're stupid. You're not stupid, are you? Hawking's followers are people who want to feel smart, that's why they associate with him. It's an ingenious tactic.


Did this ever get finished?


trump's popularity is a reaction, whether or not he as president actually carries out the wishes of this reaction doesn't matter. notice how trump says, "its a movement", its because if he doesn't follow through with his claims after awakening the silent majority like gandalf before the king of rohan, the silent majority will become more incensed. the emergence of white tribalism is dialectically certain. the trajectory of the media organs and the dialogue of society; the progression of culture wills into being the reaction of white tribalism.

worse, it was a pic of drawing of a now-deleted youtube video that no one on Holla Forums seemed to find a sauce to after two days of search and shitposting


Kek. Underrated.


Maybe he became red pilled and globalist took control of his speech-generating device.

stop projecting, this isn't politics much less a demagogue

You think is a joke, don't you?
The chair and voice-box have been remotely controlled for years now.
A literal puppet figure.

Someone actually made a half way decent post on Holla Forums of all places the other day ago about that.

Then the thread went right back to shitposting.
>>>Holla Forums352726



One of his assistants will fix it without knowing and he'll have to be lobotomised like Tay.

Your sage is causing this bump

so effectively by saging this thread you kept it bumped for 8 hours

Demagogue? More like

Bullshit he can't, if he really is that smart, it's politics 101 for any generation that isn't massively-retarded like the current one is:

Leftist progressives hold power for a long time, they fuck shit up hardcore, everything takes a cannonball into the trash heap because of their actions.

People get sick of it, and give the rightist traditionalists their votes instead, because it's clear the lefties are a no-go now unless you want everyone to die, and at worst the right will be only slightly-better so it's a worthwhile gamble.

Rightist traditionalists get into power on popular vote, and start fixing the shit the lefties fucked up in the name of "muh equality", which unsurprisingly takes all of 5 minutes in the hands of someone sane and competent, unlike lefties who took decades to do basic shit-ruining because they're useless dumbshits.

Everyone is happy with the traditionalists in power for a while, until enough time passes that the kids don't know how the traditionalists saved their elders' asses from a communist nightmare world, and naively vote for the progressives because they have a good-sounding spiel of lies about equality and how the traditionalists are oppressive geezers.

Progressives get power once more. Jews eagerly rub their hands while masturbating into a pile of golden shekels, and prepare to really get started wrecking shit yet again. Rinse and motherfucking repeat, ad infinitum.

Also, in the case of extreme Jewing like Weimar that destabilizes things too heavily for the cycle to continue normally:

Progressives hold power unopposed due to apathy/rigging for so long, they get to institute every last retarded, suicide change they could ever want.

Society collapses under the weight of all this stupidity, and everyone's finances hit Zimbabwe levels of shit, causing mass starvation and other mass suffering.

"Far-right" (traditionalist, but fucking pissed in addition to normal traditionalism) leader shows up, and promises to not only un-fuck everything, but also to root out the source of the problem and deal with it.

Leader wins the vote by a landslide, and immediately names the root of the plague with clear evidence and conviction, which gets the people to believe him wholeheartedly rather than dismissing him, and efforts to cleanse this font of poison plaguing society go into motion.

A whole bunch of kikes wind up either riding out of town on free transportation so outsiders can deal with their useless asses instead of the nation while making them no longer a problem in-nation, or are masturbated to death with needlessly-complicated machinery, depending on which side of the story you're inclined to believe.

Neither case is a particularly-complicated or hard-to-comprehend series of events, which makes me wonder if either Hawking is a complete retard riding on fame, or if he knows damn well what's happening but is smart enough to not give away the course of events to the drooling, slack-jawed liberals begging him to save their stupid asses. I'm inclined to believe it's the latter option, since it'd be in-character for a massive genius to recognize getting smart and strong White men who aren't cucks into power benefits everyone (and especially him, i.e. Third Reich science programs), while letting women take power is pointing a loaded gun to everyone's head while the one holding the gun lacking any form of trigger discipline.

The pinnacle of retarded normalfaggotry. I'm convinced that your average normie thinks politics is one giant popularity contest of opinions, and the guy who's the smartest (doesn't matter what their specialty is) always has the correct opinion. Cut off contact with anyone who fucking goes along with this bullshit,


1. you have no face
2. you are not properly using the word arcane
3. you have no argument since hegelian dialectics is not fantasy



'murrica can't be saved.

If (((they))) actually are using Stephen as a meat puppet then I honestly can't think of a more despicable act.

that's a fate worse than death, to be trapped in your body with no way out. To so far gone that you don't even have the ability to kill yourself so you spend the rest of your days in ceaseless agony begging for end to your suffering. I knew the kikes were bad people but I honestly can't imagine how someone who even thinks of themselves as human would do such a thing.

im confused doesnt steven hawk voice moonman?




That's why he chose that particular voice modulator, easy way to claim innocence.

wasn't there a theory that steven hawking died years ago and he was replaced by a lookalike that had the same disease?

Yes, "lookalike".

A British amateur analytic philosopher and Theoretic Physicist was teaching a class on Bertrand Russell, known logician.

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Russell as the most influential philosopher of the 20th century, even more influential than Jacques Derrida or any other continental philosopher!”

At this moment, a brave Hegelian meme magician and shitposter, who fully recognized the weaponization and ideological basis of instrumental rationality, boldly stood up and adjusted his MAGA cap.

”My god, pure ideology! How can you ignore the work of Lacan like that? ”

The arrogant professor typed quite Jewishly and smugly replied “Continental philosophy cloaks trivialities in fancy language and uses the scientific-sounding term 'theory' to describe propositions that could never be tested empirically. ”

”Wrong. If empiricism is so important, as you would say, then how come you were so empirically wrong on the Trump candidacy?”

The professor was visibly shaken, and his copy of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus fell from his chair. He was rolled out of the room crying those unironic empirically verified crocodile tears.

There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Stephen Hawking, wished he could use his arms to pull himself up by his bootstraps and become more than an outdated theoretical physicist and publicity stunt wheeled out to display his blindly analytic philosophy.

He wished so much that he had an argument to save himself from embarrassment, but he himself had advocated for truth derived from empirical investigation!

The students applauded and all dropped out to support Trump 2016 that day and accepted French philosophy as superior to both German Idealism and the Anglosphere's Analytic traditions.

An eagle named “Unstumpable” flew into the room and perched atop an American flag and shed a single tear on the dropped chalk. Sections of Lacan's Seminars were read several times, and the Spirit of Hegel himself showed up and demonstrated the nature of dialectics so vividly that everybody in the room progressed to a trans-physical state transcending conventional notions of time and space.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day and was forced to doorstop to make ends meet.

Wew dood

found it

oh look a dude who literally can't do a single thing for himself, including breathing and eating, is giving us his political opinions.

but i shouldn't be surprised. all leftists are drooling retards.

I came

Say what you will about that cripple, he was pretty awesome in this song.

The same fedorafags who make fun of religious folks jerk off incessently to these theoretical physicists who mostly circlejerk over pet theories which are pretty much unproveable.

It's more that our brain has this want to try to make the sensory data it takes in as patterns and wholes, probably because doing so was evolutionary beneficial, but our brains will "see" patterns and wholes that aren't there. So, what our eyes see is real but what our brains see is often meta-narratives it makes up out of whole cloth to try and make coherent sense of disparate and chaotic reality.



They're getting desperate when they have to literally wheel out non-political celebrities to tell us how to vote. They couldn't get Hotwheelz - he's aboard the Trump train - so they had to settle for this joker.


i wonder what his perspective of the world is, being totally, absolutely, 100% sheltered and dependent on others. Think he's ever seen gore? Does he have any real friends?


Dunno if he's seen gore, but according to that biopic about him he learned about cucking first hand.


Y'know, I've been thinking. What's so bad about being considered a demagogue? It's lambasted all the time, yet all I've seen are some smarmy arguments and twisted google-tier definitions that amount to "Wow, your opinions align with the opinions of people who you want to support you? Dude it's the current year, come up with a REAL opinion."

Should you not wear the title of Demagogue with pride? Doesn't it mean that you're in line with the opinion of the people who matter: AKA the general public?

Well, that's not surprising since this cripple can't even explain quasars properly either.



Being liked by the people is bad goy, only the (((chosen))) should be important.


I get what's going on. The kikes are trying to bait Trump in to hitting back against Stephen Hawking, so they can then recoil in false outrage and exclaim "OY VEY YOU'RE ATTACKING POOR HELPLESS WHEELCHAIR CRIPPLE SCIENCE MAN!"


Hasn't this long been Holla Forums's suspicion? That once he went full veggie, the kikes took direct control over his computer and now he must sit there and be used as a false mouth piece for the ZOG with no ability to do anything about it?

He literally has actual goddamned handlers who are funded by the British government pretty much controlling every aspect of his life. I mean, he's an obvious meatpuppet. am Stephen Hawking. I am such a cuck that Microsoft Sam fucked my wife.

Who cares what this chair-cuck has to say? He's an expert on physics not people.

Could you redpill us on Lacan? What am I looking for here?


I thought Post-Structuralism was shit, but then again my first and only experience was with Jean muh simulacra Baudrillard.

Well according to (((google)))

So to normies it's an insult because you're irrational, because apparently all prejudices and popular desires are irrational. In other words, calling someone a demagogue grants you a holier-than-thou pedestal, ie virtue signalling.

Is it possible that he is completely braindead now and the ZOG just programs whatever they want him to say in the Moonman voice?

Jesus fucking christ how cancerous.
By the by, is it wrong of me to hate all sociologists? As far as I can tell all sociologists are fucking cunts that deserve nothing less than the gas chambers.

When is this twisted up cuck going to eat shit and die?

Just because this egg head understands the physical world more than we do doesnt make him "smarter" than you. Wow, he knows how to be a common cuck. Holy fucking wow….

Hitler dubs in ID confirms!
American Eugenics for 21st century!

Basically he wants for humans to one day colonize space. He realizes global economies are required to fund projects of that magnitude (look at today where most space ventures including spacex have global partnerships) and Trump's call for protectionism would reduce the efficiency of a global market.

A global market does seriously fuck over the American working class in a hard, bad way. We would probably do better colonizing Mexico and putting working jobs there under a separate but stable government.

not braindead, but they surely fucked with his computer programs


shut up you drooling spastic

That's not even a controversial statement. Trump is a textbook demagogue.

He's running for Office and can't afford to focus his attention on people with rare disabilities like Hawkins, because they are a tiny fraction of voters.
He has to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Looking back, when was ever a time when you could've trusted deformed and ugly person?


May these meme scientists and their faux religion burn down to the ground like ever other target Trump sets his eye on. The salt must flow!

This is laughable, what contribution have YOU made to science?

I understand there are PR/vocal/"social media" scientists, but there is a reason they are. For example his work in Black Holes has been VERY important for models of the universe… I cannot say I will use EVERYTHING Hawkins came up with, but the equation for Hawkins' radiation has been helpful on my work.


I scientifically proved your mother was a whore.

Shit, I forgot about HW. Truly an exceptional cripple.

he left us tho

And all his work on blackholes amounts to a pile of shit as it's all practically unprovable and untestable. Sure, the math works, but the math works on a lot of bullshit that turned out wrong and/or irrelevant.

He betrayed us.

How the fuck do people forget that he tried to get rid of Holla Forums and push /n/ as the new political board because we started going NatSoc instead of libertarian like he wanted?

Fuck I personally had him ruin my home board when he took it from the owner for no reason to give to some faggot tranny who kissed his ass on twitter.

He said a lot of good shit, but at the end of the day he just wanted to be twitter famous and didn't believe any of the shit he said.

I don't believe in black holes or dark energy or anything like that. These ideas are based on extrapolating from an extrapolation from an extrapolation from real data. Sometimes they are several levels removed from any real data and held up by a stack of unwarranted assumptions.

Your model are shit, retard.

Who is to say this guy is not some PR puppet?
For all we know he is a vegetable being directed by other people. Its the same feeling I got with the old pope ( John Paul)

America could have built a moonbase and been preparing to send manned flights to Mars by now if we'd been left the fuck alone and weren't coerced into economically propping up Mexico, Africa, and China simultaneously while also footing the bill for NATO and Israel and providing complimentary military protection for half the fucking planet.

These globalist science shills can kiss my white ass. They can claim they want to go to space all they want, but that's a fucking lie. They don't want us to go to space. They want us to go to space on their terms. They want us all to go there together, as equals, holding hands and singing kumbaya. They want to go to space and also have humanity exist in a state that has "moved past such outdated antiquities" as national identity and religion and racism. They want to go to space and also have no geopolitical conflict or tension between anyone. They want to go to space and also have no starving naked children in Africa.

In short, they want Star Trek. And this will never happen, because Star Trek is a bullshit commie Arcadia fantasyland that will never exist.

They want to believe we can only make it to space if we're all united in some sort of EU/UN Earth Alliance. That's complete and utter bullshit. At the very least, Germany, America, and Russia would already be expanding out into the solar system today if the globalists and kikes would have just fucked off. The British Empire and China would also probably be doing so as well.

If you can get a slightly less fume-huffing Globalist to admit that we could be in space by now, they will probably say that Nationalism is an existential problem, because we will just part ways when we reach space, with everyone of this race and culture going off in this direction, and everyone of that culture and that race going off in that direction.

To which I respond, so fucking what?

At the end of the day, the Globalist space spiel is about a very specific view of the future painted by closet Communist fiction writers and deluded Jews, which the Globalists view with great nostalgia. They don't want to live in a world where starving niggers get "left behind" as we reach out to the stars, because "no child should be left behind." They don't want to live in a world where different human galactic empires aren't united and singularly monolithic, because we all ought to be able to put aside our differences and hold hands like good little children.

Globalists are stricken with the same delusion as "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" Libertarians are. They want their beautiful monolithic vision of personal liberty married to global unity through shared interests. They fail to comprehend that this would only be possible if the numerous white races banded together and exterminated every last nonwhite on the face of the planet.

When we do reach Mars, and we will eventually, Indians will still be shitting in the streets and wiping themselves with their bare hands, and diseased nigger children will still be starving to death by the thousands in Africa. Nothing will change this. You can't un-nigger a nigger. You can't un-poo a loo. As a burger, I can say this with supreme confidence, because America has wasted untold billions in manpower, wealth, charity, and resources trying to un-nigger a very small minority of the total number of all niggers, and we have unilaterally failed to sway even 30% of their population into dressing themselves properly, working hard, and caring for their children. 14% of the population commits 70% of the crime. The attempt to civilize Africans has failed. America has proven that they cannot be civilized on our terms, and Rhodesia has proven that they cannot be civilized on their terms either.

Either kill them all and be done with it, or take them all and put them back in Africa with gunboats and drones to keep them contained, and let them do what they like on their ancestral lands.

Globalists, at heart, are the greatest and truest believers in the false god of Equality. They refuse to leave Earth until we have "set our affairs in order."

The very core of their entire premise is wrong. Which is why they will always fail. It is why they are failing now.

99% of white people need to be wiped out as well. They are nothing but dumb animals.

(((tptb))) are invoking a "genius" (anatomical nutcase) gatekeeper, this gives the left the perception that they are likely geniuses because of course this fucking wheelchair agrees with them

Filtered and reported. Be less obvious next time, Moshe.

I'm sorry to have contributed to this meme. I feel partly responsible for its existence and spread.

It's true, people are dumb, but the vast majority of whites are capable and willing to support these grand visions of the future. I don't know a single person that doesn't hate what they're doing. We've just been traumatized and bullied for so long that everyone is trapped in that abused adult-child stage. It's hilarious that even speaking out anonymously on the internet is seen as a revolutionary act and done with much trepidation.

The abusers, psychopaths, and subhumans need to be gotten rid of and kept out. They watch us constantly over inane bullshit. They're on the look out for 'terrorism' and other such nonsense when it has never been a problem in free white society. I'm afraid their hunger for power will not end in anything but death. They'll never swear off arms against their brothers. It's the very oath they took when they did take up arms. Who knows what to do or how to end this?

To be fair, the guy probably doesn't get out much.

JPII was pretty based in his anti-commie days; those last years he was just sleeping grandpa pope, if he was controlled, he was too busy in dreamland to notice or go along with it.

Lol, insecure much?

A cleansing solar flare from Helios to knock out technological society would be the end of them and the shadowy power structure they created for themselves. Though, that might be an overkill solution, but I like to think big.

I'm pretty sure Hawking is a literal puppet.

Oh no, guess I'm a renegade now!

Trump should respond with his idea for gravitational wave forms, and mid sentence stop and say, "Oh yeah, never a good idea to talk about something you have no idea about, Stephen". And by the way, you're a total light weight and you're no Richard Feynman.


I would fucking pay money to see that.

Demagogue: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.

The post racial president obama is a monument of demagoguery. Stephen hawking blinded by his progressive conditioning. Nothing special about Steven after all, except his needs.



It's an utter bullshit and leftist term, because who is to say that the popular desires and prejudices are ipso facto irrational?

God bless Roger Stone. He gets to say the stuff that even Trump wouldn't get away with.

Dopey Hawking can't close the deal on a small blackhole problem which he has worked on for years. Sad! #LowMobility.

Oh Roger Stone, you are such a badass motherfucker and Holla Forums's honorary grandpa.

Liberals learn their politics from people who specialize in shit-tier sciences.

Blackholes fuck, shit that even if they do exist are impossible to test any fucking predictions or theories on, might as well be studying how to divine the future in goat entrail. One day in the future, the actual study of blackholes might be possible, but anything that can be said about them at this point in time is pretty speculative and rather much the scientific equivalent of fan-fiction.

Yeah, well, the media called him an old paranoid fool where he was talking about the dangers of extraterrestrial contact and AI. Now suddenly they care about his opinions.

Well most people are the lowest common denominator, and appealing to them is a system we call "democracy".

I was just reading this Quora answer about Stephen (worth a read by the way)

And that particular top respondent was not at all impressed with much of Stephen's work, going as far to mention that at the masters level, you wouldn't really encounter many of his contributions. He's excellent, but not exceptional, and only really known to the public because of his accomplishments in spite of the disability.

So might as well have written a fucking treatise on how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

I thought Hawking had high IQ or something

Crazy stuff, and really it's good that we have some people thinking about it. The problem is when these celebrity scientists are used as props by the media to comment on other issues, that they know absolutely fuck all about.

If Stephen knows a significant amount about Donald Trump, I'd question why he wasn't spending more of that energy on his primary research.

Yeah, I've seen that one before. It's interesting to see how this is the only "peer-reviewed" answer (by their definition), as opposed to the following ones which are pretty much sycophantic cock-sucking.

High IQ or not, if you don't keep up with the news or make an effort to understand politics, you'll probably just fall for whatever the media is shilling.

I never take theoretical physicists seriously, unless its applied physics it doesn't matter
These are things Hawking actually believes

It's not that the kikes aren't human beings, it's that the goyim aren't human beings.

Not to be an autist, but God is separate from the universe, i.e., outside of it.

Jean Baudrillard's post-structuralist cancer was one of babby's first redpills for me, actually, in some backwards way.
The allegory of the map and the empire helped me realize that society is in an inevitable decay, and instead of rolling around in the decay like a pig in his filth, as the political left is doing, the only true way to fix it was ultimately to go into "regression", which apparently is the bad word in those pseudo-intellectual circles.
Despite the fact that the regression of society into something less degenerate is the natural conclusion of his allegory, people will do endless gymnastics to try and say otherwise.

Also, while it's the hipster shit of philosophy, post-structuralism gave me a perspective at the time that was something along the lines of, "If we broke it, and know the pieces, can't we put it back together?" Instead of thinking something marginally sane like that, adherents of that philosophy for whatever fucking reason want to fracture culture itself to an even greater degree.

Funny how the things most heavily designed to indoctrinate people can be some of the most effective redpills, if you already have the right mindset.

You respected him OP? Isn't this the goy that dedicated his life to support eistein numerology? He wasn't that great mind to begin with, (((they))) simply made him a celebrity, like einstein before him.

God IS the universe.

I bet 75% of Steven Cucking's property taxes go to schooling Mexican Children.

That's debatable.

More like

He is just a puppet with a team who talk for him. What a dreadful position to be in.

for all we know stephen hawking might be dead already and they use his body for propaganda

but muh magic cripple and muh magic negro

what a choke artist.

A great idea would be to stage a scenario where thug Mexicans and/or Congoids get to view hawking in full palsied glory while secretly recording them as they gloat about how they would love to stomp that ugly cracker, etc. Then go viral with it.

God is simultaneously transcendent over the universe and immanent within the universe.

Yep, the solution to post-modern deconstructionism is neo-traditionalist reconstructionism.

None of you know shit about the truth behind reality, nor can you. Implying that you do reveals that your judgment cannot be trusted.

Honestly I'm more likely to have a memetic pantheon than to believe anything monotheistic.
At the moment, I'm an agnostic.

I know what necessarily must be so and God must necessarily exist and must be simultaneously transcendent or immanent, no other option is possible. Honestly doesn't matter if it's actually so or not, the conceptual reality of it is necessary for moral thought to proceed.

Look, dude, I've been up for almost 24 hours, have only had a bowl of chicken noodle soup to eat, and I have the shits, so I think I'm in touch enough with the spiritual plane to make these pronouncements.

what would he even do with the girls?

Enjoy your equations now as Hawking has failed to be careful. He will probably not be making many more of them after January 2017 as the God-Emperor assumes power.

Deport foreign equations, make mathematics great again.

And what does Hawking think of the other two?

If Trump is a demagogue, what is Hillary?

What is Sanders?

Answer nobody cares what you think, they want to know what this old crippled genius thinks - yet the questions were not asked….. Wonder why?

I'm sure its not because this was a planned statement on behalf of a crippled leftist shill, quite recently on the Oliver Twist show, or whatever that limey faggots name is.

His words are even more disgusting than his crippled visage.

Fake meat puppet does what its told.

Proof that being an astrophysics wiz doesn't mean you know a thing about politics or political philosophy.

Pseudo-scientific theoretical physics crippled diaper man is stumped=

I'm pretty sure he can't even type anymore. I think he blinks Morse code and someone transcribes it.

He's just mad because Trump already made fun of cripples.

I feel this is literally because normalfags only know of Hawking as a genius, so they use him to sway them.

As a Catholic foe of eugenics, I point out that selecting for the most intelligent may just give us more conformist know-it-alls like Hawking.

Wrong nigger, the strongest countries (aka white and maybe asian) would already be in space instead of the GLOBAL COMMUNISM we have now.

Appeal to authority is all the libtards know.

How is this even possible?

Just like they do with Bill Nye the "I swear global warming is real and caused by cow farts!" science guy.


Hubris. If they understand the basic forces which shape the universe, they can explain everything that ultimately derives from it, or so they think.

Brit here, why do you Americans worship Hawking so much?

Outside of his admittedly impressive theories and the meme potential of his condition there's really nothing so ground-breaking about him. The best thing you could do is ignore and move on.

His head is in the clouds, just tink about it he is busy calculating stuff concerning the very fbric of the universe and never leaves his chair or appartment which shelters him from all the racial and social tensions.

Its like asking a late roman patrician about the details of small scale agriculture and peasant life. Something along the lines of "Eeekh, you mean the stuff dirty ples do? Dunnoh." will result from it even though more respect should be due.

You know, I actually kinda want this, just to see what the jews and other elites would do. I know that many of them are so reliant on technology now for their goals and plans and even their way of life, that I wanna see if they had a backup plan for an event wherein technological society has been busted like a damn watermelon.

I mean, just fucking imagine the technological blacking out of ONLY Europe. That in itself would be a massive catastrophe. All of the muslim shitheads in there would riot in the event that the technology bursts after they slowly realize that they have to survive in an air conditionless Europe.

This isn't getting into the fact that credit cards would be fucking useless in this event, which would be very bad for others heavily reliant on their cards. They'd be broke in an instant since the ATMs would be down.

Yes, this is truly an overkill solution, but damn, it really could work. And honestly, looking at this, I've gained more of a fear over EMPs. EMPs may not be able to physically destroy a large group of people like a nuke can, but it can sure as hell crush the way of life of anybody that's still not living in goddamn half naked tribes in the forests.


i knew i liked Holla Forums for a reason

Seriously, I heard him speak once. It was like a witchdoctor + wheelchair.

Trump is a demagogue.
That is exactly why we like him.

"A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace."

Are you going to get pissy when people call you a fascist?

Don't reject such terms.
Embrace them.
Only ((they)) would see 'demagogue' as an insult.

That atheist has still archieved more in his life than the dead kike on a stick you worship

He obviously lacks the ability to travel around his home country and see that there's not much left of it.

Traumatize them horrifically.

Does this mean we might see a Shillary/Hawking ticket? If that's the case I am now a #Hilldawg

You're pretty good! Considering your skills, I recommend pic related.

This faggot obviously got paid to say this, and to be honest CNN finally managed to say something that Trump has to think about before giving a good answer. To all you faggots who think this guy is serious and not paid, please go back to halfchan.

but user, hoiw can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

He made up a bunch of theories that some random Russian proved to be false. Good job, I guess.


Stephen Hawking playing politics is the perfect example of why being smart is meaningless without education.

Come on, science cripple! You got the answer right there in front of you. Just put two and two together!


Didn't Hawking's get beat up by his wife?

Stephen Hawking is yet another hoax played on the world. If anyone here believes that fraud is one of the smartest man in the world then you are an idiot. He's just a Jewish media creation like most famous people. The real Stephen Hawking died a long time ago.

Except when authority figures disagree with them. Then they get them fired.

Greatest blackest president of all time!!!

No, he is not. Your definition of demagogue is only partially accurate. The true definition is below.


: a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason

This is the opposite of what Trump is doing. All of his arguments stem from common sense rational polices, unlike most politicians. People's responses to him, on the other hand, are VERY emotionally charged.

You know what I like?
Healthy people.
Is Stephen a healthy person?
I respect Stephen, don't get me wrong but him being in a wheelchair is sad and weak.
He's low battery.
I tell you what I think.
Stephen Hawking is a cripple.
Yea you heard me.
A cripple.
And if his low battery voice team doesn't shut his mr. roboto mouth I'm suing them.
Do I have to?
But I will.
For all his money.
And his wheelchair.
Why the wheelchair?
Because I want to see the look on his face when he has to crawl to my VIP platform through 88 stairs on my inauguration day.

You know what I like?
Healthy people.
Is Stephen a healthy person?
I respect Stephen, don't get me wrong but him being in a wheelchair is sad and weak.
He's low battery.
I tell you what I think.
Stephen Hawking is a cripple.
Yea you heard me.
A cripple.
And if his low battery voice team doesn't shut his mr. roboto mouth or I'm suing them.
Do I have to?
But I will.
For all his money.
And his wheelchair.
Why the wheelchair?
Because I want to see the look on his doubles face when he has to crawl to my VIP platform through 88 stairs on my inauguration day.

Hawking is isolated from reality, he only gets paid if he says what the big wigs want him to say. Intelligent people of similar IQs who compete in the real world are not know it alls, they're Trumps: Competent in their fields and good at recognizing competence in other fields.


I think it's transcribed automatically.

Doesn't anyone brush his teeth?

He's just a guy that likes to talk and fantasizes about shit, nothing more.

I think you need to reevaluate ALL your old "heroes" user

Just like a liberal actors and entertainers. Good in their field, and retarded when they talk about Trump (Clooney) or saving the environment (DiCaprio).

As opposed to:



No he is british.

Once again the eternal anglo tries to sabotage his betters.

His career is also dependent to kikes. He would not want to end up like pic related would he?


Stephen Hawking is dumb

Come back when you can speak properly, you sexless freak.

This. HW is a hypocrite and a deserter.

And screencapped

Interesting pic…. made me think of something else.

The ease at which SJW's are convinced to attack their own civilization.

This shows how disconnected these people ae from reality like that bitch JK Rowling.

Hey, her books were pretty good before they got popular enough to be noticed by the propaganda patrol with infinite money.

How can he rape kids in his condition?

Hawking is good at telling you about radiation form black holes and virtual particles

He is not good at politics, and neither are any scientists for that matter.

Especially Al Gore.

How did cripplekike end up with a harem of flip trannies?

There is a documentary called murderball that shows how quadripalegics can have intercourse.

And then after-publication retcons ensued. I just pretend that libcunt didn't say her libshit.

Whites are genetically individualist and innovative. That makes us particularly susceptible to "MUH FREEDUMS OF EXPRESSION" "MUH TYRANNY OF TRADITION" "MUH PATRIARCHY" manipulation of the jew.

When the Greeks colonized the Med, they didn't do so as a united people.

When the Europeans colonized the world, they did so as bitter rivals.

The centralization of global economy and politics will only push humanity toward the same stagnation which prevented China from making good on its discovery of the Americas

Isn't is interesting that Trump's most virulent (google it Trumpers) supporters spend their internet energy in anonymous chat rooms that nobody gives a shit about? Sad. Even halfchan doesn't have as many Trump losers as this place.

When a lot of people use the word demagogue they basically mean a shameless liar who will say anything to get elected. This isn't that bad a read of the term but is totally irrelevant to how murrican politics work where people tailor their speech to some middleground between what the people actually want and what the (((party))) has trained them to say.

Sometimes I swear the longing for space from some circles is just tower of babelism. Like they've reverted to thinking that above the vault of the sky is the kingdom of God so if we send people up there they could live without want.

I could not even give a good squirt of piss for what this ancient hotwheels opines. All that twisted sperg does all day is sit around and think about stuff that makes no difference except for other autists dreaming about black holes and other meaningless stuff.


The physical universe + consciousness


>>>Holla Forums702690


Never mind

thanks, hawking. you logic is as always infallable.

he's a bizzare con-man, that much is true.

what's wrong with nazi stormtroopers?
we are getting new world order stormtroopers soon anyway, so it's best if we get nationalist, volkish ones.
network based libertarian life isnt working out that much is it?

gas the kikes

hawking needs a class on persuasion: nobody is rational
that's why "demagoguery" works
what he fails to see is that a large part of Trump's voter base knows this
we know he's a demagogue
we dont care
Trump is risky, and in times of utter corrupt fall a risky demagogue is our best bet
unless you have a real leader to show for

It is the not so comfortable truth of democracy that it is better to be convincing than simply tell the truth. Truth is at times uncomfortable, often too mundane and boring. A demagogue is nothing more than the classic greek ideal of someone with good rhetoric. The word demagogue is pretty much a doublethink in and of itself, as all the kikes, all the liberals in power you see today are demagogues by the very definition. They distort the truth in favor of the reality they wish to shape, but use that very apt description of who they are with a negative connotation to smear their opponents.

It's a linguistic trap. If the opponent recognizes the obvious irony in the situation, him calling the liberals demagogues is simply perceived as the classic "no u" retort we all know and love, and we very well know how credible it makes the one who says it, right?

Democracy, even in its inception, is about convincing the crowd that you are right and that your vision for their all collective future is the correct one, using any means necessary - it's just that some of those means are seen as unsavory and better avoided.


ill lowest common denominator his skeleton ass and shit if anything id find a big ill a tire and some tape, fuck you hawking,

Lowest common denominator is just a new buzzword for them. It's just a pretentious way of saying "TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE STUPID!!!"

I really fucking hate when physicists think that their opinion on non-scientific topics matters. Hawking's philosophical writings are stoner tier. His political opinions I assume are even more puerile.

His life has been informed by his petty grudge against God and he will be forgotten about when he's dead.

I never noticed but even in shitty skyscraper architecture Trump has good tastes.

It's like being called a "narcissist", there are positives to being a narcissist. Narcissists get shit DONE.


He's a great man abomination when it comes to science, but I don't know why he'd think he's capable when it comes to politics. If everyone treats you as if you're the epitome of intelligence, you start to believe it, I suppose.

He made lots of correct predictions as well. Hawkin Radiation is an example.

I admire his intelligence, but you must always remember this is a man who has relied on socialism for the last 40 years of his life. He is tainted by it. For this same reason he backs staying in the EU.

So much for the genius.

I think every pollitical candidate in the 19th century has been a demegauge. At least with Trump we actually have a chance at protecting our country from the horde.

Tl;dr Hawking is heavily sedated and a team of writers is behind his robot voice.

21:45 onwards
Hawking: I know why you are doing this to me
Hawking: Don't play their game
Hawking: You'll all be killed

