Liberal Madness

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Now they're just being blatant

Meh. I'd expect no-less from Marvel.

So, do you think that executives at Disney are responsible for the mess in Marvel's writing recently?

Marvel's CEO is actually friends with Trump and donated money to him, so no. This shit is entirely them

Holy fucking shit. This is why Trump gets popular, for anyone confused. Barack Obama fistbumps SpiderMan and Justin Trudeau joins Alpha Flight while Donald Trump is beaten by a proud minority symbol of America while being called a literal nazi. It's so fucking cringe inducing I want to vote Trump just the people responsible can complain on twitter for 4 years.

Do it. Give them something to actually complain about.

There's no point not to. Trump is the only viable candidate compared to Shillary and zombie Bill Clinton.

I tried to explain the same underlying point to a typically liberal friend of mine the other day, and he just kept repeating that "racists" and "xenophobes" are voting based on fear, and therefore democracy sucks.

So, how soon until we get to see the full thing, and it turns out that Trump-MODAAK's dialogue consists entirely of sensible and widely-held political opinions standing opposite to those of the liberal writer(s), therefore being considered wrongthink and portrayed like it's coming right out of an inexplicably-angry Hitler caricature's mouth?

I can't wait to see, personally. It's going to be a total repeat of the "Red Skull has a good point and is a good speaker" fiasco, except worse since it's blatantly a relevant political figure being depicted as an asshole rather than a total OC spewing others' words so they sound bad, and before that whole shitshow's even really over with.

The only way they could possibly make it any more of a mess would be to scream out "HEY GUYS, GAMERGATE IS EVIL BIGOTED NONSENSE, THIS IS FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S TOTALLY STILL RELEVANT TO BASH, RATHER THAN TAKING WILD STABS AT A BOOGEYMAN", and I'm not sure they'll even have the tiny amount of restraint needed to keep from doing that on top of everything else they're fucking up.

It's because all they have is that rhetoric. They yell racist racist racist over and over. Makes jokes about him being racist, make comic books about him being racist. Meanwhile people are getting really sick of being called racist.

But finding another angle means actively putting work into political research on whether his ideas would concretely work out or not. And we're not a country where young people give that much of a shit when we can just see what jokes the TV man said about it. Is the company the tv man works for aiding a certain political candidate? Why even bother looking that up? Hilary tweeted 'delete your account!' laugh out loud!

If anything, it's showing just how petulant and afraid of any sort of political discourse these people are. I'm not a political guy by any means, but we're at the point where name calling doesn't do shit anymore. Calling GamerGaters sexists didn't do shit, calling Nigel Farage a racist didn't do shit, and calling Donald Trump a racist won't do shit except numb everyone to the concept of racism until an actual real racist shows up and he just skates by.

I'd love for it to take that route, but I highly doubt it only because the narration from an older Cap cements it as being a non-parody. Not to mention it's hard to play up a twist like 'The villain's actually sensible and we're the assholes!' after they made sure he kicked a brown person while calling it foreign filth.

I swear this shit, coupled along with a constant push of strong empowered women that all act the same and can do no wrong, a massive drop in artistic quality, and all these shit events are going to come together to form a new comics crash. And at this point I'm all for it.

That's a funny edit, but where's the actual panel. This is the actual panel isn't it?

Trump will win and faggots like this will look like complete tards, it'll be glorious

My mum said similar things when commenting on Brexit. She called it 'a victory for xenophobes'

I can only hope the democratic process is still sacred enough to these crooked fucks that Trump has a real chance and its not all rigged from the start

Two words:
Electoral college.

You have no idea.

Gods willing we'll have a Day of the Rope in my lifetime.

You know what's funny about bitches like her? She basically tells him he is superior for being a white male, all he had to say to her was "So according to you I am your superior?" and she would've started stumbling on her non-arguments real fast

It is. Spics are a mongrel race, the outcome of racemixing.

It's a polite way of saying brown people from across the ocean.

He is a nigger. What did you expect?

That's if she's capable of following through with her logic. Being that she is a leftist, that is highly doubtful.

They're not talking about hispanics, they're talking about Mexicans. Mexico is a country, not a race. Anyone can come from Mexico.

It's sort of like how technically Charlize Theron could call herself African-American.

But 99% is spics.

We can play semantics all you like, truth of the matter is that La Raza needs to get the fuck out of the USA.

Wrong. Mexican is a nationality, not a race, people who call Trump racist for saying he doesn't like Mexicans is a fucking idiot. The "race" that typically hails from Mexico are Latinos

That's not quite what happened. He donated to Trump's veteran charity. Libtards push the "Perlmutter donated to Trump" meme because they think that they shouldn't donate to a charity that is run by someone they don't like.

And also inaccurate. Trump has, or seems to have, absolutely no problem with legal immigrants. In fact, he has a not-insignificant number of legal Mexican supporters.

What's the difference?

Of course they would. They fled the savage shithole wetbacks create wherever they reach critical mass, they sure as fuck don't want it to follow them.

Obama's a cocky piece of shit. He threatened to put the British, at the back of the queue (these were his words) if we left the EU. And look at what happened. Obama was humbled.

I would like to say I want to boicot marvel, but I havent seen or bought anything from them for years now…

Waiting for these fags to kill themselves when they realize those """""""""legit national polls""""""""" only inflate Hillary's percentage because they poll more democrats than they do republicans.

Fear is the correct response to obvious danger. Yoda can get fucked.



If you buy any book written by this cuck, then you too are a cuck.

Honestly this wouldn't even be bad if you could get away with even a fraction of this level of straw manning for the other end. They can shit talk trump all they want but it's how they refuse to allow anyone to fire back is what infuriates me.

Obama is Spider-Man's friend and Donald Trump is an evil racist nazi bigot xenophobic poopypants meanie-man. Politics is clearly Marvel's strongsuit.

It's astounding how these assclowns have managed to make "conservative" ideas the edgy underground counter culture.



Even tumblrfags are becoming aware

Any publicity is good for capeshit, you moron. Just ignore it.

Heh, Trump is going to lose.

Dumbfuck everyone here pirates


Doesn't matter, nimrod. Spreading the word about Marvel's latest deliberate attempt to rile up easily-angered rightwingers on the internet is only going to bring more interest to Marvel.

Try as you might to deny it, there are a surprising number of cross-site posters on Holla Forums. At least one of them is going to see this, and he's going to repost it on his own website, be it Reddit or Facepunch or Tumblr or the Runescape fan forums. And when he does, other people are going to hear about it. And those other people are going to be interested, either because "fuck yeah, this sounds hilarious" or "holy shit, is that really what happened". And they're going to buy it. And Marvel is going to get another sale. This is how it's worked for decades. Giving Marvel or DC attention when they thrive on controversy is meaningless at best and actively counterintuitive at worst.



Holy shit that's retarded


go back to SRS

I'm not saying they're directly shilling here, dummy. I'm saying that any discussion of this kind of stuff is spreading awareness of it, and all awareness of it is increasing the chances of someone paying money for this in the future. The fact that there's literally nothing to these threads beyond "wow marvel sure sucks huh" is just icing on the cake.

I seriously have no fucking idea what the moral of this comic is or who the fuck its supposed to be directed towards. The ugly character design and arrogance scream liberal faggot/SJW though

these people are nuts.

And this is one of the attitudes killing the entertainment industry as a whole. There is such a thing as bad publicity, and it's killing comics

Sorry you got triggered retard but it's a statement of fact.


What is it with redheads and trannyness in media?

Gingers have no souls

kek, tried to find the source of the comic by googling "freeze peach" and I found something even more retarded. Like a whole stash of retardation more like.

For a moment I was kind of scared that this was Gwenpool because I've actually been enjoying that book and had actually kind of forgotten Spider-Gwen existed. So I realized it was that and kind of let out a little sigh of relief.

Clearly you did not look hard enough

No they don't. Once they could get a short-term boost in sales from pulling some bullshit but that goes away quick since it's never any good and it doesn't last. There's a reason the Jimmy Olson comics ended up listing how this shocking comic wasn't a dream, a hallucination or a what-if, people got sick and tired of DC's clickbait covers and DC had to keep making up new bullshit to rope them back in. Now though there's no new generation coming into comics, just an ever shrinking amount of the old guard who've stayed behind and they're more likely to give up on the Big Two when they pull shit like this, not buy more comics.

When his sadbrains inevitably gets to him (because surprise surprise, """"""""she""""""" is a tranny; pic related) I hope he remembers that it's down the road, not across the street.

it's almost like some kind of freudian slip


gingers are literally the white equivalent of niggers. The word "ginger" is just "nigger" with the words rearranged.

At least niggas don't burn in direct sunlight

hey now.

you're right. niggers just absorb all available light in the area through their skin. Why do you think you can only see their eyes and teeth in the dark? It's active camouflage built into their genetics.

I'm sorry but look at what gingers are associated with. Mentally ill leftists who all identify as trans tumblr kin. Gingers have a really shit reputation. You just got the short end of the genetics stick, especially since gingers were always made fun of since an early age with the "gingers have no soul" joke that's existed for a long time. You're just playing life on expert difficulty, son. I just hope you aren't a manlet or you're just upping the difficulty to legendary at that point.

Nah, I'm average height, the worst I have to deal with is the sun. The bullying and shit was rough, but it gave me a tough skin and made me learn to shrug off words. I was the geeky little redheaded step child everyone picked on… it's why today's hyper sensitivity makes me sick. That stuff actually builds character and can make you pretty strong.

I actually miss my red hair now. It turned a dark brown when I was around 20 years old.

this comic gave me AIDS

Isn't this actually an endorsement for trump?

Think about it. Villains in these positions usually win things like the presidency, as it gives easy adversity for your heroes, a struggle to fight, a challenge to rise against, a tyrant to overthrow.

But by saying that Trump is evil supervillain tier they're essentially setting him up to win.

How times have changed

Faggots like this make me like Trump more.

An another note, why do these people all look the same? Always the same bearded, wide brimmed glasses face. Sometimes bald, sometimes not. Like how a lot of insane feminists all have that dyed hair and tattoos.

I'm starting to think there's some sort of genetic thing involved with this. Like, the people who have the beard and glasses genome are more likely to inherit the terrible comic genome.

I do remember that when Frank Cho drew Spider-Gwen, Jason got mad and said Frank was making porn of 'his daughter', so I'm not entirely surprised that this is pretty much just a thinly vieled self-insert where the badass female character who's Jason's daughter who may also happen to be someone Jason would like to be beats up people Jason doesn't politically agree with.

What also boggles my mind is that these are the same fucks that get very upset when someone calls Anita Sarkeesian a cunt on twitter or when someone doesn't want to watch the new Ghostbusters movie. Yet depicting a person as a racist caricature and nazi with no hint of irony or subtlety in a major comic publication that'll reach thousands of people is completely okay.

Go back already.

That Mexican Judge was legal and he sure doesn't trust him due to being Mexican.





This is why Trump is going to win.

I don't even like him that much. But he is going to win. The election's already over. His only competition is a literal felon and an old fool who is incorrect about economics, and both of them are afraid to speak the truth about real life events. Normally that would mean it's an even shot between them and the republican candidate, but Trump is the country's most powerful troll. He has people loving him just because he's actually referring to islamic terrorism, and trolling the shit out of the president who is afraid to say it. When people see that, they side with the dominant person. People psychologically follow the alpha. Trump has established his dominance. Because of this, the election has already ended. Trump will win because of the flustering of everyone against him, their awkward desperation. Rational people see that desperation and side against it instinctively, especially people who appreciate true freedom.

Liberal democrats have spent the entire year proving that they're not fond of liberty or democracy. They've embarrassed themselves so much that I honestly don't know why they're even bothering to run any candidate for president, I'd just pocket the money and run off (which it looks like Bernie is planning to do).

PS the leftist comic book world leadup to Trump might be nutso, but just you wait until Trump is actually elected. I expect books to devolve into Crossed/Marville/Dave Sim paragraphs of plain text pontificating. We're going to see Captain America murdering people in the streets. Superman is going to punch through Spiderboy's spine. Power Girl will convert to islam and wear a white burqa as she beheads a jewish journalist. The Green Goblin is going to shoot up a gay night club, killing The Flash and XO Manowar.

Comic books might become slightly interesting for a change.

Any kinda of actual long term loyal customer base will die off because of these shit stories and blatant click bait.

See this is what I am starting to see all of this blatant click bait in paper form. It might be good for getting some quick influxes of cash from retards who go "HUR DUR I AM SO NERDY XDDDDD" or to try to stay poignant from really shit political commentary. But these are not the kinda people that will actively buy comics, and I am not sure if this practice will help them 10 years down the line as they have to get more and more blatant with their "click bait".

That's it exactly. Marvel has given up a long term audience and long term revenue in favor of a quick surge of cash and some liberal good boy points. I used to buy every symbiote comic they put out, since 2012 I haven't bought a single comic (I stopped reading Spider-Man after he made a deal with the devil to save an old woman's life instead of letting the inevitable take place. Seriously, that story will never be topped in its bullshit). I just don't care anymore, and I'm sure a lot of fans don't either. Obviously the genuine retarded part of their audience will never go away, the kind who even at age 40 don't realize that the characters are secondary to the writers, the kind that don't realize that Batman and Spider-Man have become nothing more than brand names akin to the NY Mets or LA Dodgers. But the retards can't sustain them forever, and once Trump wins and the masses move towards nationalism instead of globalism, the once ardent SJWs will follow suit.

The thing about these Marxists that Holla Forums doesn't understand is that they aren't counterculture, they are the easily swayed who will do whatever the media tells them, their convictions are as weak as their knees.

What Holla Forums doesn't understand is that these guys are corporate. All this sjw shit is all about bilking sjws out of their money. If it seems like this shit is increasing, that's because both DC and Marvel royally fucked up with their latest events. They're up shit creek and need to get a new audience to buy their garbage.

Trump won't change the basic business of the comics industry.

You're woefully naive if you think this is about money. But I guess that's what reading Marvel will do to you.

And that is why you'll still be a trigger nigger whenever DC or Marvel does anything "liberal". You'll bitch and moan because they've conned you into believing that the whole shit is genuine when they're only capitalizing on the latest trend to make some bucks off of youngins. You're taking their bait, hook, line, and sinker by buying into this crap.

It's been this way for over eighty years, since very beginning of comics, from Marvel appealing to hippies and anti-war activists in the 60's to DC being anti-Iran in the 80's. They're parasites latching onto anything popular with the public and riding it for a quick buck. If you think this shit is anything but money, you're fucking retarded.

I understand that you're too invested in this shit to look at it objectively, but you're astonishingly stupid.

Good job marvel.
That is what people read comics for.
The scathing political opinions.
Literally vilifying those you do not agree with.
How contemporary of you.
How does this shit still get printed?

This is going to be the norm. They did it with redskull. They did it here and even watch dogs 2 is now a game about rigging the election system to make sure Trump doesn't become president (no really)

You can't really say that shit like Hellcat, Squirrel Girl, and the like sold because of "marxism" more than they were either complete shit or appealed to a very, very niche audience. I've read a lot of them, I even story-timed a few of them, and no amount of Trump support you could inject into that shit could ever save them from being poorly drawn, poorly written garbage.

Now I can explain why Marvel and DC continue to publish shit books, but you have yet to explain how sales would dramatically improve by simply changing from "leftist propaganda" to "rightist propaganda". Right now, it just sounds like you want to put lipstick on a pig.

Who the fuck would come to fucking Holla Forums's slow ass comic board and not already be aware of this type of shit? And it's retarded to believe that we would be the only source for this info, this thing was probably plastered all over reddit and tumblr before this thread was even up. But no our empty niche ass basement dweller anonymous board made johnny normalfag go buy this comic.

Nothing new. Marvel had Nikita Khrushchev as an Iron Man villain back in the sixties and Ayatollah Khomeini appointed The Joker as an Iranian ambassador so he could kill the UN.

Personally, making Trump a MODOK is at least being creative with your vilifying of your political opponents, and thus I approve. It's better than just having literally Donald Trump as the bad-guy.

Different ball game entirely. Those two were enemies of America.

This why no one take you liberals seriously, you have no grasp on reality or how normal people's minds work. This why you're losing.

Politics was a mistake.

But seriously, this is just more exposure for Trump and this will turn off readers who will decide, "You know what? Fuck these faggots. I'm voting for Trump out of spite."

That shit is both common and pathetic with assholes getting btfo.

Nobody is actually trying to silence them though intimidation or judicial pressure or claim that they are somehow causing physical harm to others with their retarded opinions like you are though you smug chippete looking twat.

Ironically her being called on because she is black is more likely to happen if the professor is a sjw trying to earn good boy points by letting the proud black woman speak her mind on the issue of race.

Do you even like your candidate? Or do you just like pretending you're victimized?



Mind = Blown

You mean the one that was part of the legal group that borrowed it's name and was associated (their webpage linked directly to it under "community) with La Raza, a racialist expansionist Mexican organization that fights for open borders and the return of Southern lands to Mexico? The judge that gave a scholarship to someone who, as part of her application, talked about how she was undocumented and therefore deserved it more? Is that the judge that Trump has issues with?

Hell, I would rather Trump be secretly racist than secretly extremely anti-racist, but his concern over that specific judge ruling on his trail is absolutely warranted.

You do realize that what you've said is that his claim is incorrect because it's incorrect, right? I mean it's pretty clear that "conspiracy theory" is meant to imply that it's wrong, without having to justify why it's wrong.

This isn't all that important of a conversation, I mean we're only talking about comics for God's sake, but take a second to reflect on the astounding statement you've just made. You've entered into a conversation that has brought up some concepts you've previously decided were non-considerable, regardless of evidence. You've refused to entertain an idea, which is fairly vague and doesn't necessarily imply any specific etiology or premeditation, because at some point in your life you incorporated a mental framework that categorized certain ideas as wrongthink. Don't get me wrong, most people have ideas they will refuse to entertain for ideological reasons. Hell, I've probably got a bunch myself, and I hope they're pointed out so I can become as objective as possible over time. In this case it's pretty clear you're not even aware you have the mental firewall in place.

You're also jumping to conclusions about what "Marxism" as a cause entails. I think what user is saying is that the shitty leftists comics are being published despite the fact that they make Marvel lose money because a new set of standards inspired by Marxist (the word leftist would work fine here) thought have replaced the standard of rational corporate self interest at Marvel. I'll see if I can sum up the argument"

The art and writing suck because people are being hired for being part of a networked group that shares specific political and social views (e.g. SJWs)

Therefore, the comics don't sell.

The growth of leftist influence as the major contributor to this change is more likely than a random lapse in hiring standards or a series of poor mistakes, as most of these artists and writers continue to work at Marvel instead of being replaced. This is obviously not in Marvel's best interest, and the drop in sales is dramatic. Clearly, money is not the incentive.

I think this is the point where I am finally done with Marvel, at least for now. Maybe I'll come back to them in the future, but only if they drop this far-left bullshit. That doesn't seem likely.

Anyone else surprise by WWE not doing anti-Donald trump gimmick yet? WWE already did both a anti-Putin, pro Obama storyline and a anti-tea party and literal pro illegal immigration storyline.

What are the specifics about this? I am guessing they tried to straw man a political viewpoint by making the Red Skull like it, but they had it backfire by giving him good talking points. But I would like to know more.

Holy shit, I just remembered Donald Trump's in the WWE Hall of Fame

See, that's the part that infuriates me the most about that comic and modern liberal advocates in general; They literally can't see any difference between criticism from censorship, and it goes both ways. SJWs genuinely and without hyperbole believe that other people insulting, getting angry at, or even disagreeing with their political opinions is tantamount to censorship. It's not enough for their right to speak to be protected, it's not enough that they are granted a free and open platform, the entirety of the masses must accept their message without complaint, because any hint of dissent is "oppression".

I will be the first to admit that I'm closed-minded; that I take arguments personally, that I resort to ad hominem quickly, that I try to shut down arguments that don't go my way and usually disregard people with different views from me. But I don't try to stop people from speaking different beliefs, I don't try to sabotage or cut off avenues of expression for opinions not my own, I don't think people are wrong or bad or evil simply for the act in and of itself of thinking differently than me. I may hate having to acknowledge it or have it become apparent, but I can at least admit and be aware of the fact that my opinions are not always right. Which is more than any of these thin-skinned career-bloggers could ever be capable off.


Only because of the faggots that collect comics like stamps. The people that read it for the content probably left in droves. Good luck getting a comic book to last past issue 6 in the future with this attitude.

fucking KEK

Hillary is a legitimate psychopath. The fake forced laughs stick out like a sore thumb.


Was there a backslash to these hacks after they tried to portray the Red Skull as Geert Wilders?

Hail Hydra


It got overshadowed by Hydra!Steve, plus the man's reasoning was watertight, actually trying to critique or call attention to that page would have been an excercise in humiliation for any libtard fool enough to do so.

What happened with Breast Cancer Thor? It got canceled?

It's almost fascinating isn't it? The way their attempts at straw manning become exponentially shittier, more desperate, and less coherent with each new publication. I mean what can they possibly do to top fucking MODAAK? Literally photoshop pictures of Trump directly onto the pages and make a storyline about him eating every villain in existence, becoming an avatar of xenophobia, and killing all the non-white heroes by going around and screaming slurs at them?

It's like they know, but they can't break free from the brainwashing… Self-loathing and cognitive dissonance must be suffering.

Since when the Serpent Society is about making America a better place?

Why do Holla Forumstards leave their hugboard when they're just going to be triggered?


Stay triggered son

Wait I thought Holla Forums blamed the Jews for everything.

Why are they supporting Trump?

They're desperately poor and frightened, and thus susceptible to autocrats.

You must have been living under a rock this entire election cycle.

>Doesn't want "regime change" in Syria via Rebels ISIS forces.

Every fucking time. Like clockwork.

Don't even have to go into detail, user. They already know why Holla Forums is supporting Trump. They're shitposting.

Wouldn't you be too with a legit war criminal running for president? Who are you voting for, goy-I mean guy? :^)

It either takes genuine concentrated effort or autism to pull this off for so long user

These faggots post this kind of shit in every single thread on /n/ that remotely involve Trump. It's either libtard autism or they are paid shitposters trying to run an astroturf smear campaign.

And it's the same three pieces of bait everytime. It's the only thing they have. It's always two webms about trump being kosher and a picture explaining how friendly and connected trump is with jews.

Every. Single. Time.

I swear, it's almost like they're bots who get activated when the word "trump" is read a certain amount of times on any thread.

Mostly they are bots indeed.

The trend of SJWs/Cultural Marxists to "make the personal political" has to play a major part in this. They take an extremely self centered view that their personal experiences and opinions must be respected as much as anyone else' well reasoned arguments.

When they see anyone disagreeing with them, they project this ideology onto that person (as they can't imagine why anyone wouldn't think just like them), and think the person is wanting to treat their opinions as fact.

Also doesn't help that 'intersectionality' has been promoted in cultural Marxist circles, which has many of them thinking everything they hate must be interconnected like a giant of of conspiracies. Like someone hates Muslim terrorists? Must mean they're a huge bigot like someone that wants to lynch trannys. Someone hates pedophiles? They must be horribly insensitive towards the entirety of the LGBTQP2IA+ community.

There's also just the usual retards that like signalling how much more of a nazi they are by talking about how much of a good goy Trump is.

>>>Holla Forums6560018

Something I found a few months ago while reading V For Vendetta.

Do you mean mestizos?

Because they're more like 70% of Mexico's population. Whites are around 10% and the remainder is mostly unmixed Indios but they have immigrants from all over the world down there.

pic related; her dad is a fucking Arab

I'll give you that.


Grabbed a torrent of the CBR and made a proper screenshot.

Doesn't this mean further proof that the so-called Kek meme god Holla Forums worships has some credence?


Source on Watch Dogs 2?

I'm glad I stopped reading modern comics.

No? I know Holla Forums is all about confirmation bias, "make my country great again" is pretty much a stock saying for any fictional nationalist who thinks their country used to be great. Steven Armstrong said it, too.

"Mexican" isn't race. It's like claiming that "Brazilian", "Canadian", and "American" is a race.

Proper term would be "Hispanic" or "Latino/Latina".

Most people know meme magic isn't fucking real you dunce There probably are people on Holla Forums that unironically worship the Egyptian frog god kek though

"Meme magic" is simple a blanket term used to describe schools related to propaganda and the like. "Meme magic" is about injecting certain themes or ideas into internet culture and allowing it to subtly propagate, its about exploring the age-old internet question "How do I force a meme?"

Believe it or not, the US Government even has its own term for this phenomenon "Memetic Warfare" which comes from the school of Memetics
Richard Dawkins coined the similar term to Memetic Warfare "Memetic Engineering"

It's not fascist to prohibit criminal activity, especially if it's from a country with a problematic drug war and a religion that has been associated with four major terrorist attacks in developed countries (Paris, Brussels, San Bernadino, Orlando) in 2016.

I guess that the author is naive and out-of-touch because he's a upper-class kid who lives in a high-income metropolitan area away from poor minorities.

Here's what I don't get. Most progressives heavily worry about microaggressions, triggers, and incorrect pronouns from the "backwards public", yet they easily dismiss the concerns of the public being killed by materialistic extremists? How does that make any sense? How is the unnecessary loss of life weighed less than mean words or art? Families in my low-income area constantly worry about their relatives being held ransom by the cartel, but these people live happily in high-income bubble reading news articles from HuffPo.

There's also Scott Adams that has talked of linguistic kill shots which are essentially memes that catch on. I liked how he's talked of how you can't use well reasoned arguments as counter arguments because they take longer to explain than the less reasoned position. So a linguistic kill shot works well as a stand in so that people will talk about the subject you want them to.

Didn't Marvel also make a comic about these "evil" vigilantes who patrolled the border for illegal border crossers? Didn't they get fucked up by Iron Man or Captain America or someone high profile?

Day of the Rope is Holla Forums's version of the Zombie Apocalypse. It's a way to circlejerk about how awesome you are by devising a plan you'll never put into motion. It's self congratulating masturbatory fiction.

Well there are people like Judge Curiel(?) that are part of organizations that treat Mexican as a race, hence the motto "for those of our race everything, for those not of our race nothing" being used by the Mexican supremacist group La Raza.

Spencer had Captain Falcon do that, failing to show any crimes by them, then shit on the now defenseless people.

Then he complains about police brutality latter on wwwwwwwww

>tfw you want to silence marxist bullshit most of the left tbh
Comic is beyond dumb, why are the left so unfunny?

How is it a "smear campaign" to post actual videos of a candidate?

They're trying, poorly, to annoy Holla Forums visitors by posting videos and comments about Trump supporting Jews and Israel.

Good goys!

They're pathetic virgins shitposting on the internet, they leave their hugboard to 'redpill' the 'libtards' and anyone who isn't retarded or pathetic enough to support chump is a 'leftypol'

That's the original Holla Forums back in moot's 4chan days.

Cripple/pol/ is filled with stormshits and general newfags.

They could lose 20,000 whole entire loyal customers if they don't stop with this social justice stuff!

More people bought Battleborn than that. There is no comic book market to save. It died decades ago. The current sales figures are equivalent to a runoff, it's particulate, it's natural free floating arsenic in the air in such small quantities that it's harmless. It no longer matters what Marvel does because there's no way they could possibly sell less right now than they currently are, because the people still buying comics are the people who simply buy any comics they see no matter how much they always have sucked. The only thing the comics industry can do is sell more, and they do that by digging into any untapped market they can find. Their mistake is thinking that social justice is a comics buying market when it's not. But it doesn't matter. It's not a mistake in a business sense.

You know why this isn't a mistake? Because their sales haven't changed. They remain consistent: big bump for #1, 50% dropoff for #2, around 20,000 books sold on average, with a lot of readers spread out over a giant amount of books. There has been no penalty for the big two going SJW. Comic books have been + drawings for decades, if not a century now. They don't appeal to people with good taste or intelligence.

Think about it this way: how badly has Squirrel Girl bombed? How badly has it bombed compared to all of their other comics? Look up and down that sales list, do you notice all those other things around Squirrel Girl? Those are other comics. They're comics that sell at about the same level. Do you see all those other comics? Do you see just how much dogshit is getting made in this industry?

You know what the good writers are doing? They're making movies and TV.

Oddly enough this shit poster has a fetish for Holla Forums and Holla Forums

Someones angry.

This. You can bitch about Marvel's SJW pandering, but none of it has really fucked them yet. Not as bad as Convergence and DCYOU fucked DC comics. That dramatically lost sales across their entire line.

Really, most it can boil down to the fact that the people running these companies are incredibly out of touch with the buying public. Marvel once released a comic series entirely based on a MEME. That shows you how creatively bankrupt and desperate they are.

Tell me who I should vote for then, (((user)))?

Will these people kill themselves when Trump wins?


The only reason comics are still around is because they're attached to hugely valuable IPs.

Even then, I imagine that there'll come a time where the comic divisions fuck up so badly that Warner Brothers and Disney will have to liquidate them.

Is strawmanning the future POTUS as a tyrannical supervillain enough to warrant it? Probably not, but it will raise some eyebrows, especially since Disney likes to play things safe.

2007-2015 were long, I thought it'd never end.

But, it's no longer 2015

It's 2016


Over-playing your hand there, fam. You lack the subtlety necessary for a master baiter.

That woud require them to actually stop posting on the internet.


Literally Captain Universe

I usually find that people who say others make decisions based on fear; are themselves fearful. They don't understand why people would act differently than they would, and get scared.

Anakin did nothing wrong. He bought real balance to the force by killing everyone who used it for their own ends(jedi are not exempt from that).

I came from the Holla Forums thread linking this one.

Hey Holla Forums, is this normal for American comics? I only read korean kartoons so I've never seen this shit in the real life and assumed it was an edit.

Well, that explains the containment failure, at least.

but why?

It is for Marvel.

The Holla Forums thread was made hours after this one

Oh wait you're just pretending to be retarded and wondering why political discussion is being had about Marvel making political statements in their shit, get gassed faggot

Holla Forums is the Ellis Island of Holla Forums. It's where all the Newfags and 4chan migrants arrive first, even moreso now that our Holla Forums is getting coverage on national news network.

Of COURSE it's a fucking containment board.

I want Trump to lose, just so I could shitpost o Holla Forums all day

I want him to win so I can watch Holla Forums chimpout after he DOESN'T go full Nazi like they think he will.

Unless you actually believe that Trump will declare himself Supreme Dictator for Life and deport/execute all minorities after being declared President of the United States of America, this really is a strawman.

I honestly don't think Trump is the "PURE EVIL" like liberals say, but I'm pretty sure his also not a Holla Forums-tier. I lurked on Holla Forums once, and those idiots actually think his an aryan emperor or somthing.

I think it's the future POTUS part that has user declaring bait.

Can I get her number?

Did anyone ever tell you correlation does not equal causation, Schlomo?

Yes. It's 0800 FUCKYOU


Aside from Hillary's unelectability, an American political party only maintains control of the White House for more than eight years if there are extenuating circumstances OR if the incumbant is hugely popular.

Aside from Reconstruction, we have the Jackson Presidency (highly popular among the middle and lower classes), the Roosevelts (Teddy was hugely charismatic and popular with ALL classes of American, FDR was incumbant during a massive world war and was a hero of the working class), Reagan (he won the cold war).

Extenuating circumstances are the 20s and Reconstruction. Reconstruction because Southern votes did not matter until 1878 (at which point the Republicans cut a back room deal to get Hayes into office) and the roaring twenties because Woodrow Wilson made such a huge fucking mess of things and life was hugely prosperous.

Obama has NOT been charismatic or popular enough to usher in another four year of the Democratic party. Even if the Republicans were running Jebito, they'd be able to crush Hillary in the general election.

Given all the newfags who arrive here through Holla Forums, it's probably not even shitposting at this point. They honestly believe this site exists as an ideological movement to spread National Socialism.

Most of Holla Forums don't think he will go full nazi. They see has the best candidate and some of them probably only like him because he is not Shillary.

t. I browse Holla Forums

I came here when shit started.
Everything was fucking fine and now every day I log on I see posters like you

"hurr hurr go back to Holla Forums"
"hurr durr >>>Holla Forums"

I mean Christ mate, I don't even go to Holla Forums and I'm starting to get sick of your shit. If contrary opinions to your own trigger you this much I suggest reddit, not as an insult but there you can filter the wrongthink and there you can pick what you read.

Christ. Get over yourselves.

No one on Holla Forums thinks that summerfag. People are aware that he isn't the next hitler but he is a foot in the right direction for nationalism. He was never meant to be the candidate who starts yelling "race war 14/88" and gassing kikes, but if you can't even tell the difference between shitposts then you really are just a summerfag


dubs for God Emperor Trump


There are a lot of crossposting faggots here who use 4chan Holla Forums and this Holla Forums, so it owuld make sense they get this asshurt about the most basic of things. Even non-Holla Forums topics make them asshurt if anyone mentions SJWs.


They started coming here around the time a few generals got banned over there. You had a ton of tripfags and retards who came here to talk about SU or gravity falls. There is one guy who always posts bugs bunny if anyone talks about SJWs so he is easy to spot. Either way it shits up this Holla Forums.

What, did you think the meme threads and kek cults started organically?

If you ever need to explain why closed borders are good and necessary in a way that even retards can understand, here's your example and line of logic.

There's this greentext from 4cuck about how ironic it is that the internet counterculture, which used to be about subversion, leftism, and degeneracy, is now about traditionalism, conservatism (or something similar to it), and anti-degeneracy.

More like good goy points.

That first cap looks prety old. What is it from?

It's already begun. Holla Forums wont last the coming storm.

Most of the people on 8/pol/ and 8/v/ left due to Gamergate or Cuck a Duck fucking with Holla Forums.

Most of this imageboard's population are 4chan refugees.

Everyday I'm thankful that I'm able to call faggots niggers on full/co/.

I've been wondering this too. What did gingers do to deserve getting "tranny" latched onto them?

Why, what's so bad about 4/co/? :^)

It's from Steve Englehart's website where he talks a bit about New Guardians.

Comic is lies. They always look like horse-faced freaks and talk with multiple overlapping speech impediments.

>meatbags call themselves trans

Yeahhhhh, the Constitution hasn't existed there for about 20 years.


why are the bad guys the heroes

what a fucking surprise…


Expecting someone to win and endorsing them are completely different things.

Don't forget thit was Trump wh lo won at Wrestlemania 23

You mean 8 years.

Today's irony is tomorrow's sincerity.

Nah, if you sprung that trap on her she'd soon resort to "Plan Z", which would involve crying a lot, flapping her arms around and making a big scene.

She's aged like milk in the Sonoran Desert since than film though.

Which Adams himself has used to some success in his comics.

How far can words bend reality though? Its been done forever, but with global resources and communications…

Wasn't there a Deadpool storytime recently where he was dealing with those evil Oathkeepers patrolling the border who've been killing south-of-the-borderers ISIS style? You know the ones that are on the news all the time?

You could argue it "died" when the Code went into effect; it certainly long term was a fatal wound to be sure.

The fuck he is up to these days by the way? I don't keep up with the old faces.

Nope. Whites are 1% and are mostly tourists or around the tourist towns. The Jews make up the other 9% and they're the ones in control of df.





Consider for a moment that it was Archie and DC that inflicted that wound, as they saw no issue using a moral panic and an industry code to fucking murder competing businesses.

The entire history of American comics is one of rampant, short-sighted greed that annihilated an entire industry.

To be fair, I find Trump's talk on implementing his China policy to be suspect, and I don't think he wouldn't be able to pull it off with the success he expects.

But of course who gives a shit about foreign policy.

The only thing those two companies need are the IPs. They could shutter the comics side of things entirely and still pump out cartoon series, movies, and toys forever. They don't need or want all the years and layers of continuity and retro continuity. It's a wonder they haven't already shut the comics down.