So I'm curious about something, Holla Forums. In your opinion, which is worse: today's SJWs or the hippies of the 1960s...

So I'm curious about something, Holla Forums. In your opinion, which is worse: today's SJWs or the hippies of the 1960s, and why?

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Same cancer.

SJWs are more likely to take a shower once in a while and don't wear patchouli so there's that

same flavor of zero character, high insecurity social signaling. different clothes.

one is a mutated descendency of the other

The SJW of today have literally got nothing but nagging, at least the 1960's of yesteryear had good music and kicked off environmental awareness. It also seems that the SJW of today are extremely hateful, unlike their 60's counterparts.

Both misguided youth though

Hippies at least had killer music and a cool aesthetic

How are they different really?

SJW's were raised by the hippie generation.
If not the hippies became teachers and taught Drama or art classes and infected the youth with their equalizing rhetoric.

Beatnick = Hippies = Hipsters = SJW

just like:

Global Cooling = Ozone Layer = Global Warming = Climate Change

Just like

Marxism = Soviets = New Left and Neoconservative = Globalism = Democratic Socialism = Death of 200 million people last century.

The beats.
Intellectually stunted snowflakes far worse than hippies or SJWs due to their pretentious as fuck art.

treat diseases not symptoms.

I'll give hippies some credit, they actually did shit. The was a significant contingent that was always planting gardens, building things, or starting screwy businesses. It was often kind of fucked up, like this one couple my parents knew who wanted to build, like, a super energy efficient dome house to, like, save the planet, man. Place kept heat so well they had to open the windows in the winter and it was uninhabitable in the summer but it least they would do shit other than pissing and moaning. Hippies also tended to be more politically diverse and some of them were even pretty red pilled. Our old house was wired by a hobo electrician who set up everybody's houses so that everything possible was charged on the off peak meter (to, like, fight the corporations' energy monopoly, man). He ended up moving to Africa to help out the Rhodesians or something.

I can't imagine the current crop of SJW poofters competently running a vegetable garden let alone building or wiring a house.

Hippies were rebels. They were delusional, but they at least had pressure to be original. They were lazy, but it was before being lazy was socially rewarded.

SJWs are coddled social joiners each vying to be the most current in the current year. They're delusional because it's easier than thinking. They're lazy because it's how you get ahead.

SJWs are farther left, but I feel like hippies both left and will leave a bigger impact on culture. It goes both ways, depending on how you look at it.

Aren't they basically the same thing, and don't they also serve the kikes in the same fashion?

Ketchup and catsup.

Today's sjws are far far worse.

Hippies were nutjobs, but they loved nature, homesteading, psychedelics, guns, fishing etc, and we're harmless tbh fam.

Today's sjws are self hating virtue signaling traitorous cucks, who are driving whites and western civilization to anihilation.

Good music!? Good aesthetic!?!
They never bathed and dressed like their were wearing vomit! Their music was degenerate manufactured by top jews and full of marxist ideology. Their causes were identical to that of SJW's.
No there is nothing good about hippies and their modern component the SJW, they are both the same animal.

You hippies and SJWs need a one way helicopter ride.

which is worse, the cut or the infection?

many people here believe that sjw is the continuation of hippies, but from my degenerate modern life, I can say that the direct continuation of the hippies are not SJW but the average person going to rave under a bridge, which consist of a varied type of people with varied point of view about everything. Some ends up natSOC, some end up anarchist or catholic or liberal. They just are the people that took a shittone of drug and believed to save the earth.

SJW are the mix between a socialist college kid of the 60s and 90s consumerism. A social-liberal enjoying cultural capitalism. Fights social issue and feel good about consuming shit product from starbuck as long has it donate 1$ to africa for each cup. Living in a delusional safespace. They fight for environnement buy buying green product instead after a village. THey don't wanna quite the city. They can only survive in cities because there's no modern bar in a village. The only skill they learned in uni is to get debt and gender inequality.

the infection. A cut is just suffering. You need to suffer to evolve. You need the cut heal correctly in order to say that you have evolved. A cut can also be a war, civil war, economic crisis. If the cut gets infected, you might die. If you die or get too weak, you haven't evolve, you haven't learn. You died because of a cut you didn't understand. You haven't healed the right way.

instead of starting a village*

The hippie dream is going out into the woods and starting, building, or working on a self-sufficient commune with free love and drum circles. That's their thing.

The SJW dream is taking over someone else's already popular thing (because they aren't creative enough to come up with their own, and building stuff is work) and ruining it by turning it into a corrupt Ponzi scheme with themselves at the top. And if you tell them to pls go, you are a literal rapist that deserves to be harassed and bullied because THEY are the true victim here, and DESERVE to be in charge of YOUR thing (even if you made it yourself from scratch), because they are a blue hair dragonkin, the most oppressed gender on earth, and therefore everything you produce is their birthright and if you aren't fulfilling their every whim it's literal rape. That's Social Justice folks.

I like hippies, they go out and do their own thing on their own time with their own labor, more power to them. But SocJus is a literal cancer in society.

SJW's. At least the 60's hippies were mostly h'white. SJW's are all lolcows, trannies and shitskins. At least with a hippy chick you could beat some sense into her and have a nice white girl, with SJW's you've got shit skin, tats, gauges etc. I.E. no redemption possible.

SJWs by far. Cops routinely beat down hippies, but nowadays they defend SJWs and let them beat Trump supporters because DEY WUZ ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS.

wow that's a tough one
they're both insufferable, but I'd say today's are worse, since they're more explicitly anti-white male and are also pro tranny shit etc

there are a ton of parallels though, especially with jewish agitation/ringleading, the worshipping of niggers and all the commie shit

Hippies pushed forwards the ideology that has created SJWs


Hippies were harmless fuckwits with low personal hygiene and propensity to have unprotected sex in the mud while at a Jimi Hendrix concert.

SJWs are organised, goal-oriented, subversive and largely sexless crypto-Marxists.

Mom was a hippie here in the Bay Area in the 60s,

She talked about how people still didn't hang around niggers, even love and peace and shit.
She partied with the Dead, Joplin, Grace Slick tons of fucking names, and there were rarely niggers around, if at all.

But there were a lot of Jews.
I'd love to explain more but I gotta run


Yes, but they stink. Bad.

This. They are the same cancer caused by the same toxicity. The Jew.


in the 60s you could beat them publicly and the cops would most likely join you.

SJWs are worse. Hippies were at worst lost productivity and didn't (generally) crusade against the heavy lifters of society. SJWs run a scorched earth policy against all non-SJWs while simultaneously being completely dependent on the non-SJWs to maintain their lifestyle. If it works, a SJW wants to break it.

oldfag hippies wanted to smoke pot and smell bad.
newfag hipsters want to look good while destroying the world.

They ((( literally ))) did the same shit SJWs do today.

By far the SJWs of today.
Look at some stupid hippy bs propaganda from way back when. Nothing about anything other then poster bored signs, useless protesting, "jam outs" and a haze of pot/peyote smoke. Pointless ass do nothings who did nothing in large groups.

SJWs of today get people fired well openly practicing and promoting shit that only hippy trash fucked on LSD would dream about.
The hippy of yesterday would protest the SJWs of today
~ My 70 Y/o mother

You are right, hippies did things. There was a huge arts and crafts movement during the late 60s - mid 70s where everyone was making things, from needlepoint to latch-hook rugs and macrame plant holders. People made quilts, people embroidered their clothes, people learned how to sew so they could make their awful daishikis and bell-bottoms until the commercial market started pumping them out like hotcakes. My grandma was way into making things out of recycled goods and when she died in the early 00s I found a 70s coke-can-and-macrame hat, a coke-can airplane mobile that my granddad made, a billion-foot-long chain made out of pull tabs, and another one made out of gum wrappers (not sure what she had intended to do with those). My grandma was in her 40s in the 1970s, so these were all hippie-inspired rather than genuine hippie work.

Grandma also left behind a shelf full of vintage hippie-crafts books that taught beginners how to do all these things.

Hippies were not adverse to learning, nor were they adverse to doing things (although they were adverse to getting jobs). They wanted to make the world better, not tear it down like SJWs. It's a shame that all they managed to do was fuck the world up.

Neo-hippies are cancer though. Take away every positive thing about hippies and leave all the negatives, like laziness, rudeness, and pot-smoking, and that's your neo-hippie.

Hippie music is awesome. Not all hippies were leftists. A lot of hippies were ex veterans, bikers, social rebels, who hated or at least were neutral to leftists.

Many of them brought American and Canadian folk music and Southern Culture and Rural Culture into the mainstream in a positive way.

As another user said, they did a lot for environmentalism.

All of the cultural marxist kike shit was more among urban leftist Jews. That strand entered into the general society and persisted.

Decorating Christmas Trees

My parents were hippies too. My Dad denies it and says he was a "long hair". Smokes pot, sells pot, listens to the Doobies, but conservative as hell and will knife a criminal spic or nigger if they get too close.

He used to fight with cops at Stanford, but it was more for fun than any real political position. He was against Vietnam because so many of his friends died though.

A lot of people avoided the hippie label.

1960's hippies were fairly live-and-let-live types and they were often too fucked up on drugs to really do anything. They were like non-cancerous tumors. They also played a roll in ending (((Vietnam))), which was a good thing.

SJWs are pure terminal stage cancer. But they're also directly are descended from hippies, so who's ultimately worse?

I can't tell.

It started out a very positive movement. If many Holla Forumsacks were alive then, they would probably be hippies. In the beginning it was edgy to be a hippie.

Shit got out of hand when drugs began to proliferate. I mean hard drugs like heroin and hard drinking too.

There was a lot of spirituality and positive vibes, love of nature, communal charity and service to you fellow man.

I don't agree with the loose sex though.

Most hippies hated the establishment but were not "leftists" at heart. They became conservative in the 80's, once they had children.

Hippies should have been dumped into the oven. Don't buy into the kikes' nostalgic astroturfing. Their degenerate ways didn't bring about any meaningful change and only served to cultivate a society that crumbled from its former glory because of their greed, cowardice, and faggotry.

They did totally sell out. Personally I blame cocaine. They were all right when they were just smoking pot and taking acid, but once they got a hold of cocaine, they turned into the "fuck you, got mine" generation. All that conservatism was just a cover to keep the cash rolling in so they could get their next fix.

Deep down they were horrible selfish people or it wouldn't have turned out that way.

Pretty sure that was Teddy R who kicked off environmental awareness, it was with him that the whole conservationist movement really began in earnest.

I don't know. I grew up in the SF bay area and was surrounded by real hippies, the old hippies. My family was connected to Santana and many of the bay area bands.

They're not SJW's. Many are classical liberals, but you would be surprised how many are open minded conservatives. Some are even downright Holla Forums tier country boys, totally red pilled.

There are places like Berkeley, where far leftist hippies congregated and built a fortress of ideology. These are the ones that spawned the SJW's through the academic channel.

I think SJW's are more the spawn of kike Hollywood and the general left leaning culture of the greater society.

I would say Kikes and Feminists are more directly responsible for SJW's.

Hippies are responsible for the Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam War protests. Most of the other shit is grand kikery.


That piture isnt actual hippies though, but latter day fuckers who don't really know jackshit about hippies dressing and acting like they assume hippies dressed and acted. I mean, hippies are shit, but they're not this level of shit.


True both suck. but since whole world sucks now more? SJWs.

Hippies aren't all that bad. If it's a choice between a shroom taking, spiritual, pro-environment vegan hippie, and an SJW… I mean, the choice is so obvious I don't even think it needs to be said.

Not all Holla Forums users are anti-drug and stuff. I actually like almost all the hippies I've met, even the dumb, LSD-fried types. I actually like really pro-environment people. I can handle that, at least it's a positive cause for the most part. I love nature.

Whereas SJWs are literally nothing more than the human equivalent of what you scrape out of the bottom of a trash can. That's just my opinion. I couldn't possibly have a lower opinion of a non-criminal person than some of the worst SJWs. I see them as fundamentally disgraceful.

neo hippes Kek

Underrated post.

Civil Rights Movement was already over when the hippies first emerged in the late 60s and the anti-Vietnam War movement had already begun, by principled clean-cut young gentlemen in suits before the hippies came in and pretended to be political while all they were really about was doing what they wanted without obligations.

This. What makes a hippy isn't identity politics - at all. That's just a hippy who happens to be an SJW.

I define a hippy as someone who takes hallucinogenic drugs, or did at one point in their life, follows some sort of Eastern spiritual philosophy in one way or another, and who is very environmentally conscious - tends to love nature.

Anything past that is just a variant on the theme. I personally agree with all of the above. I'm pro-drugs, pro-nature, and pro-spirituality. I guess that means I have to be gassed or something.

If I was Fuhrer I would give the whole population a dose of shrooms once a year. Make it a national holiday.

The civil rights movement was never run by the hippies! What a load of horseshit!

The hippies were useful morons for the real players… the communists. The communists from the academy and elsewhere weren't taking drugs. They had shit planned out and they manipulated things like they always have.

Thought y'all knew this by now.

Nigga I'm not saying old school hippies are SJWs, I'm saying they spawned SJWs.

CRM was pretty much over by 65, hippies didn't really emerge as a cultural phenomenon until 67 or 68, I forget which summer it was when they became a thing. Also, anti-Vietnam War movement had been going for years and was respectable as fuck until hippies horned in on the action and made it into a fucking spectacle.

A hippy is someone that didn't care about getting dressed all professionally all the time, was into letting their hair down, enjoyed a more earthy vibe, and got more into exploring an artistic side of themselves along with being a lot more peaceful.

SJWs just are into cultural Marxism. They don't care being peaceful, artistic, or care at all about enjoying everyone's style.

SJWs are just worse in every regard. They aren't about creating any cultural wave, but rather tearing down culture and treating it as something to be denigrated.

SJWs for sure. Hipsters are pure cancer; at least the hippies liked the outdoors and shit. Also, the hippies actually had something to complain about (Vietnam/Technocracy), whereas the SJWs just make crazy shit up

I see it differently. The 60's were a time of social change. The commies and Jews were pushing their shit full steam, but there were also Jesus Freaks, Eastern Mysticism, a romanticizing of traditional rural conservative America. There was all sorts of shit going on.

There were very positive forces, spirituality, nature, artistic creativity, brotherhood, non-interventionism.

Many of the Ron Paul Libertarian values could be labelled "hippie".

There was also Jew Kikery happening en masse, perverting the movement, with individuals like the Frankfurt School directing the students into Marxism and Communism, but there was also resistance to that

There was also devil worship and cult suicides and all sorts of crazy shit.

They couldn't put their finger on it then and we can't now. to say it was all Marxist or Kike driven is a little conspiratorial and not that accurate.

Were they misled? Yes, but there was a spirit at the time that was driving everyone towards metamorphosis. Some took the high path, some the low.

Vietnam vets werent spat upon. Historians looked for evidence of that in newspapers and wouldnt find any proof of that

Honestly, Ron Paul Libertarianism is shit too. I'd have voted for him over Romney or Obama, but that ain't saying much.


My father was a hippie. Now he hates hipsters, sjws, homos, jews, denies holocaust and roots for people like Putin and Trump, says that hippies in his time were better and had higher morality.

I kinda look through his past, and see that he was a hippie solely for sexual revolution reasons, to protect the right to casually fuck with girls before marriage. I hate him for this ideology, and he scolds me that i am still a virgin, and not degenerate like he was.

Those movements started earlier, but the hippies embraced them.

Lots of hippies wore suits and were professionals actively engaged in these movements. The external cultural frills such as long hair and bell bottoms came in the late 60's. It was often the same people just different dress.

Yeah being a hippy was just a cultural movement.

SJWs are without culture.

Someone mentioned on the city data forums for chicago how the greasers and other blue collar white youth on the north side became hippies, but were still able to fight - so there were times where flower power kids got into all sorts of brawls which didnt fit the stereotypes

Reminder that some of the original founders of the Libertarian Party were (reformed) New Leftists

Wandervogel were predecessors to hippies with the back to nature mentality of germanic youth. Happened around the same time of Theodore Roosevelt

They're the parasitic boomer population that became the gatekeepers of today. Their political movements were even more violent and insane (relative to the time period). The marxist leaderships that lead these retards were largely compromised of yids.

Fuck the music and the 'culture'. Everything that wasn't instant gratification was 'fascism' and the ills of today were set in motion by their retarded ideas and theories they cooked up back then.

Video fucking related

I dont think ive seen pro drug war posts on pol but i dont post here much. Yeah this board still is highly libertarian

Timothy Leary said basically everyone should tune in drop out etc. Yeah he was crazy but he had a lot of red pill knowledge (in the original matrixy sense not the alt right definition)

SJWs are worse, at least the hippies made some good music.

I agree. There was a broad spectrum of hippies.

SJW's are an impotent psychologically weak form of American ANTIFA. (is triggly puff a genuine threat or a joke)

They imagine themselves to be in line with the Jew driven student radicals who aligned themselves with the Black Panthers.

The BLM see themselves as a modern Black Panthers, but they are also impotent and a joke. They have nothing to really complain about so they imagine persecution like a bunch of toddlers at play.

Feminists see themselves as a modern incarnation of the 60's feminists, but with horned rimmed glasses and problem hair. Older feminists even see them as fucking nuts.

It is more a bunch of frustrated brats pretending they are spearheading a rebellion when really everyone is just mocking them and getting entertainment from them.

Okay, now i know that Jews are blue. Thanks.

That shit would have been reported on if it was real

Okay, now i know that Jews are blue. Thanks.

No it wouldn't have. The press was entirely run by anti-Vietnam commie propagandists and they wanted to pander to their readership. They would never dwell on a small incident like someone spitting on someone else at a protest and write a story about that. Especially when it paints their side as petty, cruel, and stupid.

Funny, that was said about a lot of the 'mai 1968' movement people in France. Mai 1968 was a giant, basically anarchist communist protest ehich almost overthrew DeGaulle's governmente. They (protestors) just spouted marxist rhetoric so they could get access to the female dorm rooms and whatnot. I dunno how true that was but someone said that before

CCR is a good example of hippies romanticizing good ole' boy white american country culture.

They are all from the Bay Area but deliberately sing about Louisiana with a southern drawl. They glorify and represent everything Kikes fucking hate and want to destroy.

In Haight Ashbury, there were doctoral students from UC Berkeley who went into the city to help set up free medical centers and whatnot

pick one you retarded doublenigger

Masterful shiv user. Wielded like a surgeon's scalpel.

Funny how lolberts (i know half of this thread is em) is anti state until its black people rebelling. Then its "dindu nigger nigger nigger"

The press was solidly pro war until the Tet Offensive, when it waned. Furthermore there were always local newspapers and regiomal ones which wouldn't be full of "commie propagandists"

And those are what we call "degenerates".

I do wonder what people will say about SJWs in like 50 years or so, arguing that they created chiptunes in aughts and presided iver the popularization of video gaming. And people will argue that no the SJWs fought the original creators, or the original creators were what cpuld be considered SJWs, and whatnot. Hmmm

Being a busybody who sticks his nose into what a man and a plant do in private is pretty degenerate, too.

Not at all. Libertarianism is a cancer.

Thats because the hippies were colonizing black neighborhoods and colonizing them aka gentrification prototypes.

My grandmother and uncles said the hippies on the south side of chicago didnt mess with them it was just white kids smoking weed lel

SJW's are insignificant and the punchline of the Obama years. Hippies were part of an actual movement.
It depends how you define worse. I think the SJW's would be much worse if they weren't such a joke, because they're fundamentally against ideas like free speech, but that's also part of why they're such a joke. Hippies just wanted to do drugs, have sex, and tell everyone to fuck off.

weather underground was that as well (coddled kids who were shit at revolution). A bit incompetent as revolutionary communists, compared to say Red Army Faction or even Japanese Red Army for that matter. The black nationalist groups were more effective, even symbionese liberation army which was mainly white lol.

Tell us more later

Makes sense. A lot of hippie asthetics filtered into general american culture. I.e. Hulk Hogan looks a lot like the biker in as well as the biker astietic. Given Hells Angels was security for one fest which went bad, its not surprising to see a synthesis of flat out right wing outlooks with 'hippie chic' (ted Nugent, etc)

I forgot: hulk hogan as well.

My leftist professor said there was not one recorded incident of a hippy doing something like spitting on a Vietnam veteran.

It must be right if school says it tho

Busybodies are SJWs, sticking their nose into shit that they don't belong. Some busybodies progressive moralizers tried to attach themselves to the NSDP at one point, too, and were roundly told to go screw themselves. I'm sure someone has the image of that story.

I can't make heads or tails of your post. Lay off the drugs.

Little drunk now, but lemme see.

So there was a reason, that during the Rolling Stones show at Atlamont in NINETEEN SIXTY NINE, they still had the Hells Angles doing security.

Now yes its true the HA kinda muscled their way in there saying "We are going to do this or else"
But it was also because the people still weren't cucked as much. They knew niggers were bad news. Hell they didn't even have Mexicans. My mother was at this show too (she was dating an HA at the time)

But the main reason that nigger got stabbed was because he was there with a white woman.
People talked, and the HA listened.

As much as they wanna talk love and understanding during the 60's, I have nothing but stories about how they straight did not trust niggers. Some even didn't trust Jews, but you had bands like Peter Paul and Mary, Arlo Guthrie, and others that were very good (but guess what? Peter, the only Jew in the band was convicted for sexual misconduct with a minor later on, fucking pervs).

So I say, as bad as Boomers may be, and I assure you most as voting Hillary, deep down, they don't trust Jews, and will only say blacks are fine as long as they don't date their daughters. They are very superficial

Can you tell us more stories of how they didnt trust "niggers"?

Yeah I remember the hells angels bullshit.

In the end it boils down to the same thing.
Here's Zappa describing what a hippie is:

As you can see they are quite similar, but SJW's take the cake when it comes to sucking ass. They have access to all the knowledge of the world in a shiny little box, yet they use it to vent their teenage angst under a #smashcapitalism. Jesus, if you were a hippie with an interest in the world, you'd be barred from the library.

Also, bear in mind that they are both movements with strong ties to the military-industrial complex. Not that the hippies or SJW's are all under the control of some jewish boogeyman but one has to wonder where they get their money. Pic related is a good book on the subject, except when he talks about Zappa, who he clearly doesn't grasp the caracter and temper. Here's a video for a quick summary

This thread sheds some light on the methods used by the ruling networks and organizations to put the white youth to sleep. Ultimately, they are the most powerful force in world history and controling them is worthwhile if you have some kind of mega plan for world domination. Drugs and free-love look rad and cool but in the end they just destroy the society in which they are introduced.

It's the SJW's, no question. How many hippies fought against free speech, free association and violently censored others with different opinions?

SJW's are fucking authoritarian maniacs and they need to be stopped.

Hippies were a movement started by the CIA to distract from the (widely accepted and straight laced) anti-war movement.

To what extent have the SJW's been created by intelligence agencies remains to be seen.

The hippies were at the least libertarians.

They are identical to one another. All you people saying the hippies were these harmless people are just buying the pretentious image. They were the original OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN campus police, the original "student activist"s. Both of them are mindless conformists out to destroy the west.

Some hippies had functioning communes, I can't imagine SJWs having a functioning anything.

Hippies were better. At least hippies pushed for a better understanding of psychadelics and cannabis. SJWs have contributed nothing and will contribute nothing.

Is /Pol for real? Are you really this fucking un-educated about the hippie and culturally revolutionary movements of the 60's?

Search for the cultural revolution. Grab one of the recommended books and READ. Get a clue about what the supposed hippie-movement created.

You claim to love the aestethics of the 1950's, well it went away with a swoop with the hippie movement. Along with things like strong family-bonds, kids behaving and not acting up against authorities, schools being well disciplined areas etc.

The hippie movement was a product of the Frankfurt school.

Sure the SJW's are a bunch of fucking retards that is not even worth the lead of a bullet that should be going into their skulls. But don't sit here and romanticize one of the worst cultural revolutions since the sexual revolution of the 1920's.

The hippie-movement is in a matter of fact largely responsible for families and the local bonds in society being so fucked up nowadays, along with the schools etc. It's largely the reason why we are in the shitter and people doesn't assemble and take up their pitchforks and storm the castle.

This, underlining the importance of psychedelics and all what it entails in counterculture back then (basically the experience of entheogens, the rest is basically either a moronic pastime or natural remedies). Today SJWs are superficial, unoriginal, severely retarded, greyface morons.

SJW's, hands down.

In defense of hippies, they at least started with the goal of wanted to better themselves through never-before-seen means of expanding their minds with the new psychedelics. A few of them succeeded, but since no one really knew how to use those compounds yet, there was an unsurprisingly high casualty rate.

SJW's are literally just mewing kindergarteners.

SJW by far. Hippie chicks were just on drugs and wanted to fuck sometimes. SJW are ugly, miserable and will claim rape if you dislike their comments on Twitter.

yes because in 50 years or so people like Milo Yiannopoulos will be considered social justice warriors

Hippies were not "culture of critique" style all out negative destroyers, but they were still massive cunts.

Wow, this thread is getting heavily shilled by faggots.

I thought /Pol was educated, had red-pilled people here and such. Haven't you read culture of critique? Revolution from Above etc?

The cultural revolution of the 60's , which the hippie-movement, no matter what sweet memories you have experience, your parents have told you about, music you like etc, has had an enormous impact of society today.

The SJW's ain't shit compared to it, even though they are a bunch of walking, talking retarded zombies.

Both suck.
The hippies set the stage for all of this to happen. If they had never existed, the world would probably be a better place.
SJWs are just the logical continuation of what the hippies started.
