Alternate universes cant exist?

This is kind of hard to explain so try to think. If alternate universes appear every time we make a decision, isn't that impossible? In the same way that nothing can be truly random, our brains react to stimuli in a certain, set, way.

Now, I'm not saying other universes can't exist, just that they can't exist as separate timelines next to our own. If someone has a better way of explaining this please go ahead.

you're arguing multiple issues at once user
you're right that Free Will is a metaphysical joke that denies reality
we exist in a physical reaity and we react chemically and physically in specific ways
our thoughts and ideas are chemical and physical

in that way we are bound in so many ways that if we did have any Free Choice, it would be inconsequential and very localized

as for alternate universes? the problem here is semantics
if "universe" means all that is
then all that is can not possibly have something else outside of it
now if our universe is not infinite which so many have tried to argue but few have successfully come to proving - then it is possible other universes exist with different laws - but still we have no influence on them that is also a silly notion










Arguing for Free Will is just absolutely retarded. Even if you could prove it so what? Those arguing that Free Will doesn't exist aren't tell you that you have no choices. That you can't say no, or that you can't change your mind. We are constantly changing so choices, mind changing, and arguing and changing the opinions of others is possible.


By alternate universes, I mean it in the way of the string theory where for every choice you make, there is a reality where you didn't.
I just don't see how we could make any other decision if it's already in the process of being made.

I'm not saying you don't have free will and can't make choices. I'm just saying that they are all set in stone.
And if they are all set in stone, how can other realities that mirror our own, except for tiny (or large) differences exist?
Also, if it's this simple to disprove it, then why do so many great minds believe it's possible?
The only way I can think of this being possible is if time travel was invented
and someone went back in time and made a change.

free will is the choice of the individual

Stephen Hawking believes alternative Universes MUST exist because of uncertainty theory. Basically he believes human agency is just a bunch of predetermined factors relative to the universe but everything on a quantum scale is inherently random. For everything on a quantum scale to be random yet still make sense in the universes natural systems there must exist universes with different laws than our own in order for uncertainty theory to make sense

What do you you believe in user?

Does he believe string theory though? Or just that there is more universes out there, but they are separate from our own?

I do believe in alternative universes. Because I also believe in eternal return theory, where the universe is infinitely oscillating between states of entropy (that is to say, it is ending and being reborn infinitely) This only works in a finite universe with a finite set of states (this universe) which would imply alternative universes with different laws of physics

I love the eternal return theory, because its sound from not only a physics and cosmological level, but is integral to many religions as well. See also "The longest Length of Time" I think Numberphile on YouTube did a video on it

trip check

it is keks will

that cripple is a nobody and full of shit

i cant tell if trolling or……

could you elaborate on how that is a problem?
Your decisions just dont appear out of nowhere
you act based on prior experiences and the structure of your body

troll tolls the troll - is the trolled trolled?


I don't see it as a problem, I was just saying that the decision making process is set in stone, therefore
the string theory can't be correct.

im not sure what you mean by set in stone
you still make decisions, they just happen to be informed, not random or stemming from some metaphysical self that is not your body

we are both noighling in the ligt of b

ayy lmao

That's what I mean. If this is true, then string theory is false.

you shouldn't think that it's impossible since literally no one knows what is between the possible universes


That's what we call an assumption OP, you don't know that.

I'm kind of happy because I really like string theory. Glad I was wrong.

i do

Your post makes the presumption that time is some objective construct and not something we subjectively interpret.

The universe contains all probabilities both those which we have observed to have happened and those we haven't and those we've yet to personally.

Time/existence is a multi-dimensional lattice that we can't appropriately discern because we're three dimensional beings stuck experiencing a very subjective string of causalities.

Unplug your mind from the concept that construct and you can start to appreciate what is meant by that idea.

They didn't say that at all.


That's not an alternate universe, that's just an alternate equation in the same universe. And you making a "decision" is irrelevant. The theories aren't based on your "decisions." Your "decisions" don't exist; they're computations that you can perceive as they happen, thus giving the illusion that you're weighing your options and "picking" one, and that you had any choice but to decide what you decided.

The branching happens at subatomic scales, not your decision making.

Alternate reality =/= parallel universe.

I'm not saying that either can or can't exist (if they can exist, they do exist, and if they can't exist, they don't exist), I'm just saying that you have the wrong idea.

The branching is supposedly based on subatomic variation. This is a supposedly truly random outcome of subatomic particle states on a Planck time basis. Your decisions do not influence the result of subatomic variation. Subatomic variation is not an argument for free will.


Alternate universes is just something physicists thought up when they realised that their findings were shit so they pretended to be philosophers instead


Also to elaborate on it, physics has started to become so devoid of any actual empiricism that you may as well change the name of theoretical physics to theoretical mathematics. It would explain why so many aspects of it have started to go into 2deep4u territory where anyone saying they are a bunch of pretentious cunts is too dumb to understand. For example there is absolutely no fucking way to do any actual measurements or to test hypotheses of shit past the event horizon of a black hole, yet you see retards get praised on TV for shit that is neither observable nor meaningful in any way. Then there's a couple hundred news articles taking one autist seriously after he made the claim that we are all in a computer simulation, which is not exactly the most easy hypothesis to test since that would require measuring something that is beyond existance.

Forgot to add, this also includes circlejerking over string theory simply because it sounds cool.


My friend people laud cripple autist stephen hawking for talking about theoretical shit inside black holes all the time and when he was proven wrong and made some more "theories" hypotheses he was lauded yet again.
I don't know why we can't just appreciate the parts of physics, and my personal interest - astronomy, that we are sure about. Instead peoople theorize on the "size" of the universe when it is in no way provable whether it is finite or infinite or whether there was an all encompassing big bang or just a major concentrated mass like a extremely supermassive black hole reaching some level where it just has a blackhole-supernova.
Then again, people in science have done this shit with everything including biology and psychology. So it is no wonder it gets done all over the place when this unrestricted theories on top of unproven theories circlejerking is the basis of many proffesions.

if it's true then i keep getting the shit universe unless i'm just incapable of making a good decision in any universe






could be

i partake in the infinite verse


this is all there is



two suns?




I have my own autistic theory about this. When human die by accident, illness or age his consciousness shift into new dimension to new body where they merge with new consicuisness thus old consciousness can remember only things before death. This is why people who have nightmares where they died actually died they just dont remember it because data transfer is limited to last memory they experience.

So you who have had nigtmare that someone killed you then it's true you have died. The experience was so vivid and extreme it burned into your old consciousness and thus was transfered throught dimensions.

u wut

You died many times but you are just little cheeky cunt who cant remember it because consciousness can transfer only like 10kb of informations to your new 10000terabite consciousness. You can remember those 10kb which was your death but cant remember rest of your shitposting life.





You are dying every second, your memories are not real

Daily Reminder to sage and hide all cat's cradle threads

This is profound.


they can