Gwenpool vs Deadpool

In which we go over the first issues of Gwenpool and NuDeadpool and compare, contrast and complain!

Let's see who the true merc with a mouth is,
Let's see why the FUCK Marvel is obsessed with Gwen Stacy even after that whole…Osbourne Twins thing,
Let's see who has the best whacky behavior!

Let it rip!

Other urls found in this thread:

Cute Covers to begin with

Both are overall crappy characters and Rob "Shitpickle" Liefeld had real luck that one of his shit creations got famous (let's ignore Cable that fugly bastard).

He just got famous because ADHD comic nerds were like "LOL KEK SO FUNNIEZ!"
All Deadpool fans I knew in real life are mentally challenged or psychopaths.
The movie didn't help much. His only good version was in Marvel vs Capcom 3 because his Hyper Combo is pretty clever.

Hotline Miami? In MY Gwenpool? It's more likely than you think.

I too wish to make a hole Cecil. In you.
With my girldick.

I still wait for a crazy ass pastel-colored girly superhero movie in that cover-art direction.
Kinda like the Scott Pilgrim movie.

Just insane fun with a fun, energetic female protagonist, not what retards think is fun and energetic (Ghostbusters…).

Is that David Spade?


It's Gwen Poole!…and she's got quips!
Whedony Quips.

Civilians exist in the marvel universe!

…Get it!

Okay it's cringey but this part isn't terrible

Video Games! Memes! Quick say "Welcome to die"

Trigger Warning: Actual Comedy

I'm glad she's not ugly, not because of waifuism but we don't need another Squirrel Girl

We get it. You break the fourth wall.

Guruhiru's cute artwork is wasted on this.

Two cute moments and then back to schtick.

Wait is this getting okay? I'm not cringing as much

Next time on…Harley Quin- Dead- Gwenpool!
Whacky Antics with Whors!

Not a bad ending, but the cringe was too much.

Let's see how dear old Dadpool is going!

I will say Gwenpool has far, far better comedy than the Harley Quinn books DC has been putting out.

I don't know if that's saying much, though…

No memes? No quips? Dropped.

Actually I'd argue that the Harley books (the first couple of issues anyway) where pretty decent, before they devolved into the "LOL RANDOM" shit that they are now.

Is it all like this? It's not terrible

Ohhh it was a false start…parody of the movie maybe? Well not bad, I mean a little hamfisted with the James Bourne thing but y'know this could be good!



So she's actually a fangirl from our dimension? I still don't understand if she's and alternate Gwen Stacy or just happens to be named Gwen.

Since I'm not going to repost all of these in the pacing thread, I'll say this doesn't seem, so far, too bad for modern pacing. The first page is pretty much all set up, there is an air of anticipation throughout it all due to the bank robbing about to happen, but it's only because we know Gwen is there. It's not anticipation of a threat, but of what she will do. Page 2 further reinforces how little importance the robbers are, they're entrance is in the middle of the page instead of at the end where they would have been portrayed as a looming threat. Instead we get Gwen donning her mask, leaving us wondering how she'll handle this. The next page, i can't say I like that much. Not judging the joke, but just a two panel page is such a waste. This and the next page could have been done as one page, with the same impact of the anticipation for the grenade. The two panel page that follows isn't too bad though, because I know it's sorta of a splash page moment. It might have been more impactful if this page ended with the punchline of her being thrown into the squad car, which instead is the first panel of the next page. This page does end on a bit of the unknown, as Gwen and Cecil have no idea how to get unarrested at this point.

The next page does end on a looming threat and a joke, and the lighting on the cop helps sell Gwen's assumption that he's going to kill them. The next page changes lighting on the cop to bring back the lighter tone, and tosses out his reasoning for letting them go and further establishes how much Gwen isn't taking the lives of those around her seriously. The next page goes into her world view of how life is just a comic, and ends on the anticipation of if she'll get the cop car. The last page pays off on that, establishes further how little actual empathy Gwen has for people that she considers fictional, and of course ends on a joke and an uncertain future for both characters.

Honestly, not nearly as badly paced as some stuff I see these days, though it could use that tightening up I mentioned. I will also not a subtle use of facing. Notice that Gwen is nearly always facing to the right, except in panels where she is lamenting something. Page 4 has her turned left when she is being fired upon, and forces her to dive to cover, basically making it the only part of the fight she seems threatened. In page 6 is is lamenting being punished for doing what she thought was right. On page 7 she if facing left in both panels, lamenting first that she needs money due to her arrest, and when she thinks the cop is going to kill them. Finally on page 9 she turns left to lament that an "NPC" is "passing her the torch".

Shouldn't have laughed about #3.

Stop…Stop he's already dead…Stop…

Okay…Where are we going with this? Deadpool Corps 2.0?

Heroes for Hire…Daredevil…Weapon X? Oh Sabretooth reunion soon?

Why Marvel portray white extremist as muslims?


Anyway let's review Holla Forums

Are the characters mirrors?

Tone wise which one fits better?

Despite the fact that wade had longer to evolve as a character which do you think has a more interesting story?

High points? Low points?

Who is the cool pool and who is the fool pool?

Because Islam is a religion of peace

Fuck, you just made me sympathize with poor Omar.

What did the Muslim say when he walked into the gay bar?

"Free shots"

Both are fucking terrible, Gwenpool could have been interesting had the jokes and pacing been good but they're both fucking shit and Deadpool? They're scraping the bottom of the barrel with him because they already killed him off for real.

And the sad thing is? The art in Gwenpool is pretty okay.

Islam accepts all - unless the Turkish dict… eh… president bans gay festivals for 2 years in a row and has anyone who participates anyway being violently oppressed.
Unless they are pushed off roofs in Arabian Emirates while civilians are watching, or people are tortured on the streets (while asshole tourists still visit that place).

Even if you're fair and don't add terror to the shit muslims do, you'll find enough other things.

High five, buddy. But good jokes in Deadpool? You gotta be kidding.

It is a bit cringy, but the premise isn't at all bad.

(((Deadpool))) indeed. At least he has a helicopter, that's a good start.

Also, there is one man and one woman dressed up as Deadpool on stage, and the retarded bitch asks
Does she really not know the sex of Deadpool.

I don't get this comic at all.

I didn't like either that much, but Gwenpool at least had a sort of interesting premise. The Deadpool one was just confusing to me. Perhaps I'm missing some backstory.

I'll add that a highpoint in Gwenpool was the last page. Throughout the entire thing she had thought of it as a comedy comic book, without any real consequences, assuming that everything would follow a happy narrative. However, in the last page the stark reallity of how dire the consequences were. This was made even better by the fact that previously she was willing to kill people becasue, as I interpreted it, she didn't think of them or the story as real.

The purple jihad and the banner of the eagle at pride made me crack up.

Why do people read this garbage?

How ironic, right?

The story is pretty shit, but outside of the prologue the art was fun and had a poppy upbeat feel for it. Now if the author wasn't trying so hard and was actually funny this might have been a good comic.

Because they are trying to get people to associate whites nationalists as the REAL terrorists and muslims as the poor victims who have their image soiled by a few bad apples.

I thought there was hope for at least Deadpool, but I wouldn't know. I haven't touched anything from Deadpool for years. I didn't think revisiting this shit would be this bad.

It's a bit early to call a verdict, but let me sum up the overall expressed opinions so far:

surprise surprise everyone thinks both are shit, but Gwen the Copycat beats out the Original Flavor by virtue of having some jokes that work, a basis for the meta-humor/narrative that's at least moderately workable, fairly nice art and design, and not having an political agenda shoehorned in, or at least nowhere near as explicitly or ham-fisted as Wade "I let black people hire me for free and my enemies are Arab extremists photoshopped to have peach skin" Cuckson.

I didn't actually give my full opinion yet, I'd go so far as to say I like Gwenpool. The Deadpool issue is just… confusing. Really confusing. Like, I get that things are happening, but I don't know why, and I know even less about why I should care. The only humor I really pulled out of it was the concept of all of them dressing up as Deadpool for brand recognition purposes. Kinda reminds me of my days working in retail, and how in most jobs you're not really a person, just a part of the company. But that was it.

The two stories in the Gwenpool book had beginnings, middles and ends. Pacing wasn't even that bad (though of course, as a modern book, they could have trimmed a few pages for better effect). I don't know how far either book is, but if OP wants to keep this going with future issues, I'd check them both out. One because I enjoy it, and the other because it feels like the story hasn't started yet.

I think it's like what DC did with Superboy "Could Be A Decent Villain If Given Some Work" Prime:

She's a version of Gwen that's a normal person in the real world, where Gwen Stacy is also a fictional character.

Shall we do issue 2 of both?

No, stop posting shitty comics.

Yeah, I was thinking about Superboy Prime a bit while reading it. Obviously pretty different characters with similar core gimmicks.

I'm down for it. If shitposters give you any crap for it, you can just swing by /comic/ and post instead.

Well let's dive into…
Dadpool 2: Whites are ISIS Boogaloo


It's Hawk guy!

See: Deadpool Corp 2.0 solve petty crime!

No Dadpool, YOU are the Skrulls

and so Deadpool was the Skrulls.

It's all china town, baby

Looks like somebody ELSE is playing at being Dadpool. But who could it be? Evil Deadpool? Slade Wilson?

Time for the cringefest- Wait…this is getting interesting.

…This isn't bad…it's kind of slice of lifey though, Is this new Hellcat? No action?

Ah fuck it's Whor. Here comes the Feminism tugboat - HROOT HROOT

Hurry up buttnut. This shit isn't actually bad. If Gwen mocks the shit out of Whor is might be pretty damn funny.

More than likely she'll praise the shit out of her for how cool she thinks whor is

That sucks. Shit was actually getting pretty entertaining.

Sorry internet went down

Help! I'm actually enjoying this!
What the fuck is wrong with me? Are comics so abyssmal that this is what satisfies me now?

I…I think I like it besides the "HURR DURR MAGIC = SCIENCE"

It's slightly better than pretty much every other comic right now.

Yes! That's it, it's not mind blowingly good, it's not amazing but…it's a story, it's an actual story and not a story about twitter or convoluted for the sake of convulsion

Oh no.

It also helps that Gwenpool has some personality and flaws.

Yeah, it's kind of sad that something can be considered good just because it's "something," and that's the main advantage it has over the rest of the shit in a company's lineup.

Oh yeah, that's also a plus.

I like that Jane was portrayed as an easily tricked, violence prone idiot. Because that's consistent with her characterization as Thor.

I skilled the Deadpool issue 2 and jumped right to reading Gwenpool. I mean, I know I can just go back and read other Deadpool stories later, so of the two Gwenpool is the most interesting. I wonder if her knowledge of comics will keep on a sliding timescale as well, as in if she lasts a few years, will she for no reason be able to reference people who were cast for movies AFTER she crossed dimensions. I assume that will sadly be how it works, because most writers don't think about canon at all. But it would actually be neat if her references were locked it at a certain reference point, or she had to make some sort of trip home in the future to refill on meta information.

Issue 003 of Dadpool. Favourite cover thus far of Deadpool

Y'know, if they weren't all dressed as fucking deadpool this would be an interesting team.

They actually lose that pretty soon and get different costumes.

I've been following it and uncanny avengers and it's grown on me because at least these two books remember to have a fucking plot, even if they play up the melodrama a bit.

Really? Groovy. I liked Solo in Six Pack and Slapstick hasn't been turned into Not-The-Joker just yet


When Morph was posessed by Proteus I was shocked, When Slapstick became…this…well


Wilikers…that was boring.

What's my new waifu doing?

This concept is so good…I mean it, this really is probably something I'd consider picking up.

I won't…but I'd consider it.

You know why I think I like this? Exiles. Exiles was my favourite…is my favourite and alternate characters are my jam. Maybe my desire for Exiles v3 is so severe that this is the only outlet.


Why is Stephen Strange in so many of the new comics for girls? Is it because the new movie has Cumberbun and so they think they'll all swoon for him? It's kinda funny.

or is it a "Doctor Who is a thing" angle? Where it's useless companion + mystical/magical entity. I know they tried with Surfer but Stephen is such a weird pick.

I don't know why I smirked at that first page. It's not that funny, but I still smirked.

Well next issue is next week so I'll stop spamming until then

you know how tumblr went all juicy over loki?

I think whoevers in charge of marvel at disney thinks Strange is Loki but good and is pushing him in that angle.

Damn I love that artist, especially how the faces are drawn. It reminds me of Power Pack.

It's done by the same artist.

I guessed so. I wish I could draw like that.

Would be so fappable.

surely gwenpool is the merc with two mouths?

two sets of lips, at least

oh god please don't tell me the actual comic has made that joke

That was a really fun little interlude with Dr. Strange. Girls do love magic and he's always been a handsome man, learned man. So in that regard he could very much fill the Dr. Who type of unearthly man who can take a girl on a multidimensional adventure.

Personally, I love that, since he's seen so much crazy shit, everything involving Gwen is really not that mysterious to him, it's just a thing that happened. I particularly like the "cosmic accent" concept, that he's one of the few people who would pick up on a detail that others would see as simply madness. Is there any stuff before these issues that explain Gwen's feelings towards her parents, or am I right to assume that's a developing storyline?

I also like Batroc in this, but I like Batroc all the time. Even his comment about how Captain America's life is, in his view, completely meaningless is a good character moment. If being a hero is pointless, then there is no real point against being a villain, a cynicism that allows him to justify himself. So, thanks for this all, OP. I'll keep an eye out next week if you keep it going.

I feel a bit disgusted that not only is Gwenpool's premise kinda cute, the comic hasn't let it down yet. I'm actually enjoying this.

It's an odd to be enjoying a comic from Marvel that isn't over 15 years old, right?

Kinda, yeah. I did admittedly like this volume of Deadpool too, up to the North Korea arc. Seems it kinda lost its direction after that.

Dr. McNinja is pretty ok so Gwenpool had a pretty ok chance of being pretty ok.

I saw the first issue of the other book Hastings is doing for Marvel, Vote Loki, and actually liked the writing as well. The art in that is painful to look at, but the writing still held up, at least for a first issue. So I hope he keeps up the good work, he's certainly not painful to read like a lot of Bendis's stuff.

For a lark I opened up a (((New Yorker))) today on my lunch break, and there was an article written by Alex Ross (no idea if it was THE Alex Ross or someone with the same name) talking about the history of blasting loud music as a counterinsurgency tactic.

One point I noticed was that he mentioned Islamic terrorists and neo-Nazi skinheads in the same breath. This is a trend to keep an eye out for in the future, but there is a tendency to mention "Organized Islamic religious fundamentalists that have murders thousands of people of different faiths across the globe" with "tatted up neo-Nazi skinheads that shout at black people and beat up the occasional Mexican" to equate them in the reader's mind.

Not supporting skinheads, (mostly because they are wiggers or alphabet agency representatives) but the two are not equivalent.


For the first time in sixteen years I am going to start following a comic book again. So far Gwenpool is cute and fun. The art is great. The characters arn't used like they are puppets reading a description of who they are supposed to be. The small details that are just put out there with a few comments makes them feel like a person simply mentioning something in relation to their own life. The story isn't pushy and overbearing with a political narrative so far. It is a like fluffy fantasy with a strange meta story that takes place in something similar enough to earth that it is relatable. It feels like a comic book, an honest to God comic. I saw the covers and instantly hated it because I figured it would be another progressive I AM WOMYN HEAR ME ROAR bullshit. Instead I ended up with something simply enjoyable. It's nothing special, but when you are swimming in an ocean of shit that is modern comics that makes it more than good enough. More than likely it will turn to a shitforce five shitnado, but for right now I an enjoy it.


I'm really intrigued by Gwenpoole, but that may also be that most every other comic is complete crap. It seems like the people behind Gewenpoole are having fun with the character and story without the ((execs)) trying to push their agenda and tainting it. My only concern is that it becomes popular and the people with power start to use it push their message.

Hell, they don't even have to try to use it to push a message to ruin it. They would just have to decide that it could stand to be 'improved' by being 'raised to the same level of deep, meaningful, and mature storytelling that the rest of the Marvel lineup has to offer', or some other, similar line of bullshit corporate marketing speak.

Holla Forums needs to leave.

From what i understand, it's not really the execs trying to push agendas, its the writers

I like Gwenpool so far no lie
I thought it was going to be

instead I got

my favorite moment is probably when her hacker friend dies.
Their's no lecturing MODOK on gay rights, no sudden plot twist where she had a secret weapon all along, no lecturing Galactus on pronouns.
He straight up dies


Is this the latest issue where her friend dies? It would impress in a meeting lowest expectations kind of way if she actually has to work as Modok's henchgirl rather than having to suffer no consequences for her actions.

This Gwenpool stuff actually seems kind of bearable, and adorable as fuck

Friend dies in issue #1, issue #2 and #3 are her working for MODOK

He isn't at all suspicious that the personal dates pop up out of nowhere, as if she had faked them? Why does he immediately draw the conclusion that they're real, and use the information in them to draw conclusions about her?

Also, why is an organisation of assassins allowed to operate in public (bank accounts, HQ on a skyscraper in the middle of the city, etc.)?

Also, when's the next issue?

Name ONE LAW that says, specifically, that you can't openly run an organization of assassins. That's right, you can't.

Actually, mercenaries are totally legal in the US, aren't they? Provided they break no laws.

Yes and no, the legal code in the U.S.A. is vague and complex, and partially it was written that way on purpose. If a prosecutor decides that you have done something wrong, regardless of actual legality, he will throw obscure and nonsensical charges at you until something sticks. Remember that before he killed himself, Aaron Swartz was facing twenty years in prison for violating a user agreement after the offended party had decided to drop the charges. That happened because the FBI just plain didn't like his politics. Doing something technically legal only remains legal until the powers-at-be decide they don't like you anymore.

Buuuuuut I digress, these comics aren't half bad. Thanks for sharing!

When does MODOK fuck Gwen?

Blackwater, XI, Academi, or whatever the fuck they're calling themselves these days to avoid public scrutiny says hello.

Also this isn't gwenpool's first appearance, Op should storytime that.

Downloading it now, It's issue 00 right?

He's MODOK, not MODOF.

Gosh, read a book sometime.

I think so. also I think I saw mention of an annual or something with howard the duck but I could be wrong on that account.

He can always find a way.

So, her superpower is contractual immortality from knowing she is the star of her own book? Could be worse.

I think she showed up in a couple sidestories, one with Howard the Duck even, before she started be written by Hastings.

That's what she thought it was in the first issue, but after the way said first issue ended, she seems to now think otherwise. Notice the way she was wondering if she had suddenly kicked off some big new arc for femthor after the fight in the second issue, for example. Since she got roped into being MODOK's henchman, she seems to be assuming that she's showing up as a side character in somebody else's book, rather than starring in her own.

So… her superpower IS contractual immortality, but she DOESNT know that, and she just thinks its her encyclopedic knowledge of Marvel comics.

Heh. Being a sidekick in a MODOK comic. That'd be pretty funny.

If I was her, I'd assume I was a side character in a Batroc limited series. But that's just cause I think Batroc is awesome.

Are there any other examples of Batroc being awesome? because my sole exposure to him is this comic and Marvel Heroes where he's actually pretty tough as a boss and has a sought after unique item drop. (his boots)

Up next: Someone storytimes Batroc stories.

I wish I had a few on hand. I've seen one or thing posted a few years ago, and I remember him showing up in Cap from time to time as a kid. He just always came off to me as one of those guys who is just trying to make his way in the world, through being a criminal. And he's just a guy who is really French and can jump real good, who can give Cap a real fight. That's pretty amazing.

If you were legal immigrants, you'd be protected by the law from this shit. This is simple, practical cause and effect.

Conspiracy to commit murder?

They throw employees out of windows.


Yeah, she could be bald and have a big nose.

Not me go-er I mean guys!

the comic really dodged a bullet there

You're just pretending to be this retarded right?
Or does your mother dress and press the keys for you?

this faggot must've only seen a few screenshots where he says something autistic like "le chimichanga xDD"

casual please.
Joe Kelly's Deadpool was a solid fucking run.
Only a couple of off issues.

You're thinking about Waypool

To be honest - yes. Exactly. And I saw the game.

If this magic trick actually left a shadow of her thats still a comic book nerd, this could serve as a contrievance to keep her updated in the sliding timescale.

OR, most likely, she'll just always know the material in whatever is in the current Marvel Handbook, because of the Sliding Timescale Policy. She'll know characters, and old plot points, (Hail Hydra) but not new plot points (Cap being wished into being Hail Hydra?)

I'm sure we're going to find out what happened to her parents. It only makes sense that she eventually finds her way back home. However, Strange's words about a traumatic event causing her to the comic world has me seeing her as having died in the real world and comic world is her purgatory.

… without someone storytiming the previous material thats hard to deduce. I just thought her first trip from Home to Earth-616 was more disorienting/rough/etc.

Sorry for the delay






This one is a little more meme worthy, but I'm assuming that it's because a "proof of concept" deal

This is like a rabbit hole that just keeps getting deeper




I do like the fact that she has no powers but so too knows that she's the hero of the story so she's in no danger. Pretty interesting. Would love for her to go to 1610 and be like "Oh I could die at any minute now!"…too bad 1610 is gone.

at least you're honest, but Deadpool didn't become famous because of that. He was already a reddit icon by the time that cancerous shit and the game came out.

I want to put my dick in Gwenpool.



Its like a roadrunner cartoon. You know the coyote will fail, the point is the how.

How long until he runs out of ideas? I give ten near-death situations people!

Guri's art is always on-



Y'know thinking of this Gwenpool could have some awesome arcs. Remember some things from comics, artifacts and the like she could grab. Hell she could even straight up say stuff "Nick Fury is the watcher btw" etc

On the other hand, having her main villain being a comic book guy would be fucking amazing.

Would be even better if she only knows modern (Post-Civil War) and he only knows Pre-Civil War…..

This is something I absolutely cannot stand with mainstream publishers.

I get that you have deadlines and shit, but you could have at least got an artist that looked Gurihiru. It's like they don't understand the book's appeal.

But Jack, that means they'd have to PAY

I'd buy it

Occam's razor here. They are trying different artists to see which one is the best fit for the long series.

I cant think of any other reason they'd put whoever did this on the helm.

wait, so they made a new ms marvel and she's a muslim? is her superpower throwing gays off of rooftops?

It'd be fun

Seriously Gwenpool deserves a friggin movie or cartoon. I'd surely be better and more charming than that fucking new Ghostbusters movie.

Speaking of fucking, where's the Gwenpool-porn?

They don't. I bet they don't care about the art at all and think people buy it for the story.

Actually, I bought several comics for the style first but then figured out how interesting the story is. E.g. The Last of Us, or Scott Pilgrim (which basically is like "see that shit we're doing with a marker? You could do that too, you lazy prick") or various Batman comics.

This idea is interesting so I'll keep going with it

Public beheading, crippling and whipping sound like effective powers to me, though.
And since Blow-that-Shit-off-the-Earth-Man is on vacation…

Wait, what happened here? First page is buildup, then second page is a hostage bluff and suddenly transition to outside on a car chase out of nowhere?

How many pages are missing between these panels?

I direct you here




I fucking love current deadpool and how he's being written. He's the only hero guy in marvel who'll look at someone else's point of view anymore.

Plus I'm pretty convinced he's the lynchpin keeping modern marvel held together. For a long time he was doing off the books job for old man steve, playing by the rules for the avengers, while looking out for his kid. and now he's trying to live up to the avenger card steve gave him and fit in with the uncanny avengers, and yet after all his effort he gets shit on by everyone else.

Long story short, I feel Deadpool is the only character in modern marvel that is actually trying anymore. everyone else takes their goodness for granted. The "worst avenger" is probably the best at actually being a hero which is an odd thing to say about a guy who casually murders.






While we wait for the next gwenpool shall I continue with Dadpool or shall I story time say She Hulk or Howard the Duck?

all of those sound pretty good, but if you're going to do more deadpool I'd recommend mixing it in with uncanny avengers since the last numerical reboot.

Again the missing pages between panels feeling, this time on Page 3.

…Oh god, the art in this one is making me miss the way Hellcat is drawn in the fucking Kate Leth book.

I'm told it looks good

Compared to everything else that is happening in comics this is actually not too bad. It will not light the world on fire but we have average writing, and her costume is adorable as fuck

Show of hands
Who here would fugg gwenpool

I would breed her.

I'd stuff her comic box every month and I'd fugg her

Let's have a Howard time while we wait for Gwen, It's technically linked

Pretty hot especially in CURRENT YEAR when women can't be portrayed as attractive. I wish they would add a little more cleavage or thicker ass/thighs but that's just me


Oh god, I feel terrible for even having downloaded this. I actually went and bought those issues of Gwenpool today

I mean come on

…I regret story timing this. I don't feel satisfied not paying for this, they owe me money for reading this.


What an amazing Uncle Ben.

I am retarded and tired and meant to say Peter Parker.

This brings it back down to what I expect from Marvel these days. I sorta like his reasoning for the chef hats though, that's not an awful bit.

Quite clearly meant to be over the top comedy, but written by humorless ideologues so the end product is cringe on every page.

someone should tell them that funnybooks are supposed to be funny.

But in full costume.

Fuck that was a shitty comic

"OMG I can't belevie he called you doll lets break things go back to the 60's creep"

Some stuff was ok, not really any of the humour though

I would draw lewds of Gwenpool
Accepting suggestions, doing something atm

Thorette finding out Gwen had a dildo remote dangling from up her panties when she came close.

So…..are they ever gonna explain why MODOK has a mohawk now?

If I can figure out a pose I like for that, I'll get on it. Have something else in the meantime.

Hand holding

I have an idea, it's not sexual though.
A moment where gwenpool becomes convinced the world she is in is real, suddenly it all hits her, all the lives she's taken, all the pain she's caused comes to mind.
She falls to her knees, tears streaming down her face, her hands shaking frantically in front of her as she contemplates all the blood she's spilled for without a second though.
suddenly she feels arms rap around her, can't think of anyone good a calming voice says softly "It'll be alright gwen, I'm here for you" She turns to embrace his hug, weeping into his chest uncontrollably.

That would be a satisfying moment.


I can always mix these two.

I found a pose for this, but not gonna lie: I'm going to take my time with this so dont stay up waiting for the drawings anons.


dialogue alone makes this gold.

Based on what I could find from a quick trip through google, there's only a small amount of it, and most of what's out there is terrible.

Here's a small selection of some of the better ones, though.

Looking forward to the finished piece, user.

This is better than anything I could ever imagine! xD

Gwenpool is pretty cute. Looks pretty animu to me. Though I guess that is not a real accomplishment since all other women in comics are ugly dykes on purpose.

Thats the amazing Power Pack style. It's extremely hot (and also appealing in a non-pervy way). Combined with the bright colors, it's just a perfect style. It's what tumblr tries to do except no noodle arms and legs.

Alright I'll bite. After reading this entire thread, I think Gwenpool is worth a read.

Praise Gurihiru.

And of course they are Japanese, are there any western artists who can draw in a cute way? Still mad about squirrel girl getting handed to a notalent tumblrite though.

Awww dude, don't remind me what a hammer smashed face Squirrel Girl got instead.

Probably at some point but that well's been tainted by Calarts "style".
Your best bet is to look toward nonCap.

user, that game was written by the worst Deadpool writer yet, Daniel Way.
He turned Deadpool into a meme spewing retard.
Here have some decent Deadpool

every time. every damn time.

We can't have a cute, non-frumpy Squirrel Girl she has to appeal to SJWs.
Hamplanet dykes need to feel represented.

Even if the art is adorable, she would still be pretty bad because of the writer for the current squirrel girl comics.

Wait, she's still on it?!
I thought it finally got what it had coming.
Was it not canned already?

I'm sorry, user.

it's not sales that propel it forward. its sheer feminist spite.

Could we get a picture of Gwenpool being propositioned by Modern Squirrel girl and being disappointed she doesn't look like her original self and rejecting her?

Anything else you guys want to story while we wait for the new issue? I am happy to suffer

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.

Darn, now I want to write the adventures of Muslim Gwen Stacy Quicksilver. She'd only slow down to pray three times a day.

I am drawing a lot of Shango…I made his outfit admittedly outlandish (based on my work when on the islands and what they wore for ceremony) but since I can't draw for shit without a stylis it'll be a while. It's awesome though, when they were telling me about their religion and talked about Shango I was overwhelmed like "Fire, Lightning, Storms and Wind? Fucking hell awesome it's Thor meets Johnny Storm"…

Ah! Sorry for the ramble!

Coming up pal, when did the other user stop story timing? Issue 5 if I remember correctly?


got anything >>619887 ?

Let me do some digging, Maybe I can find some

Okay, downloading Defenders Vol 1 63, Cap Vol 1 105 and Tales of Suspense 75. That will take a while, so I'll do Squirrel Girl for now if anyone knows when they stopped story timing it?

If not, I'll go from Vol 2 of it

I remember the last unbeatable comic posted on Holla Forums was the "Choose your own adventure" one where we kept trying to kill off Squirrel Girl.

I'm got my noose, I'm ready for squirrel girl

If you guys are gonna do squirrel girl make it the one that isn't a tranny please

I want you two to suffer. Tranny squirrel girl.

that pretty cruel user


Well then nobody is going to really read it then. We've all seen the horror

so this is the famous squirrel hurl I've been hearing about.

I had been able to avoid it unto now..

Power Pack animated short with Gurihiru style art attached to a MCU film when?

Seriously, attaching some shorts to the films would be a great way of testing audience interest in some lesser properties.

That would be sexist user. They need to use REAL art done by a REAl woman.

I'm still surprised that Disney still hasn't tried to get a series out of Marvel for PowerPack.

If they do ever get interested, I hope it's just a movie since all of Marvels current cartoons blow ass.







So there are people who PAY for this entire book? They don't read it though, right? I mean, they're just doing it to spite others, I hope.

That depends. Does skimming count as reading?

I like to think that the people supporting it are just people who just want something easy to show to get them progressive brownie points, the most blindly loyal of fans, and mother.

this is like owning a bakery called the holocrust and putting it in the fucking holocaust museum

What a cute Thor.

Wait, how many mutants were actually chopped up and such for the Weapon X program? I mean, if mutants have a holocaust, it was Genosha… or M-Day… actually, there might be a few other times as well. Anyway, my point is, when your race has had MULTIPLE Holocaust events, that one time all those mutants were experimented on isn't even a 9/11 event. You think people still cry about the Mutant Massacre? Naw, that happened years ago, it's fine to make fun of now.

this would be the one the mutant avengers would have been closer too, the one where the humans turned them into mindless drugged killing machines and all.

besides thanks to marvels rolling timeline the weapon x program wasn't that long ago.

and furthermore, Wade still has issues with Weapon X.

In fact, OP should storytime the recent deadpool issues where he fights with sabertooth over it.

What's next? Are you going to tell me about the 6 trillion that died in Genosha?

I bet you really believe hillary clinton had nothing to do with the sentinel program even after the email leaks link the clinton foundation to the project.

Figures that a mutie sympathizer would be against the return of american manufacturing and gigantic robots that keep out streets safe from psychopathic mutants. You know that Magneto guy calls his terrorist organization The Brotherhood of EVIL mutants right? So not only are you fucks lazy, you're also unpatriotic


I bet you really think there were us soldiers in that sunken submarine. Every time the government needs the voting populace afraid and pliable they roll out this magneto boogieman and people eat it up to vote against their interests. and people like stark get another big government handjob.

Anyways don't change the subject. HRC's email leaks tie her into not only attempting to destabilize the region around wakanda to get at the vibranuim reserves but tie her directly into william stryker AND sebastian shaw who both donated heavily to her foundation and received arms and political favors in return!














Was that the one you wanted?

So when does more come out?







it's toon
Tune doesn't even make sense for a cartoon, I want to go back to the other universe

So… they really retconned her to not be a mutant right here? Are they that worried that Fox will try to steal Squirrel Girl from them?

That was all a good read, thanks OP.

I wonder what deadpool said to magneto here

He told him that Deadpool is the most successful movie in the X-Men franchise

I wanna kill that down syndromed cunt. Seriously, so much wasted potential. I could fucking draw that. And I can't draw shit.


Seriously, I expect you to have a better comic done within the hour. Even stick figures would at least not be disgusting to look at.

It was always Looney Tunes, because the series was originally comprised of short cartoons set to music. See also Silly Symphony and Merrie Melodies.

Fuck this I am going to /x/, they will have a field day with this shit.

fun fact: The artist who draws her drew the superior version of squirrel girl

In before the sjw pap smears take hold of this comic and "diversify" her.

You're late to things we already discussed.

I love how this art makes me physically ill.

Haha no, too busy playing Overwatch.
But what are you implying, that despite her ugliness the story is actually good?

Because after hearing she defeats friggin Galactus, I doubt that.

It's pretty amazing how sickening it is. Like it's purposefully meant to be unappealing.

No, I seriously meant you should draw a comic, because we should all just start drawing comics. And I'm confident that any user here could toss out a better looking and written book that Squirrel Girl. Hell, just a few years ago people were really enjoying the character. Then people like Bendis noticed she existed, and then she was made a "real part" of the universe… and everything went down hill so fast.

I mean, I get that when you see something is popular, you try to make the most of it. But they've done everything possible to ruin Squirrel Girl for several years now.

I'm working on it, I can't draw for shit though

you fool, we or at least I changed universes, in my universe it was toons not tunes

You're thinking of something else.

The older cartoons were music related like another user stated. Tiny Toons passed on that.

it's the Bernstain bears thing user, I changed universes

Did someone say Baltroc's first appearance?


There was a Toon Town in Who Framed Roger Rabbit too.

It isn't the same thing as the two are largely used interchangeably and for good reason.

Enjoy the greatest advertisement as says the God Emperor DOOM!

user, I remember it clearly.
Toons not tunes
your obviously from a separate universe


Double awesome, I've been waiting for this.

well what's on the back of the shirt then?

this is awesome.

Right there is a lot of what I like about the guy. He's just in it for the cash, he ain't dying for none of this bullshit.

Oh shit, thread is over bump limit, isn't it? It was good, too.

I'll make a new bread when the new Gwenpool is out!

probably to be more "realistic" and "diverse" by being as shitty as possible.