Jupol no.4

Slovenia Croatia Bosnia Serbia Macedonia Montenegro Bulgaria

Guests: Greece Romania Albania & Balkan diaspora around the world

some random crap:

Retardogan sending his legions if you dont pay

Slovenian police strike amounts to………………………………………some pay raises and back to work

Serb hero returns home, gets cucked

Shiptars gonna ship (arms)

Nedić (serb version of Ante P.) probably going to be rehabilitated

Maidan - Balkan Edidtion

Turci opet na đihad

Serbia one step closer to getting cucked

Random EU documentary for you

dont start another balkan internet war

Other urls found in this thread:


To u švedskoj su ostaci ovog našeg rata, jel? Ne nešto novo šta švercaju kroz svoje bosanske vehabijske zajednice?

Why didn't the Serbs and Croats team up to remove kebab?

Schism aside wouldn't it be better for Catholics and Orthodox to get rid of the Bozniaks, before they turned on each other to settle their shit?

History of aversion mostly. And politics.

Verdammte Tschuschn. Ihr seid's die Neger von Europa.

Croatia part of AustroHungary fighting against Serbian kingdom

Nice trips.

But yeah, this guy is right. It goes centuries back.

ih kanst schwabesprache,
start talking a language that hasnt lost every world war

Like your krautspeak won any?

How big of a deal was the Dorde Martinovic incident in relation to the removal of albanian kebab?

if youre refering to slovenia being cucked by schwabs all the time youd be right.
most of people trough history up to WW1 in slovenia that tried to get it uncucked were "sanctioned", even by their felow slovenes.
then when commies took power after WW2 they really tried to degermanize Slovenia (muh kočevski nemci) and kinda did it, until it all went back to german ass licking with the EU and NATO after 91

No matter what you say, Satan, Bleiburg shall not be forgotten.

Nah, i tought you were the saging faggot kraut. Mobile doesn't show IDs and Im kinda drunk.

not really big of a deal.
Milo and his gang were just looking for more reasons to centralise serb support and a conflict with a minority in some distant part of Yugo was pertty good to get started.
Milo didnt really defend serbs in kosovo at first, he needed the violence to escalate so he could become the hero in serbs darkest hour

what do Ustashe and Chetnik photos of killing eachother have to do with bleiburg?

Is Miroljub Petrović redpilled?

love the movie, you should also watch "In china they eat dogs"

About Miroljub, i dont know. Havent really heard of the guy more than three times

I loved the original pusher it made a realistic depiction of the danish underworld mixed with exotic organized crime.

But the 2 sequels were disappointing and just seemed like an attempt to regain some lost shekels.

These threads are always just a shit fest

Inb4 "everyone is a serb" shill

well the last one was pretty nice, the one that had some Yugo 41-45 and 90-95 history.

tough according to croats youd be right, cause for them im an alpine chetnik

Just watched this and cried for you bros


why fucking Albania? Fuck those roaches.

Come on now, Pusher 3 was great. Didn't even need subtitles.

theyd get in no matter what.
even faster if specificaly noted that they arent allowed. besides i dont see so many of the on this pol

Kaj dogaja?

Nasi policaji so po pol leta dosegli nic.


Hrvati pazite nase na Euro 2016


I don't speak turkish, please use English.

Greece is basically Balkans, everything else is an addition.

Are you a Croat OP? The lack of education is really telling.

terrible documentary



when you say Balkans most people think of ex-YU, not some greek islands and temples.
cometo think of it, most people dont even know that "Balkan" is a name of the penninsula.

and greece kinda drifted away from balkan political matters after the brits cucked them after WW2, up until now with the euro/refugee-crisis

why? not friendly enouh to your POV of the war? make some points

Kaj se dogaja na Hrvaškem? Boste odstavili premierja?





GG Pulcaji

Lepe številke, kek odobrava

Ma tej kmeti nej se čimprej skinejo z oblasti, sicer nimam kakršnihkoli aspiracij, da bo sds kej boljši ampak realno gledano slabše bi bilo težko.

Da ne omenjam da je sds ena redkih evropakih deanih strank, ki dejansko poodpira kvote. Wtf?

Pol pa prideva še na temo katarsko sponzorirane džamije. Pa kdo bo men v mestu gradil minaret? A se vi zajebavate z mano? Zokija bojo odnesle volitve, minaret pa c4

I support Serbia on many points in the conflict, but tbh the serbs really dropped the ball with the whole RS Krajina thing. Most of the territories claimed by the serbs had no serb majority

itak so vsi bedakisamo menjavajo se.
pride stranka ki ne dela nič, potem pride stranka ki privatitira (skreti v stranki prodajo državna podjetja, ki jih naključno kupijo podjetja teh istih skretov), potem pa gre cik cak cik cak

pa tud SDS ni pov kurca, isto kot tista ZL pa podobne male partije mal fura svojo "ideologijo" zato da glasove nabere, drugače pa iste pizdrije dela kot ostale

uno džamijo ma pa itak janković čez k dnar vleče po "kanalih" od unih usranih saudijcov,
pa noben nč ne reče,
ZL pa te zato ker nočejo izpadet kot tisti ki jih kritizirajo, SMC pa SDS pa zato ker raje EU kurac pušita in gonita njihov kolovrat

bosnia was the biggest territorial fuckup of the war. it was suppost to be partitioned/confederalised, but clinton and his faggot masters needed it all in one piece, so they wanted to make a second "swiss" with stuffing all the muslims, croats and serbs in one republic.
Not to mention that the fat retards didnt only design that retarded BiH flag that you see today, they also drew up the borders.
so no wonder you have such a fuckup

Crknejo nej vsi, blesava zl pa podrepniška antifa iz mete, sds drekači pa njihovi povojni poboji. Poln kurac jh mam. Slovenija naprej!

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