Ok /pol I got jewed hard
You can't work in a big company because you get jewed, nor in a small company
Thanks jews and boomers
Ok /pol I got jewed hard
You can't work in a big company because you get jewed, nor in a small company
Thanks jews and boomers
Other urls found in this thread:
Slash the bitch's tires
Drag the system down.
Being a NEET is the most effective form of civil protest we have today. White males are the backbone of this nation, if we use their rules and their systems they created to bleed us dry of the fruit of our labor against them we can crash this civilization with no survivors.
Get on unemployment, get diagnosed with autism and get NEETbucks. Spend your now immense free time exercising, reading, organizing with like minded white men. Prepare for the day Trump calls his Redhats up to purge the land of the shitskin and jewish filth, or failing that be ready for the uprising.
Hurt the kikes and their money machine. Hurt the corrupt and inefficient government. Hurt the poisonous social system that says it is a white man's duty to slave away to support niggers, spics, jews, and women while they waste money on frivolous distractions.
Be the a frog among frogs
Praise kek and pass the ammuntion
NEET Master Race reporting in.
iktf op. Women have it on easy mode in this job environment.
NEET masterace reporting in with important poal
women do have it easy because of femimarxists.
(check'ed) My first day in new job today. Already regretting NEET life when more then half of my income goes to kikes and parasitic burocrat cast. But I need money to equip for militia I joined. Just half year and I will return to NEET life.
I used to be against this, but collecting dem checks until Trump is sworn in seems like a decent temporary solution. Try to use the time and money wisely instead of on dumb shit like vidya and the electric jew.
claim discrimination, hopefully you had the sense to cover your ass, and get everything in writing/recorded.
if you're a young white man, only one organization kkkares
Are you suggesting transitioning?
This is why I work a union job. It's almost impossible to fire me unless I really fuck shit up. I have fucking amazing healthcare too (that Obama almost destroyed, dodged a bullet there).
Also, my union fucking hates Hillary, so that's a plus.
Sucks for you, OP. I'm a trust fund baby, I have never to work.
Pretty soon robots will replace whatever job you will looking for, just give up.
Embrace the NEET lifestyle my friend. It's the best way to fight the ZOG since you don't contribute at all to this piece of shit country in any meaningful way and aren't funding their zionist endeavors with your tax dollars anymore.
Embrace the NEET lifestyle my friend. It's the best way to fight the ZOG since you don't contribute at all to this piece of shit country in any meaningful way and aren't funding their zionist endeavors with your tax dollars anymore.
yeah I don't see myself getting out of NEETdom any time soon, or getting a job with improved prospects. I can't keep waiting though, things aren't gonna get better fast enough, I'm already too old. Eh.
WW3 is just around the corner anyway
look on the bright side, op
now you will have time and energy for memeing
She's not useless. She has a mouth, and other 2 nice holes.
I need more info on getting autism bucks
can I fake autism?
/jp/ had an entire guide for getting autismbux back in the day. Last I heard it was out of date. The good thing is once you are on them an in the system it is hard as fuck for them to dig you out.
You might try asking /r9k/. Be aware, don't try and signal and meme at them. Their culture is very insular and someone who uses the wrong memes will cause them to turn. Just go in completely honestly and normally and explain what you want. Don't use terms like normie or shit like that.
What if I dont live in a retarded country that pays people for being mental cripples?
Are you white?
i used to frequent /r9k/, as long as you don't mock them or brag about yourself they accept anyone.
/r9k/ is a place for those of us who suffer silently, those who have given up and those who never stood a chance (autism). of course they hate everyone who goes in there "i just broke up with my 4th gf (been with her for 2 years) and now i cant afford a prostitute, im depressed please help" when most people on /r9k/ can't even TALK to another human being for 10 minutes without being considered weird.
dont do this OP, you'll be the first suspect in a police investigation
They have changed lately. I used to stop in to read their greentext stories. Ever since the Oregon shooting they have become more militant and aggressive. I think they think the Beta Uprising is almost here and are ready to finally go out and start killing.
Of courshe
This is exactly what I've been doing since I graduated from college.
Except I've been living off my dad's retirement, which is significant. I've used it to travel, buy some guns, and undergo a massive psychedelic based healing process. I read history, have cut out my old addiction (vydia) and started working out
Now I do part time undeclared work as a gardener. A friend of mine in the business is taking me as an apprentice.
I use to feel insanely guilty about living like this. My depression and all that crap cut me off from any desire to live and give life a shot.
Fuck the government. Put me through their horrid school system that shattered me and import all these shit-skins to displace us.
But I can see what you're saying.
Well if you are white, living in a non-pozzed country that doesn't give hand outs to mental defectives, why would you want to sabatoge that country and drag it down into the gutter?
Fuck I wish I lived in a nation where I wasn't a second class citizen because the ZOG wanted to demoralize my sex and race enough to willingly become slaves.
It's the only real way to fight the system without violent and open agression. Don't contribute tax dollars and add to the drain until it become unsustainable and the ZOG either fucks off or tries something stupid like enslaving the white race causing the normalfags to wake up and fight back.
It really does make sense.
At the same time though, as a white man, I have no pride. I feel empty. I have no social life, only a handful of friends. Some are falling apart because of pot, others are gone on apprenticeships.
I still live with my parents at 26. I feel like a loser.
But fuck it. I'm comfortable. I eat organic food everyday, I have a nice house and garden in the suburbs.
Why would I trade this for a shit wage-slave job in some finance firm?
My only problem is a lack of direction in my day to day life, but that's improving. Opportunities are starting to form to learn useful skills (including for what's coming in the next decade)
What's your story?
shit. i meant dont do
Good idea OP, except wouldn't having these kinds of psychological diagnosises mean you can't buy funs in some states? If so then fuck that.
Then fucking stop fucking complaining. You have a free life with a relatively high standard of living in a non-kike infested nation. You should stand up and better yourself for the good of race and country. There is no reason to attack the foundation of your homeland if it isn't infested with the socialist plague. You should stand up, improve yourself, and work towards bettering your life. Ultimately a better man helps make a better nation. You become stronger and so do your people by one man.
If you don't like being a wagecuck in some finance firm, then quit. Find a job that does satisfy you. I know it is trendy as fuck to shit on labor, but it is awesome. Hard work leads most people to better lives. You become stronger, more disciplined, stoic, and adaptable. If you need something to pay the bills until you can learn a skill or trade dig ditches, pick fruit, hang drywall. Anything that gives you time to think and works the body. The best time to think about your life is when you are taking a shit and doing hard work.
Oldschool-/jp/ level 8 autismbux collecting NEET here. I could post Remus's guide if you want, but I'm not sure I have it saved in a convenient picture or anything. I'd have to check and dig around.
I know for sure I have the text, as I copied it all while he was writing it.
I would love the info.
I recently lost my foodstamps.
No I did not do something stupid to lose them, they enacted even more "anti-white" rules that prevent me from keeping it.
Thank you in advanced.
i been heah a lil while now and lawdy do i see alot of you axin how to get on da SSI. Well now if you jus' sit over yonder ill tell you how i done it and how you can get it dones too! Guaranteed!
foist thang you gots to do is
1. study on up on yo "disibility" this mean that you need to decide what yo ailment is gone be and you has to know teh ins and outs so you can start to modify yo behavior to those specificationmins. that way it will appear genuine to the case worker and any quack they send you to.
now if you done has a real problem which if you're a shut in you prob do even better. its still good to be edumicated on what you want to convey so you can receives duh SSI.
2. Get commited. Wassat? Commited? Why Uncle Remus you ol fool! Now now honey child i know you may have some apprehensionation about being commited but this will almost gurantee you done recieves benefits.
Go to your local intake unit. Yo hospital or whateva. Say to the nice lady "i am feelings suicidal and i need help" Them simle words will land you a 72 hour hold known as a 5150. This is whar you are either a harm to yo self or others.
Is dis drastic? It sho hell is. But lawd if you does wanna sponge off the state you sho need a good reason. Why i remember when i applied fo SSI the lady says "Uncle Remus you done been in any psychiatric care for your claim of disibility in the past 5 years" I says
"Oh lawdy i done just got released from a 5150 because i wanted to kill myself"
I was on SSI within 3 months. Receiving full bennies and no bullshit wait time. Being committed will get you further then any sort of boo sheet story you come up with. After the 72 hour hold is up you simply walk out the hospital with a few perscriptions and more importantly PAPER WORK of your sickness.
3. File a Claim
Now alot of folk will tell you SSI is a helluva time to get on. Well now if you don did numba 2 you on the fast lane to financial freedom (or slavery)
Still one must go thru a few things befo old uncle sam hands ovah any amount of money.
Apply to Social Security Disability right after you have been committed. Let dem know you are looking to recieve benefits beacuse you are unable to take care of yo self financially. They will send the proper forms. These forms ask a whole battery of questions but the hardest part is done filling out the STATE REASON FOR DISIBILITY CLAIM STATE. PROOF OF DISABILITY CLAIM
well now if you done did what i done told ya in part 2 you would be whistling dixie. If not make sure you have some sort of medical "proof"…past perscriptions for depression works fine. Yo doctor should have all dis. Dont have that? Still fill it out. I done put everything under the sun cept the heebie jeebies. PSTD, DEPRESSION, PSYCHOSIS. Again i had done studied all these things so i was prepared and informed in case they called me out! So fill out all the forms in they entirety…aint no harm in lyin but make sho you know yo shit.
4. The Process
Now dis is where yall gone have to suck up yo pride and hold on to ya butts. You see how well you filled out the papers will speed up the process of getting approved. If you done it good they should contact you by phone to schedule a walk in appointment. This can be speeded up if you constantly call to check on yo case. Use these moements to sound agitated. To sound like you is crazy!
When yall get yo walk in. Go in like a crazy man. Why i don sat down in teh lobby and started actin a fool right away. Subtle is teh key. I brought a folder with all my scrips, all my forms, all my doctor notes, and then put the folder on the chair. You see i have OCD. So it makes sense to display my behvior in public. Always act as if someone is watching. Cuz suga they probably is!
When called in to speak to yo case worker. Act aloof, dispondant, anxious. Repeat words, wring your hands…DONT SHAKE HER.HIS HAND…and if you do wipe your hands on your pants before and after. All this stuff is taken in. All this stuff tells them "THIS BOY IS SHO CRAZY!" hell we aint even got to the interview. They will go over your forms and a bunch of mumbo jumbo. At some point they will say "So you believe you cannot work?"
"Why…i want to…i like to work…but when im at work my *symptoms really kick in…i dont wanna be on SSI forever…i just need to really focus on getting healthy…because im having a real tough time. I was done reading about your back to wrok program and i can see myself doin something like taht in a few years."
Back to work? What that. Well if ya done read the SSI site and FAQ youd done know! Showing that you are some what informed will let this bitch know you are serious bout *getting better!
We don't wanna get better tho do we Uncle Remus?
WELL OF COURSE NOT. Thing is the state doesnt wanna give moey to flagrant free loaders. If you show some initiative towards getting "healthy" you stand a much better chance of receiving aide.
hang around cuz there are only 2-3 parts left
OK Niggerspeak off. If the interview goes well the bleeding heart case worker will empathize with your plight. She will recommend you see a doctor…no, not your doctor…THE SSI DOCTOR. This is the man who determines if you should receive benefits.
Final boss fight.
This interview is usually held in a separate location a few weeks from the first interview at the social security office. The doc will take you thru a simple question and answer and then finally a sort off… aptitude test.
If you have followed my instructions you should have no trouble defeating him. All your training will determine your success.
Just remember to exhibit the symptoms. After all…
YOU ARE SICK. This is the realization i came too as i stood outside the office. What kind of fucking 'normal' person would go thru this manipulation and acts of self humiliation just to avoid working? A scum bag. A deviant. Sure criminals scam the system all the time. Problem is they continue to do it and a year down the road they are caught doing something dumb like shoplifting and are dropped from their SSI. So if you recieve the bennies. Be cool. Dont go wild. Dont break the law. Lay low.
What i find funny about this whole thing is the fact
The time off has really given me chance for self reflection. SSI can help you sustain a NEET lifestyle but eventually it can also give you that extra kick to start helping yourself. Good luck.
Included here is a link to an archive of the thread: warosu.org
That should help anons
pick one
Again, thank you very much.
threadly reminder that neets are no better than welfare-leeching niggers.
threadly reminder that i would sooner have white neets than welfare-leeching niggers.
The welfare niggers are going to keep being welfare niggers as long as welfare is there. Welfare can only exist as long as whites are forced to act as a slave class in their own country and have the wealth their labor generates funneled off to feed, cloth, and shelter niggers.
White men that refuse to feed the beast, draw welfare, and work under the table to supplement their incomes are the best chance we have of breaking the back of the socialist parasite.
Make the system unsustainable and we will force the kike's hand. Either the welfare system gets shut down and our money stops going to niggers, or the kikes stop hiding what they are doing and try to institutionalize white slavery giving every good man just cause to stand up and destroy the JewSA.
Take their money and use it to arm, train, and prepare yourself for the coming race war.
I agree for the most part but i don't think we have enough time to wait for the system to collapse as each new generation of whites seems weaker in body and mind than the last.
I am sure, that you´re gonna find a new job really soon, Anonymous.
We are in this together.
Don´t give up.
-Your Anonymous
Won't this disqualify you from buying guns in the future or something?
You are missing the point here. Women seek feeble, domesticated men to pair up and raise her children (i.e. a regular wageslave) but prefer to get impregnated by free alpha, dominant males (i.e. a NEET master race specimen) with no strings attached. This is human nature. Science knows it, we know it, just make the most of it:
When a white man becomes a NEET he isn't just hitting the ZOG once. He is striking them twice. You stop feeding the system and on top of that you take from it. Increasing the pressure exponentially would not be that hard. Everyone has a cost of living no matter the age sex or race. How ever it some how falls of white males age 15-64 to provide the majority of the taxes that keep the system afloat.
Okay in 2010 there were 308,745,538 Americans. 196,817,552 of those were non-Hispanic whites. Approximately 101,612,000 of all Americans were males age 15-64. If we evenly distribute that among the races(faulty reasoning, I know the shitskins dominate the younger ages) that gives us roughly 33%. So about 65 million Americans are carrying the weight of the rest of the nation on their shoulders. If even a fraction of that number stopped paying taxes and began to bleed the system we could fracture the entire economy and welfare system in a single generation. If those white men take that money and begin arming themselves, exercising, training and organizing with like minded people we could be prepared for anything the ZOG could throw at us.
I am sure you have read the Red team analysis that has been posted all over Holla Forums forever. Even with our sedentary population the ZOG would lose every time. If our men are prepared and armed they would absolutely crush the US.
This is about drawing a line in the sand. Will those fucking kikes decide to completely destroy the nation they are parasitizing in a suicidal attempt to control everything, or will they cease their attacks on White America and give this nation back to those who made it.
Private sale exemption
That image is hilarious. The left column for the average NEET would be much more accurate if it was filled with video games and masturbation.
You can always follow the wise words of Uncle Remus.
In middle school I was diagnosed with high functioning autism and asperger's syndrome.
How good am I to go in collecting NEET bux?
Being a NEET completely removes your economic franchise and ability to be self-reliant. Intelligent tax evasion (offshore accounts and such, Puerto Rico has like 2 percent tax and it goes to the state government instead of the Feds, all technically legal, and there are many international loopholes like this), under the table work and pay (no one thinks twice if you ask for payment in cash for landscaping work in my town, they realize the only way to compete with illegals is to avoid taxes and they don't give a shit), e-business with profits hidden in cryptocurrency and precious metals, etc. is the way to go, that way you can accumulate real wealth without paying taxes instead of letting yourself stagnate, NEETdom is no way to live, even from a tax protest standpoint. And keep in mind that direct taxation is one way of many that the Government takes your money, inflation is taxation by another name, and they can always cover a fiscal deficit by going into debt (that the taxpayer is on the hook for), and selling land and industry to globalists which is arguably worse than a tax hike.
Fuck taxes, but don't be a NEET faggot.
be aware i am a bit drunk so meh.
i think you underestimate just how powerful the kikes are (if you control both sides you always win) if they think that they are in danger there just crash a couple of economies to raise the value of (insert host country here). Also I think you overestimate the number of Americans you could recruit into your neetdom. Be aware I am a bonglander so what do i know.
Damn good.
Ok guys, heres how you fuckin do it.
Receive your disability checks.
Get a job that does pay you more than 1000 bucks a month.
Get a CELTA or Trinity cert, and teach English overseas. I leave at the end of August. Get some foreign work experience, learn a second language, have a good time, come back to the US, get a teaching masters, and be an ESL instructor at a community college, university, or start a business. Someone has to teach these fucking migrant the King's.
Holla Forums hosts anti-white threads and I said nothing….
Holla Forums hosts pro-jewish threads and I said nothing….
Holla Forums hosts pro-cuck threads and I said nothing….
Holla Forums now hosts NEET threads and I am supposed to say nothing?
Just suck off the welfare state's tit, every extra bit of burden on this misbegotten system is good. Why do you want to be a productive worker in a social order bent on crushing you?
And pretty soon inflation will render your trust fund a meager pittance. Every second that passes that money that's sitting in your trust fund is losing more and more purchasing power. Enjoy your phony security blanket of debt-based interest-bearing fiat currency surplus, hope you use your cash to buy real assets.
Exactly how much do you NEETs make and what kind of place do you live in? You probably have to live in a really poor area because I don't think they give enough to pay for normal rent, right?
It sounds like you know how to run things. Start your own business and start capitalizing, baby! Hahahaha, woooo!
NEET 4 LIFE! Take that baby boomers! Seriously though, the baby boomers have funded my entire weapons cache. Only thing left is plates and I'm ready for RAHOWA.
Feels good living like a Mexican.
I am still trying to scrounge up a set of MOPP gear. I don't trust the stuff that they sell to civilians, and I am sure I can find some dumb nigger pog on ebay that will sell someone's set he stole.
Chem is one of the things I can definitely see the ZOG using to control the citizens. They can nuke shit because they need to sell the land to the chinks after they finish killing the people. A quick nerve gas run over a civilian center will thin the numbers down quick so they can send their ZOG bots in to try and take down the rest.
How much money do you actually get? Is it really enough to pay rent/bills/food?
Absolutely degenerate. Get the fuck off Holla Forums.
I'd only go with a gas mask myself and extra filters. The chems aren't too bad on your skin so long as you can still breathe even if it's like sucking air through a condom.
much harder to do this in the US if you're not black
Depends on the person. Depends on the issue. Depends on how much you milk the system. Former board owner from 8/jp/ claimed he was milking the system for $2500 a month.
I'd be honored to be able to leech off this society which must die off as fast as possible
Chem is absolutely bad on the skin. If you get a nerve agent on exposed skin anywhere you are dead. For fucks sake clean up after contamination is a bitch. You can't just strip your gear and be good. You need to decon with charcoal and a bunch of other shit and hope you don't miss a spot that you touch with your bare hand later.
Are you able to get some bux if you have already have a job?
Depends on what you are applying for and what your status is. I don't take nigger hand outs, I just encourage others to. That said if you get SSI for a partial disability I believe you can still work and collect a taxable paycheck. If you are working under the table it don't matter because the SSA won't ever find out.
If i was sitting on a fat wad of cash I would put some of it into crypto currency, split between bitcoin and ethereum.
Well I'm taking into account the guberment isn't going to drop bio or nerve agents on the populace. Don't see that ever happening since it's too uncontrollable. Basic chem warfare with irritation agents doesn't require the full suit. We never had more than our mask even in warzones.
More accurate neet:
Nerve Agents are very controlable. Sarin is volatile as fuck and disperses rapidly. I pin head sized drop is able to kill a grown man in minutes.
If shit hits the fan all the self imposed restraints that the ZOG forces on our military to demoralize us by rendering us incapable of actually waging war will come off. If they are going to go all out Nerve Agents are ideal for the kikes. as it represents a situation where material will not be destroyed but OpFor will be rapidly and easily exterminated. This isn't them clearing some hippies at a protest out. This is them waging war on America. They will withhold nothing in their attempts to destroy the people once they finally wake up and start fighting back. Look at what they did to Germany or Japan. For fucks sake the Dresden fire bombing or the roving bands of US niggers sent to rape and terrify the population will be nothing. They weren't trying to completely destroy them, just get them to give up and submit to slavery.
Kikes don't see us as human. We are animals to them. The only reason our current military doctrine requires not waging complete war is because they don't want us to win conflicts. They want to milk endless war for the Military Industrial Complex while gradually destroying our moral and pride so that we will submit to their slow genocide more easily.
Oh god, I'm not the only one (minus the reddit). I need to rethink my life.
I broke free from neetdom, you too can save yourself. There is hope.
How, user? Would you share your story with us?
I don't have any motivation. If and when my mom kicks me out I'm gonna kill myself
To be perfectly honest, part of it is luck. But the rest of it is sticking to something, finishing a project instead of letting the project remain an idea, in the infantile stage.
One you are able to create successful media/things (in my case I was a terrible programmer, and it took a lot of time to learn and practice until I became decent - and once I did, I practiced some more until I actually had a successful program) it raises your self esteem by miles. And that I believe is the biggest demotivator. Self esteem shoots up. My "successful" program was one that actually worked (it was a hack for a video game, did some cool bit masking to unhide certain data). Even if it's a minor inconsequential thing it's still better than sitting on your ass for 16 hours a day browsing image boards or playing video games. I'm probably rambling at this point.
My point is that a lot of it is your self worth and what you think it is. If you are depressed, being successful even on a small scale can snowball goodfeels long enough that you break out of it.
Doing all this brings you confidence and that is key.
My depression was cured after I made a lot of money online from a vidya game hack.
t. 1am thinking
Good luck in life my anonymous brethren.
There's literally nothing wrong with being an occupant in your parent's house. It was normal in the past (and it's still practiced by anyone that isn't white) to have multi-generations in a household in order to create a solid unit and benefit from one another. Jews needed to change that in order to make more shekels just as they needed women to go to work.
Read the thread
My fucking sides
The only thing stopping me from this is school.
Better get some work experience so I don't fall into the trap holy shit.
I don't get it… People get like $800 a month for SSI if you're lucky and foodstamps. So you're going to need to collect cans just to make it. And you won't make it. You wont be able to afford anything but an Obama phone to shitpost with.
Why do you think they are all disgusting anime posting rejects that live in their mother's basements?
thanks for the information buddy
you are right about finishing projects
I still feel like the next job I get I might bash some fuckers skull in with my bare hands. I'm too fucking old to start over and now I have to. But I can't stand the idea of being shit on again as some cucked worker.
Saving running low.
I might end up on disability after a year in jail or something because everyone is really starting to piss me the fuck off and I'm losing my will to hold back left hooking someone in the fucking side-neck. All these aggressive niggers. All these insulting NuMales. All these aggressive cunts.
In a way people are much more polite than they ever were, and then it comes out in really confrontational ways. And they know you're not going to do anything about it because you need the money. Because you're getting older and still are at the bottom.
I can't even be a bouncer in clubs anymore because I'm might end up with a major lawsuit.
I hope you used your tech knowledge and destroyed everything there. Wipe their servers, screw up their email, burn everything to the ground. Leak all of their customer info and everything.
They fucked you, do the same back. Just don't do it from your home connection.
finally Holla Forums has made some progress on efficient social warfare and skipped the idea that imitating the classical lifestyle of men is playing into the jews hands (working provider drone for his lazy snake and indoctrinated snakelets).
In some countries, mostly yrup it's easy to NEET the shit out of the kikes by being jobless, but you can also have a job.
With a small part time job you can afford quite some shit if you relinquish all of your goy desires like expensive cars, overprices clothes and other consumerist shit.
Being a (purposeful) NEET requires mental strength as you have to withstand the social conditioning of past years.
Get on unemployment and collect NEETbux, but unlike what Schlomo is suggesting, use it to invest so you can get rich and ditch the welfare. Preferably with the goal of starting a business that only hires redpilled Aryans.
You should've purposely trained her wrong, as a joke.
You can't be purposeful. It fucking pays too little. You'll spend your time stealing tuna cans from the dollar store because the security is so low.
define "too little". You can have a great life if you don't follow the same standards like the average consumer goy.
I was talking about yrop m8.
The kikes feed all the scum with our tax money, so it's a fair deal to get your share until the welfare systems begin to collapse
traitor. Kill yourself
Warning, blog post incoming
When contemplating the loss of my first career, it occurred to me that the cause was diversity brainwashing making me too trusting of "minorities" and women.
I made the foolish mistake, having grown up in a fiercely nationalistic (but not at all racist) 99% white town, of thinking that other types of people were like me and possessed the same ideas about honour and about what is right and what is not.
I got a promotion into management at my job and moved to the big city.
Everything was going well while I worked in areas with predominantly white staff and customers (suburbs)
I was beating targets and getting promoted regularly.
One of these promotions took me into an extremely "vibrant" area, and Immediately, I was confronted, inescapably, for the first time with unequivical proof that /pol is ALWAYS right.
Nigs nogging everywhere, pakis lying and stealing non-stop while pretending to be honest and polite, coalburners with such degenerate lefty tendencies I almost puked when they talked.
The outcome?
Despite the shitshow of my first "diverse" team of staff, I still managed to beat targets and got promoted again.
Unfortunately, it was to an even noggier area, and ALL my staff except 1 were carribean (mostly jamaican) immigrants, 1st or 2nd generation.
My assistant manager was a pregnant mulatto, somewhat smarter than the others, unfortunately for me, I, being young and naive did not see the evil cunt lurking behing her friendly, smiley facade.
My boss, the area manager, was a based portugese guy who always wore the sharpest armani gear and helped me deal with countless issues brought up by these lazy, whining, useless niggers that were "working" for me.
Then he left for a better job, and his replacement was a vicious cunt with big calves, a bowl cut and an obvious hatred of men.
To add to this problem for me, it had now turned out that huge amounts of merchandise had been missing from my previous store when they audited it after I left, so my new bitch area manager wanted me out, as the company had blamed that loss on me.
(It turned out later that it was a paki assistant manager and the coal burner that had cleaned out the store's stock on my days off and covered it up in the books)
So this man-hating cunt area manager conspired with my mulatto assistant manager to fuck me over with some trumped up bullshit after I dug her out for being a lazy cunt playing up her pregnancy to get out of work.
HR get involved and I get fired.
Fired by women from a career I had built over a decade, with only promotions and success when working with white male management and staff.
I never put 2 and 2 together until I found /pol, but my story is my first hand evidence of the truth of this world:
White men are the BEST of humanity, all else is inferior
niggers, shitskins, and cunts cost a white man his successful career because they are shit
alright r9k
This wont cure me.
My depression stems from mistakingly thinking I found "The one", who chased after me initially for a year, and then when I bit she turned around and decided fuck it. Now I know what it's like to have a qt 3.14 who you actually like as a person be there for you and I want it back.
She is probably making mim wage and you were probably making way too much according to the kikes in charge. They dont realize that they will loose money in the long term, kikes are very short sighted.
NEETs are more likely than socially adjusted people to commit rapes, theft, murder and do drugs and therefore are suspected by police.
Depression and fucking about won't help you find your true qt gf.
My chance came from a day where I had previously been a slug that did fuck all, and I finally relented and said "fuck it".
In the morning I ate 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with true butter rather than normally skipping breakfast, I made myself 2 tuna sandwiches for lunch, and throughout the whole day I sought to stand up for myself and avoid doing pointless shit, at lunch, instead of going on a computer and shitposting or looking up inane shit, I instead went to a library and read the bible.
At the end of the day, I got on the bus and there she is, shy, holding an anime art project which I used as a point of conversation when I saw that it could be my chance, with her beautiful face and eyes that shine like emeralds.
So get up off your ass and get cracking, good things come to those who prove themselves worthy.
I'm not moping around or anything. I just got screwed and it sucks occasionally, but I'm doing whatever I can to live a better life. Mostly because I want to show I'm better than the bitch who burned me.
We all have our own ways of preparing for The Happening.
Not OP, but I wanted to ask what should I do if I'm not in the US? I'm already exercising, I'm reading and trying to gain new skills by reading about them, but I don't see my country doing anything about this problem anytime soon.
Also can't get on NEETBucks, it's up to your Doctor here, and my doctor said no even though I have a clinical diagnosis.
holy shit this image is hilarious. Here's an average day for me.
Pick a game you like with modding features, find something you think would make the game more fun, put it in. Boom you're already one step closer to your goal.
Thing is, I know how to make music, and I know how to program, but trying to find an artist that doesn't try to jew you is next to impossible.
Also, trying to get Steam greenlight is fucking hard. When I see shit like "Pewdiepie the game" on steam I die a little inside.
I appreciate the moral you're presenting, but personal anecdotes don't mean shit, especially ones so ludicrously uncommon as that.
Still, struggle is the basis of the National Socialist world-view. If we can't keep ourselves afloat, how can we keep our future families afloat? Suffering breeds character, mostly through the resultant introspection.
It still doesn't remove the pain of >tfw no gf though.
drawing is a piece of cake, it just takes practice
buy a shitty guitar and start messing around. acoustic, not electric. If you get to a decent point get yourself a decent guitar, 400 minimum.
then learn nigger, i'm in the middle of making a game for steam, if I keep up the pace I can have it done by 2017.
all of your problems are derived from laziness. You're not lacking in skill, just initiative.
How do you plan to get Steam Greenlit?
small kickstarter that will naturally exceed its goal giving me free publicity.
80 percent of the steam greenlight is utter garbage made in unity, I think I can squeeze by.
Working is not that bad actually, I liked having a routine
Btw, heres a good video for yall depressed motherfuckas ITT
A hard life is a great life.
Struggle breeds strengths.
Remember that
get a real job faggot
But if I could achieve that, how would that not be a real job? You'd want me to not do that, and go work in a shitty office somewhere or a minimum wage manual labour job with all the immigrants, just because you personally dislike video games?
Yeah. Grinding for hours on end for months if not years. Not what I would call a piece of cake.
I used to play guitar and sold it because I got fucking sick of a what a tempermental instrument it is. I have a piano now. I do it pretty much everyday and don't see myself getting much better. Even on things I can play, I still make mistakes constantly. Tried several books on theory too and it never made sense to me.
I tried several times in several languages. Furthest I got was with C++ when I began making a text adventure RPG. I started by making a functioning turn based combat system. Just the actual combat itself though, nothing else. It wasn't good but it worked. Then I tried to make an inventory. Couldn't get it to work and couldn't figure out why. Asked around on several forms including on 4chan (This was pre-exodus) several times and I never got any help from anyone and since I couldn't find the answer anywhere I gave up since I was never going to be able to do that.
No it's because you are daydreaming about making a game, you are literally no better than someone who is taking a liberal arts degree
go get a real job and save up money, and do that stuff on the side
nothing but excuses.
probably because you didn't know how to play. If you actually bothered to learn you'd realize that its an extremely straightforward and practical instrument, if you keep her tuned you will have the same sound.
and there's your mistake, you decided to bitch out when things got tough. If you were actually serious you would have pushed through your problem and found a way, instead you dropped it to play vidya and shitpost. If you want to actually make something of value you need to put in the effort.
What do?
Okay, I'm personally going to try the droid store. I've made a simple puzzle game with a built in level editor. It has 200 stock levels, so I think selling it for 99 cents should be decent. It even has that retro 8 bit style music that people seem to eat up these days.
google app market's alright if you don't mind working with kikes.
When I quit I was in the process of learning how to play some Cacophony. Guarantee I was better (Technique wise) than you are now, cocklips.
That was the logical meaning to your original comment.
You made a comment that could only be understood in one way, and now you're being a cunt because I misunderstood your comment even though there was no other way for me to take it because you didn't explain what you meant properly.
And there are no "real jobs" where I am. There's nothing. I've looked many times. Don't need it right now anyway because I'm living off my parents. Couldn't get one regardless because they don't exist here unless you're a qualified fork lift truck driver, or bouncer or something. Unskilled entry level work for plebs like me? Nothing. And even if I did get one I'd make more money on welfare which is what I intend to do.
Nothing I could do. The answer was not in me, and no one else could help me.
Fuck this thread I'm out. The stupid bullies that want fix everyones life by giving shit advice and think they know everything about you have showed up. I suggest everyone else leave before they tell you to go to "Just go to the gym bro" or "Just be yourself XDDDDDD".
how could you possibly be better than me if you couldn't even figure out how to keep your fucking guitar in tune?
speed metal is the least skillful form of music, get back to me when you actually learn how to play the guitar. also
go to a 4am thread if you want an asspat, this is not it.
I do mind, but I figure I have no choice. Hoping that I can get the money in cheque form and not paypal though. I don't trust paypal as their just as kikey.
You're being facetious but in doing so revealing your own stupidity.
You don't even know how a guitar actually works, and yet accuse me of not knowing anything. Top kek m8.
Not really. It's mostly total shit though I'll agree since I don't like it at all anymore, but let me put it this way. You can't play that, but I could play whatever you play. I'm saying in terms of ability to actually play things, I was superior to you. My point in saying this is to disagree with your statement that "you didn't know how to play…" which was based on a false assumption, which was followed by you being a condescending wanker.
It's not a 4AM thread therefore you should be a smarmy cunt for no reason?
I stated that the guitar is a tempermental instrument, which it is. You respond with this shit: "probably because you didn't know how to play. If you actually bothered to learn you'd realize that its an extremely straightforward and practical instrument, if you keep her tuned you will have the same"
Do you not realise what a stupid fucking thing to say this is? I said I used to play and stopped because I found it tempermental. You then assume several things and start getting all arragont and being a cunt and then when I am rude back, you say "go to a 4am thread if you want an asspat, this is not it.". If you hadn't been rude to me I would not have been rude to you. Not wanting people to be twats is not the same as "wanting an asspat".
You're an idiot that can't even form coherent thoughts or argue at all. You simply don't know how. I bet you don't even realise that you made several assumptions. You've concocted a strawman without even realising it. The sign of a real idiot.
Now I really am leaving.
You complain about the guitar being temperamental, a complaint that only amateurs make then try to claim that you're better at it than me. If you actually were better than me you probably wouldn't have given it up.
Do you even know how a piano works? Here's a hint, it uses fucking strings.
please do leave though, you sound like a whiny cunt.
use autism bucks to buy the materials for your won ghost AR-15
and learn how to reuse bullets
yes as said, private sale exemption.
Or get a fresh receiver and mill your own AR-15.
The limiting factor is ammo anyway.
Is there anyway to increase your bux? I currently get $733.
go git
Honestly, the first couple of years being a Neet were a lot of fun.
Now it's just depressing and frustrating.
Technically though, I suppose I'm not an actual Neet since I regularly help renovating/maintaining a relatives old and somewhat rundown farm house. I guess you could say I'm a glorified tenant or something.
Have a vagina and squirt out a child. The amount you get from EBT gets deducted from SSI, so don't even bother. with that. Abuse the fuck out of emergency shut-off prevention (electricity/gas) through DHS. Churches and food banks are everywhere, you can get a list through DHS. Rent a room from a family member's house if you have to, section 8 will either get you in the same apartment block as gangbangers or on a 5 year waiting list. Sell the pills you were prescribed for autismbux maybe, up to you.
One other question for you since I've been thinking about this for the last hour or so. Do you have any other advice you can give me? I really want this to be a good steeping stone into this kind of work, or fuck, just if I could make a lot of money and be stable for at least a year or two. I'm trying to make enough to bring my mom home from the shithole she has to work in since this city is on the brink of crashing with no survivors.
What about going NEET after finishing university?
Yeah, honestly, this concept we have of reaching adulthood and immediately moving out into your own house to start a nuclear family completely independent of any other family ties has existed for two, maybe three generations in the richest country on the planet during the apex of its success. Half of our founding fathers lived with their parents or relatives, and the ones who didn't only didn't because their parents or relatives died and they inherited the estate.
i earned 4 thousand by playing with this shit on poloniex but it was a massive gamble and the volatility is 10 times worse now
you WILL lose your money if you play with cryptocurrency whales, I can assure you
Can you expound on that? I'm not well-versed in legalities like this.
You sound like a whiny bitch.
even worse a whiny bitch that can't make a simple array.
Unicorn tears and panda sperm
hahahahah cared for your jerb, idiot
Seems like my comment was deleted for some reason… so i will ask again.
Is there any way to increase how much bux i get a month?
Whoops, maybe it didn't. lol
I've been basically unemployed for years now, IQ 160. I live partly with my parents and partly in my shop. I don't care anymore. I don't want to make money just to be forced to give most of it to my enemies.
And yet, my former friends ask how I can be so free to do whatever the fuck I want, and how I can afford the shit I do. Stay out of debt, don't buy a house or vehicle you can't afford. Work for cash if you can, and lay low for now.
If things change, be ready.
autismbux could get used against you ala VA system to kill your 2a 'privileges.' And ask the niggers and indians how they are doing by taking uncle's shekels.
You know what to do…
this book is really good, available second hand for $0.10
You're a fucking loser, kill yourself
You're no better than a dirty, lazy hippy
Pssh. Showering? What kind of normie are you?
utilising the soapy fragrant jew
i so you guys dun do that
you wont be able to buy guns with your ssi bucks if you label yourself as mentally ill to get them.
find a new doctor
First of all, I want to say that I find your language highly offensive. Second, you're getting screwed right now if you're not posting with a VPN. Oh wait, you can't post with a VPN bc Jim banned it.
Which means he is collecting location data - which means y'all may just be posting in a honeypot. It always happens sooner or later.
Is this sarcasm?
Is this a kike?
The answer is yes, and we will come for you.
What? Women are pasasites because we infect them with a parasite called children…. I don't resent them for that.
I resent them for fucking rich boy NuMales like you or niggers. I resent people who fucking destroy society
Honestly being a wave slave sucks and being a NEET is existence that hangs from a thread.
The best thing is to be independently wealthy. But obviously that's a route that surprisingly isn't difficult, really the biggest ability is to notice patterns and act despite what other people say.
This doesn't take a lot of money, it does however take the time to read a shitton about how to start… I recommend Trump and Kiyosaki's (Trump's BFF, they've even written books together).
Your very first book should be Rich Dad, Poor Dad… that book pisses a lot of normies off (Kiyosaki shits on college, being a wageslave and shows how only suckers pay taxes for most stuff), but I imagine it wouldn't for people here.
If your plan is to be a multi-millionaire, it'll take a while (especially if you don't have excess cash to start), but if your plan is to just kick back and live comfortable and live the NEET style life but with money you can grind it out in 5 years, after a while you can live frugally off your rent checks and dividends. You hire a property manager and financial manager and the system works with only minor oversight (like a few hours a week).
I handle food stamps alot, one woman had over $2,000 per month in food stamps alone, not including cash part of food stamps or WIC
Funny part is she was dressed decently and didn't look poor, had a smartphone and a fancy purse, and bought a fuckload of organic food which is stupid expensive, obviously a waste
Get your head out of pre-9/11 America, you anarchic piece of shit.
Are you a MOD of this site? You sound like a fucking Alti-Right traitor piece of shit
That's exactly what I would expect an Alt-Right tranny kike to say.
Hey, ALT-RIGHT faggot MODS…. SINK THIS SHIT… YOU CAN'T LET Holla Forums THINK FREELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Confirmed for Moonman
Fuck off kike mod. Don't think the truth won't come out.
tfw kicked out of the house at 18 before I could get into college
Was paying rent and everything, mother just got tired of looking at me after about a month out of high school.
I've been struggling and busting ass ever since. I've finally just started getting promoted at work, but it's still not enough for me to afford a place to live without fucktarded smokers and dogs polluting my breathing air.
You can get a small job on the side where you are paid cash , just make sure its not taxed
A job like repairing pcs and such , or gardening , etc…
Thats one way you can collect neetbux and work at the same time !
You're a nigger. Your mother made the right decision kicking your ass out.
A well kept dog in a house is fine. When you are living in a shitty ghetto apartment because that is all you can afford and you have nigger and spic neighbors that have dogs barking all night long it's another story.
But he didn't say that:
But then again, I've never lived in an apartment, so the living quarters being smaller may adversely affect his air.
Prostitutes still get food stamps. So she was likely a hooker.
One question, does it require I currently have a job? I've been unemployed for years. No one wants to give anyone here a Minimum wage job unless you're an Independent strong woman.
If I do need work, how much money will I need to pull in to make this work out?
I'm doing this right now
Your first big step is to read, read, read. Concentrate on learning the world of finance and learn to be weary of "bluepilled" finance stuff since rich people aren't interested in other people doing this.
As far as money, it's a snowball effect… even very little excess funds are okay at the beginning. I worked two almost minimum wage jobs… and did investments in a few hundred dollar chunks until I could afford a little fourplex that I could live in one of the apartments.
It was $12,000 down in a working class neighborhood, and the rent started paying the mortgage and taxes. I think that's when money started working for me.
But before you worry about the money: read, read, read.
Normies think "you need money to make money"… that's bullshit to keep wageslaves slaving away. Since the end of the gold standard, money is just bullshit, anyways.
So in other words, any funds I get that I can keep I should be finding was to invest it so that money makes money and thus pays me.
I do get some money, though it's very little, like $25-50 in a good month, my guess is that falls under your small little chunks you mention you were investing.
I'm 30, unemployed for years, socially retarded, shit health, etc. I'm basically stuck being a NEET for the rest of my life. I've made my bed and now I'm laying in it. No one is going to hire somebody like me. I have no friends and most of my family doesn't give a shit about me. Once my mother dies I'm pretty much fucked and will probably buy a gun and kill myself with it.
The only sliver of hope I have is that I get somewhat /fit/ and start my own hustle, something not necessarily illegal but something under the table and tax-free, something freelance and independent.
(I know many here think I'm a loser and whatnot. I don't give a shit. Insults don't affect me anymore.)
The only sliver of hope I have is that I get somewhat /fit/ and start my own hustle, something not necessarily illegal but something under the table and tax-free, something freelance and independent.
Start now. The longer you wait, the harder it is for you to get fit.
No man, just hold out till the start of next year, when Trump becomes President Emperor of Mankind, there's going to be a huge influx of demand for construction crews to build the wall, and border patrol is probably going to finally mean something as well.
Just hold out for a little longer man, there may be hope yet. It's always darkest before the Don.
Even a little bit is better than nothing. Most people spend all their money on liabilities and never on assets.
I'd recommend you at least do shitty jobs, even if it's flipping burgers to help you out (I worked as a cashier at a supermarket) to help you get funds. Just remind yourself that it's short term… nothing allows you the freedom in life like being independently wealthy.
But before you invest a penny, know what you're doing.
so how does one invest e-trade?
don't most of those brokering sites have transaction fees that shut down any small traders by taking a bigger percentage of the trade while bigger investors give no shit about loosing 0.01% of their money while trading?
I've been trying to get anything shitty actually, the problem here is were in the midst of a unemployment crisis that's seeing a lot of 30-40 somethings get into these jobs, and we have a lot of immigrants who take those jobs too. The Provincial Government of Ontario however does send out $70~ cheques every few months, so I'll start investing that too.
I'm going to ask my brother if he has any side jobs him and I can do, even if they're really shitty. Time Working = Money. Time not working != money.
Since his friends all smoke weed I'm going to see about selling them baked goods like I was doing before and making a good $30-40 a week.
My mom knows how to sow and used to sell the things she sowed. Told her she should teach me and we can sow stuff and sell it. You can make some crazy money (7 times your initial investment) if you know what to sell.
Was also thinking of publishing an E-Book, and eventually when it's not as useful anymore, turn it into a blog with ads and collect ad money.
I'm not sure if there is any other tiny side business I can do, but this is what I've come up with while brainstorming for 3 hours.
Got any good reading material?
user, for the good of aryan mankind, I beseech you to spare a little of your time writing out a proper, detailed, in depth post about this for your brother anons.
It could seriously be life changing for some of us to have our eyes opened to exactly how it can be done.
Excellent. I'll be showing this book to my mom so she can stop saying "I'm going to pay for your to go back to college". Told her to use the money in better places, but she won't listen. Perhaps this will be the book I need.
Rule number 1 with any job that isn't a trade is don't make yourself too valuable. Basically the best course of action until america is made great again is to do what makes corporations such shit.. Do the bare minimum to satisfy your job requirements and use bureaucracy to move up the ladder. Its garbage.. Its soul crushing… But its the only way. Personally I cant do anything other than an honest days work and I get fucked over all the time because of it.
You aren't wrong. But if you are going full meet you need to make sure you force yourself into a daily regimen of excersize and outdoors time and severely limit vidya time or you will devolve into a spiral of decay.
Vpn check, 1, 2… Check 1, 2… Do you read me? If so then poster responded to is a neck-cheese wheel of faggotry. If not, then shit!
I've thought about it, honestly it requires a lot of reading up front.
Even on /biz/ most advice is garbage. Finance, if you do it right, is like being redpilled to money… nothing else makes as much money with so little actual effort other than thinking, analyzing, reading financial reports, etc.
I recommend stocks, real estate (and if you have more excess money, futures… very risky but very high pay-off),most people like owning businesses but you have to have high energy (I don't)…
You even begin to feel bad for people, I have only a high school diploma (and I had bad grades in school), I own property X that my mortgage is $2000, I have a property manager (she's a ball of energy, has a college degree and a real estate license) and I have to cover some upkeep expenses… at very most this costs me $300… and I rent it for $2800. So they pay me $500 a month for the luxury of paying my mortgage.
Finance is like cucking the system, people spend 4 years and $250k going to school for a degree many times for jobs that pay less than $100k a year, of which is honestly pretty easy to do with a little knowhow (not to mention, since I make the money hiding behind corporations, I also pay significantly less taxes), and it didn't take me 4 fucking years of reading pirated .PDFs and audiobooks off of YouTube to do it…
Can you recommend us books? That would be a great start.
What a useless comment.
This is why the white man is dying. Because other white men are shitheads and will either stab you in the back or give away their daughters to Jamal, then lecture your about their kike slave morals. Meanwhile Jews are loyal and practice nepotism
After investing for a long time I had $12k to spare. Never claimed I had good credit.
Yeah, mostly small cap stocks, but stocks and bonds in general… Tesla Motors was a particularly good investment.
Money doesn't have to be made working hard or making anything useful, just funding things. The really really low interest from the fed is terrible for saving money but makes finance so much easier.
I have no clue what any of this shit means. I'm going to compile a Holla Forums investing reading list when I have a chance, don't be an ass about it. We're all going to make it, brah.
Faggots like you never understand. Grocery store jobs may be plenty where you are from, but not where many of us are from. Burger Jobs don't hire older white men. They hire fucking Mexicans
Stop talking down to anons like a god damn baby boomer richfags!
Sure, buddy.
Loser. If you have a rich mommy you should of started your own bussiness in ANYTHING already. Fucking kill yourself rich bitch, and do your mom a favor
What do you get off a $100 dollar gamble?
How much does your mom makes Sowing? Is it on for Esty
What kind of return do you get I mean from dropping $100 on the stock market? $150?
I know that fucking feel, OP. I'm betting the cash that actually kept my family and me off of the streets is going to some dindu fo' his new J's tho.
If you haven't already, apply for unemployment, learn how to save money, and most importantly get prepared for the crash.
She pays about $5-10 for the materials and sells them for about 70, but the things she sells are durable and great quality. She worked on a Native Reserve and they showed her all the tricks to make authentic ones.
No this is local. I don't know much about Esty, is it any good?
I'll give you a bit of advice if you want to go this route, check thrift stores for cheap materials you can reuse.
If I can figure out how to do this, I promise to one day share the information with everyone here.
There is no certainty with any stock investment, and risk/reward varies radically based on what you invest in, because of our current ZIRP monetary policy designed to prop up failing financial markets anyone invested in stocks or bonds is on borrowed time, I wouldn't invest at all unless your are and expert or have inside knowledge, either way, if you have to ask "what kind of return do I get from dropping $100 on the (((stock market))) (as if the stock market is one monolithic homogenous investment)?" you should not invest at all. If you are interested in investing at some point you should read up, I would start with The Intelligent Investor and go from there.
raggedy, motherfucker.
I'm not dumb enough to throw darts at the wall and see if they stick. I was just wondering how much a low investor like yourself saw on returns for the gamble.
That's an aesthetic bathroom.
Would take a bath in.
Depends, if you bought Berkshire Hathaway stocks when it was a failing US men's dress shirt company before Warren Buffet bought it and eventually transitioned it into his personal empire of investing, insurance, real estate, etc…
It was $2 a share and at one moment was almost $9000 a share… so your $100 investment became $500,000.
Nice goy.
See, this is why I co-own a business.
That's… not a bad idea