Psychedelic Thread

Tell us of your experiences on psychedelics such as acid, psilocybin, and even DXM (although its a disassociative)

Also share trippy gifs/artwork

I've experienced death, met myself on the spiritual, one dimensional plane of existence (both on DXM) DXM also taught me to spend more time outside. So I've been exercising regularly for months now. I've lost 18 pounds and Im in shape

I saw god and the devil. No words can do it justice.

Sometimes you'll just be in a casual conversation with someone until you realize the innermost connectivity of things. The situation will present itself to you. It will probably scare the shit out of you.

I've posted the same thread several times so I won't go into details (unless someone really wants to know…)

When it makes sense you want it to stop making sense.

Needless to say, no more psychedelics for me.

hey there again, machine viewer.

How goes it?

good, ive taken to alcohol after avoiding anything that invokes a strong connectivity. It's much more comfy to live when im not afraid. I've only done LSD once, Shrooms once, and a lot of weed over the span of 1 year coupled with writing poetry everyday, making music everyday, and being surrounded by the robots. This was enough to invoke the state of mind. Anywho, this isn't the right thread for said discussion, maybe in a couple weeks/months.

I avoid alcohol too. I don't like to be too connected, true, however, I don't like to be too disconnected either…

Same. For me it was weed, and not real LSD but some knockoff stuff (probably just as powerful if not more, also dangerous stuff, will not use again).

Never tried shrooms, wanted to, until I got in too deep.

Why do you say this isn't the right thread for the discussion? It's psychedelic experience, is it not?

yeah, but OP is talking about psychedelic drug experiences and that is a psychedelic experience that lasts even without a drug in your system.
you probably got sold some NBOME. if it tasted bitter, that's what it was. real lsd doesnt really have a taste. I've never been too into psychedlelics but had a couple buds that were psychonauts in highschool.

And im on the other side of the spectrum as you, Im still tryina go more blue because my mind is constantly trying to redial the connection without my consent.

This, this right here. If its bitter, its a spitter

One of the things that it took me until my first thumprint trip to realize is how fleeting the psychedellic experience is. Worthwhile, profound and perspective-shifting but it's always insubstantial when you put it into words.

If hunter s thompson couldn't describe it why would I try (barring reminiscing)?

OP here, gonna dump my psychedelic folder

Well, as far as I am concerned, the thread says "Psychedelic Thread", and I am going to interpret it as Psychedelia in general.



Its a wack ass RC, that shit isn't studied all too much, hence "research" chemical.

Real acid lacks any taste


I don't know… Just because it's not acid doesn't mean it's not worthwhile, some nbome's can provide really strong visuals, it can be cool if you don't want a complete mindfuck, especially if you have some opiates to counter the body-load.

I know

I still took them a few times since real LSD isn't around where I live. It was all fun until the last trip, which seems to be residual.

there's a surprising amount of research chemicals you can purchase legally. I've been steering clear of psychedelic experiences for a while now, but I've done my research and it's insane how many different chemicals you can have mailed straight to your house completely legal. (I do not recommend as many are untested and it is not worth taking a bullet to the brain before someone else who has nothing going for them or sober thoughts anymore will shovel it in their mouth.)

nbome is what fucked me up

You just have to stay up to date, not that I am at the moment. But there will usually be a few months of good reviews before something becomes listed.

Yeah nbomes, especially combined with amphetamines, can get you stressed out in high doses. I still don't think it's inherently bad, I'm sure you got something out of the trip.

I feel as if it has brought out schizoid tendencies, or a truth I didn't need to know about.


did you vomit?

How long ago did you have your schizo break? Has it been with you consistently since it happened?

It sucks and can set you back quite a bit depending on how well you put yourself in a safe space following it. I feel like I wasted 6 months of my life because of the decisions following mine, but have learned to live with it.

Did you see any blood or guts? Or hear anything on the news about it?

I had a friend who took datura one time…

it changed him forever. he would ramble on about aliens and greys and shit.

A little over a year ago.

I forgot about it the first 3 times, but after it kept happening in random intervals I've become aware of it, and being too aware of it sometimes triggers it.


do tell more.

I hid away as everyone around me tried to make a huge deal out of me having a seizure because after i had a seizure and crashed a vehicle i then rambled about things i can't even remember because i hit my head REALLY hard. Instead of doing as recommended, and "therapying out" whatever issue they diagnosed me with, I stayed in a basement next to a computer and watched anime for 2 months in order to heal myself since i fully understood if it became a "medical situation" i would start to believe I was genuinely incapable of believing my own thoughts. Therapy is made to drag up roots of problems that don't exist in order to create said roots so that you will not think in a forward motion SO you keep paying a professional. 8 months later, im a fully functional human with 2 jobs and meaningful words that no one i know defeat in a debate. Not exactly a schizo break but they tried to classify me as schizo-affective.

On the way down I think I spit up a few times, since we spent the late afternoon smoking in his dorm. I ate the seeds at maybe 4 or 5, and we went down to the island at around 7 when the LSA kicked in. So the shooting was probably around 8:30

No, I couldn't find any news reports. We also didn't go near where the actual exchange took place. It was uphill from the slope the footbridge went into and behind bushes

I consider datura one of my closest allies. Not to invoke too much new age language but it is. The delerium is really visceral but can also be incredibly revealing, not in anything resembling a psychedellic sense but unique and intense. It's tough on your body and soul but it's a good one.

Datura, and I guess nightshades generally, are the only things that I'm really open to taking with a shaman that knows what they're doing better than I. Don Juan made me curious about how different it would be done traditionally.

Do you hear things when you're stressed out or sleep deprived? And when you hear things are they voices in your head, disembodied or outside and real or a mix?
I'm not really one to discuss specifics. I heard voices, couldn't bring myself to stop doing meth because I was afraid to fall asleep. I spent days hiding under a desk and only stretching my legs out away from the window in the middle of night. I did a lot of unpredictable and irrational things and when people tried to confront me about them I got paranoid and burned a lot bridges. Driving through the town it all occurred on the highway still makes me cringe.

Thanks for posting that, clearly not easy. I usually feel secure in my decision not to go to therapy (never have) but your experience makes me feel better. Sometimes I've wondered if I wouldn't be better adjusted it I did, but I suppose I should stop.

Huh, that's interesting. A 9 must've been pretty loud from there.

OP here, sorry 4 the wait. Got sucked in to super mario world.

What music do you guys like on psychs? I normally listen to psychedelic rock like Pink Floyd, Ducktails, Tame Impala, Radiohead (though yes, its not psych rock, still enjoy it)

I'm also an avid fan of rap

It was pretty loud, but this pic doesn't really give a good scale of elevation. It was a lot farther back and up from where the arrow is pointing. We were at least 200 feet away and probably 20 ft downhill


Also forgot to mention that one time on about 800mg DXM or so, I met my spirit animal. I kinda tripped out and had this vision of a deer eating grass in an open field in front of me

I can only enjoy DXM with weed, otherwise it's real uncomfortable. But with enough weed it's magical

Crackers that sounds boring.

Fuck yeah I love hallucinogen, and I normally listen to black metal and not electronic

Have you ever tried listening to electronic music while tripping? Cant recall if I have or not. But I like Tycho a lot. The chill genre of trance music is what I dig

Anyone know Donald trumps policy on drugz?

Try infected mushroom.

Are they that same kind of chill electronica?

I'm definitely a fan of black metal, especially like proggy stuff with an atmosphere when I trip or do dissassociatives. Have you tried listening to darkpsy or forest when you trip? It's a different approach but has a darker atmosphere, as does bm. If that's what draws you to it I reccomend it, especially the Under the Moss compilations, they're great mixes.

Yeah dude, all the time. You've got to try listening to some faster full-on psytrance when you trip, it's what the music is made for.

I like psytrance im, anything after Converting Vegetarians was hit or miss for me, at best.

Check out Converting Vegetarians II. it's pretty good.

Is it the same format with a double album?

I actually prefer grim/medieval BM because the fantasy motifs are good for trips

I just started listening to it. Pretty glitchy but better than the prior couple albums. Have you seen them live lately? I saw them 3 or 4 years ago and they had a pretty outrageous lightshow, if they still play trance I'd definitely see them again.

I could see that being good though I've never tried it.

I've actually read some literature stating you can order psilocybin spore kits through mail, all legal

Yeah it's legal to get syringes in the mail as long as the spores are microscopic.

Honestly that has honeypot written all over it

Its a legal loophole. Psilocybin is illegal. However, the spores are not psychoactive until they have formed fungi that are responsible for the production of psilocybin.

Same with weed seeds. Cannabis is illegal. Cannabis seeds, however, are not

at 18yo I experimented with DOC, 25i-nbome and LSD. I'm 20 now and thinking back on it seems like a dream, like an unreal moment in my life, spanning 3 months of psychedelic use. also coming down from some heavy ghb use had led me to have a complete mental breakdown, a moment of disturbing clarity where I could observe the mathematics of the universe from a godly perspective.
1. my grammar is shit english is not my first language
2. am currently on LiquidSyntheticDreams and baked
3. I can barely communicate with this world

being into all that psychonaut shit, lucid dreaming etc. I tried psychedelics and here's a brief summary

DOC feels more energetic, and oddly more natural than LSD or 25i. It's the one that sticks out the most, how it made everything churn like an oil painting, the visuals were absolutely stunning, cartoon world. DOC brown definitely has a speedy element, it will make you want to move your body. it will dissolve you
25i feels downright toxic. made my piss all brown and shit, some muscle spasms here and there, physical pain etc.
25i is shit man, the headspace sucks and the only thing that's kinda cool are the visuals
pure eye candy, with more focus on patterns and symbols, definitely some ancient shit
LSD is THE best, and THE cleanest of the three. no chemical taste, amazing headspace, and the safest too.

DOC=semi synthetic feeling, earthly still
25i=digital trip similar to lsd but stronger in patterns, weaker in vivid imagery
LSD=feels digital
