Other urls found in this thread:
real 10/10 coming through
holy melanoma!
Who is the girl OP? Your taste is flawless.
my kind of thread. Will contribute later if still alive.
It will be
Rachel riley is pretty much the perfect woman
you are a blue eyes fan, eh?
I could go for some raspberries right now.
If i had one wish itd be to fuck taylor swift when she looked like this.
I don't but I might have some stock.
I fucking love this girl
What do you like then?
general face harmony. Regardless of colour.
I did find a blue-eyed girl without knowing I was doing so in my folder.
You mean symmetry etc?
not really, harmony was the good word.
It might be the "good" word but its not a descriptive word when it comes to faces
I can't find a better description
I don't really know for myself actually
Fair enough
Swift is a serious qt but she isnt waifu material anymore
Ahh thats the emma/taylor blend, my mistake
yup, indeed
Sexiest attack helicopter ever made
too fat jaw
Im always surprised at the lack of piper peribo posted on chans, she is stunning.
I just pick girls here and there user, if she was that beautiful she would be in my folder. Maybe she is, I don't know.
When you wanted a 10/10, did you mean a 10/10-yo?
There's only one thing better than an 18 year old qt, and that's two 9 year olds.
micro dump incoming 1/?
also check 'em
Ten seems enough for now, but I might take another dump later on
What a qt
Nice micro dump
Perfect body
Many perfect bodies
You from halfchan or something?
You're aware you could be uploading these five at a time, right?
Nope, at least we don't have disgusting taste.
This thread is for posting 10's, not outing yourself as a colossal faggot. Keep your homolust to yourself, sodomite.
as you like
So what's it like living out your life with undescended testicles?
yo dawg did I offend you?
I ain't stupid, just not bothered to read that.
I don't know what these means actually, but as you seem deep into the tumblr, please explain.
Also I post girls one by one because I want to enjoy them fully, which I can't when I'm overflowed.
English isn't your first language, mate?
didn't go far enough to see it was sarcasm
nope it isn't
Relax niggers
my waifu
who is that first woman?
aaand mini dump two, for the autist that was wondering earlier, I'm posting one image per post so that if people want to query or comment on a specific image they can do
also mega bewbs are all well and good in pictures, but in real life they don't look that nice
ten seems like a good round number again…
Anymore like this? I really like the older stuff.
this is Holla Forums, I argue wherever I want
many 10s in your set.
Fair enough
it's dumptiem I guess
The second girl is gorgeous
I've already seen these round here. You might be the same guy I've dumped with some time ago
This bitch better not wear this shirt for fashion only
Anyone know anything about this girl?
yes, I came here for 10/10s and everything here is 0/10
there's always
for you.
and there's
for you
this isn't porn, mate
ah, children incoming
eh, I'm not into that so I wouldn't know
anyways, I'm not OP and you post what suits you mate.
I don't save much that isn't explicitly hentai though
ha, sometimes there are uses for these
that's the 2D version of what I'm posting, I guess
i need more
i need more
I have problems…
goodnight chaps
Furthest left is Ana from the Petter Hegre archives. You are welcome.
She's a leftist, feminist type sadly (Norwegian I believe)
wew lad
nice contrast between blue eyes and dark hair
Not very common
2D waifus can't be 10/10. They get -1 point for not being real.
You just have to find something you can't IRL that makes them a 11/10 :^)
Heh, yeah
Im just going to tell myself that first pic is fake.
Wow, now THAT is a fucking 10/10
God Tier taste, user
Fukken saved
dick exploded
Thanks user
good morning…
that's all for now guys
I'll probably be back later for another lil dump
Anyone know who the girl on the left is?
you're welcome
too bad Megan has no class at all
I mean in the choice of her clothes, style and haircuts
French. Having a decent cultural background, you know, shit like that.
you do realize the outfits/haircuts you're seeing and disliking are for acting jobs/modelling jobs right?
she is qt3.14 irl, trust me I met her once
Stop posting this cunt. Besides having deformed hands, a face that looks like she's had too much (read: any) work done and absolutely terrible, heavily spaced apart, prematurely aged, ugly shaped tits, her personality is utterly repellent.
This is the bitch who when asked a random question about how she'd defeat Megatron just out of the blue decided to respond "I'd offer to let him kill those bible-thumping, gay-hating racist redneck southerners."
There are way too many chicks in this thread with implants or terrible small tits, but those aren't overtly offensive. This cunt is an assault on the eyes.
amanda knox?
perhaps this is more to your taste… nudity and come hither eyes with a heavy dose of photoshop…
i agree
less trash pls
Not her, the other one
Why not both?
Truly 10/10
Only gingers can be 10/10
Any one who claims otherwise is a faggot.
My Daddy says I'm his little angel
Because you're a boy, and you need to accept that. If you're a faggot, you need to accept that. You're *not* a chick, though.
Most young adults who feel like you do right now, stop feeling like that after a few years, without any intervention needed. It's basically your brain and hormones fucking with you.
Accept who you are, and a couple of years from now, you'll look back and think 'Fuck, why did I get stressed about that'?
The threads for 10s not 10 year olds.
Why is it so hard to find decent pics of her from the show?
any 10/10 girls want to post themselves?
You're not getting it. It's not just some strange, unexplained urge. These girls simply have better lives than user. Hell, almost all girls have better lives than your average user, but these ones in particular would have even better lives than most. It makes sense to be jealous of people who have so many things in life simply handed to them.
1st girl here imgur.com
Found more of 3rd pic imgur.com
Nothing wrong with 10/10 10-yo's
2nd pic, gina gerson?
It's more like 5
Literally the only 10/10 in this thread.
shit genetics/10
shitty toe nails
Is there a cuter pic on the internet than this?
I don't know, user
user pls
But I believe you she can be a qt IRL.
I dont even see 10/10.
I have a few friends of mine posted on this thread, though. I avoid posting the ones I fucked, but this can be achieved.
Oh u
muh copyrights I guess
too bad their backgrounds are lame, it lowers their rating in my heart.
spotted the neckbeard
she actually looks like a retard on this picture. So yes, there are cuter pics.
in that move she is a solid 10 in my mind
Maybe. But impersonal 10/10 does not exist.
Also, even 6/10 don't like me. Because of i am 5/10.
6 to 5 isn't far, you must be lower than 5 or lacking confidence.
lacking confidence to life at all. I mean girl it is not problem, wen you dont have maney, job, work, or jast useful skills.
well sorry if you lack everything, but in a way you guys in the east have girls that have nothing ether and are quite cute.
What do you mean?
aren't you Russian/Ukrainian or something in the like? That was just a guess
Muh tinglefu
asmr gril
better than her spoiled twin sisters though.
everything is always easier for them everywhere.
for example
Look on the life expectancy for men and women anywhere in the world.
I will bet money that women's is higher.
Look at homeless rates
Look at suicide rates
Look at the length of prison sentences
look at funding for gender specific diseases
our species is gynocentric, deal with it, fag
this will end as soon as 3DPD no longer have a monopoly on reproduction
What it is?
it means women
oh, the poor women have to deal with being pregnant, oh the poor women.
First off, 3DPD don't have to get pregnant if they don't want to, second off they multiple options on what to do with the womb shit if she does get pregnant. While a male only has two: pay or go to jail.
3DPD also get a slave for the next 18 years, but oh the poor women.
lurk moar, hitler
Glorious nippon
I normally dont like asians but this girl from red alert 3 is the exception.
6/10 at best
god tier
I knew a girl like this combined with
Where are the webms of qt3.14s doing qt things?
guess I'll post a few, I don't have many though.
whoops wrong one
welp thats all i got for webms
That was my last webm, have my last non-moving qts as a parting gift, cause my entire folder is exhausted right now.
Just make a gif nigger
u mentally disabled faggot?
Who gives a shit if its a better image, its 4 seconds with no sound.
Sounds like your sex life… if you even have one.
Never change, Japan, ever.
Good thread lads
This background is fucking with my brain
Southerner who supports Manchester Utd.
I don't care how fit she is, or how smart she may seem, that's a deal breaker.
Block this
Sorry, I'm not into Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle
G. Hannelius with her lil boobies about to pop out as she's about to rape a lil black girl…. if that's not 10/10 material
…. then i dont know what is!
She is a serious hottie
Bumping good thread
? i dont see anything special in that image?
here is my 10/10
too bad this is a bad shoop