Use this link to report as many anti-migrant, anti-feminist, 'racist' youtube pages, facebooks and websites as possible to get them blocked in the EU. Make sure that you are reporting popular pages, especially ones that have an air of civility like Stefan Molyneux. It is better we get them censored all in one go so people notice rather than have them 'slow boil the frog' where nobody notices.
When people start noticing everything being censored there will be a backlash and it will spook every britbong who clicks a censored link into voting Leave, crashing the EU with no survivors.
have a bump bro, i'm curious to hear what others have to say about this
Cameron Richardson
but user the lefties would love that to happen…
Luis Wilson
Britbong here, you have no bloody idea how cucked it is here and the leftist population WANTS CENSORSHIP, the majority of the UK is WANTS IT and is anti-hate speech because that is how cucked it is.
Dominic Green
So… You want us to snitch to the EU on all our redpilled sites for you? So they can take them down? Are you out of your fucking mind?
These"accelerationism" shills I swear to fucking god. "Quick guys, vote in shittylaws and establishment candidates so the normies realize how bad they're being fucked! If we give up enough freedoms people will finally revolt!"
Fuck off. Not your personal army.
Carter Johnson
B-but how will I watch my daily Moly???
Hudson Carter
I agree with OP though as far as Brexit tactic goes. All depends on them.
They need to be pissed just before their vote.
Ryder Reed
why not just flood the system by reporting all the pro refugee etc faggots for the most minor shit? why help them when you can flood them with piss?
Zachary Fisher
The OP is a shill but he seems to be on counter intel today, they must be short handed if they put this faggot on the case.
And since the OP is likely scared, his thread being a response to an oversight, let's go with that.
So they want to know which websites are spreading hatespeech? Let's get every leftist blog and news site in bongland b&, they have to be obscure, of course. All information on WW2 is antisemetic, for example, so there should be no WW2 on the internet at all.
Jackson Clark
Luke Clark
Alrighty, time to start compiling a list?
Oliver Young
Are you a member of The Based?
You know how SJWs give eachother ruthless and constant social support… And how Jews create an active community of social support for one another, both financial and cultural? We need to do that… Call it The Based. For all who are based will be recognized, ruthlessly, financially and culturally. In public. We will support one another for merely being a member of the Based. One need be nothing more than based to receive easy help and a simple path to money, comfort, and social status and emotional support. An easy path to women and happiness in the family! If we all begin supporting eachother in this way, we will usurp their entire power structure. How do you think they maintain it? That's how. They control access to those basic human needs and make them very very hard to obtain for anyone who questions them. So I say we simply take reality back. We don't need control of the means of production. We need control of the memes, of thought, of social ideas, of culture. And we must actively support and help one another until we are able to say that their reality no longer is relevant to us. Google, Facebook… they become like old friends who we grew up from, and look down on. We no longer even exist as something related to them. Their name does not incite any sort of energetic emotional response, but instead a sort of disinterest. We have better things to do, like support the Based.
Mason Wilson
Now STFU and check the facts about that new policy. You can't "ban" random blogs and news sites, unless they are hosted by jewgle, microjews or twatter.
Robert Myers
Not which sites. The eu called the IT Companies : twitter, youtube, facebook & microsoft
Eli Davis
Just report everything, don't try to sort out which is anti-migrant or which is anti-feminist or whatever. Just make sure the workload for the agents of censorship is too much for them to handle all the reports.
Oliver Allen
This. Crash the system with no survivors.
Brody Cruz
Where do you live? Where I am, everyone speaks there mind, have brexit posters in the shop windows and generally hate the EU.
I'm not a shill. Haven't you heard of the Streisand Effect?
We aren't quite as cucked as Sweden and still have right-wing papers that will get people riled up when they find out we're now China-tier.
Dominic Davis
It can't be crashed. Under Stalin half the country was in the archives -> without computers!
Joshua Foster
This. Start reporting all the anti-white, anti-male and anti-christian etc sites and force them to choose. I'm sure there are already Lefties out there who are going to go on a report rampage. Why should we help them?
Jordan Diaz
it depends where you live, really. i live in bristol and it is so fucking cucked over here beyond repair, but oddly enough a lot of people here want to leave.
Look, it's fair to assume that hate speech is a red herring. Everyone knows it, everyone can sense it, the EU is about to pull some diabolical shit, going to cause a lot of anger if word gets out. Nationalists might think about looking up the definition of pain compliance, could be insightful.
Colton Bailey
Lincoln here, Labour stronghold. Walked home from work earlier and saw that someone had put a Brexit sticker on a traffic light and that someone else had scrawled over it with the word "racist".
Kill me now.
Julian Myers
reported reddit
Hunter Reed
Cameron Clark
Can't w8 m8
Kevin Lopez
"Hoo boy, that was a close one fellas - better not let that happen again!"
Anthony Garcia
Let's just report everyone. Let's report Pewdiepie the bureaucrats won't know who he is will they?
John Butler
1) Report Trump Videos and Posts 2) Oy vey das rayciss – baleet 3) Trumpenfuhrer becomes enraged 4) EU realizes it was a ruse but its too late 5) The fight goes full media and spreads across EU and US increasing support for right-wing parties 6) Citizens rally harder against the commie EU 7) Many lulz are had
Please visit the second page of /r/news on Reddit and upvote the post about this.
It is being heavily burried. We need to get people aware of this.
We can red pill many people if we do this.
Ryder Martin
Asher Bell
well, well, well…
Trips confirm.
Tyler Mitchell
You can also use "diversity is not alias for mixing" meme and report all pages which promote mixing too.
Jordan Watson
Everything libs don't like is automatically racist, sexist, xenophobic, hate speech.
Even if those libs couldn't even begin to tell you any reasons why they don't like something.
Michael Baker
Aaron Green
They all think it will be somebody else that will be censored and reported, so we should in fact be reporting normalfags along with the anti-Jihad gang.
Never report pro-whites though, as we only spread love and logic.
Eli Turner
He's right. The majority of the Britbong sheep are happy in the pen and look forward to visiting the laughterhouse.
A lot of these shitheads will vote "Remain" just to spite the ebil Tories, or keep their gibs (muh maternity, muh workers rights), or because "everybody knows" that Britain was a desolate hellhole before we had the EU telling us how to live our lives.
t. northern monkey, surrounded by idiots. FML.
Chase Williams
Adrian Ramirez
Parker Campbell
I don't know about this, OP. This could backfire, but i think you have a point. Eventually every anti-leftists website will be targeted for "hatespeech"
Eli Sanders
How the hell would somebody looking at a [CENSORED] page know that what was censored had an air of civility?
No, what this is, and what OP is, with his (((2))) fucking posts, is an effort to get us to out all of our redpilling sources in one fell swoop, and report them ourselves so that the EU can block it all quickly.
We win through information, not fucking HELPING WITH CENSORSHIP. Don't be retarded.
Report this link for gender discrimination. As a polyamourous two-spirit fuckwhistle, I am offended they only offer male or female as gender.
Nathan Sullivan
Why not report leftists?
Samuel Davis
Don't worry about it. Now that I'm looking at it, this thread is 46 replies and 41UIDs.
Nobody is falling for shill-OP's retarded idea. He's just talking to himself.
Benjamin Wright
That's the problem. This will almost certainly be a slow boil, and in fact, the EU banning committee almost certainly tries to do this gradually so that people don't get upset.
So no, counterproductive.
Brandon Brown
But only against specific groups, mind you.
Colton Flores
This reeks of "help us compile a list of bad goy stuff to ban".
Here's an idea: report the stuff that normies like that is barely or not at all political. PewDiePie or some shit. Pick one target at a time, and flood it with reports of hate speech for whatever bullshit mental gymnastic reason you can think of. Target channels that are already faggoty that we don't have to worry about damaging. When normie-chow starts getting banned, people will start to wake up.
Lucas Sullivan
This is a bad idea.
Levi Johnson
I'd say just report some of the most popular facebook pages and youtube channels you can find. Not ones that are left and right, but ones that normies go on almost every day and which are pretty non-political most of the time. Shit like Lad Bible and stuff like that. Normies won't be caring about censorship until their non-political domains are hit by it.
Carson Morris
There are no doubt a couple dozen we could take down by reporting them for not being leftist enough, like feminists that don't like trannies.
Jeremiah Murphy
Underrated Post.
Nathaniel Cox
Are there any Europeans still on this board? Hello? Report in your defiance now.