Post your best butter!
Post your best butter!
ayy. thanks for the fap user
That's- that's me! Yeah!
She's actually pretty hot.
Usually when people ask for butterface they're actually after a little "strange" whether its true butterface or not. I included this girl because she does come off with a little of the strange vibe.
Looks like she could be Alexis Love's sister.
more of second one?
How is this a butterface?
Other than the skin problems, this chick is really hot.
Does anyone know her name?
Tried to be hot, ended up butter
is buttplug the same girl? i've never seen that one.
Not sure, but looked the close enough that I filed them together.
my favourite
Hey, I'm the only one even trying to post in any reasonable quantity on this thread.
I like "strange" porn and am totally into it, but it would be cool if someone else manned up and posted too.
Just sayin.
I used a loose definition better called strange
wouldn't know
Sorry, only one I have. Share if you have more.
I think it fit the purpose of this thread.
Sorry, no idea.
Thanks for actually contributing. Though she's post in every thread of this type.
Post more if you got them.
Come on, there's gotta be more out there.
Nice, some pics in there I haven't seen yet.
Any more? Or any other girls?
All these girls are average, some above.
Get your delusional head out out of shit creek
Not OP here, but I did dump a lot in this thread.
I dunno man, you must have pretty low standards or just a different sense of what is popularly considered attractive.
Not saying I wouldn't get with one of these girls if they had good chemistry, but looking back at the 31 girls I had actual intercourse with, only five would really fit in this thread.
However, that's missing the point. Sometimes its the girls that are not what would be considered attractive to most people but have something that drives you crazy that are the best in my opinion. I don't give a shit about what other people think as long as there is a real connection there and that has only grown with time.
So to your comment. If you don't think any of these women are sub-par then I challenge you to post some girls you think would need a really extra good personality to love. And NO, simply being a fat land whale doesn't fit the challenge. I mean goofy as fucking girls that are just strange.
I'm throwin down the gauntlet in your face.
*mic drop bitch*
She's actually pretty cute overall
I spent my load of pics. We need someone else to step up and post what they got.
You do all know what a butterface is, right?
Everything's hot but-her-face.
I'm seeing a LOT of chicks who got dragged through a pile of ugly tree trunks here, and their bodies bore most of the brunt.
and then:
The thread deviated from original parameters. Learn to read more.
Like I said, all-around fugly from start to finish
not butter
not butter
looks like the redneck girl whose father rents his house to spiderman in the spiderman movies
I like her
fucking kek
what has been seen…
This thread is like the ==Little Red Hen== book where no one wants to help make the bread but they all want to help eat it. Three or so actual posters sharing something different and everyone else either complaining or asking for more.
Little Red Hen
more lindsay