WW3 Has Happened and is Happening

Whenever you hear people talk about war usually you think of two nations or groups with arms fighting each other until one side gives up and the other takes over the side that lost, however this form of warfare is dying out. Nations no longer fight nations with bullets and guns because with the invention of nukes and individual grunts gaining an upward trend of killing power, a war between two big nations becomes a war that ends all nations. Instead a new form of warfare has taken its place, instead of bullets and guns as the weapons it is now information and ideas. Information warfare.

There are two primary methods of warfare that utilizes information warfare. One is invading the opposing nation's media and academics and beginning to spread your ideas and information to counter the popular information and ideas of the opposing nation. For the sake of writing I'll shorten "information and ideas" to "meme."
As your nation's meme starts to take hold and shape the new generation this generation now begins to uprise and fight the old generation. The new meme fights the old meme through civil unrest, people protest for rights, for change, etc. This process begins chipping away the nation's original meme, the foundation of the country begins to be replaced with that of another by the one that initiated this war. And as time moves on eventually that nation starts opening up to the one that began this war, and over time the opposing nation eventually disappears and the nation that initiated the war has won. It has not taken any territory of resources yet now controls all of its opposing nation's resources and territory. Now take this and expand upon it further, instead now apply it to the whole world. This is globalization.

Globalization is one big information war, the first of its kind. For the first time in human history one nation may be able to control the whole world simply by word of tongue and the exchange of information. What nation has initiated globalization? I won't answer this but I assume we all know who is responsible.

The second method of information warfare is proxy wars. What happens when a nation refuses to open itself up to memes other than its own? How can you combat an enemy with impenetrable defenses? Simple, you get the enemy to dismantle the defenses for you. You must begin igniting civil unrest via funding various political groups. The political groups grow in power, they begin fighting first with words but eventually with guns. The unrest usually stays contained if there is a competent government, but the government is both the water to douse the flame and the wick to start it. A simple assassination or coup dtat and then all hell breaks loose. The civil war starts and this is when you make your move. You either begin supporting one rebel group with a leader in cahoots with your government who you get to create a new government that is purely your puppet, or you move in and establish your own. Once peace is restored and the puppet government is in place you once again just took control of an entire nation without ever firing a single shot.

Other urls found in this thread:


Now of course this has been happening all throughout human history. Information war is not exactly new but it has evolved considerably with the invention of the Internet. Information is so easily accessible and so easily exchangeable that the Internet has ignited this new global information war. Memes are so easy to create and propagate that information war is so trivial to conduct literally one smart enough person could do it.

But how do you propagate memes on the Internet when the Internet itself is so abstract and, ironically, disconnected? Simple. When you want a lot of cows you don't run around trying to find them, feed a bunch of random dispersed ones, and hope they breed. Instead you get them to come to you, cage them, and then they breed.

This is what many popular social sites like Reddit, tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, and etc are. They are big pens designed to entrap people and spread memes useful to whatever political entity needs it for. This is where half-truths are propagated. Only a little information is ever given to the people in this pen on an issue which usually leads to one, and only one, conclusion which is agreed upon and spread amongst the whole pen, and those who disagree are quickly put down and ignored. These half-truths become memes that spread to other pens until it becomes the agreed upon "truth" and if you disagree you are put down, ignored, and insulted.

This is the ultimate weapon of information warfare. To create a meme that displaces all other memes to the warring nation until the whole world becomes his because the whole world will agree with him that the world is his.

This is how the world ultimately ends, with "truth." The world ends and the warring nation becomes the victor of a socially, idealistically, and informationally dead husk of a world because only one truth exists with no others.

World War 3 is happening right in front of us. If action is not taken it will mean the end of humanity.


If multiple words somehow make a proposition completely invalid then that should practically make language itself invalid.

If one word triggers you so intensely you've obviously not mentally matured beyond five years old.

Well at least you didn't post "magick"

And? Again if words trigger you, you are the mental equivalent of a five year old and/or SJW.

You do know it is actually possible for anons to simply not like your thread as opposed to being "triggered" by it?

Is this how you think you attracted readers?

You never stated what was bad about anything I posted aside from screaming about how many of "X" words were contained in it.

Not to mention I think you're actually samefagging now which is adorable.

Attacking enemy morale has always been a fundamental concept in conventional war. I think you're a bit confused though, war features violence. There is no violence in the exchange of ideas. It's more like cultural competition. But what you say might be true it's a matter of degree when competition for power turns into competition for survival.

I think your paranoia is concerning.

good work, OP. i admire your shill magnet, please post again


increase your dosage

You easily could've simply turned off your VPN and refreshed the page but sure, you proved me wrong on possibly my assumption you're samefagging.

But you still haven't actually shown where you dislike my thread aside from the fact that you keep yelling about an arbitrary amount of select words in what I post.

So I'll wait until you can find an actual, tangible point of disagree my with my post.

You keep shadowing each other so you're only digging your own graves and furthering my assumption by doing this.

But keep going please.


The (you) would still be there even if you change your IP, see. Fucking newfag meme lords I swear.

Still waiting…

Pretty strange victory conditions.

well if you also look at the rendering of the text, clearly different.

Stop replying to goons.




You're not wrong OP. But for the most part, most of Holla Forums is already aware of this.

Too much text u faggot

but yes you are right

Don't forget to use symbology that causes subhumans to cringe and flee.

There's a reason it does this. Because a symbol, any symbol, is a concentrated idea. Simply by looking at it, does it affect you. The more powerful the symbol, the more volatile it is if it is disagreeable to you.

Too long in the symbols company and you may begin to feel comfortable with it. By then you are changed with or without realizing it.

That is why goons/intl and JIDF post CP and nonsensical memes. To deter us. We vacate to prevent normalizing their degeneracy in our minds.

Few of us meditate in order to purge our minds of corruption that has nested and become rooted.

Therefore a symbol is that much more dangerous and infectious.

Find a SJW that can actually meditate, and it is no longer a SJW when provided with the truth.

They are just as vulnerable to symbols as we are.

Every day in America, we look upon Free Masonic symbology. Familiarizing ourselves with it, normalizing it.

Our children are drowning in Marxist ideas, becoming so familiar to them that reality causes them to flinch in pain, confusion and anger.

We have ancient symbols. Use them.


somenone screen cap this plz



JFC when will Holla Forums learn. Do not reply to trolls. Filter is your friend.

This is shit (I. E. Thread derailment) I'd expect to see in 4chan. Look at how bad my thread got shilled in /lit/.


Let's not let that happen here.

this meme needs to stop

This meme is even faggier and anyone who uses it should be raped by a pack of wild niggers

You've definitely hit something OP, you got first post taken by a shill plus a couple of samefaggers.
TBH we should start using this as a litmus test for relevant topics and a sort of badge of honorif they are legit shills of course.

Yes we started slipping into a WW3 as soon as all countries got foolishly connected. The first salvo was opened with Wikileaks which is the first unwilling CIA front.
The first experiment was Tunisia which went smoothly since ZOG wanted it to go. Next was Libya which got subverted like a Swiss cheese.
Remember protests in Russia and the green? revolution in Iran? Organized through Facebook by the CIA.
Syria went almost the same way as Libya but Putin prevented it. Notice how ISIS, a feudal era society uses modern equipment and internet to recruit people. All the courtesy of CIA and Obama.

BUT, the main fatal flaw of the system is obvious. It's just a tool. It can work both ways. It can be used in by the opposite side with no problem.which we're seeing that happening right now.
But the opposite side is not Russia or China. The opposite side is the white right nationalistic wing which took use of technology much better and efficiently than the left has. Initial intention was of course for the SJWism to take control of the young narrative but people aren't that stupid.

But contrary to their wishes teens started using that internet in a productive manner and started scanning the free information provided by the internet put on by older generations and dedicated posters.
And now we've got EU banning illegal hate speech on the internet and the US is also very close. Which is impossible except shutting down the whole internet and throwing every mask of democracy into the trash.

This will be a total war of wills between the old and the 20-something generation.
And the young generation with a clear goal ALWAYS wins throughout in history.
Except in the case of a WW when generations of men are butchered

Of course, and JIDF doesn't exist and why would anyone want to shill an anime website anyway, you're just paranoid goyim

Capped for posterity.


1. information control.
education, entertainment, msm news sources, social media, alt. media,
2. divide and conquer.
Address, "The President and the Press," Before The American Newspaper Publishers Association, 27 April 1961


Masons betray their own people, who they arrogantly see as 'profane'. If they were so wise, they wouldn't have fallen for Jew lies and corruption in the first place. Albert Pike was a slaver just like Hiram Abiff. Jubelo, Jubela, and Jubelum did nothing wrong.

ITT: people not knowing what a meme is

you could also call it cultural war or subversion of society or cultural marxism etc in order to prevent shills and/or idiots derailing the thread because of the word: "meme".

Yes, but if I can cuck you to believe you need to fight my enemy, but your true allies, I don't have to do any violent acts.

When words are banned, codewords, memes and other forms of signaling becomes powerful, so it's not like the cucks can stop us mocking them.


good post, op

No way this is real.

meme magic is fucking real

This is photoshooped, it's sadly not real,

Source: cuckchan's Holla Forums

Gaddafi was our Franz Ferdinand

What did it say before?

That's what it was.

oh look a critical theorist.

its basically Culture Victory in Civ games

Yes, Metal Gear Solid 2 already taught me that.
Is there anything on that huge wall of text that was not covered in MGS2?

oh good you're waking up to the idea that memetics is more than just a box of magic tricks and illusions. I've been hacking away at the theory for over a year, memes must be crafted to break the control of language that the cultural marxists use to ensure their hegemony. with post-modernism being used to reduce all meaning to nothing, post-structuralism used to question and critique all social norms to death and feminism to destroy family