Real men fuck assholes. Grow up, fag.
If you fuck pussy you are literally a faggot
Don't be a candy-ass, roody-poo.
Fucking gross dude.
Are you 12?
I'm 13 you faggot. And what's gross is that fucking tyranny. Ewe.
Are you posting on an iphone, kiddo? Also, the fact that you know he's a tranny right off the bat tells me that you probably are aware of the shemale porn scene.
Lookee here son, I may be 13 but I'm not blind. Look at the jawline and adams apple on that trap.
Tyranny is kewl fampai.
Kek , tyranny.
his face is so fucking beautiful and completely feminine. I bet you used to jerk off to him back in the day but you hate to admit it.
Wrong pronoun ffaggot.Thats xir to you.
Are you some kind of 3rd century BCE greco-roman man?
fuck off kid
OP's on point
The oldest joke. Not a bad rendition though with that Canadian accent or whatever.
Boys are yuccky anyways
that is not smug, you twat
Anal is always gay.
it doesnt matter if the asshole you stick your dick in is attached to a meatbag with ovaries or not, anal is gay sex always
Yeah, and if you stick your dick in a woman's mouth, that's gay too! Both women and men have mouths!
Name of this trap cunt?
Garth Brooks has spoken!